#[cfg(test)] #[macro_use] extern crate assert_matches; #[macro_use] extern crate pest_derive; mod automaton; mod bucket_sort; mod database; mod distinct_map; mod error; mod filters; mod levenshtein; mod number; mod query_builder; mod query_tree; mod query_words_mapper; mod ranked_map; mod raw_document; mod reordered_attrs; pub mod criterion; pub mod facets; pub mod raw_indexer; pub mod serde; pub mod settings; pub mod store; pub mod update; pub use self::database::{BoxUpdateFn, Database, DatabaseOptions, MainT, UpdateT}; pub use self::error::{Error, HeedError, FstError, MResult, pest_error, FacetError}; pub use self::filters::Filter; pub use self::number::{Number, ParseNumberError}; pub use self::ranked_map::RankedMap; pub use self::raw_document::RawDocument; pub use self::store::Index; pub use self::update::{EnqueuedUpdateResult, ProcessedUpdateResult, UpdateStatus, UpdateType}; pub use meilisearch_types::{DocIndex, DocumentId, Highlight}; pub use meilisearch_schema::Schema; pub use query_words_mapper::QueryWordsMapper; use compact_arena::SmallArena; use log::{error, trace}; use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::convert::TryFrom; use crate::bucket_sort::PostingsListView; use crate::levenshtein::prefix_damerau_levenshtein; use crate::query_tree::{QueryId, QueryKind}; use crate::reordered_attrs::ReorderedAttrs; type FstSetCow<'a> = fst::Set>; type FstMapCow<'a> = fst::Map>; pub type MainWriter<'a> = heed::RwTxn<'a, MainT>; pub type MainReader = heed::RoTxn; pub type UpdateWriter<'a> = heed::RwTxn<'a, UpdateT>; pub type UpdateReader = heed::RoTxn; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub struct Document { pub id: DocumentId, pub highlights: Vec, #[cfg(test)] pub matches: Vec, } fn highlights_from_raw_document<'a, 'tag, 'txn>( raw_document: &RawDocument<'a, 'tag>, queries_kinds: &HashMap, arena: &SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>, searchable_attrs: Option<&ReorderedAttrs>, schema: &Schema, ) -> Vec { let mut highlights = Vec::new(); for bm in raw_document.bare_matches.iter() { let postings_list = &arena[bm.postings_list]; let input = postings_list.input(); let kind = &queries_kinds.get(&bm.query_index); for di in postings_list.iter() { let covered_area = match kind { Some(QueryKind::NonTolerant(query)) | Some(QueryKind::Tolerant(query)) => { let len = if query.len() > input.len() { input.len() } else { prefix_damerau_levenshtein(query.as_bytes(), input).1 }; u16::try_from(len).unwrap_or(u16::max_value()) }, _ => di.char_length, }; let attribute = searchable_attrs .and_then(|sa| sa.reverse(di.attribute)) .unwrap_or(di.attribute); let attribute = match schema.indexed_pos_to_field_id(attribute) { Some(field_id) => field_id.0, None => { error!("Cannot convert indexed_pos {} to field_id", attribute); trace!("Schema is compromized; {:?}", schema); continue } }; let highlight = Highlight { attribute, char_index: di.char_index, char_length: covered_area, }; highlights.push(highlight); } } highlights } impl Document { #[cfg(not(test))] pub fn from_highlights(id: DocumentId, highlights: &[Highlight]) -> Document { Document { id, highlights: highlights.to_owned() } } #[cfg(test)] pub fn from_highlights(id: DocumentId, highlights: &[Highlight]) -> Document { Document { id, highlights: highlights.to_owned(), matches: Vec::new() } } #[cfg(not(test))] pub fn from_raw<'a, 'tag, 'txn>( raw_document: RawDocument<'a, 'tag>, queries_kinds: &HashMap, arena: &SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>, searchable_attrs: Option<&ReorderedAttrs>, schema: &Schema, ) -> Document { let highlights = highlights_from_raw_document( &raw_document, queries_kinds, arena, searchable_attrs, schema, ); Document { id: raw_document.id, highlights } } #[cfg(test)] pub fn from_raw<'a, 'tag, 'txn>( raw_document: RawDocument<'a, 'tag>, queries_kinds: &HashMap, arena: &SmallArena<'tag, PostingsListView<'txn>>, searchable_attrs: Option<&ReorderedAttrs>, schema: &Schema, ) -> Document { use crate::bucket_sort::SimpleMatch; let highlights = highlights_from_raw_document( &raw_document, queries_kinds, arena, searchable_attrs, schema, ); let mut matches = Vec::new(); for sm in raw_document.processed_matches { let attribute = searchable_attrs .and_then(|sa| sa.reverse(sm.attribute)) .unwrap_or(sm.attribute); let attribute = match schema.indexed_pos_to_field_id(attribute) { Some(field_id) => field_id.0, None => { error!("Cannot convert indexed_pos {} to field_id", attribute); trace!("Schema is compromized; {:?}", schema); continue } }; matches.push(SimpleMatch { attribute, ..sm }); } matches.sort_unstable(); Document { id: raw_document.id, highlights, matches } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::mem; #[test] fn docindex_mem_size() { assert_eq!(mem::size_of::(), 12); } }