/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; let scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = require.register("./modifiedNavigatorAPI", {}); } const {checkerWrapper, setProperties, getStatusByFlag} = require("./modifiedAPIFunctions"); const extension = require("./extension"); const navigator = require("./navigator"); let cookieStoreId = false; scope.setCookieStoreId = function(newCookieStoreId){ if (typeof newCookieStoreId === "string"){ cookieStoreId = ( newCookieStoreId !== "" && newCookieStoreId !== "firefox-default" )? newCookieStoreId: ""; } }; function getCookieStoreId(){ while (cookieStoreId === false){ extension.waitSync("to wait for cookie store id"); } return cookieStoreId; } scope.changedGetters = navigator.allProperties.map(function(property){ return { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Navigator && window.Navigator.prototype;}], name: property, getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get [property](){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {notify, original} = check; const originalValue = original.call(this, ...args); const returnValue = navigator.getNavigatorValue(property, getCookieStoreId); if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedNavigatorReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, property).get; } }; }); scope.changedFunctions = { estimate: { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.StorageManager && window.StorageManager.prototype;}], fakeGenerator: function(checker){ const quota = 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; return function estimate(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {notify, original, window} = check; const This = this; return new window.Promise(async function(resolve, reject){ try { const originalValue = await original.call(This, ...args); if (originalValue.quota !== quota){ originalValue.usage = Math.min( quota, Math.max(0, quota - (originalValue.quota - originalValue.usage)) ); originalValue.quota = quota; notify("fakedNavigatorReadout"); } resolve(originalValue); } catch (error){ reject(error); } }); }); }; } } }; setProperties(scope.changedFunctions, scope.changedGetters, { type: "readout", getStatus: getStatusByFlag("protectNavigator"), api: "navigator" }); }());