use serde_json::json; use serde_json::Value; use assert_json_diff::assert_json_include; mod common; #[actix_rt::test] async fn check_first_update_should_bring_up_processed_status_after_first_docs_addition() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); let body = json!({ "uid": "test", }); // 1. Create Index let (response, status_code) = server.create_index(body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 201); assert_eq!(response["primaryKey"], json!(null)); let dataset = include_bytes!("assets/test_set.json"); let body: Value = serde_json::from_slice(dataset).unwrap(); // 2. Index the documents from movies.json, present inside of assets directory server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 3. Fetch the status of the indexing done above. let (response, status_code) = server.get_all_updates_status().await; // 4. Verify the fetch is successful and indexing status is 'processed' assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_eq!(response[0]["status"], "processed"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn return_error_when_get_update_status_of_unexisting_index() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); // 1. Fetch the status of unexisting index. let (_, status_code) = server.get_all_updates_status().await; // 2. Verify the fetch returned 404 assert_eq!(status_code, 404); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn return_empty_when_get_update_status_of_empty_index() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); let body = json!({ "uid": "test", }); // 1. Create Index let (response, status_code) = server.create_index(body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 201); assert_eq!(response["primaryKey"], json!(null)); // 2. Fetch the status of empty index. let (response, status_code) = server.get_all_updates_status().await; // 3. Verify the fetch is successful, and no document are returned assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_eq!(response, json!([])); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn return_update_status_of_pushed_documents() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); let body = json!({ "uid": "test", }); // 1. Create Index let (response, status_code) = server.create_index(body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 201); assert_eq!(response["primaryKey"], json!(null)); let bodies = vec![ json!([{ "title": "Test", "comment": "comment test" }]), json!([{ "title": "Test1", "comment": "comment test1" }]), json!([{ "title": "Test2", "comment": "comment test2" }]), ]; let mut update_ids = Vec::new(); let mut bodies = bodies.into_iter(); let url = "/indexes/test/documents?primaryKey=title"; let (response, status_code) = server.post_request(&url,; assert_eq!(status_code, 202); let update_id = response["updateId"].as_u64().unwrap(); update_ids.push(update_id); server.wait_update_id(update_id).await; let url = "/indexes/test/documents"; for body in bodies { let (response, status_code) = server.post_request(&url, body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 202); let update_id = response["updateId"].as_u64().unwrap(); update_ids.push(update_id); } // 2. Fetch the status of index. let (response, status_code) = server.get_all_updates_status().await; // 3. Verify the fetch is successful, and updates are returned let expected = json!([{ "type": { "name": "DocumentsAddition", "number": 1, }, "updateId": update_ids[0] },{ "type": { "name": "DocumentsAddition", "number": 1, }, "updateId": update_ids[1] },{ "type": { "name": "DocumentsAddition", "number": 1, }, "updateId": update_ids[2] },]); assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_include!(actual: json!(response), expected: expected); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn return_error_if_index_does_not_exist() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); let (response, status_code) = server.get_update_status(42).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 404); assert_eq!(response["errorCode"], "index_not_found"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn return_error_if_update_does_not_exist() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); let body = json!({ "uid": "test", }); // 1. Create Index let (response, status_code) = server.create_index(body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 201); assert_eq!(response["primaryKey"], json!(null)); let (response, status_code) = server.get_update_status(42).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 404); assert_eq!(response["errorCode"], "not_found"); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn should_return_existing_update() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("test"); let body = json!({ "uid": "test", }); // 1. Create Index let (response, status_code) = server.create_index(body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 201); assert_eq!(response["primaryKey"], json!(null)); let body = json!([{ "title": "Test", "comment": "comment test" }]); let url = "/indexes/test/documents?primaryKey=title"; let (response, status_code) = server.post_request(&url, body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 202); let update_id = response["updateId"].as_u64().unwrap(); let expected = json!({ "type": { "name": "DocumentsAddition", "number": 1, }, "updateId": update_id }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_update_status(update_id).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_include!(actual: json!(response), expected: expected); }