/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = {}; window.scope.notification = scope; } const settings = require("./settings"); const lists = require("./lists"); const logging = require("./logging"); const paths = { pageAction: { none: "icons/pageAction-printed.svg", color: "icons/pageAction-printedHighlight.svg", blink: "icons/pageAction-printedBlink.svg" }, browserAction: { none: "icons/browserAction-notPrinted.svg", color: "icons/browserAction-printed.svg", blink: "icons/browserAction-printedBlink.svg" } }; scope.show = function showNotification(tabId, url){ logging.notice("Show notification for tab", tabId); if ( settings.get("showNotifications", url) && !lists.get("ignore").match(url) ){ browser.pageAction.show(tabId); browser.pageAction.setIcon({ tabId: tabId, path: paths.pageAction[settings.highlightPageAction] }); } browser.browserAction.setIcon({ tabId: tabId, path: paths.browserAction[settings.highlightBrowserAction] }); }; scope.hide = function hideNotification(tabId){ logging.notice("Hide page action for tab", tabId); browser.pageAction.hide(tabId); browser.pageAction.setIcon({ tabId: tabId, path: paths.pageAction.none }); browser.browserAction.setIcon({ tabId: tabId, path: paths.browserAction.none }); }; settings.on("showNotifications", function({newValue}){ if (!newValue){ logging.message("notifications were disabled -> hide all page actions"); browser.tabs.query({}).then(function(tabs){ tabs.forEach(function(tab){ browser.pageAction.hide(tab.id); }); }); } }); }());