use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fmt::Debug; use std::ops::Bound::{self, Included, Excluded}; use std::str::FromStr; use anyhow::Context; use either::Either; use heed::types::{ByteSlice, DecodeIgnore}; use log::debug; use num_traits::Bounded; use pest::error::{Error as PestError, ErrorVariant}; use pest::iterators::{Pair, Pairs}; use pest::Parser; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use crate::facet::FacetType; use crate::heed_codec::facet::FacetValueStringCodec; use crate::heed_codec::facet::{FacetLevelValueI64Codec, FacetLevelValueF64Codec}; use crate::{Index, FieldId, FieldsIdsMap, CboRoaringBitmapCodec}; use super::FacetRange; use super::parser::Rule; use super::parser::{PREC_CLIMBER, FilterParser}; use self::FacetCondition::*; use self::FacetNumberOperator::*; #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum FacetNumberOperator { GreaterThan(T), GreaterThanOrEqual(T), Equal(T), NotEqual(T), LowerThan(T), LowerThanOrEqual(T), Between(T, T), } impl FacetNumberOperator { /// This method can return two operations in case it must express /// an OR operation for the between case (i.e. `TO`). fn negate(self) -> (Self, Option) { match self { GreaterThan(x) => (LowerThanOrEqual(x), None), GreaterThanOrEqual(x) => (LowerThan(x), None), Equal(x) => (NotEqual(x), None), NotEqual(x) => (Equal(x), None), LowerThan(x) => (GreaterThanOrEqual(x), None), LowerThanOrEqual(x) => (GreaterThan(x), None), Between(x, y) => (LowerThan(x), Some(GreaterThan(y))), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum FacetStringOperator { Equal(String), NotEqual(String), } impl FacetStringOperator { fn equal(s: &str) -> Self { FacetStringOperator::Equal(s.to_lowercase()) } #[allow(dead_code)] fn not_equal(s: &str) -> Self { FacetStringOperator::equal(s).negate() } fn negate(self) -> Self { match self { FacetStringOperator::Equal(x) => FacetStringOperator::NotEqual(x), FacetStringOperator::NotEqual(x) => FacetStringOperator::Equal(x), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)] pub enum FacetCondition { OperatorI64(FieldId, FacetNumberOperator), OperatorF64(FieldId, FacetNumberOperator), OperatorString(FieldId, FacetStringOperator), Or(Box, Box), And(Box, Box), } fn get_field_id_facet_type<'a>( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, items: &mut Pairs<'a, Rule>, ) -> Result<(FieldId, FacetType), PestError> { // lexing ensures that we at least have a key let key =; let field_id = fields_ids_map .id(key.as_str()) .ok_or_else(|| { PestError::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: format!( "attribute `{}` not found, available attributes are: {}", key.as_str(), fields_ids_map.iter().map(|(_, n)| n).collect::>().join(", ") ), }, key.as_span(), ) })?; let facet_type = faceted_fields .get(&field_id) .copied() .ok_or_else(|| { PestError::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: format!( "attribute `{}` is not faceted, available faceted attributes are: {}", key.as_str(), faceted_fields.keys().flat_map(|id|*id)).collect::>().join(", ") ), }, key.as_span(), ) })?; Ok((field_id, facet_type)) } fn pest_parse(pair: Pair) -> Result> where T: FromStr, T::Err: ToString, { match pair.as_str().parse() { Ok(value) => Ok(value), Err(e) => { Err(PestError::::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: e.to_string() }, pair.as_span(), )) } } } impl FacetCondition { pub fn from_array( rtxn: &heed::RoTxn, index: &Index, array: I, ) -> anyhow::Result> where I: IntoIterator>, J: IntoIterator, A: AsRef, B: AsRef, { fn facet_condition( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, key: &str, value: &str, ) -> anyhow::Result { let fid =|| { format!("{:?} must isn't part of the fields ids map", key) })?; let ftype = faceted_fields.get(key).copied().with_context(|| { format!("{:?} must isn't a faceted field", key) })?; let (neg, value) = match value.trim().strip_prefix('-') { Some(value) => (true, value.trim()), None => (false, value.trim()), }; let operator = match ftype { FacetType::String => OperatorString(fid, FacetStringOperator::equal(value)), FacetType::Float => OperatorF64(fid, FacetNumberOperator::Equal(value.parse()?)), FacetType::Integer => OperatorI64(fid, FacetNumberOperator::Equal(value.parse()?)), }; if neg { Ok(operator.negate()) } else { Ok(operator) } } let fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let faceted_fields = index.faceted_fields(rtxn)?; let mut ands = None; for either in array { match either { Either::Left(array) => { let mut ors = None; for rule in array { let mut iter = rule.as_ref().splitn(2, ':'); let key ="missing facet condition key")?; let value ="missing facet condition value")?; let condition = facet_condition(&fields_ids_map, &faceted_fields, key, value)?; ors = match ors.take() { Some(ors) => Some(Or(Box::new(ors), Box::new(condition))), None => Some(condition), }; } if let Some(rule) = ors { ands = match ands.take() { Some(ands) => Some(And(Box::new(ands), Box::new(rule))), None => Some(rule), }; } }, Either::Right(rule) => { let mut iter = rule.as_ref().splitn(2, ':'); let key ="missing facet condition key")?; let value ="missing facet condition value")?; let condition = facet_condition(&fields_ids_map, &faceted_fields, key, value)?; ands = match ands.take() { Some(ands) => Some(And(Box::new(ands), Box::new(condition))), None => Some(condition), }; } } } Ok(ands) } pub fn from_str( rtxn: &heed::RoTxn, index: &Index, expression: &str, ) -> anyhow::Result { let fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let faceted_fields = index.faceted_fields_ids(rtxn)?; let lexed = FilterParser::parse(Rule::prgm, expression)?; FacetCondition::from_pairs(&fields_ids_map, &faceted_fields, lexed) } fn from_pairs( fim: &FieldsIdsMap, ff: &HashMap, expression: Pairs, ) -> anyhow::Result { PREC_CLIMBER.climb( expression, |pair: Pair| match pair.as_rule() { Rule::greater => Ok(Self::greater_than(fim, ff, pair)?), Rule::geq => Ok(Self::greater_than_or_equal(fim, ff, pair)?), Rule::eq => Ok(Self::equal(fim, ff, pair)?), Rule::neq => Ok(Self::equal(fim, ff, pair)?.negate()), Rule::leq => Ok(Self::lower_than_or_equal(fim, ff, pair)?), Rule::less => Ok(Self::lower_than(fim, ff, pair)?), Rule::between => Ok(Self::between(fim, ff, pair)?), Rule::not => Ok(Self::from_pairs(fim, ff, pair.into_inner())?.negate()), Rule::prgm => Self::from_pairs(fim, ff, pair.into_inner()), Rule::term => Self::from_pairs(fim, ff, pair.into_inner()), _ => unreachable!(), }, |lhs: anyhow::Result, op: Pair, rhs: anyhow::Result| { match op.as_rule() { Rule::or => Ok(Or(Box::new(lhs?), Box::new(rhs?))), Rule::and => Ok(And(Box::new(lhs?), Box::new(rhs?))), _ => unreachable!(), } }, ) } fn negate(self) -> FacetCondition { match self { OperatorI64(fid, op) => match op.negate() { (op, None) => OperatorI64(fid, op), (a, Some(b)) => Or(Box::new(OperatorI64(fid, a)), Box::new(OperatorI64(fid, b))), }, OperatorF64(fid, op) => match op.negate() { (op, None) => OperatorF64(fid, op), (a, Some(b)) => Or(Box::new(OperatorF64(fid, a)), Box::new(OperatorF64(fid, b))), }, OperatorString(fid, op) => OperatorString(fid, op.negate()), Or(a, b) => And(Box::new(a.negate()), Box::new(b.negate())), And(a, b) => Or(Box::new(a.negate()), Box::new(b.negate())), } } fn between( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, item: Pair, ) -> anyhow::Result { let item_span = item.as_span(); let mut items = item.into_inner(); let (fid, ftype) = get_field_id_facet_type(fields_ids_map, faceted_fields, &mut items)?; let lvalue =; let rvalue =; match ftype { FacetType::Integer => { let lvalue = pest_parse(lvalue)?; let rvalue = pest_parse(rvalue)?; Ok(OperatorI64(fid, Between(lvalue, rvalue))) }, FacetType::Float => { let lvalue = pest_parse(lvalue)?; let rvalue = pest_parse(rvalue)?; Ok(OperatorF64(fid, Between(lvalue, rvalue))) }, FacetType::String => { Err(PestError::::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: "invalid operator on a faceted string".to_string(), }, item_span, ).into()) }, } } fn equal( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, item: Pair, ) -> anyhow::Result { let mut items = item.into_inner(); let (fid, ftype) = get_field_id_facet_type(fields_ids_map, faceted_fields, &mut items)?; let value =; match ftype { FacetType::Integer => Ok(OperatorI64(fid, Equal(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::Float => Ok(OperatorF64(fid, Equal(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::String => Ok(OperatorString(fid, FacetStringOperator::equal(value.as_str()))), } } fn greater_than( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, item: Pair, ) -> anyhow::Result { let item_span = item.as_span(); let mut items = item.into_inner(); let (fid, ftype) = get_field_id_facet_type(fields_ids_map, faceted_fields, &mut items)?; let value =; match ftype { FacetType::Integer => Ok(OperatorI64(fid, GreaterThan(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::Float => Ok(OperatorF64(fid, GreaterThan(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::String => { Err(PestError::::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: "invalid operator on a faceted string".to_string(), }, item_span, ).into()) }, } } fn greater_than_or_equal( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, item: Pair, ) -> anyhow::Result { let item_span = item.as_span(); let mut items = item.into_inner(); let (fid, ftype) = get_field_id_facet_type(fields_ids_map, faceted_fields, &mut items)?; let value =; match ftype { FacetType::Integer => Ok(OperatorI64(fid, GreaterThanOrEqual(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::Float => Ok(OperatorF64(fid, GreaterThanOrEqual(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::String => { Err(PestError::::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: "invalid operator on a faceted string".to_string(), }, item_span, ).into()) }, } } fn lower_than( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, item: Pair, ) -> anyhow::Result { let item_span = item.as_span(); let mut items = item.into_inner(); let (fid, ftype) = get_field_id_facet_type(fields_ids_map, faceted_fields, &mut items)?; let value =; match ftype { FacetType::Integer => Ok(OperatorI64(fid, LowerThan(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::Float => Ok(OperatorF64(fid, LowerThan(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::String => { Err(PestError::::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: "invalid operator on a faceted string".to_string(), }, item_span, ).into()) }, } } fn lower_than_or_equal( fields_ids_map: &FieldsIdsMap, faceted_fields: &HashMap, item: Pair, ) -> anyhow::Result { let item_span = item.as_span(); let mut items = item.into_inner(); let (fid, ftype) = get_field_id_facet_type(fields_ids_map, faceted_fields, &mut items)?; let value =; match ftype { FacetType::Integer => Ok(OperatorI64(fid, LowerThanOrEqual(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::Float => Ok(OperatorF64(fid, LowerThanOrEqual(pest_parse(value)?))), FacetType::String => { Err(PestError::::new_from_span( ErrorVariant::CustomError { message: "invalid operator on a faceted string".to_string(), }, item_span, ).into()) }, } } } impl FacetCondition { /// Aggregates the documents ids that are part of the specified range automatically /// going deeper through the levels. fn explore_facet_levels<'t, T: 't, KC>( rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn, db: heed::Database, field_id: FieldId, level: u8, left: Bound, right: Bound, output: &mut RoaringBitmap, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> where T: Copy + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Bounded + Debug, KC: heed::BytesDecode<'t, DItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, KC: for<'x> heed::BytesEncode<'x, EItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, { match (left, right) { // If the request is an exact value we must go directly to the deepest level. (Included(l), Included(r)) if l == r && level > 0 => { return Self::explore_facet_levels::(rtxn, db, field_id, 0, left, right, output); }, // lower TO upper when lower > upper must return no result (Included(l), Included(r)) if l > r => return Ok(()), (Included(l), Excluded(r)) if l >= r => return Ok(()), (Excluded(l), Excluded(r)) if l >= r => return Ok(()), (Excluded(l), Included(r)) if l >= r => return Ok(()), (_, _) => (), } let mut left_found = None; let mut right_found = None; // We must create a custom iterator to be able to iterate over the // requested range as the range iterator cannot express some conditions. let iter = FacetRange::new(rtxn, db.remap_key_type::(), field_id, level, left, right)?; debug!("Iterating between {:?} and {:?} (level {})", left, right, level); for (i, result) in iter.enumerate() { let ((_fid, level, l, r), docids) = result?; debug!("{:?} to {:?} (level {}) found {} documents", l, r, level, docids.len()); output.union_with(&docids); // We save the leftest and rightest bounds we actually found at this level. if i == 0 { left_found = Some(l); } right_found = Some(r); } // Can we go deeper? let deeper_level = match level.checked_sub(1) { Some(level) => level, None => return Ok(()), }; // We must refine the left and right bounds of this range by retrieving the // missing part in a deeper level. match { Some((left_found, right_found)) => { // If the bound is satisfied we avoid calling this function again. if !matches!(left, Included(l) if l == left_found) { let sub_right = Excluded(left_found); debug!("calling left with {:?} to {:?} (level {})", left, sub_right, deeper_level); Self::explore_facet_levels::(rtxn, db, field_id, deeper_level, left, sub_right, output)?; } if !matches!(right, Included(r) if r == right_found) { let sub_left = Excluded(right_found); debug!("calling right with {:?} to {:?} (level {})", sub_left, right, deeper_level); Self::explore_facet_levels::(rtxn, db, field_id, deeper_level, sub_left, right, output)?; } }, None => { // If we found nothing at this level it means that we must find // the same bounds but at a deeper, more precise level. Self::explore_facet_levels::(rtxn, db, field_id, deeper_level, left, right, output)?; }, } Ok(()) } fn evaluate_number_operator<'t, T: 't, KC>( rtxn: &'t heed::RoTxn, index: &Index, db: heed::Database, field_id: FieldId, operator: FacetNumberOperator, ) -> anyhow::Result where T: Copy + PartialEq + PartialOrd + Bounded + Debug, KC: heed::BytesDecode<'t, DItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, KC: for<'x> heed::BytesEncode<'x, EItem = (u8, u8, T, T)>, { // Make sure we always bound the ranges with the field id and the level, // as the facets values are all in the same database and prefixed by the // field id and the level. let (left, right) = match operator { GreaterThan(val) => (Excluded(val), Included(T::max_value())), GreaterThanOrEqual(val) => (Included(val), Included(T::max_value())), Equal(val) => (Included(val), Included(val)), NotEqual(val) => { let all_documents_ids = index.faceted_documents_ids(rtxn, field_id)?; let docids = Self::evaluate_number_operator::(rtxn, index, db, field_id, Equal(val))?; return Ok(all_documents_ids - docids); }, LowerThan(val) => (Included(T::min_value()), Excluded(val)), LowerThanOrEqual(val) => (Included(T::min_value()), Included(val)), Between(left, right) => (Included(left), Included(right)), }; // Ask for the biggest value that can exist for this specific field, if it exists // that's fine if it don't, the value just before will be returned instead. let biggest_level = db .remap_types::() .get_lower_than_or_equal_to(rtxn, &(field_id, u8::MAX, T::max_value(), T::max_value()))? .and_then(|((id, level, _, _), _)| if id == field_id { Some(level) } else { None }); match biggest_level { Some(level) => { let mut output = RoaringBitmap::new(); Self::explore_facet_levels::(rtxn, db, field_id, level, left, right, &mut output)?; Ok(output) }, None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()), } } fn evaluate_string_operator( rtxn: &heed::RoTxn, index: &Index, db: heed::Database, field_id: FieldId, operator: &FacetStringOperator, ) -> anyhow::Result { match operator { FacetStringOperator::Equal(string) => { match db.get(rtxn, &(field_id, string))? { Some(docids) => Ok(docids), None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()) } }, FacetStringOperator::NotEqual(string) => { let all_documents_ids = index.faceted_documents_ids(rtxn, field_id)?; let op = FacetStringOperator::Equal(string.clone()); let docids = Self::evaluate_string_operator(rtxn, index, db, field_id, &op)?; Ok(all_documents_ids - docids) }, } } pub fn evaluate( &self, rtxn: &heed::RoTxn, index: &Index, ) -> anyhow::Result { let db = index.facet_field_id_value_docids; match self { OperatorI64(fid, op) => { Self::evaluate_number_operator::(rtxn, index, db, *fid, *op) }, OperatorF64(fid, op) => { Self::evaluate_number_operator::(rtxn, index, db, *fid, *op) }, OperatorString(fid, op) => { let db = db.remap_key_type::(); Self::evaluate_string_operator(rtxn, index, db, *fid, op) }, Or(lhs, rhs) => { let lhs = lhs.evaluate(rtxn, index)?; let rhs = rhs.evaluate(rtxn, index)?; Ok(lhs | rhs) }, And(lhs, rhs) => { let lhs = lhs.evaluate(rtxn, index)?; let rhs = rhs.evaluate(rtxn, index)?; Ok(lhs & rhs) }, } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::update::Settings; use heed::EnvOpenOptions; use maplit::hashmap; #[test] fn string() { let path = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 10 MB let index = Index::new(options, &path).unwrap(); // Set the faceted fields to be the channel. let mut wtxn = index.write_txn().unwrap(); let mut builder = Settings::new(&mut wtxn, &index); builder.set_faceted_fields(hashmap!{ "channel".into() => "string".into() }); builder.execute(|_| ()).unwrap(); wtxn.commit().unwrap(); // Test that the facet condition is correctly generated. let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "channel = ponce").unwrap(); let expected = OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::equal("Ponce")); assert_eq!(condition, expected); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "channel != ponce").unwrap(); let expected = OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::not_equal("ponce")); assert_eq!(condition, expected); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "NOT channel = ponce").unwrap(); let expected = OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::not_equal("ponce")); assert_eq!(condition, expected); } #[test] fn i64() { let path = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 10 MB let index = Index::new(options, &path).unwrap(); // Set the faceted fields to be the channel. let mut wtxn = index.write_txn().unwrap(); let mut builder = Settings::new(&mut wtxn, &index); builder.set_faceted_fields(hashmap!{ "timestamp".into() => "integer".into() }); builder.execute(|_| ()).unwrap(); wtxn.commit().unwrap(); // Test that the facet condition is correctly generated. let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "timestamp 22 TO 44").unwrap(); let expected = OperatorI64(0, Between(22, 44)); assert_eq!(condition, expected); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str(&rtxn, &index, "NOT timestamp 22 TO 44").unwrap(); let expected = Or( Box::new(OperatorI64(0, LowerThan(22))), Box::new(OperatorI64(0, GreaterThan(44))), ); assert_eq!(condition, expected); } #[test] fn parentheses() { let path = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 10 MB let index = Index::new(options, &path).unwrap(); // Set the faceted fields to be the channel. let mut wtxn = index.write_txn().unwrap(); let mut builder = Settings::new(&mut wtxn, &index); builder.set_searchable_fields(vec!["channel".into(), "timestamp".into()]); // to keep the fields order builder.set_faceted_fields(hashmap!{ "channel".into() => "string".into(), "timestamp".into() => "integer".into(), }); builder.execute(|_| ()).unwrap(); wtxn.commit().unwrap(); // Test that the facet condition is correctly generated. let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str( &rtxn, &index, "channel = gotaga OR (timestamp 22 TO 44 AND channel != ponce)", ).unwrap(); let expected = Or( Box::new(OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::equal("gotaga"))), Box::new(And( Box::new(OperatorI64(1, Between(22, 44))), Box::new(OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::not_equal("ponce"))), )) ); assert_eq!(condition, expected); let condition = FacetCondition::from_str( &rtxn, &index, "channel = gotaga OR NOT (timestamp 22 TO 44 AND channel != ponce)", ).unwrap(); let expected = Or( Box::new(OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::equal("gotaga"))), Box::new(Or( Box::new(Or( Box::new(OperatorI64(1, LowerThan(22))), Box::new(OperatorI64(1, GreaterThan(44))), )), Box::new(OperatorString(0, FacetStringOperator::equal("ponce"))), )), ); assert_eq!(condition, expected); } #[test] fn from_array() { let path = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024); // 10 MB let index = Index::new(options, &path).unwrap(); // Set the faceted fields to be the channel. let mut wtxn = index.write_txn().unwrap(); let mut builder = Settings::new(&mut wtxn, &index); builder.set_searchable_fields(vec!["channel".into(), "timestamp".into()]); // to keep the fields order builder.set_faceted_fields(hashmap!{ "channel".into() => "string".into(), "timestamp".into() => "integer".into(), }); builder.execute(|_| ()).unwrap(); wtxn.commit().unwrap(); // Test that the facet condition is correctly generated. let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let condition = FacetCondition::from_array( &rtxn, &index, vec![Either::Right("channel:gotaga"), Either::Left(vec!["timestamp:44", "channel:-ponce"])], ).unwrap().unwrap(); let expected = FacetCondition::from_str( &rtxn, &index, "channel = gotaga AND (timestamp = 44 OR channel != ponce)", ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(condition, expected); } }