/* eslint no-console: off */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { if (!window.scope.logging){ window.scope.logging = {}; } scope = window.scope.logging; } const settings = require("./settings"); var prefix = ""; function leftPad(str, char, pad){ str = "" + str; return char.repeat(pad - str.length) + str; } var colors = { 1: "color: red", 25: "color: orange", 50: "", 75: "color: darkgreen", 100: "color: blue", 999: "background-color: lightgray" }; var queue = []; function performLog(level, args, date){ if (!date){ date = new Date(); } if (settings.isStillDefault || queue.length){ queue.push({level, args, date}); } else { if (settings.logLevel >= level){ var pre = "%c"; if (prefix){ pre += prefix + ": "; } pre += "[" + date.getFullYear() + "-" + leftPad(date.getMonth() + 1, "0", 2) + "-" + leftPad(date.getDate(), "0", 2) + " " + leftPad(date.getHours(), "0", 2) + ":" + leftPad(date.getMinutes(), "0", 2) + ":" + leftPad(date.getSeconds(), "0", 2) + "." + leftPad(date.getMilliseconds(), "0", 3) + "]"; if (typeof args[0] === "string"){ args[0] = pre + " " + args[0]; args.splice(1, 0, colors[level]); } else { args.unshift(colors[level]); args.unshift(pre); } console.log.apply(console, args); } } } function error (...args){performLog(1, args);} function warning(...args){performLog(25, args);} function message(...args){performLog(50, args);} function notice (...args){performLog(75, args);} function verbose(...args){performLog(100, args);} function metaLog(...args){performLog(999, args);} scope.setPrefix = function(newPrefix){ if (!prefix){ prefix = newPrefix; } else { warning("logging prefix already set (%s) cannot be set to %s", prefix, newPrefix); } }; scope.clearQueue = function(){ if (queue.length){ metaLog("clear logging queue"); var tmp = queue; queue = []; tmp.forEach(function(item){ performLog(item.level, item.args, item.date); }); metaLog("logging queue cleared"); } }; settings.loaded.then(scope.clearQueue); scope.error = error; scope.warning = warning; scope.message = message; scope.notice = notice; scope.verbose = verbose; require.emit("./logging"); metaLog("logging available"); }());