const data = require("./chromeVendors.json"); function addString(string, currentTree){ "use strict"; if (string.length <= 1){ const nextTree = currentTree[string] || {}; currentTree[string] = nextTree; } else { const firstChar = string.substring(0, 1); const nextTree = currentTree[firstChar] || {}; currentTree[firstChar] = nextTree; const nextString = string.substring(1); addString(nextString, nextTree); } } function output(tree){ "use strict"; const keys = Object.keys(tree); switch (keys.length){ case 0: return ""; case 1: return keys[0] + output(tree[keys[0]]); default: return "<" + => key + output(tree[key])).join("|") + ">"; } } // every string ends with a ) and does not contain <, >, $ or | data.forEach(function(string){ "use strict"; if ( !string.endsWith(")") || string.match(/[<>|$]/) ){ throw string; } }); const tree1 = {}; const tree2 = {}; const tree3 = {}; data.every(function(string){ "use strict"; string = string.substring(0, string.length - 1); const parts = string.split(" Direct", 2); const parts2 = parts[0].split(" (Microsoft Corporation", 2); addString(parts2[0], tree1); if (parts2.length > 1){ addString(" (Microsoft Corporation" + parts2[1], tree2); } else { addString("", tree2); } if (parts.length > 1){ addString(" Direct" + parts[1], tree3); } else { addString("", tree3); } return true; }); // const compressed = output(tree1) + output(tree2) + output(tree3) + ")"; const compressed = output(tree1) + output(tree2) + "< Direct3D<11 vs_<4_<0 ps_4_0|1 ps_4_1>|5_0 ps_5_0>|9 vs_<0_0 ps_<2_0|3_0>|2_0 ps_2_0|3_0 ps_3_0>>|>" + ")"; console.log("compressed length", compressed.length); // console.log(compressed); function countWords(string){ "use strict"; const words = {}; string.split(/[^0-9a-z]+/i).filter(word => word.length > 2).forEach(function(word){ const wordStats = words[word] || {count: 0}; words[word] = wordStats; wordStats.count += 1; }); return words; } function wordCompressor(string){ "use strict"; const words = countWords(string); const duplicatedWord = Object.keys(words) .map(function(word){ return { word, count: words[word].count }; }) .filter(word => word.count > 1) .sort((a, b) => b.word.length*b.count - a.word.length*a.count); let compressed = string; let index = 0; const usedWords = []; for (let i = 0; i < duplicatedWord.length; i += 1){ const replacement = "$" + index.toString(36); const word = duplicatedWord[i].word; if ( replacement.length < word.length && (word.length - replacement.length) * duplicatedWord[i].count > word.length + 1 ){ compressed = compressed.replace(new RegExp("\\b" + word + "\\b", "g"), replacement); index += 1; usedWords.push(word); } } return {compressed, usedWords}; } const {compressed: compressed2, usedWords} = wordCompressor(compressed); console.log("compressed 2 length", compressed2.length); console.log(compressed2); console.log(usedWords.join("|")); function decompress(string, words){ "use strict"; return string.replace(/\$([0-9a-z]+)/gi, function(m, index){ return words[parseInt(index, 36)]; }); } const decompressed2 = decompress(compressed2, usedWords); console.log("test: ", compressed === decompressed2); for (let start = 0; start < compressed.length; start += 100){ if (compressed.substring(start, start + 100) !== decompressed2.substring(start, start + 100)){ console.log(start); console.log(compressed.substring(start, start + 100)); console.log(decompressed2.substring(start, start + 100)); } } function pickOne(string){ "use strict"; const options = []; let cumulate = ""; let index = 0; for (const l = string.length; index < l; index += 1){ const char = string.charAt(index); if (char === "|"){ options.push(cumulate); cumulate = ""; } else if (char === "<"){ const subPick = pickOne(string.substring(index + 1)); cumulate += subPick.value; index += 1 + subPick.endIndex; } else if (char === ">"){ break; } else { cumulate += char; } } options.push(cumulate); return {value: options[Math.floor(Math.random() * options.length)], endIndex: index}; } console.log(pickOne(compressed).value);