use std::sync::Arc; use actix_web::http::header::ContentType; use actix_web::http::StatusCode; use actix_web::test; use actix_web::test::TestRequest; use index_scheduler::IndexScheduler; use meilisearch::{analytics, create_app, Opt}; use meilisearch_auth::AuthController; use serde_json::Value; use crate::common::encoder::Encoder; pub struct Service { pub index_scheduler: Arc<IndexScheduler>, pub auth: Arc<AuthController>, pub options: Opt, pub api_key: Option<String>, } impl Service { pub async fn post(&self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: Value) -> (Value, StatusCode) { self.post_encoded(url, body, Encoder::Plain).await } pub async fn post_encoded( &self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: Value, encoder: Encoder, ) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let mut req = test::TestRequest::post().uri(url.as_ref()); req = self.encode(req, body, encoder); self.request(req).await } /// Send a test post request from a text body. pub async fn post_str( &self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: impl AsRef<str>, headers: Vec<(&str, &str)>, ) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let mut req = test::TestRequest::post().uri(url.as_ref()).set_payload(body.as_ref().to_string()); for header in headers { req = req.insert_header(header); } self.request(req).await } pub async fn get(&self, url: impl AsRef<str>) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let req = test::TestRequest::get().uri(url.as_ref()); self.request(req).await } pub async fn put(&self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: Value) -> (Value, StatusCode) { self.put_encoded(url, body, Encoder::Plain).await } /// Send a test put request from a text body. pub async fn put_str( &self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: impl AsRef<str>, headers: Vec<(&str, &str)>, ) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let mut req = test::TestRequest::put().uri(url.as_ref()).set_payload(body.as_ref().to_string()); for header in headers { req = req.insert_header(header); } self.request(req).await } pub async fn put_encoded( &self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: Value, encoder: Encoder, ) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let mut req = test::TestRequest::put().uri(url.as_ref()); req = self.encode(req, body, encoder); self.request(req).await } pub async fn patch(&self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: Value) -> (Value, StatusCode) { self.patch_encoded(url, body, Encoder::Plain).await } pub async fn patch_encoded( &self, url: impl AsRef<str>, body: Value, encoder: Encoder, ) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let mut req = test::TestRequest::patch().uri(url.as_ref()); req = self.encode(req, body, encoder); self.request(req).await } pub async fn delete(&self, url: impl AsRef<str>) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let req = test::TestRequest::delete().uri(url.as_ref()); self.request(req).await } pub async fn request(&self, mut req: test::TestRequest) -> (Value, StatusCode) { let app = test::init_service(create_app( self.index_scheduler.clone().into(), self.auth.clone().into(), self.options.clone(), analytics::MockAnalytics::new(&self.options), true, )) .await; if let Some(api_key) = &self.api_key { req = req.insert_header(("Authorization", ["Bearer ", api_key].concat())); } let req = req.to_request(); let res = test::call_service(&app, req).await; let status_code = res.status(); let body = test::read_body(res).await; let response = serde_json::from_slice(&body).unwrap_or_default(); (response, status_code) } fn encode(&self, req: TestRequest, body: Value, encoder: Encoder) -> TestRequest { let bytes = serde_json::to_string(&body).expect("Failed to serialize test data to json"); let encoded_body = encoder.encode(bytes); let header = encoder.header(); match header { Some(header) => req.insert_header(header), None => req, } .set_payload(encoded_body) .insert_header(ContentType::json()) } }