/* jslint moz: true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; function log(...args){ function leftPad(str, char, pad){ str = "" + str; return char.repeat(pad - str.length) + str; } args.unshift("frame script:"); var now = new Date(); args.unshift( now.getFullYear() + "-" + leftPad(now.getMonth() + 1, "0", 2) + "-" + leftPad(now.getDate(), "0", 2) + " " + leftPad(now.getHours(), "0", 2) + ":" + leftPad(now.getMinutes(), "0", 2) + ":" + leftPad(now.getSeconds(), "0", 2) + "." + leftPad(now.getMilliseconds(), "0", 3) ); console.log.apply(console, args); } const {intercept} = require("./intercept.js"); const {ask} = require("./askForPermission.js"); const {check: originalCheck, checkStack: originalCheckStack} = require("./check.js"); // Variable to "unload" the script var enabled = true; log("starting", location.href); function check(message){ if (enabled){ return originalCheck(message); } else { return {type: [], mode: "allow"}; } } function checkStack(stack){ if (enabled){ return originalCheckStack(stack); } else { return true; } } const _ = require("sdk/l10n").get; function askWrapper(data){ return ask(data, { _, prefs }); } var port = browser.runtime.connect(); var tabId; port.onMessage.addListener(function(data){ if (data.hasOwnProperty("tabId")){ log("my tab id is", data.tabId); tabId = data.tabId; } }); var notifications = []; function notify(data){ notifications.push(data); port.postMessage({"canvasBlocker-notify": data}); } const preferences = require("sdk/simple-prefs"); function prefs(name){ return preferences.prefs[name]; } var interceptedWindows = new WeakMap(); function interceptWindow(window){ if (!enabled || interceptedWindows.get(window)){ return false; } intercept( {subject: window}, {check, checkStack, ask: askWrapper, notify, prefs} ); [window.HTMLIFrameElement, window.HTMLFrameElement].forEach(function(constructor){ var oldContentWindowGetter = constructor.prototype.__lookupGetter__("contentWindow"); Object.defineProperty( constructor.prototype.wrappedJSObject, "contentWindow", { enumerable: true, configureable: true, get: exportFunction(function(){ var window = oldContentWindowGetter.call(this); interceptWindow(window); return window; }, window) } ); var oldContentDocumentGetter = constructor.prototype.__lookupGetter__("contentDocument"); Object.defineProperty( constructor.prototype.wrappedJSObject, "contentDocument", { enumerable: true, configureable: true, get: exportFunction(function(){ var document = oldContentDocumentGetter.call(this); interceptWindow(document.defaultView); return document; }, window) } ); }); interceptedWindows.set(window, true); return true; }; interceptWindow(window); browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(data){ if (data["canvasBlocker-unload"]){ enabled = false; } if (data["canvasBlocker-sendNotifications"] === tabId){ browser.runtime.sendMessage({ sender: tabId, "canvasBlocker-notifications": notifications }); } }); browser.storage.onChanged.addListener(function(change, area){ if (area === "local"){ Object.keys(change).forEach(function(key){ settings[key] = change[key].newValue; }); } }); }());