/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; let scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = require.register("./modal", {}); } const extension = require("./extension"); function getGlobalOffsetTop(node){ if (node){ return node.offsetTop + getGlobalOffsetTop(node.offsetParent); } else { return 0; } } function getGlobalScrollTop(node){ if (node && node.scrollTop){ return node.scrollTop + getGlobalScrollTop(node.parentNode); } else { return window.scrollY; } } function openDialog(text, buttons, parent = document.body){ if (!(parent instanceof Node)){ const parentSelector = parent.selector; parent = parent.node; while (parent && !parent.matches(parentSelector)){ parent = parent.parentNode; } if (!parent){ parent = document.body; } } const container = document.createElement("div"); container.className = "modal"; parent.appendChild(container); const overlay = document.createElement("div"); overlay.className = "overlay"; container.appendChild(overlay); const dialogPosition = document.createElement("div"); dialogPosition.className = "dialogPosition"; container.appendChild(dialogPosition); const dialog = document.createElement("div"); dialog.className = "dialog"; dialogPosition.appendChild(dialog); const textNode = document.createElement("span"); textNode.className = "text"; textNode.textContent = text; dialog.appendChild(textNode); const buttonsNode = document.createElement("div"); buttonsNode.className = "buttons"; dialog.appendChild(buttonsNode); let defaultButton; buttons.forEach(function(button){ const buttonNode = document.createElement("button"); buttonNode.textContent = button.text; buttonNode.addEventListener("click", function(){ close(); button.callback(); }); buttonsNode.appendChild(buttonNode); if (button.focused){ buttonNode.focus(); } if (button.default){ defaultButton = button; } }); function closeOnEscape(event){ if (event.keyCode === 27){ close(); if (defaultButton){ defaultButton.callback(); } } } function positionDialog(){ const parentTop = getGlobalOffsetTop(parent) - getGlobalScrollTop(parent); const parentHeight = parent.offsetHeight; const height = dialog.offsetHeight; const top = Math.max( 0, Math.min( container.offsetHeight - height, parentTop + parentHeight / 2 - height / 2 ) ); dialogPosition.style.top = top + "px"; } function close(){ window.removeEventListener("keydown", closeOnEscape); window.removeEventListener("scroll", positionDialog); window.removeEventListener("resize", positionDialog); parent.removeChild(container); } window.addEventListener("keydown", closeOnEscape); if (parent !== document.body){ positionDialog(); window.addEventListener("scroll", positionDialog); window.addEventListener("resize", positionDialog); } return container; } scope.confirm = function(text, parent){ return new Promise(function(resolve){ openDialog(text, [ {text: extension.getTranslation("cancel"), default: true, callback: ()=>resolve(false)}, {text: extension.getTranslation("OK"), focused: true, callback: ()=>resolve(true)} ], parent); }); }; scope.select = function(text, options, parent){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ const select = document.createElement("select"); options.forEach(function(option){ const optionNode = document.createElement("option"); optionNode.text = option.name; optionNode.object = option.object; select.appendChild(optionNode); }); const container = openDialog(text, [ { text: extension.getTranslation("cancel"), default: true, callback: () => reject(false) }, { text: extension.getTranslation("OK"), focused: true, callback: () => resolve(select.options[select.selectedIndex].object) } ], parent); container.querySelector(".text").insertAdjacentElement("afterend", select); }); }; }());