{ "addon_title": { "message": "CanvasBlocker", "description": "" }, "addon_description": { "message": "Alters some JS APIs to prevent fingerprinting.", "description": "" }, "browserAction_title_default": { "message": "CanvasBlocker", "description": "" }, "browserAction_title_notified": { "message": " \n\nprotection successful for:", "description": "" }, "browserAction_title_whitelisted": { "message": " (APIs whitelisted for {url})", "description": "" }, "browserAction_title_protectedAPIs": { "message": "\n · {api}", "description": "" }, "more": { "message": "więcej", "description": "" }, "less": { "message": "mniej", "description": "" }, "pleaseWait": { "message": "Zaczekaj...", "description": "" }, "search": { "message": "Szukaj", "description": "" }, "ok": { "message": "OK", "description": "" }, "apply": { "message": "Zastosuj", "description": "" }, "cancel": { "message": "Anuluj", "description": "" }, "input": { "message": "wejście", "description": "" }, "readout": { "message": "odczyt", "description": "" }, "options": { "message": "Ustawienia", "description": "" }, "options_title": { "message": "Ustawienia CanvasBlocker", "description": "" }, "optionsIntroduction": { "message": "Na tej stronie możesz dostosować ustawienia CanvasBlocker.", "description": "" }, "installNotice": { "message": "CanvasBlocker was installed. If you want to be able to access this page in the future, please bookmark it.", "description": "" }, "updateNotice": { "message": "CanvasBlocker was updated. If you want to be able to access this page in the future and have not bookmarked it yet, please bookmark it.", "description": "" }, "dontShowOptionsOnUpdate": { "message": "Nie pokazuj ponownie po aktualizacji.", "description": "" }, "resistFingerprintingNotice": { "message": "Włączono privacy.resistFingerprint. To nieznacznie zmienia zachowanie CanvasBlocker. Zobacz dalsze informacje {link:here:https://github.com/kkapsner/CanvasBlocker/issues/158} i {link:here:https://github.com/ghacksuserjs/ghacks-user.js/issues/767}.", "description": "" }, "openInTab": { "message": "Otwórz w nowej karcie", "description": "" }, "group_general": { "message": "Ogólne", "description": "" }, "group_APIs": { "message": "API", "description": "" }, "group_misc": { "message": "Różne", "description": "" }, "section_asking": { "message": "Pytanie", "description": "" }, "section_faking": { "message": "Fałszowanie", "description": "" }, "section_notifications": { "message": "Powiadomienia", "description": "" }, "section_lists": { "message": "Listy", "description": "" }, "section_misc": { "message": "Różne", "description": "" }, "section_settings": { "message": "Ustawienia", "description": "" }, "section_canvas-api": { "message": "Canvas API", "description": "" }, "section_audio-api": { "message": "Audio API", "description": "" }, "section_history-api": { "message": "History API", "description": "" }, "section_window-api": { "message": "Window API", "description": "" }, "section_DOMRect-api": { "message": "DOMRect API", "description": "" }, "section_TextMetrics-api": { "message": "TextMetrics API", "description": "" }, "section_Navigator-api": { "message": "Navigator API", "description": "" }, "section_Screen-api": { "message": "Screen API", "description": "" }, "displayAdvancedSettings_title": { "message": "Tryb eksperta", "description": "" }, "displayAdvancedSettings_description": { "message": "Wyświetla dodatkowe ustawienia.", "description": "" }, "displayDescriptions_title": { "message": "Wyświetl opis", "description": "" }, "displayDescriptions_description": { "message": "Wyświetl opisy ustawień.", "description": "" }, "hideSetting": { "message": "Kliknij tutaj, aby ukryć to ustawienie.", "description": "" }, "displayHiddenSettings_title": { "message": "Wyświetl ukryte ustawienia", "description": "" }, "displayHiddenSettings_description": { "message": "Aktywuj aby wyświetlić ukryte ustawienia.", "description": "" }, "askForInvisiblePermission": { "message": "Czy chcesz zezwolić na działanie niewidzialnych ?", "description": "" }, "askForInvisibleInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow invisible input?", "description": "" }, "askForInvisibleReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow invisible readout?", "description": "" }, "askForPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow ?", "description": "" }, "askForInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow input?", "description": "" }, "askForReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow readout?", "description": "" }, "askForVisiblePermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the red bordered ?", "description": "" }, "askForVisibleInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow input in the red bordered ?", "description": "" }, "askForVisibleReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the readout of the red bordered ?", "description": "" }, "askForAudioPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the audio API?", "description": "" }, "askForAudioInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow audio API input?", "description": "" }, "askForAudioReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow audio API readout?", "description": "" }, "askForHistoryPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the history API?", "description": "" }, "askForHistoryInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow history API input?", "description": "" }, "askForHistoryReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow history API readout?", "description": "" }, "askForWindowPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the window API?", "description": "" }, "askForWindowInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow window API input?", "description": "" }, "askForWindowReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow window API readout?", "description": "" }, "askForDOMRectPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the DOMRect API?", "description": "" }, "askForDOMRectInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow DOMRect API input?", "description": "" }, "askForDOMRectReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow DOMRect API readout?", "description": "" }, "askForTextMetricsPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the TextMetrics API?", "description": "" }, "askForTextMetricsInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow TextMetrics API input?", "description": "" }, "askForTextMetricsReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow TextMetrics API readout?", "description": "" }, "askForNavigatorPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the navigator API?", "description": "" }, "askForNavigatorInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow navigator API input?", "description": "" }, "askForNavigatorReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow navigator API readout?", "description": "" }, "askForScreenPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow the screen API?", "description": "" }, "askForScreenInputPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow screen API input?", "description": "" }, "askForScreenReadoutPermission": { "message": "Do you want to allow screen API readout?", "description": "" }, "askOnlyOnce_title": { "message": "Zapytaj tylko raz", "description": "" }, "askOnlyOnce_description": { "message": "When CanvasBlocker's block mode is set to 'ask permission' or 'ask permission for readout API', a confirm message will appear every time a page tries to access the API or readout API. This setting tries to display the confirm message only once for each page regardless of how many times the page tries to access the API. Nevertheless, multiple confirm messages may still be displayed on some pages.\n\nNo: asking every time\n\nIndividual: each API-type (context, input, readout) has to be confirmed separately\n\ncombined: all API-types get confirmed together", "description": "" }, "askOnlyOnce_options.no": { "message": "nie", "description": "" }, "askOnlyOnce_options.individual": { "message": "individual", "description": "" }, "askOnlyOnce_options.combined": { "message": "combined", "description": "" }, "askDenyMode_title": { "message": "Ask deny mode", "description": "" }, "askDenyMode_description": { "message": "Which mode shall be used when the permission is denied.", "description": "" }, "askDenyMode_options.block": { "message": "blokuj", "description": "" }, "askDenyMode_options.fake": { "message": "fake", "description": "" }, "showCanvasWhileAsking_title": { "message": "Pokaż zawartość płótna", "description": "" }, "showCanvasWhileAsking_description": { "message": "Shows the content of the canvas for which the permission is asked for, if possible.", "description": "" }, "showCanvasWhileAsking_message": { "message": "The webpage wants to read the content of the following canvas:", "description": "" }, "blackList_description": { "message": "Domains or URLs where all APIs shall always be blocked. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.", "description": "" }, "blackList_title": { "message": "Czarna lista", "description": "" }, "blockMode_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "blockMode_urlSpecific": { "message": "To set individual block modes for specific websites, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and select the desired block mode.", "description": "" }, "blockMode_options.allowEverything": { "message": "zezwól na wszystko", "description": "" }, "blockMode_options.block": { "message": "allow only whitelist", "description": "" }, "blockMode_options.ask": { "message": "pytaj zawsze", "description": "" }, "blockMode_options.blockEverything": { "message": "blokuj wszystko", "description": "" }, "blockMode_options.allow": { "message": "block only blacklist", "description": "" }, "blockMode_options.fake": { "message": "fake", "description": "" }, "blockMode_title": { "message": "Block mode", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_title": { "message": "Protected part of the canvas API", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_description": { "message": "nothing: no features of the canvas API are protected.\n\nreadout: the readout features of the canvas API are protected.\n\ninput: the input features of the canvas API are protected. With blocking mode \"fake\" the drawn pixels get modified slightly when displaying text. This makes the detection of the add-on harder but is less secure. With WebGL canvases the behaviour is identical to \"readout\".\n\neverything: both the readout and input features are protected. It's not recommended to use this with \"fake\" block mode as it increases the probability to be detected.", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_urlSpecific": { "message": "To protect individual parts for specific websites, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and select the desired part.", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_options.nothing": { "message": "nic", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_options.input": { "message": "wejście", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_options.readout": { "message": "odczyt", "description": "" }, "protectedCanvasPart_options.everything": { "message": "wszystko", "description": "" }, "urlSettings_title": { "message": "Ustawienia dla witryny", "description": "" }, "urlSettings_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "inputURL": { "message": "Input domain or URL \"RegExp\":", "description": "" }, "minFakeSize_description": { "message": "Canvases with a smaller or equal area than this number will not be faked. This is a parameter to prevent detection.\nCAUTION: This lowers the safety of the addon, therefore it is highly recommended not to set this value above 100.", "description": "" }, "minFakeSize_title": { "message": "Minimal fake size", "description": "" }, "maxFakeSize_description": { "message": "Canvases with a bigger area than this number will not be faked. (Enter zero to disable.) This is a performance parameter that can prevent browser freezes and should be adjusted to the computing power of the device.\nCAUTION: This lowers the safety of the addon, therefore it is highly recommended not to set this value below 1 000 000.", "description": "" }, "maxFakeSize_title": { "message": "Maximal fake size", "description": "" }, "rng_description": { "message": "none (completely white): a completely white image is returned. The option \"Fake the alpha channel\" should be activated with this. CAUTION: Do not use this with the \"fake at input\" mode.\n\nnon persistent: the random numbers will be determined freshly for each faking action.\n\nconstant: within one web page a color will always be faked to the same color.\n\npersistent: the random number will only be determined once for every domain.", "description": "" }, "rng_options.persistent": { "message": "persistent", "description": "" }, "rng_options.constant": { "message": "stałe", "description": "" }, "rng_options.nonPersistent": { "message": "nietrwały", "description": "" }, "rng_options.white": { "message": "brak (całkowicie biały)", "description": "" }, "rng_title": { "message": "Generator liczb losowych", "description": "" }, "persistentRndStorage_title": { "message": "Trwałe przechowywanie", "description": "" }, "persistentRndStorage_description": { "message": "Stores the data for the persistent random number generator for usage after restart.", "description": "" }, "storePersistentRnd_title": { "message": "Store persistent data", "description": "" }, "storePersistentRnd_description": { "message": "If data for the persistent random number generator shall be stored. Otherwise it is discarded on browser shutdown.", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearInterval_title": { "message": "Clear interval of the persistent data", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearInterval_description": { "message": "After the specified interval the persistent data is cleared automatically. (Enter zero to disable.)", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.seconds": { "message": "sekund", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.minutes": { "message": "minut/y", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.hours": { "message": "godzin", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.days": { "message": "dni", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.weeks": { "message": "tygodni", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.months": { "message": "miesięcy", "description": "" }, "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit_options.years": { "message": "lat", "description": "" }, "clearPersistentRnd_title": { "message": "Clear persistent random storage", "description": "" }, "clearPersistentRnd_description": { "message": "Deletes all data for the persistent random number generator.", "description": "" }, "clearPersistentRnd_label": { "message": "Wyczyść", "description": "" }, "clearPersistentRndForContainer_label": { "message": "Wyczyść kontener", "description": "" }, "clearPersistentRndForContainer_title": { "message": "Wybierz kontener", "description": "" }, "sharePersistentRndBetweenDomains_title": { "message": "Share persistent randomness between domains", "description": "" }, "sharePersistentRndBetweenDomains_description": { "message": "CAUTION: this setting makes the browser 100% trackable and is therefore a threat to your privacy.", "description": "" }, "sharePersistentRndBetweenDomains_confirmMessage": { "message": "Are you really sure you want to share the persistent randomness between domains?\nCAUTION: this makes the browser 100% trackable and is therefore a threat to your privacy.", "description": "" }, "ignoreFrequentColors_title": { "message": "Ignore the most frequent colors", "description": "" }, "ignoreFrequentColors_description": { "message": "Number of colors that shall not be faked per canvas. This is a parameter to prevent detection.\nCAUTION: This can reduce the performance of the addon because the color statistic has to be calculated for every image. Additional this can lower the safety of the addon, therefore it is highly recommended not to set this value above 3.", "description": "" }, "minColors_title": { "message": "Minimal number of colors", "description": "" }, "minColors_description": { "message": "Number of colors that a canvas must have to be faked.\nCAUTION: This can lower the safety of the addon, therefore it is highly recommended not to set this value above 10.", "description": "" }, "fakeAlphaChannel_title": { "message": "Fake the alpha channel", "description": "" }, "fakeAlphaChannel_description": { "message": "Activates the faking of the alpha channel (transparency).", "description": "" }, "webGLVendor_title": { "message": "Reported webGL vendor", "description": "" }, "webGLVendor_description": { "message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"vendor\". Leave empty to use the original value.", "description": "" }, "webGLRenderer_title": { "message": "Reported webGL renderer", "description": "" }, "webGLRenderer_description": { "message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"renderer\". Leave empty to use the original value.", "description": "" }, "webGLUnmaskedVendor_title": { "message": "Reported webGL unmasked vendor", "description": "" }, "webGLUnmaskedVendor_description": { "message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"unmasked vendor\". Leave empty to use the original value.", "description": "" }, "webGLUnmaskedRenderer_title": { "message": "Reported webGL unmasked renderer", "description": "" }, "webGLUnmaskedRenderer_description": { "message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"unmasked renderer\". Leave empty to use the original value.", "description": "" }, "useCanvasCache_title": { "message": "Use canvas cache", "description": "" }, "useCanvasCache_description": { "message": "Enables the canvas cache. This can prevent detection and increases the performance when small canvases are read several times, but decreases it for big canvases.", "description": "" }, "protectedAPIFeatures_title": { "message": "Protected API features", "description": "" }, "protectedAPIFeatures_description": { "message": "List of protected API features. When unticking a checkbox, this feature of the API will not be protected.", "description": "" }, "disableNotifications": { "message": "disable notifications", "description": "" }, "showOptions": { "message": "display settings", "description": "" }, "displayCallingStack": { "message": "display calling stack", "description": "" }, "displayFullURL": { "message": "display full URL", "description": "" }, "enableStackList_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "enableStackList_title": { "message": "Use file specific whitelist", "description": "" }, "preBlock": { "message": "API blocked on {url} because CanvasBlocker settings were not loaded in time.", "description": "" }, "blocked": { "message": "API blocked on {url}.", "description": "" }, "fakedReadout": { "message": "Faked canvas readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedAudioReadout": { "message": "Faked audio readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedHistoryReadout": { "message": "Faked history readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedWindowReadout": { "message": "Faked window readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedDOMRectReadout": { "message": "Faked DOMRect readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedTextMetricsReadout": { "message": "Faked TextMetrics readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedNavigatorReadout": { "message": "Faked navigator readout on {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedScreenReadout": { "message": "Fałszywy odczyt ekranu na {url}", "description": "" }, "fakedInput": { "message": "Faked at input on {url}", "description": "" }, "ignoreList_description": { "message": "Domains or URLs where no notifications shall be shown. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.", "description": "" }, "ignoreList_title": { "message": "Ignoruj listę", "description": "" }, "ignoredAPIs_title": { "message": "Ignorowane API", "description": "" }, "ignoredAPIs_description": { "message": "Żadne powiadomienia nie będą wyświetlane dla wybranych API.", "description": "" }, "localFile": { "message": "plik lokalny", "description": "" }, "ignorelistDomain": { "message": "silence domain", "description": "" }, "ignorelistURL": { "message": "ignoruj adres URL", "description": "" }, "selectIgnore": { "message": "Select domain or URL to add to ignore list:", "description": "" }, "inputIgnore": { "message": "Input domain or URL \"RegExp\" to add to ignore list:", "description": "" }, "inputIgnoreDomain": { "message": "Input domain to add to ignore list:", "description": "" }, "inputIgnoreURL": { "message": "Input URL \"RegExp\" to add to ignore list:", "description": "" }, "selectWhitelist": { "message": "Select domain or URL to add to whitelist:", "description": "" }, "inputWhitelist": { "message": "Input domain or URL \"RegExp\" to add to whitelist:", "description": "" }, "inputWhitelistDomain": { "message": "Input domain to add to whitelist:", "description": "" }, "inputWhitelistURL": { "message": "Input URL \"RegExp\" to add to whitelist:", "description": "" }, "selectSessionWhitelist": { "message": "Select domain or URL to add to the session whitelist:", "description": "" }, "inputSessionWhitelist": { "message": "Input domain or URL \"RegExp\" to add to the session whitelist:", "description": "" }, "inputSessionWhitelistDomain": { "message": "Input domain to add to the session whitelist:", "description": "" }, "inputSessionWhitelistURL": { "message": "Input URL \"RegExp\" to add to the session whitelist:", "description": "" }, "selectWhitelistScope": { "message": "What is the scope of the whitelisting?", "description": "" }, "whitelistOnlyAPI": { "message": "Whitelist only the {api}", "description": "" }, "whitelistAllAPIs": { "message": "Whitelist all APIs", "description": "" }, "settings": { "message": "ustawienia", "description": "" }, "showCallingFile_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "showCallingFile_title": { "message": "Show calling file", "description": "" }, "showCompleteCallingStack_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "showCompleteCallingStack_title": { "message": "Display complete calling stack", "description": "" }, "showNotifications_description": { "message": "Shows a notification icon in the address bar when something gets blocked or faked.", "description": "" }, "showNotifications_urlSpecific": { "message": "To deactivate notifications for specific websites, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "showNotifications_title": { "message": "Show notification icon", "description": "" }, "highlightPageAction_description": { "message": "Highlight the page action icon for better visibility.", "description": "" }, "highlightPageAction_urlSpecific": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "highlightPageAction_title": { "message": "Highlight page action icon", "description": "" }, "highlightPageAction_options.none": { "message": "bez podświetlenia", "description": "" }, "highlightPageAction_options.color": { "message": "kolor", "description": "" }, "highlightPageAction_options.blink": { "message": "blink", "description": "" }, "displayBadge_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "displayBadge_title": { "message": "Display badge", "description": "" }, "highlightBrowserAction_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "highlightBrowserAction_urlSpecific": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "highlightBrowserAction_title": { "message": "Change toolbar icon on notification", "description": "" }, "highlightBrowserAction_options.none": { "message": "change nothing", "description": "" }, "highlightBrowserAction_options.color": { "message": "change color", "description": "" }, "highlightBrowserAction_options.blink": { "message": "blink", "description": "" }, "sourceOutput": { "message": "Calling file", "description": "" }, "stackEntryOutput": { "message": "{url} line {line} column {column}", "description": "" }, "stackList_description": { "message": "JS files which are allowed to use all APIs. The input has to be in JSON format. Example: [{\"url\": \"http://domain/file1.js\"}, {\"url\": \"http://domain/file2.js\", \"line\": 1, \"column\": 4, \"stackPosition\": -3}]", "description": "" }, "stackList_title": { "message": "File specific whitelist", "description": "" }, "whiteList_title": { "message": "Biała lista", "description": "" }, "whiteList_description": { "message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.", "description": "" }, "whitelist": { "message": "biała lista", "description": "" }, "whitelistDomain": { "message": "whitelist domain", "description": "" }, "whitelistURL": { "message": "whitelist URL", "description": "" }, "ignorelist": { "message": "ignoruj", "description": "" }, "whitelistTemporarily": { "message": "whitelist temporarily", "description": "" }, "inspectWhitelist": { "message": "inspect whitelist", "description": "" }, "sessionWhiteList_title": { "message": "Session whitelist", "description": "" }, "sessionWhiteList_description": { "message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.", "description": "" }, "whitelistDomainTemporarily": { "message": "whitelist domain temporarily", "description": "" }, "whitelistURLTemporarily": { "message": "whitelist URL temporarily", "description": "" }, "storeNotificationData_title": { "message": "Store detail data of the notifications", "description": "" }, "storeNotificationData_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "storeImageForInspection_title": { "message": "Store image for inspection", "description": "" }, "storeImageForInspection_description": { "message": "Enables the storage of the content of the faked canvas.\nCAUTION: This may lead to a lot of memory consumption.", "description": "" }, "protectAudio_title": { "message": "Protect audio API", "description": "" }, "protectAudio_description": { "message": "If the audio API shall be protected as well", "description": "" }, "protectAudio_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_title": { "message": "Fałszywa prędkość bufora", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_description": { "message": "How many of the values per read request shall be faked.", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.1": { "message": "1 wartość", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.10": { "message": "10 wartości", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.100": { "message": "100 wartości", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.1000": { "message": "1000 wartości", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.0.1%": { "message": "0,1% wartości", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.1%": { "message": "1% wartości", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.10%": { "message": "10 % wartości", "description": "" }, "audioFakeRate_options.100%": { "message": "100% wartości", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_title": { "message": "Poziom hałasu", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_options.minimal": { "message": "minimalny", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_options.low": { "message": "niski", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_options.medium": { "message": "średni", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_options.high": { "message": "wysoki", "description": "" }, "audioNoiseLevel_options.maximal": { "message": "maksymalny", "description": "" }, "useAudioCache_title": { "message": "Użyj pamięci podręcznej dźwięku", "description": "" }, "useAudioCache_description": { "message": "Włącza pamięć podręczną audio. Może to zapobiec wykrywaniu, ale ma negatywny wpływ na wydajność.", "description": "" }, "useAudioCache_urlSpecific": { "message": "Niektóre strony używają bardzo źle napisanego skryptu identyfikacji, co spowoduje spowolnienie Firefoxa. Aby wyłączyć pamięć podręczną dla określonych stron internetowych, kliknij na czarną strzałkę, aby otworzyć menu, dodaj domenę lub adres URL klikając na \"+\" i usuń jej znacznik.", "description": "" }, "audioUseFixedIndices_title": { "message": "Użyj stałych indeksów", "description": "" }, "audioUseFixedIndices_description": { "message": "Jeżeli niektóre z użytych wskaźników są zawsze podrobione.", "description": "" }, "audioFixedIndices_title": { "message": "Fixed indices", "description": "" }, "audioFixedIndices_description": { "message": "The indices that are always faked. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.", "description": "" }, "historyLengthThreshold_title": { "message": "Próg długości historii", "description": "" }, "historyLengthThreshold_description": { "message": "Maximal length of the history that is reported to the website.", "description": "" }, "historyLengthThreshold_urlSpecific": { "message": "To change this value for specific websites, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and set a different value.", "description": "" }, "protectWindow_title": { "message": "Chroń API okna", "description": "" }, "protectWindow_description": { "message": "window.opener i window.name będą chronione. Może to sprawić, że niektóre strony będą bezużyteczne.", "description": "" }, "protectWindow_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "protectWindow_askReCaptchaException": { "message": "Protecting the window API breaks reCAPTCHA. Do you want to allow the window.name API in embedded pages which will make it work again?", "description": "" }, "allowWindowNameInFrames_title": { "message": "Allow window.name in frames", "description": "" }, "allowWindowNameInFrames_description": { "message": "The window.name API is not that dangerous in the context of embedded pages and it is used there for legitimate reasons (e.g. reCAPTCHA). This setting will allow these usages.", "description": "" }, "allowWindowNameInFrames_urlSpecific": { "message": "To allow this only for specific websites, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and set its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "protectDOMRect_title": { "message": "Chroń API DOMRect", "description": "" }, "protectDOMRect_description": { "message": "Chroni to przed pobieraniem odcisków palców \"getClientRects()\" i kilkoma podobnymi metodami.", "description": "" }, "protectDOMRect_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "domRectIntegerFactor_title": { "message": "DOMRect integer factor", "description": "" }, "domRectIntegerFactor_description": { "message": "Some fraction of a pixel can be controlled by CSS. To prevent detection, values of a DOMRect that multiplied with this factor are integers will not be altered.", "description": "" }, "protectTextMetrics_title": { "message": "Chroń TextMetrics API", "description": "" }, "protectTextMetrics_description": { "message": "Chroni to przed pobieraniem odcisków palców \"measureText()\", które mogą być użyte do weryfikacji wartości DOMRect.", "description": "" }, "protectTextMetrics_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "protectNavigator_title": { "message": "Chroń navigator API", "description": "" }, "protectNavigator_description": { "message": "This page allows for changes in the navigator API. Enabling this protection does not change anything by default. Open the navigator settings to specify the changes you want to have there.", "description": "" }, "protectNavigator_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "openNavigatorSettings_title": { "message": "Navigator settings", "description": "" }, "openNavigatorSettings_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "openNavigatorSettings_label": { "message": "Otwórz", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_title": { "message": "CanvasBlocker navigator settings", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_description": { "message": "On this page you can set the navigator settings. If using a preset you should always use an operating system and browser preset. After selecting these you can still make modifications.", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_disclaimer": { "message": "CAUTION: the actual browser in use cannot be faked entirely as there is a multitude of ways to detect it. E.g. feature tests and browser specific rendering of HTML elements will always leak.", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_contextualIdentities": { "message": "Settings for the container {select} are shown.", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_presetSection.os": { "message": "Ustawienia systemu operacyjnego", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_presetSection.browser": { "message": "Ustawienia przeglądarki", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_values": { "message": "Navigator values", "description": "" }, "navigatorSettings_reset": { "message": "Wyczyść", "description": "" }, "protectScreen_title": { "message": "Protect screen API", "description": "" }, "protectScreen_description": { "message": "This protects against fingerprinting attempts including the screen size.", "description": "" }, "protectScreen_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "screenSize_title": { "message": "Rozmiar ekranu", "description": "" }, "screenSize_description": { "message": "If this is set with a value \"...x...\" the specified dimensions will be reported as the screen size.", "description": "" }, "screenSize_urlSpecific": { "message": "To provide specific sizes for certain websites, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and enter the desired value.", "description": "" }, "fakeMinimalScreenSize_title": { "message": "Fałszywy minimalny rozmiar ekranu", "description": "" }, "fakeMinimalScreenSize_description": { "message": "Use a minimal screen size from the following set that can fit the inner window dimensions. Screen sizes: 1366x768, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1920x1080, 4096x2160, 8192x4320", "description": "" }, "fakeMinimalScreenSize_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from the faking, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "theme_title": { "message": "Motyw", "description": "" }, "theme_description": { "message": "The automatic theme switches to dark if the system uses a dark theme (requires Firefox >= 67)", "description": "" }, "theme_options.auto": { "message": "automatyczny", "description": "" }, "theme_options.default": { "message": "domyślny", "description": "" }, "theme_options.light": { "message": "jasny", "description": "" }, "theme_options.dark": { "message": "ciemny", "description": "" }, "theme_options.colorful": { "message": "kolorowy", "description": "" }, "theme_options.none": { "message": "brak", "description": "" }, "blockDataURLs_title": { "message": "Block data URL pages", "description": "" }, "blockDataURLs_description": { "message": "Data URL pages cannot be protected against fingerprinting (see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1475831). Blocking them prevents the real fingerprint to reach any server.", "description": "" }, "blockDataURLs_urlSpecific": { "message": "To exclude specific websites from this protection, click on the black arrow to open the menu, add the domain or URL by clicking on \"+\" and remove its checkmark.", "description": "" }, "showReleaseNotes_title": { "message": "Lista zmian", "description": "" }, "showReleaseNotes_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "showReleaseNotes_label": { "message": "Pokaż", "description": "" }, "logLevel_title": { "message": "Poziom logowania", "description": "" }, "logLevel_description": { "message": "To find the cause of an error, detailed logging of the addon activities is helpful. This parameter controls the level of detail of the logging.\n\nThe logging can be viewed in the Browser Console (Ctrl+Shift+J) and the Web Console (Ctrl+Shift+K).", "description": "" }, "logLevel_options.0": { "message": "brak", "description": "" }, "logLevel_options.1": { "message": "błąd", "description": "" }, "logLevel_options.25": { "message": "ostrzeżenie", "description": "" }, "logLevel_options.50": { "message": "wiadomość", "description": "" }, "logLevel_options.75": { "message": "powiadomienie", "description": "" }, "logLevel_options.100": { "message": "szczegółowo", "description": "" }, "exportSettings_title": { "message": "Eksportuj ustawienia", "description": "" }, "exportSettings_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "settingControlling_title": { "message": "Setting controlling", "description": "" }, "settingControlling_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "openSettingSanitation_label": { "message": "Setting sanitation", "description": "" }, "inspectWhitelist_label": { "message": "Sprawdź białą listę", "description": "" }, "openSettingPresets_title": { "message": "Ustawienia", "description": "" }, "openSettingPresets_description": { "message": "This opens the preset page that was shown upon installation. The presets are collections of setting values for some common use cases of CanvasBlocker.", "description": "" }, "openSettingPresets_label": { "message": "Otwórz", "description": "" }, "inspectSettings_label": { "message": "Zbadaj", "description": "" }, "saveSettings_label": { "message": "Zapisz", "description": "" }, "loadSettings_label": { "message": "Załaduj", "description": "" }, "resetSettings_title": { "message": "Resetuj ustawienia", "description": "" }, "resetSettings_description": { "message": "", "description": "" }, "resetSettings_label": { "message": "Wyczyść", "description": "" }, "resetSettings_confirm": { "message": "Czy na pewno chcesz wyczyścić wszystkie ustawienia?", "description": "" }, "browserAction_settings": { "message": "Ustawienia", "description": "" }, "browserAction_faq": { "message": "Często zadawane pytania", "description": "" }, "browserAction_test": { "message": "Testuj", "description": "" }, "browserAction_review": { "message": "Przejrzyj", "description": "" }, "browserAction_reportIssue": { "message": "Zgłoś problem", "description": "" }, "sanitation_title": { "message": "Setting sanitation", "description": "" }, "sanitation_description": { "message": "This page helps to find misconfigurations in the CanvasBlocker settings. It also gives advice on suboptimal settings. But it is not recommended to blindly correct all suggestions.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_nothingToComplain": { "message": "Wszystko w porządku.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_ruleset.unnecessaryURLValue": { "message": "Niepotrzebne wartości URL", "description": "" }, "sanitation_ruleset.disabledFeatures": { "message": "Wyłączone funkcje", "description": "" }, "sanitation_ruleset.blockMode": { "message": "Tryb blokowania", "description": "" }, "sanitation_ruleset.thresholds": { "message": "Progi", "description": "" }, "sanitation_ruleset.performance": { "message": "Wydajność", "description": "" }, "sanitation_ruleset.privacy": { "message": "Prywatność", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.unnecessaryURLValue": { "message": "URL value for \"{url}\" is the same as the global setting for \"{setting-title}\".", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.removeURLValue": { "message": "remove URL value", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.disabledFeatures": { "message": "All features of {api} are disabled but the protection is enabled.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.disabledSomeFeatures": { "message": "Some features of {api} are disabled. This should only be done for testing or if you really know what the features are doing.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.disableMainFlag": { "message": "wyłącz flagę główną", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.enableFeatures": { "message": "włącz funkcje", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.badBlockMode": { "message": "Zaleca się używanie trybów blokowania \"fałszywe\" lub \"zapytania\".", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.switchToFake": { "message": "przełącz na \"fałszywe\"", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.blockModeVsProtection": { "message": "Z trybem blokowania \"{blockMode}\" ochrona {api} nie działa.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.disableFlag": { "message": "wyłącz \"{flag}\"", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.fakeInputWithWhiteRng": { "message": "Nie używaj generatora liczb losowych z \"{blockMode}\" i zabezpieczaj \"{protectedCanvasPart}\".", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.switchToProtectReadout": { "message": "przełącznik, aby zabezpieczyć odczyt", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.switchToNonPersistentRng": { "message": "switch to \"non persistent\" rng", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.fakeEverythingInCanvas": { "message": "Nie używaj ochrony \"{protectedCanvasPart}\" w trybie blokowania \"{blockMode}\".", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.switchToProtectInput": { "message": "przełącznik, aby zabezpieczyć odczyt", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.valueTooLow": { "message": "\"{setting}\" nie może być niższy niż {value}.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.valueTooHigh": { "message": "\"{setting}\" nie powinien być wyższy niż {value}.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_resolution.setTo": { "message": "ustawiono na {value}", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.storeNotificationData": { "message": "Przechowywanie danych powiadomień może prowadzić do spowolnienia wydajności.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.storeImage": { "message": "Storing the image for inspection has a high RAM footprint.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.doNotSharePersistentRndBetweenDomains": { "message": "Do not share persistent randomness between domains because this makes the browser 100% trackable.", "description": "" }, "sanitation_error.customScreenSize": { "message": "Do not use a custom screen size as it makes the browser more trackable.", "description": "" }, "whitelist_inspection_title": { "message": "CanvasBlocker whitelist inspection", "description": "" }, "whitelist_all_apis": { "message": "Wszystkie API", "description": "" }, "presets": { "message": "Ustawienia", "description": "" }, "presets_title": { "message": "Ustawienia CanvasBlocker", "description": "" }, "presets_installNotice": { "message": "{image:../icons/icon.svg}Dziękujemy za zainstalowanie CanvasBlocker. Aby dostosować to do swoich potrzeb, możesz zmienić niektóre ustawienia. W celu dalszego dostosowania możesz otworzyć stronę {link:options:options.html}. Możesz również otworzyć tę stronę później.", "description": "" }, "presets_introduction": { "message": "Są to niektóre ustawienia predefiniowane dostosowane do potrzeb różnych ludzi. Wartości w nawiasach są aktualnym stanem ustawienia. Możesz zastosować wiele ustawień, ale niektóre ustawienia mogą zostać nadpisane przez później zastosowane.", "description": "" }, "preset_default_title": { "message": "Ustawienia domyślne", "description": "" }, "preset_default_description": { "message": "Brak specjalnych ustawień.", "description": "" }, "preset_convenience_title": { "message": "Ustawienia wygody", "description": "" }, "preset_convenience_description": { "message": "Zastosuj kilka ustawień, aby komfort przeglądania był jak najbardziej wygodny. Dotyczy to również białej listy witryn.", "description": "" }, "preset_stealth_title": { "message": "Ustawienia niewykrywalności", "description": "" }, "preset_stealth_description": { "message": "Konfiguruje CanvasBlocker, aby być trudnym do wykrycia. Może to prowadzić do dużego użycia procesora i może spowolnić przeglądarkę.", "description": "" }, "preset_max_protection_title": { "message": "Maksymalna ochrona", "description": "" }, "preset_max_protection_description": { "message": "Maksymalizuje ochronę przed śledzeniem. Te ustawienia psują niektóre strony, mogą trochę spowolnić przeglądarkę i mogą umożliwić witrynom wykrycie, że CanvasBlocker jest używany. Po zastosowaniu tego ustawienia predefiniowanego należy również rozważyć zastosowanie ustawień reCAPTCHA.", "description": "" }, "preset_recaptcha_title": { "message": "Błąd reCAPTCHA", "description": "" }, "preset_recaptcha_description": { "message": "Zabezpieczenie window API psuje reCAPTCHA. Ten preset pozwala na użycie API window.name w osadzonych stronach, co sprawi, że znowu zadziała.", "description": "" } }