/* jslint moz: true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { window.scope.modifiedAPI = {}; scope = window.scope.modifiedAPI; } const colorStatistics = require("./colorStatistics"); const logging = require("./logging"); const {copyCanvasToWebgl} = require("./webgl"); // let Cu = require("chrome").Cu; var randomSupply = null; function getContext(window, canvas){ return window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call(canvas, "2d") || window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call(canvas, "webgl") || window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call(canvas, "experimental-webgl") || window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call(canvas, "webgl2") || window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call(canvas, "experimental-webgl2"); } function getImageData(window, context){ var imageData; var source; if ((context.canvas.width || 0) * (context.canvas.height || 0) === 0){ imageData = new window.wrappedJSObject.ImageData(0, 0); source = new window.wrappedJSObject.ImageData(0, 0); } else if (context instanceof window.CanvasRenderingContext2D){ imageData = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.getImageData.call(context, 0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); source = imageData.data; } else { imageData = new window.wrappedJSObject.ImageData(context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); source = new Uint8Array(imageData.data.length); window.WebGLRenderingContext.prototype.readPixels.call( context, 0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height, context.RGBA, context.UNSIGNED_BYTE, source ); } return { imageData, source }; } var canvasCache = Object.create(null); function getFakeCanvas(window, original, prefs){ try { if (prefs("useCanvasCache")){ var originalDataURL = original.toDataURL(); var cached = canvasCache[originalDataURL]; if (cached){ return cached; } } // original may not be a canvas -> we must not leak an error var context = getContext(window, original); var {imageData, source} = getImageData(window, context); var desc = imageData.data; var l = desc.length; var ignoredColors = {}; if (prefs("ignoreFrequentColors")){ var statistic = colorStatistics.compute(source); ignoredColors = statistic.getMaxColors(prefs("ignoreFrequentColors")); } var rng = randomSupply.getPixelRng(l, window, ignoredColors); var fakeAlphaChannel = prefs("fakeAlphaChannel"); for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 4){ var [r, g, b, a] = rng( source[i + 0], source[i + 1], source[i + 2], source[i + 3], i / 4 ); desc[i + 0] = r; desc[i + 1] = g; desc[i + 2] = b; desc[i + 3] = fakeAlphaChannel? a: source[i + 3]; } var canvas = original.cloneNode(true); context = window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call(canvas, "2d"); context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0); if (prefs("useCanvasCache")){ canvasCache[originalDataURL] = canvas; canvasCache[canvas.toDataURL()] = canvas; } return canvas; } catch (e){ logging.warning("Error while faking:", e); return original; } } function randomMixImageData(window, imageData1, imageData2){ var data1 = imageData1.data; var data2 = imageData2.data; var l = data1.length; if (l === data2.length){ var rng = randomSupply.getRng(l, window); for (var i = 0; i < l; i += 1){ if (data1[i] > data2[i]){ data2[i] = data1[i] - rng(data1[i] - data2[i], i); } else if (data1[i] < data2[i]){ data2[i] = data1[i] + rng(data2[i] - data1[i], i); } } } return imageData2; } function canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(canvas, prefs){ if (canvas){ var size = canvas.height * canvas.width; var maxSize = prefs("maxFakeSize") || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; var minSize = prefs("minFakeSize") || 0; return size > minSize & size <= maxSize; } else { return true } } function hasType(status, type){ return status.type.indexOf(type) !== -1; } scope.setRandomSupply = function(supply){ randomSupply = supply; }; var canvasContextType = new WeakMap(); // changed functions and their fakes scope.changedFunctions = { getContext: { type: "context", getStatus: function(obj, status){ if (hasType(status, "internal")){ return { mode: "allow", type: status.type, active: false } } else if (hasType(status, "context") || hasType(status, "input")){ return { mode: (status.mode === "block")? "block": "fake", type: status.type, active: true }; } else { var status = Object.create(status); status.active = false; return status; } }, object: "HTMLCanvasElement", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function(context, contextAttributes){ canvasContextType.set(this, context); return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); }; } }, toDataURL: { type: "readout", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); if (hasType(status, "input")){ var contextType = canvasContextType.get(obj); status.active = contextType !== "2d"; } else { status.active = hasType(status, "readout"); } return status; }, object: "HTMLCanvasElement", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function toDataURL(){ if (canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedReadout"); return original.apply(getFakeCanvas(window, this, prefs), window.Array.from(arguments)); } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; } }, toBlob: { type: "readout", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); if (hasType(status, "input")){ var contextType = canvasContextType.get(obj); status.active = contextType !== "2d"; } else { status.active = hasType(status, "readout"); } return status; }, object: "HTMLCanvasElement", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function toBlob(callback){ if (canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedReadout"); return original.apply(getFakeCanvas(window, this, prefs), window.Array.from(arguments)); } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; }, exportOptions: {allowCallbacks: true} }, mozGetAsFile: { type: "readout", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); if (hasType(status, "input")){ var contextType = canvasContextType.get(obj); status.active = contextType !== "2d"; } else { status.active = hasType(status, "readout"); } return status; }, object: "HTMLCanvasElement", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function mozGetAsFile(callback){ if (canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedReadout"); return original.apply(getFakeCanvas(window, this, prefs), window.Array.from(arguments)); } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; } }, getImageData: { type: "readout", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); if (hasType(status, "input")){ var contextType = canvasContextType.get(obj); status.active = contextType !== "2d"; } else { status.active = hasType(status, "readout"); } return status; }, object: "CanvasRenderingContext2D", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function getImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh){ if (!this || canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this.canvas, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedReadout"); var fakeCanvas; var context = this; if (this && this.canvas) { fakeCanvas = getFakeCanvas(window, this.canvas, prefs); } if (fakeCanvas && fakeCanvas !== this.canvas){ context = window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext.call( fakeCanvas, "2d" ); } return original.apply(context, window.Array.from(arguments)); } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; } }, fillText: { type: "input", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); status.active = hasType(status, "input"); return status; }, object: "CanvasRenderingContext2D", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function fillText(str, x, y){ if (!this || canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this.canvas, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedInput"); var oldImageData; try { // "this" is not trustable - it may be not a context oldImageData = getImageData(window, this).imageData; } catch (e){} // if "this" is not a correct context the next line will throw an error var ret = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); var newImageData = getImageData(window, this).imageData; this.putImageData(randomMixImageData(window, oldImageData, newImageData), 0, 0); return ret; } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; } }, strokeText: { type: "input", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); status.active = hasType(status, "input"); return status; }, object: "CanvasRenderingContext2D", fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function strokeText(str, x, y){ if (!this || canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this.canvas, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedInput"); var oldImageData; try { // "this" is not trustable - it may be not a context oldImageData = getImageData(window, this).imageData; } catch (e){} // if "this" is not a correct context the next line will throw an error var ret = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); var newImageData = getImageData(window, this).imageData; this.putImageData(randomMixImageData(window, oldImageData, newImageData), 0, 0); return ret; } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; } }, readPixels: { type: "readout", getStatus: function(obj, status){ var status = Object.create(status); status.active = hasType(status, "readout") || hasType(status, "input"); return status; }, object: ["WebGLRenderingContext", "WebGL2RenderingContext"], fakeGenerator: function(prefs, notify, window, original){ return function readPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels){ if (!this || canvasSizeShouldBeFaked(this.canvas, prefs)){ notify.call(this, "fakedReadout"); var fakeCanvas = getFakeCanvas(window, this.canvas, prefs); var {context} = copyCanvasToWebgl(window, fakeCanvas, this instanceof window.WebGLRenderingContext? "webgl": "webgl2"); return original.apply(context, window.Array.from(arguments)); } else { return original.apply(this, window.Array.from(arguments)); } }; } } }; }());