function addTest(container, title, callback){ "use strict"; const testContainer = document.createElement("div"); testContainer.className = "test"; const titleNode = document.createElement("h3"); titleNode.textContent = title; testContainer.appendChild(titleNode); const resultsNode = document.createElement("div"); resultsNode.className = "results"; testContainer.appendChild(resultsNode); callback(resultsNode); container.appendChild(testContainer); } function addConsistencyTest(title, callback){ "use strict"; addTest(document.getElementById("consistency"), title, function(resultsNode){ const line = document.createElement("div"); line.textContent = "consistent: "; resultsNode.appendChild(line); const consistent = document.createElement("span"); consistent.className = "result"; line.appendChild(consistent); async function compute(){ consistent.textContent = "computing"; try { const value = await callback(); consistent.textContent = value? "OK": "not OK"; } catch (error){ consistent.classList.add("failed"); if (Array.isArray(error)){ consistent.textContent = ""; const ul = document.createElement("ul"); consistent.appendChild(ul); error.forEach(function(error){ const li = document.createElement("li"); li.textContent = error; ul.appendChild(li); }); } else { consistent.textContent = error; } } } compute(); window.addEventListener("resize", compute); }); } addConsistencyTest("screen properties", function(){ "use strict"; if (screen.orientation.type.match(/landscape/) && screen.width < screen.height){ return Promise.reject("orientation wrong"); } if (screen.availHeight > screen.height){ return Promise.reject("available height too big"); } if (screen.availWidth > screen.width){ return Promise.reject("available width too big"); } return Promise.resolve(true); }); addConsistencyTest("media queries: window.matchMedia - low value", function(){ "use strict"; const value = Math.floor(Math.min(screen.width, screen.height) / 2); return Promise.resolve( window.matchMedia("(min-device-width: " + value + "px)").matches && window.matchMedia("(min-device-height: " + value + "px)").matches && !window.matchMedia("(max-device-width: " + value + "px)").matches && !window.matchMedia("(max-device-height: " + value + "px)").matches ); }); addConsistencyTest("media queries: window.matchMedia - reported value", function(){ "use strict"; const errors = []; ["width", "height"].forEach(function(dimension){ ["min-", "max-", ""].forEach(function(comparison){ const queryBase = "(" + comparison + "device-" + dimension + ": "; let query = queryBase + screen[dimension] + "px)"; if (!window.matchMedia(query).matches){ errors.push(query + " did not match."); query = queryBase + (screen[dimension] + 1) + "px)"; if (!window.matchMedia(query).matches){ errors.push(query + " did not match."); } query = queryBase + (screen[dimension] - 1) + "px)"; if (!window.matchMedia(query).matches){ errors.push(query + " did not match."); } } }); }); if (errors.length){ return Promise.reject(errors); } return Promise.resolve(true); }); addConsistencyTest("media queries: window.matchMedia - big value", function(){ "use strict"; const value = Math.max(screen.width, screen.height) * 2; return Promise.resolve( !window.matchMedia("(min-device-width: " + value + "px)").matches && !window.matchMedia("(min-device-height: " + value + "px)").matches && window.matchMedia("(max-device-width: " + value + "px)").matches && window.matchMedia("(max-device-height: " + value + "px)").matches ); }); const addResolutionTest = function(){ "use strict"; return function addResolutionTest(title, callback, properties = ["width", "height"]){ addTest(document.getElementById("resolution"), title, function(resultsNode){ properties.forEach(function(type){ const line = document.createElement("div"); line.textContent = type + ": "; resultsNode.appendChild(line); const number = document.createElement("span"); number.className = "result " + type; line.appendChild(number); async function compute(){ number.textContent = "computing"; try { const value = await callback(type); number.textContent = value; } catch (error){ number.classList.add("failed"); number.textContent = error; } } compute(); window.addEventListener("resize", compute); }); }); }; }(); addResolutionTest("screen properties", function(type){ "use strict"; return Promise.resolve(screen[type]); }); addResolutionTest("screen properties: avail...", function(type){ "use strict"; return Promise.resolve(screen[ "avail" + type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + type.substring(1) ]); }, ["width", "height", "left", "top"]); addResolutionTest("window properties: inner...", function(type){ "use strict"; return Promise.resolve(window[ "inner" + type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + type.substring(1) ]); }); addResolutionTest("window properties: outer...", function(type){ "use strict"; return Promise.resolve(window[ "outer" + type.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + type.substring(1) ]); }); async function searchValue(tester){ "use strict"; let minValue = 0; let maxValue = 512; const ceiling = Math.pow(2, 32); async function stepUp(){ if (maxValue > ceiling){ return Promise.reject("Unable to find upper bound"); } const testResult = await tester(maxValue); if (testResult === searchValue.isEqual){ return maxValue; } else if (testResult === searchValue.isBigger){ minValue = maxValue; maxValue *= 2; return stepUp(); } else { return false; } } let v = 1; async function test(){ const r = await tester(v); v = 2; } async function binarySearch(){ if (maxValue - minValue < 0.01){ const testResult = await tester(minValue); if (testResult.isEqual){ return minValue; } else { const testResult = await tester(maxValue); if (testResult.isEqual){ return maxValue; } else { throw "Search could not find exact value." + " It's between " + minValue + " and " + maxValue + "."; } } } else { const pivot = (minValue + maxValue) / 2; const testResult = await tester(pivot); if (testResult === searchValue.isEqual){ return pivot; } else if (testResult === searchValue.isBigger){ minValue = pivot; return binarySearch(); } else { maxValue = pivot; return binarySearch(); } } } const stepUpResult = await stepUp(); if (stepUpResult){ return stepUpResult; } else { return binarySearch(); } } searchValue.isSmaller = -1; searchValue.isEqual = 0; searchValue.isBigger = 1; addResolutionTest("media queries: window.matchMedia (max)", function(type){ "use strict"; return searchValue(function(valueToTest){ if (window.matchMedia("(device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px)").matches){ return Promise.resolve(searchValue.isEqual); } else if (window.matchMedia("(max-device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px)").matches){ return Promise.resolve(searchValue.isSmaller); } else { return Promise.resolve(searchValue.isBigger); } }); }); addResolutionTest("media queries: window.matchMedia (min)", function(type){ "use strict"; return searchValue(function(valueToTest){ if (window.matchMedia("(device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px)").matches){ return Promise.resolve(searchValue.isEqual); } else if (window.matchMedia("(min-device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px)").matches){ return Promise.resolve(searchValue.isBigger); } else { return Promise.resolve(searchValue.isSmaller); } }); }); addResolutionTest("media queries: css (max)", function(type){ "use strict"; const tester = document.createElement("div"); const id = "tester_" + (Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32)).toString(36).replace(".", "_"); = id; document.body.appendChild(tester); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; document.head.appendChild(style); const styleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; styleSheet.insertRule("#" + id + "{position: fixed; right: 100%; z-index: 0;}"); return searchValue(function(valueToTest){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ while (styleSheet.rules.length > 1){ styleSheet.removeRule(1); } let rule = "@media (max-device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px){#" + id + "{z-index: 1;}}"; styleSheet.insertRule(rule, 1); rule = "@media (device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px){#" + id + "{z-index: 2;}}"; styleSheet.insertRule(rule, 2); window.setTimeout(function(){ const testValue = window.getComputedStyle(tester).zIndex; switch (testValue){ case "0": resolve(searchValue.isBigger); break; case "1": resolve(searchValue.isSmaller); break; case "2": resolve(searchValue.isEqual); break; default: reject("Unknown test value: " + testValue); } }, 1); }); }); }); addResolutionTest("media queries: css (min)", function(type){ "use strict"; const tester = document.createElement("div"); const id = "tester_" + (Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32)).toString(36).replace(".", "_"); = id; document.body.appendChild(tester); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.type = "text/css"; document.head.appendChild(style); const styleSheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; styleSheet.insertRule("#" + id + "{position: fixed; right: 100%; z-index: 0;}"); return searchValue(function(valueToTest){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ while (styleSheet.rules.length > 1){ styleSheet.removeRule(1); } let rule = "@media (min-device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px){#" + id + "{z-index: 1;}}"; styleSheet.insertRule(rule, 1); rule = "@media (device-" + type + ": " + valueToTest + "px){#" + id + "{z-index: 2;}}"; styleSheet.insertRule(rule, 2); window.setTimeout(function(){ const testValue = window.getComputedStyle(tester).zIndex; switch (testValue){ case "0": resolve(searchValue.isSmaller); break; case "1": resolve(searchValue.isBigger); break; case "2": resolve(searchValue.isEqual); break; default: reject("Unknown test value: " + testValue); } }, 1); }); }); });