/// the map size to use when we don't succeed in reading it in indexes. const DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE: usize = 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 10 GiB use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::path::Path; use std::time::Duration; use meilisearch_types::heed::{EnvClosingEvent, EnvFlags, EnvOpenOptions}; use meilisearch_types::milli::Index; use time::OffsetDateTime; use uuid::Uuid; use super::IndexStatus::{self, Available, BeingDeleted, Closing, Missing}; use crate::lru::{InsertionOutcome, LruMap}; use crate::{clamp_to_page_size, Result}; /// Keep an internally consistent view of the open indexes in memory. /// /// This view is made of an LRU cache that will evict the least frequently used indexes when new indexes are opened. /// Indexes that are being closed (for resizing or due to cache eviction) or deleted cannot be evicted from the cache and /// are stored separately. /// /// This view provides operations to change the state of the index as it is known in memory: /// open an index (making it available for queries), close an index (specifying the new size it should be opened with), /// delete an index. /// /// External consistency with the other bits of data of an index is provided by the `IndexMapper` parent structure. pub struct IndexMap { /// A LRU map of indexes that are in the open state and available for queries. available: LruMap, /// A map of indexes that are not available for queries, either because they are being deleted /// or because they are being closed. /// /// If they are being deleted, the UUID points to `None`. unavailable: BTreeMap>, /// A monotonically increasing generation number, used to differentiate between multiple successive index closing requests. /// /// Because multiple readers could be waiting on an index to close, the following could theoretically happen: /// /// 1. Multiple readers wait for the index closing to occur. /// 2. One of them "wins the race", takes the lock and then removes the index that finished closing from the map. /// 3. The index is reopened, but must be closed again (such as being resized again). /// 4. One reader that "lost the race" in (2) wakes up and tries to take the lock and remove the index from the map. /// /// In that situation, the index may or may not have finished closing. The `generation` field allows to remember which /// closing request was made, so the reader that "lost the race" has the old generation and will need to wait again for the index /// to close. generation: usize, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ClosingIndex { uuid: Uuid, closing_event: EnvClosingEvent, enable_mdb_writemap: bool, map_size: usize, generation: usize, } impl ClosingIndex { /// Waits for the index to be definitely closed. /// /// To avoid blocking, users should relinquish their locks to the IndexMap before calling this function. /// /// After the index is physically closed, the in memory map must still be updated to take this into account. /// To do so, a `ReopenableIndex` is returned, that can be used to either definitely close or definitely open /// the index without waiting anymore. pub fn wait_timeout(self, timeout: Duration) -> Option { self.closing_event.wait_timeout(timeout).then_some(ReopenableIndex { uuid: self.uuid, enable_mdb_writemap: self.enable_mdb_writemap, map_size: self.map_size, generation: self.generation, }) } } pub struct ReopenableIndex { uuid: Uuid, enable_mdb_writemap: bool, map_size: usize, generation: usize, } impl ReopenableIndex { /// Attempts to reopen the index, which can result in the index being reopened again or not /// (e.g. if another thread already opened and closed the index again). /// /// Use get again on the IndexMap to get the updated status. /// /// Fails if the underlying index creation fails. /// /// # Status table /// /// | Previous Status | New Status | /// |-----------------|----------------------------------------------| /// | Missing | Missing | /// | BeingDeleted | BeingDeleted | /// | Closing | Available or Closing depending on generation | /// | Available | Available | /// pub fn reopen(self, map: &mut IndexMap, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { if let Closing(reopen) = map.get(&self.uuid) { if reopen.generation != self.generation { return Ok(()); } map.unavailable.remove(&self.uuid); map.create(&self.uuid, path, None, self.enable_mdb_writemap, self.map_size)?; } Ok(()) } /// Attempts to close the index, which may or may not result in the index being closed /// (e.g. if another thread already reopened the index again). /// /// Use get again on the IndexMap to get the updated status. /// /// # Status table /// /// | Previous Status | New Status | /// |-----------------|--------------------------------------------| /// | Missing | Missing | /// | BeingDeleted | BeingDeleted | /// | Closing | Missing or Closing depending on generation | /// | Available | Available | pub fn close(self, map: &mut IndexMap) { if let Closing(reopen) = map.get(&self.uuid) { if reopen.generation != self.generation { return; } map.unavailable.remove(&self.uuid); } } } impl IndexMap { pub fn new(cap: usize) -> IndexMap { Self { unavailable: Default::default(), available: LruMap::new(cap), generation: 0 } } /// Gets the current status of an index in the map. /// /// If the index is available it can be accessed from the returned status. pub fn get(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> IndexStatus { self.available .get(uuid) .map(|index| Available(index.clone())) .unwrap_or_else(|| self.get_unavailable(uuid)) } fn get_unavailable(&self, uuid: &Uuid) -> IndexStatus { match self.unavailable.get(uuid) { Some(Some(reopen)) => Closing(reopen.clone()), Some(None) => BeingDeleted, None => Missing, } } /// Attempts to create a new index that wasn't existing before. /// /// # Status table /// /// | Previous Status | New Status | /// |-----------------|------------| /// | Missing | Available | /// | BeingDeleted | panics | /// | Closing | panics | /// | Available | panics | /// pub fn create( &mut self, uuid: &Uuid, path: &Path, date: Option<(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime)>, enable_mdb_writemap: bool, map_size: usize, ) -> Result { if !matches!(self.get_unavailable(uuid), Missing) { panic!("Attempt to open an index that was unavailable"); } let index = create_or_open_index(path, date, enable_mdb_writemap, map_size)?; match self.available.insert(*uuid, index.clone()) { InsertionOutcome::InsertedNew => (), InsertionOutcome::Evicted(evicted_uuid, evicted_index) => { self.close(evicted_uuid, evicted_index, enable_mdb_writemap, 0); } InsertionOutcome::Replaced(_) => { panic!("Attempt to open an index that was already opened") } } Ok(index) } /// Increases the current generation. See documentation for this field. /// /// In the unlikely event that the 2^64 generations would have been exhausted, we simply wrap-around. /// /// For this to cause an issue, one should be able to stop a reader in time after it got a `ReopenableIndex` and before it takes the lock /// to remove it from the unavailable map, and keep the reader in this frozen state for 2^64 closing of other indexes. /// /// This seems overwhelmingly impossible to achieve in practice. fn next_generation(&mut self) -> usize { self.generation = self.generation.wrapping_add(1); self.generation } /// Attempts to close an index. /// /// # Status table /// /// | Previous Status | New Status | /// |-----------------|---------------| /// | Missing | Missing | /// | BeingDeleted | BeingDeleted | /// | Closing | Closing | /// | Available | Closing | /// pub fn close_for_resize( &mut self, uuid: &Uuid, enable_mdb_writemap: bool, map_size_growth: usize, ) { let Some(index) = self.available.remove(uuid) else { return; }; self.close(*uuid, index, enable_mdb_writemap, map_size_growth); } fn close( &mut self, uuid: Uuid, index: Index, enable_mdb_writemap: bool, map_size_growth: usize, ) { let map_size = index.map_size().unwrap_or(DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE) + map_size_growth; let closing_event = index.prepare_for_closing(); let generation = self.next_generation(); self.unavailable.insert( uuid, Some(ClosingIndex { uuid, closing_event, enable_mdb_writemap, map_size, generation }), ); } /// Attempts to delete and index. /// /// `end_deletion` must be called just after. /// /// # Status table /// /// | Previous Status | New Status | Return value | /// |-----------------|--------------|-----------------------------| /// | Missing | BeingDeleted | Ok(None) | /// | BeingDeleted | BeingDeleted | Err(None) | /// | Closing | Closing | Err(Some(reopen)) | /// | Available | BeingDeleted | Ok(Some(env_closing_event)) | pub fn start_deletion( &mut self, uuid: &Uuid, ) -> std::result::Result, Option> { if let Some(index) = self.available.remove(uuid) { self.unavailable.insert(*uuid, None); return Ok(Some(index.prepare_for_closing())); } match self.unavailable.remove(uuid) { Some(Some(reopen)) => Err(Some(reopen)), Some(None) => Err(None), None => Ok(None), } } /// Marks that an index deletion finished. /// /// Must be used after calling `start_deletion`. /// /// # Status table /// /// | Previous Status | New Status | /// |-----------------|------------| /// | Missing | Missing | /// | BeingDeleted | Missing | /// | Closing | panics | /// | Available | panics | pub fn end_deletion(&mut self, uuid: &Uuid) { assert!( self.available.get(uuid).is_none(), "Attempt to finish deletion of an index that was not being deleted" ); // Do not panic if the index was Missing or BeingDeleted assert!( !matches!(self.unavailable.remove(uuid), Some(Some(_))), "Attempt to finish deletion of an index that was being closed" ); } } /// Create or open an index in the specified path. /// The path *must* exist or an error will be thrown. fn create_or_open_index( path: &Path, date: Option<(OffsetDateTime, OffsetDateTime)>, enable_mdb_writemap: bool, map_size: usize, ) -> Result { let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(clamp_to_page_size(map_size)); options.max_readers(1024); if enable_mdb_writemap { unsafe { options.flags(EnvFlags::WRITE_MAP) }; } if let Some((created, updated)) = date { Ok(Index::new_with_creation_dates(options, path, created, updated)?) } else { Ok(Index::new(options, path)?) } } /// Putting the tests of the LRU down there so we have access to the cache's private members #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use meilisearch_types::heed::Env; use meilisearch_types::Index; use uuid::Uuid; use super::super::IndexMapper; use crate::tests::IndexSchedulerHandle; use crate::utils::clamp_to_page_size; use crate::IndexScheduler; impl IndexMapper { fn test() -> (Self, Env, IndexSchedulerHandle) { let (index_scheduler, handle) = IndexScheduler::test(true, vec![]); (index_scheduler.index_mapper, index_scheduler.env, handle) } } fn check_first_unavailable(mapper: &IndexMapper, expected_uuid: Uuid, is_closing: bool) { let index_map = mapper.index_map.read().unwrap(); let (uuid, state) = index_map.unavailable.first_key_value().unwrap(); assert_eq!(uuid, &expected_uuid); assert_eq!(state.is_some(), is_closing); } #[test] fn evict_indexes() { let (mapper, env, _handle) = IndexMapper::test(); let mut uuids = vec![]; // LRU cap + 1 for i in 0..(5 + 1) { let index_name = format!("index-{i}"); let wtxn = env.write_txn().unwrap(); mapper.create_index(wtxn, &index_name, None).unwrap(); let txn = env.read_txn().unwrap(); uuids.push(mapper.index_mapping.get(&txn, &index_name).unwrap().unwrap()); } // index-0 was evicted check_first_unavailable(&mapper, uuids[0], true); // get back the evicted index let wtxn = env.write_txn().unwrap(); mapper.create_index(wtxn, "index-0", None).unwrap(); // Least recently used is now index-1 check_first_unavailable(&mapper, uuids[1], true); } #[test] fn resize_index() { let (mapper, env, _handle) = IndexMapper::test(); let index = mapper.create_index(env.write_txn().unwrap(), "index", None).unwrap(); assert_index_size(index, mapper.index_base_map_size); mapper.resize_index(&env.read_txn().unwrap(), "index").unwrap(); let index = mapper.create_index(env.write_txn().unwrap(), "index", None).unwrap(); assert_index_size(index, mapper.index_base_map_size + mapper.index_growth_amount); mapper.resize_index(&env.read_txn().unwrap(), "index").unwrap(); let index = mapper.create_index(env.write_txn().unwrap(), "index", None).unwrap(); assert_index_size(index, mapper.index_base_map_size + mapper.index_growth_amount * 2); } fn assert_index_size(index: Index, expected: usize) { let expected = clamp_to_page_size(expected); let index_map_size = index.map_size().unwrap(); assert_eq!(index_map_size, expected); } }