use std::{env, thread}; use actix_cors::Cors; use actix_web::{middleware, HttpServer}; use log::info; use main_error::MainError; use meilisearch_http::data::Data; use meilisearch_http::option::Opt; use meilisearch_http::{create_app, index_update_callback}; use structopt::StructOpt; mod analytics; #[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc; #[actix_rt::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), MainError> { let opt = Opt::from_args(); // let local = tokio::task::LocalSet::new(); // let _sys = actix_rt::System::run_in_tokio("server", &local); match opt.env.as_ref() { "production" => { if opt.master_key.is_none() { return Err( "In production mode, the environment variable MEILI_MASTER_KEY is mandatory" .into(), ); } } "development" => { env_logger::from_env(env_logger::Env::default().default_filter_or("info")).init(); } _ => unreachable!(), } if !opt.no_analytics { thread::spawn(analytics::analytics_sender); } let data = Data::new(opt.clone()); let data_cloned = data.clone(); data.db.set_update_callback(Box::new(move |name, status| { index_update_callback(name, &data_cloned, status); })); print_launch_resume(&opt, &data); HttpServer::new(move || { create_app(&data) .wrap( Cors::new() .send_wildcard() .allowed_header("x-meili-api-key") .finish(), ) .wrap(middleware::Logger::default()) .wrap(middleware::Compress::default()) }) .bind(opt.http_addr)? .run() .await?; Ok(()) } pub fn print_launch_resume(opt: &Opt, data: &Data) { let ascii_name = r#" 888b d888 d8b 888 d8b .d8888b. 888 8888b d8888 Y8P 888 Y8P d88P Y88b 888 88888b.d88888 888 Y88b. 888 888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888 888 888 "Y888b. .d88b. 8888b. 888d888 .d8888b 88888b. 888 Y888P 888 d8P Y8b 888 888 888 "Y88b. d8P Y8b "88b 888P" d88P" 888 "88b 888 Y8P 888 88888888 888 888 888 "888 88888888 .d888888 888 888 888 888 888 " 888 Y8b. 888 888 888 Y88b d88P Y8b. 888 888 888 Y88b. 888 888 888 888 "Y8888 888 888 888 "Y8888P" "Y8888 "Y888888 888 "Y8888P 888 888 "#; info!("{}", ascii_name); info!("Database path: {:?}", opt.db_path); info!("Start server on: {:?}", opt.http_addr); info!("Environment: {:?}", opt.env); info!("Commit SHA: {:?}", env!("VERGEN_SHA").to_string()); info!( "Build date: {:?}", env!("VERGEN_BUILD_TIMESTAMP").to_string() ); info!( "Package version: {:?}", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string() ); if let Some(master_key) = &data.api_keys.master { info!("Master Key: {:?}", master_key); if let Some(private_key) = &data.api_keys.private { info!("Private Key: {:?}", private_key); } if let Some(public_key) = &data.api_keys.public { info!("Public Key: {:?}", public_key); } } else { info!("No master key found; The server will have no securities.\ If you need some protection in development mode, please export a key. export MEILI_MASTER_KEY=xxx"); } info!("If you need extra information; Please refer to the documentation:"); info!("If you want to support us or help us; Please consult our Github repo:"); info!("If you want to contact us; Please chat with us on or by email to"); }