use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::path::PathBuf; use hf_hub::api::sync::ApiError; use super::parsed_vectors::ParsedVectorsDiff; use crate::error::FaultSource; use crate::{FieldDistribution, PanicCatched}; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("Error while generating embeddings: {inner}")] pub struct Error { pub inner: Box, } impl> From for Error { fn from(value: I) -> Self { Self { inner: Box::new(value.into()) } } } impl Error { pub fn fault(&self) -> FaultSource { match &*self.inner { ErrorKind::NewEmbedderError(inner) => inner.fault, ErrorKind::EmbedError(inner) => inner.fault, } } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum ErrorKind { #[error(transparent)] NewEmbedderError(#[from] NewEmbedderError), #[error(transparent)] EmbedError(#[from] EmbedError), } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("{fault}: {kind}")] pub struct EmbedError { pub kind: EmbedErrorKind, pub fault: FaultSource, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum EmbedErrorKind { #[error("could not tokenize: {0}")] Tokenize(Box), #[error("unexpected tensor shape: {0}")] TensorShape(candle_core::Error), #[error("unexpected tensor value: {0}")] TensorValue(candle_core::Error), #[error("could not run model: {0}")] ModelForward(candle_core::Error), #[error("attempt to embed the following text in a configuration where embeddings must be user provided: {0:?}")] ManualEmbed(String), #[error("model not found. Meilisearch will not automatically download models from the Ollama library, please pull the model manually: {0:?}")] OllamaModelNotFoundError(Option), #[error("error deserialization the response body as JSON: {0}")] RestResponseDeserialization(std::io::Error), #[error("component `{0}` not found in path `{1}` in response: `{2}`")] RestResponseMissingEmbeddings(String, String, String), #[error("unexpected format of the embedding response: {0}")] RestResponseFormat(serde_json::Error), #[error("expected a response containing {0} embeddings, got only {1}")] RestResponseEmbeddingCount(usize, usize), #[error("could not authenticate against embedding server: {0:?}")] RestUnauthorized(Option), #[error("sent too many requests to embedding server: {0:?}")] RestTooManyRequests(Option), #[error("sent a bad request to embedding server: {0:?}")] RestBadRequest(Option), #[error("received internal error from embedding server: {0:?}")] RestInternalServerError(u16, Option), #[error("received HTTP {0} from embedding server: {0:?}")] RestOtherStatusCode(u16, Option), #[error("could not reach embedding server: {0}")] RestNetwork(ureq::Transport), #[error("was expected '{}' to be an object in query '{0}'", .1.join("."))] RestNotAnObject(serde_json::Value, Vec), #[error("while embedding tokenized, was expecting embeddings of dimension `{0}`, got embeddings of dimensions `{1}`")] OpenAiUnexpectedDimension(usize, usize), #[error("no embedding was produced")] MissingEmbedding, #[error(transparent)] PanicInThreadPool(#[from] PanicCatched), } impl EmbedError { pub fn tokenize(inner: Box) -> Self { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::Tokenize(inner), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub fn tensor_shape(inner: candle_core::Error) -> Self { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::TensorShape(inner), fault: FaultSource::Bug } } pub fn tensor_value(inner: candle_core::Error) -> Self { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::TensorValue(inner), fault: FaultSource::Bug } } pub fn model_forward(inner: candle_core::Error) -> Self { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::ModelForward(inner), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub(crate) fn embed_on_manual_embedder(texts: String) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::ManualEmbed(texts), fault: FaultSource::User } } pub(crate) fn ollama_model_not_found(inner: Option) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::OllamaModelNotFoundError(inner), fault: FaultSource::User } } pub(crate) fn rest_response_deserialization(error: std::io::Error) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestResponseDeserialization(error), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub(crate) fn rest_response_missing_embeddings>( response: serde_json::Value, component: &str, response_field: &[S], ) -> EmbedError { let response_field: Vec<&str> = response_field.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect(); let response_field = response_field.join("."); Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestResponseMissingEmbeddings( component.to_owned(), response_field, serde_json::to_string_pretty(&response).unwrap_or_default(), ), fault: FaultSource::Undecided, } } pub(crate) fn rest_response_format(error: serde_json::Error) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestResponseFormat(error), fault: FaultSource::Undecided } } pub(crate) fn rest_response_embedding_count(expected: usize, got: usize) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestResponseEmbeddingCount(expected, got), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub(crate) fn rest_unauthorized(error_response: Option) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestUnauthorized(error_response), fault: FaultSource::User } } pub(crate) fn rest_too_many_requests(error_response: Option) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestTooManyRequests(error_response), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub(crate) fn rest_bad_request(error_response: Option) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestBadRequest(error_response), fault: FaultSource::User } } pub(crate) fn rest_internal_server_error( code: u16, error_response: Option, ) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestInternalServerError(code, error_response), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub(crate) fn rest_other_status_code(code: u16, error_response: Option) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestOtherStatusCode(code, error_response), fault: FaultSource::Undecided, } } pub(crate) fn rest_network(transport: ureq::Transport) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestNetwork(transport), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub(crate) fn rest_not_an_object( query: serde_json::Value, input_path: Vec, ) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::RestNotAnObject(query, input_path), fault: FaultSource::User } } pub(crate) fn openai_unexpected_dimension(expected: usize, got: usize) -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::OpenAiUnexpectedDimension(expected, got), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub(crate) fn missing_embedding() -> EmbedError { Self { kind: EmbedErrorKind::MissingEmbedding, fault: FaultSource::Undecided } } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("{fault}: {kind}")] pub struct NewEmbedderError { pub kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind, pub fault: FaultSource, } impl NewEmbedderError { pub fn open_config(config_filename: PathBuf, inner: std::io::Error) -> NewEmbedderError { let open_config = OpenConfig { filename: config_filename, inner }; Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::OpenConfig(open_config), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub fn deserialize_config( config: String, config_filename: PathBuf, inner: serde_json::Error, ) -> NewEmbedderError { let deserialize_config = DeserializeConfig { config, filename: config_filename, inner }; Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::DeserializeConfig(deserialize_config), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub fn open_tokenizer( tokenizer_filename: PathBuf, inner: Box, ) -> NewEmbedderError { let open_tokenizer = OpenTokenizer { filename: tokenizer_filename, inner }; Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::OpenTokenizer(open_tokenizer), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } pub fn new_api_fail(inner: ApiError) -> Self { Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::NewApiFail(inner), fault: FaultSource::Bug } } pub fn api_get(inner: ApiError) -> Self { Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::ApiGet(inner), fault: FaultSource::Undecided } } pub fn pytorch_weight(inner: candle_core::Error) -> Self { Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::PytorchWeight(inner), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub fn safetensor_weight(inner: candle_core::Error) -> Self { Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::PytorchWeight(inner), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub fn load_model(inner: candle_core::Error) -> Self { Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::LoadModel(inner), fault: FaultSource::Runtime } } pub fn could_not_determine_dimension(inner: EmbedError) -> NewEmbedderError { Self { kind: NewEmbedderErrorKind::CouldNotDetermineDimension(inner), fault: FaultSource::Runtime, } } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("could not open config at {filename:?}: {inner}")] pub struct OpenConfig { pub filename: PathBuf, pub inner: std::io::Error, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("could not deserialize config at {filename}: {inner}. Config follows:\n{config}")] pub struct DeserializeConfig { pub config: String, pub filename: PathBuf, pub inner: serde_json::Error, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] #[error("could not open tokenizer at {filename}: {inner}")] pub struct OpenTokenizer { pub filename: PathBuf, #[source] pub inner: Box, } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum NewEmbedderErrorKind { // hf #[error(transparent)] OpenConfig(OpenConfig), #[error(transparent)] DeserializeConfig(DeserializeConfig), #[error(transparent)] OpenTokenizer(OpenTokenizer), #[error("could not build weights from Pytorch weights: {0}")] PytorchWeight(candle_core::Error), #[error("could not build weights from Safetensor weights: {0}")] SafetensorWeight(candle_core::Error), #[error("could not spawn HG_HUB API client: {0}")] NewApiFail(ApiError), #[error("fetching file from HG_HUB failed: {0}")] ApiGet(ApiError), #[error("could not determine model dimensions: test embedding failed with {0}")] CouldNotDetermineDimension(EmbedError), #[error("loading model failed: {0}")] LoadModel(candle_core::Error), } pub struct PossibleEmbeddingMistakes { vectors_mistakes: BTreeMap, } impl PossibleEmbeddingMistakes { pub fn new(field_distribution: &FieldDistribution) -> Self { let mut vectors_mistakes = BTreeMap::new(); let builder = levenshtein_automata::LevenshteinAutomatonBuilder::new(2, true); let automata = builder.build_dfa("_vectors"); for (field, count) in field_distribution { if *count == 0 { continue; } if field.contains('.') { continue; } match automata.eval(field) { levenshtein_automata::Distance::Exact(0) => continue, levenshtein_automata::Distance::Exact(_) => { vectors_mistakes.insert(field.to_string(), *count); } levenshtein_automata::Distance::AtLeast(_) => continue, } } Self { vectors_mistakes } } pub fn vector_mistakes(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.vectors_mistakes.iter().map(|(misspelling, count)| (misspelling.as_str(), *count)) } pub fn embedder_mistakes<'a>( &'a self, embedder_name: &'a str, unused_vectors_distributions: &'a UnusedVectorsDistribution, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { let builder = levenshtein_automata::LevenshteinAutomatonBuilder::new(2, true); let automata = builder.build_dfa(embedder_name); unused_vectors_distributions.0.iter().filter_map(move |(field, count)| { match automata.eval(field) { levenshtein_automata::Distance::Exact(0) => None, levenshtein_automata::Distance::Exact(_) => Some((field.as_str(), *count)), levenshtein_automata::Distance::AtLeast(_) => None, } }) } } #[derive(Default)] pub struct UnusedVectorsDistribution(BTreeMap); impl UnusedVectorsDistribution { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } pub fn append(&mut self, parsed_vectors_diff: ParsedVectorsDiff) { for name in parsed_vectors_diff.into_new_vectors_keys_iter() { *self.0.entry(name).or_default() += 1; } } }