/* jslint moz: true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { window.scope.lists = {}; scope = window.scope.lists; } var preferences = require("sdk/simple-prefs"); var prefs = preferences.prefs; function getDomainRegExpList(domainList){ "use strict"; var list = domainList .split(",") .map(function(entry){ return entry.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); }) .filter(function(entry){ return !!entry.length; }) .map(function(entry){ var regExp; var domain = !!entry.match(/^[\w.]+$/); if (domain){ regExp = new RegExp("(?:^|\\.)" + entry.replace(/([\\\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\!\|\.])/g, "\\$1") + "\\.?$", "i"); } else { regExp = new RegExp(entry, "i"); } return { match: function(url){ if (domain){ return (url.hostname || "").match(regExp); } else { return url.href.match(regExp); } } }; }); list.match = function(url){ return this.some(function(entry){ return entry.match(url); }); }; return list; } var lists = { white: [], "ignore": [], black: [] }; function updateList(type, value){ "use strict"; if (typeof value === "undefined"){ value = prefs[type + "List"]; } lists[type] = getDomainRegExpList(value); } Object.keys(lists).forEach(function(type){ "use strict"; preferences.on(type + "List", function(value){ updateList(type, value); }); updateList(type, prefs[type + "List"]); }); function updateStackList(value){ var list; try { var data = JSON.parse(value); if (!Array.isArray(data)){ data = [data]; } list = data.filter(function(entry){ return typeof entry === "object" && typeof entry.url === "string"; }); } catch(e){ list = []; } list.match = function(stack){ return this.some(function(stackRule){ return stack.match(stackRule); }); }; lists.stack = list; } lists.stack = []; preferences.on("stackList", function(value){ updateStackList(value); }); updateStackList(prefs.stackList); scope.get = function getList(type){ "use strict"; return lists[type]; }; scope.appendTo = function appendToList(type, entry){ "use strict"; prefs[type + "List"] += (prefs[type + "List"]? ",": "") + entry; var obj = {}; obj[type + "List"] = prefs[type + "List"]; browser.storage.local.set(obj); updateList(type); }; scope.update = updateList; scope.updateAll = function updateAllLists(){ updateList("white"); updateList("ignore"); updateList("black"); updateStackList(prefs.stackList); }; }());