/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = {}; window.scope.settingContainers = scope; } const logging = require("./logging"); scope.urlContainer = null; scope.hideContainer = null; scope.expandContainer = null; scope.getUrlValueContainer = function(name, url){ var matching = scope.urlContainer.get().filter(function(urlSetting){ return urlSetting.hasOwnProperty(name); }).filter(function(urlSetting){ return urlSetting.match(url); }); if (matching.length){ return matching[0]; } else { return null; } }; scope.setUrlValue = function(name, value, url){ var urlContainerValue = scope.urlContainer.get(); var matching = urlContainerValue.filter(function(urlSetting){ return urlSetting.match(url); }); if (!matching.length){ let newEntry = {url}; newEntry[name] = value; urlContainerValue.push(newEntry); matching = [newEntry]; } matching[0][name] = value; return scope.urlContainer.set(urlContainerValue); }; scope.resetUrlValue = function(name, url){ var urlContainerValue = scope.urlContainer.get(); var matching = urlContainerValue.filter(function(urlSetting){ return urlSetting.match(url); }); if (matching.length){ delete matching[0][name]; if (Object.keys(matching[0]).every(function(key){return key === "url";})){ urlContainerValue = urlContainerValue.filter(function(urlSetting){ return urlSetting !== matching[0]; }); } scope.urlContainer.set(urlContainerValue); } }; scope.check = function(settingDefinition){ if (settingDefinition.isUrlContainer){ scope.urlContainer = settingDefinition; settingDefinition.refresh = function(){ settingDefinition.set(settingDefinition.get()); }; } if (settingDefinition.isHideContainer){ scope.hideContainer = settingDefinition; let changeListeners = {}; settingDefinition.setHideByName = function(name, value){ logging.verbose("set hide of", name, "to", value); const hideStore = settingDefinition.get(); hideStore[name] = value; settingDefinition.set(hideStore); (changeListeners[name] || []).forEach(function(listener){ listener(value); }); }; settingDefinition.getHideByName = function(name){ const hideStore = settingDefinition.get(); return hideStore[name] || false; }; settingDefinition.onHideChange = function(name, listener){ if (!changeListeners[name]){ changeListeners[name] = []; } changeListeners[name].push(listener); }; settingDefinition.on(function(event){ const value = event.newValue; Object.keys(value).forEach(function(name){ (changeListeners[name] || []).forEach(function(listener){ listener(value[name]); }); }); const oldValue = event.oldValue; Object.keys(oldValue).filter(function(name){ return !value.hasOwnProperty(name); }).forEach(function(name){ (changeListeners[name] || []).forEach(function(listener){ listener(false); }); }); }); settingDefinition.hideAble = false; } if (settingDefinition.isExpandContainer){ scope.expandContainer = settingDefinition; let changeListeners = {}; settingDefinition.setExpandByName = function(name, value){ logging.verbose("set expand of", name, "to", value); const expandStore = settingDefinition.get(); expandStore[name] = value; settingDefinition.set(expandStore); (changeListeners[name] || []).forEach(function(listener){ listener(value); }); }; settingDefinition.getExpandByName = function(name){ const expandStore = settingDefinition.get(); return expandStore[name] || false; }; settingDefinition.onExpandChange = function(name, listener){ if (!changeListeners[name]){ changeListeners[name] = []; } changeListeners[name].push(listener); }; settingDefinition.on(function(event){ const value = event.newValue; Object.keys(value).forEach(function(name){ (changeListeners[name] || []).forEach(function(listener){ listener(value[name]); }); }); const oldValue = event.oldValue; Object.keys(oldValue).filter(function(name){ return !value.hasOwnProperty(name); }).forEach(function(name){ (changeListeners[name] || []).forEach(function(listener){ listener(false); }); }); }); } }; scope.initializeUrlContainer = function(eventHandler){ if (scope.urlContainer){ scope.urlContainer.on(function({newValue, oldValue}){ newValue.forEach(function(urlSetting){ var regExp; var domain = !!urlSetting.url.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]+$/); if (domain){ regExp = new RegExp( "(?:^|\\.)" + urlSetting.url.replace(/([\\+*?[^\]$(){}=!|.])/g, "\\$1") + "\\.?$", "i" ); } else { regExp = new RegExp(urlSetting.url, "i"); } const match = function(url){ if (!url){ return false; } else if ( url instanceof String || (typeof url) === "string" ){ return url === urlSetting.url; } else if (domain){ return (url.hostname || "").match(regExp); } else { return url.href.match(regExp); } }; Object.defineProperty( urlSetting, "match", { enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true, value: match } ); }); var newUrls = newValue.map(function(entry){return entry.url;}); var oldUrls = oldValue.map(function(entry){return entry.url;}); var matching = {}; newUrls.forEach(function(url, i){ matching[url] = {new: i, old: oldUrls.indexOf(url)}; }); oldUrls.forEach(function(url, i){ if (!matching[url]){ matching[url] = {new: -1, old: i}; } }); Object.keys(matching).forEach(function(url){ var oldEntry = oldValue[matching[url].old] || {}; var newEntry = newValue[matching[url].new] || {}; scope.urlContainer.entries.forEach(function(settingDefinition){ var name = settingDefinition.name; var oldValue = oldEntry[name]; var newValue = newEntry[name]; if (oldValue !== newValue){ ((eventHandler[name] || {})[url] || []).forEach(function(callback){ callback({name, newValue, oldValue, url}); }); } }); }); }); } }; }());