mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 17:53:24 +01:00
New translations
This commit is contained in:
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domény nebo URL, které mohou používat všechna API během současné relace. Chcete-li přidat více záznamů, oddělte je čárkami.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Export nastavení",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Zobrazit, které ochrany API jsou aktivní na dané stránce. Pokud odstraníte zaškrtnutí některého API, pak nebude na dané stránce chráněno.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains oder URLs, die während der aktuellen Sitzung alle APIs nutzen dürfen. Mehrere Einträge müssen durch ein Komma getrennt werden.",
"message": "Domains oder URLs, die während der aktuellen Sitzung alle APIs nutzen dürfen (d. h. temporär erlaubt). Mehrere Einträge müssen durch ein Komma getrennt werden.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary whitelist temporär",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Einstellungen exportieren",
"message": "CanvasBlocker Einstellungsexport",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "Hier können Sie Ihr Einstellungen kopieren. Zusätzlich können Sie sie auf einfügen und ändern. Wenn etwas ungültig ist, wird der Textbereich rot hinterlegt und die Änderung wird nicht gespeichert.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Anzeige des API-Schutzes für eine bestimmte Webseite. Wenn man das Häkchen bei einer API entfernt, wird diese für die ausgewählte Webseite nicht mehr beschützt.",
"message": "Zeigt an, welcher Fingerprint-Schutz für bestimmte Seiten aktiv sind.{newline}{newline}Nicht markiert bedeutet, dass die Seite diese Funktion unverändert nutzen kann. Das bedeutet auch, dass sie einen (teilweisen) Fingerprint Ihres Browsers erstellen kann.{newline}Markiert bedeutet, dass der Schutz von CanvasBlocker, der es der Website erschwert, Sie eindeutig zu identifizieren, aktiv ist.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Los dominios o URL a los que se permite usar todas las API en la sesión actual. Para añadir varias entradas, sepárelas con comas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Exportar configuración",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Muestra las protecciones de las API que están activas para un sitio determinado. Si eliminas una marca de verificación para una API, esta API no estará protegida para el sitio seleccionado.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
"description": ""
"labelForDefaultOption": {
"message": " (default)",
"message": " (par défaut)",
"description": ""
"group_general": {
@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
"description": ""
"rng_description": {
"message": "none (completely white): a completely white image is returned. The option \"Fake the alpha channel\" should be activated with this. CAUTION: Do not use this with the \"fake at input\" mode.\n\nnonpersistent: the random numbers will be determined freshly for each faking action. Keep in mind that many API protections have caches in place to prevent detection.\n\nconstant: variation of nonpersistent. But when altering canvas data same colored pixels also share the same color afterwards.\n\npersistent: the random number will only be determined once for every domain.",
"message": "Rien (complètement blanc) : une image blanche est renvoyée. L'option \"Feindre le canal alpha\" doit être activé. AVERTISSEMENT : Ne pas utiliser avec le mode \"feindre\" en entrée.\n\nnon 'Persistance' des données : les nombres aléatoires vont être déterminés pour chaque action de falsification. Rappelez-vous que beaucoup de système de protection d'API disposent de caches pour empêcher la détéction.\n\nConservation des données : Variante de non 'Persistance' des données. La différence est que lors de la modification du canvas, les pixels de même couleur partageront toujours une couleur identique après modification.\n\npersistant : Le nombre aléatoire sera déterminé une seule fois pour chaque domaine.",
"description": ""
"rng_options.persistent": {
@ -644,7 +644,7 @@
"description": ""
"webGLVendor_description": {
"message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"vendor\". Special values:\nLeave empty to use the original value\n\n{undefined}: returns undefined (#508)\n\n{false}: returns the boolean value false (#508)\n\n{empty}: returns an empty string (#508)\n\n{disabled}: returns null (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: returns a random vendor from the built-in list (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: returns a random renderer from the built-in list (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: picks one of the given options xxx, yyy or zzz at random (arbitrary number of options) (#493)",
"message": "Valeur qui sera renvoyée par la fonction WebGL \"getParameter\" pour \"vendor\". Laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur originale. Valeurs spéciales :\n\n{undefined}: renvoie indéfini (#508)\n\n{false}: renvoie la valeur booléenne faux (#508)\n\n{empty}: renvoie une chaîne de caractère vide (#508)\n\n{disabled}: renvoie \"null\" (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: renvoie un constructeur au hasard depuis la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: renvoie un moteur de rendu aléatoire à partir de la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: choisir l'une des options données (ici xxx, yyy, zzz) au hazard (#493)",
"description": ""
"webGLRenderer_title": {
@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
"description": ""
"webGLRenderer_description": {
"message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"renderer\". Special values:\nLeave empty to use the original value\n\n{undefined}: returns undefined (#508)\n\n{false}: returns the boolean value false (#508)\n\n{empty}: returns an empty string (#508)\n\n{disabled}: returns null (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: returns a random vendor from the built-in list (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: returns a random renderer from the built-in list (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: picks one of the given options xxx, yyy or zzz at random (arbitrary number of options) (#493)",
"message": "Valeur qui sera renvoyée par la fonction WebGL \"getParameter\" pour \"renderer\". Laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur originale. Valeurs spéciales :\n\n{undefined}: renvoie indéfini (#508)\n\n{false}: renvoie la valeur booléenne faux (#508)\n\n{empty}: renvoie une chaîne de caractère vide (#508)\n\n{disabled}: renvoie \"null\" (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: renvoie un constructeur au hasard depuis la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: renvoie un moteur de rendu aléatoire à partir de la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: choisir l'une des options données (ici xxx, yyy, zzz) au hazard (#493)",
"description": ""
"webGLUnmaskedVendor_title": {
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
"description": ""
"webGLUnmaskedVendor_description": {
"message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"unmasked vendor\". Special values:\nLeave empty to use the original value\n\n{undefined}: returns undefined (#508)\n\n{false}: returns the boolean value false (#508)\n\n{empty}: returns an empty string (#508)\n\n{disabled}: returns null (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: returns a random vendor from the built-in list (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: returns a random renderer from the built-in list (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: picks one of the given options xxx, yyy or zzz at random (arbitrary number of options) (#493)",
"message": "Valeur qui sera renvoyée par la fonction WebGL \"getParameter\" pour \"unmasked vendor\". Laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur originale. Valeurs spéciales :\n\n{undefined}: renvoie indéfini (#508)\n\n{false}: renvoie la valeur booléenne faux (#508)\n\n{empty}: renvoie une chaîne de caractère vide (#508)\n\n{disabled}: renvoie \"null\" (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: renvoie un constructeur au hasard depuis la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: renvoie un moteur de rendu aléatoire à partir de la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: choisir l'une des options données (ici xxx, yyy, zzz) au hazard (#493)",
"description": ""
"webGLUnmaskedRenderer_title": {
@ -668,7 +668,7 @@
"description": ""
"webGLUnmaskedRenderer_description": {
"message": "Value to be reported in the webGL function \"getParameter\" for the \"unmasked renderer\". Special values:\nLeave empty to use the original value\n\n{undefined}: returns undefined (#508)\n\n{false}: returns the boolean value false (#508)\n\n{empty}: returns an empty string (#508)\n\n{disabled}: returns null (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: returns a random vendor from the built-in list (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: returns a random renderer from the built-in list (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: picks one of the given options xxx, yyy or zzz at random (arbitrary number of options) (#493)",
"message": "Valeur qui sera renvoyée par la fonction WebGL \"getParameter\" pour \"unmasked renderer\". Laisser vide pour utiliser la valeur originale. Valeurs spéciales :\n\n{undefined}: renvoie indéfini (#508)\n\n{false}: renvoie la valeur booléenne faux (#508)\n\n{empty}: renvoie une chaîne de caractère vide (#508)\n\n{disabled}: renvoie \"null\" (#508)\n\n{random vendor}: renvoie un constructeur au hasard depuis la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n{random renderer}: renvoie un moteur de rendu aléatoire à partir de la liste intégrée (#493)\n\n<xxx|yyy|zzz>: choisir l'une des options données (ici xxx, yyy, zzz) au hazard (#493)",
"description": ""
"useCanvasCache_title": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domaines ou URLs autorisés à utiliser toutes les APIs durant la session courante. Pour ajouter plusieurs entrées, séparez-les par des virgules.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Paramètres d'exportation",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Montre quelles protections d'API sont actives pour un site donné. Si vous supprimez la coche pour une API, cette API ne sera pas protégée pour le site sélectionné.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Export settings",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Shows which API protections are active for a given site. If you remove a checkmark for an API this API will be not protected for the selected site.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domini o URL che devono essere autorizzati ad utilizzare tutte le API durante la sessione attuale. Per aggiungere più voci, separale con virgole.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Esporta le impostazioni",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Mostra quali protezioni API sono attive per un dato sito. Se rimuovi un segno di spunta per un'API, questa API non sarà protetta per il sito selezionato.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
"description": ""
"browserAction_title_whitelisted": {
"message": " ({url}のホワイトリストに登録されたAPI)",
"message": " ({url} のホワイトリストに登録されたAPI)",
"description": ""
"browserAction_title_protectedAPIs": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "このセッションの間、全てのAPIの使用を許可するドメイン/URL。複数追加するには、コンマで区切ってください。",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "設定をエクスポートする",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "特定のサイトでどのAPI保護が有効であるかを表示します。APIのチェックマークを削除すると、このAPIは選択したサイトに対して保護されなくなります。",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "설정 내보내기",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Shows which API protections are active for a given site. If you remove a checkmark for an API this API will be not protected for the selected site.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Export settings",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Shows which API protections are active for a given site. If you remove a checkmark for an API this API will be not protected for the selected site.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Export settings",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Shows which API protections are active for a given site. If you remove a checkmark for an API this API will be not protected for the selected site.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Eksportuj ustawienia",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Pokazuje jakie zabezpieczenia API są aktywne dla danej witryny. Jeśli usuniesz znak kontrolny dla API, to API nie będzie chronione dla wybranej witryny.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domínios ou URLs que devem ser permitidos de usar todas as APIs durante a sessão atual. Para adicionar várias entradas, separe-as por vírgulas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Exportar configurações",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Mostra que proteções de API estão ativas para um determinado site. Se remover uma marca de seleção para uma API, esta API não será protegida para o site selecionado.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domínios ou URLs que devem ser permitidos de usar todas as APIs durante a sessão atual. Para adicionar várias entradas, separe-as por vírgulas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Exportar configurações",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Mostra quais proteções de API estão ativas para um dado site. Se remover a marca de uma API, ela não será protegida no site selecionado.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Домены или URL-адреса, которым разрешено использовать все API в течение текущей сессии. Чтобы добавить несколько записей, разделите их запятыми.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "Экспорт настроек",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Показывает какие типы защиты API активны для данного сайта. Если вы удалите флажок для какого-либо API, этот API не будет защищен для выбранного сайта.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "本次会话期间允许调用所有 API 的域名或 URL。多项请使用英文逗号分隔。",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "导出设置",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "显示指定站点的 API 保护情况。 如果您取消一个 API 的勾选,此 API 将不会对选定的站点进行保护。",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
@ -992,7 +992,11 @@
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_description": {
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"message": "Domains or URLs which shall be allowed to use all APIs during the current session (i.e. temporarily whitelisted). To add multiple entries, separate them by commas.",
"description": ""
"sessionWhiteList_search": {
"message": "temporary",
"description": ""
"whitelistDomainTemporarily": {
@ -1392,11 +1396,11 @@
"description": ""
"exportSettings_title": {
"message": "匯出設定",
"message": "CanvasBlocker settings export",
"description": ""
"exportSettings_description": {
"message": "",
"message": "This allows you to copy your current settings. You can also paste and modify them here. If something is invalid the textarea will get a red background and the change is not stored.",
"description": ""
"settingControlling_title": {
@ -1604,7 +1608,7 @@
"description": ""
"whitelist_inspection_description": {
"message": "Shows which API protections are active for a given site. If you remove a checkmark for an API this API will be not protected for the selected site.",
"message": "This shows which fingerprint protections are active for specified sites.{newline}{newline}Unchecked means that the site can use that particular function in an unaltered manner. This includes it could use it to (partially) fingerprint your browser.{newline}Checked means that CanvasBlocker provides a protection which makes it harder for the site to uniquely identifying you.",
"description": ""
"whitelist_all_apis": {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user