use std::any::TypeId; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fs; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use actix_web::http::header::USER_AGENT; use actix_web::HttpRequest; use byte_unit::Byte; use index_scheduler::IndexScheduler; use meilisearch_auth::{AuthController, AuthFilter}; use meilisearch_types::features::RuntimeTogglableFeatures; use meilisearch_types::InstanceUid; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use segment::message::{Identify, Track, User}; use segment::{AutoBatcher, Batcher, HttpClient}; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::{json, Value}; use sysinfo::{Disks, System}; use time::OffsetDateTime; use tokio::select; use tokio::sync::mpsc::{self, Receiver, Sender}; use uuid::Uuid; use super::{config_user_id_path, Aggregate, MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH}; use crate::option::{ default_http_addr, IndexerOpts, LogMode, MaxMemory, MaxThreads, ScheduleSnapshot, }; use crate::routes::{create_all_stats, Stats}; use crate::Opt; const ANALYTICS_HEADER: &str = "X-Meilisearch-Client"; /// Write the instance-uid in the `` and in `~/.config/MeiliSearch/path-to-db-instance-uid`. Ignore the errors. fn write_user_id(db_path: &Path, user_id: &InstanceUid) { let _ = fs::write(db_path.join("instance-uid"), user_id.to_string()); if let Some((meilisearch_config_path, user_id_path)) = MEILISEARCH_CONFIG_PATH.as_ref().zip(config_user_id_path(db_path)) { let _ = fs::create_dir_all(meilisearch_config_path); let _ = fs::write(user_id_path, user_id.to_string()); } } const SEGMENT_API_KEY: &str = "P3FWhhEsJiEDCuEHpmcN9DHcK4hVfBvb"; pub fn extract_user_agents(request: &HttpRequest) -> HashSet { request .headers() .get(ANALYTICS_HEADER) .or_else(|| request.headers().get(USER_AGENT)) .and_then(|header| header.to_str().ok()) .unwrap_or("unknown") .split(';') .map(str::trim) .map(ToString::to_string) .collect() } pub struct Message { // Since the type_id is solved statically we cannot retrieve it from the Box. // Thus we have to send it in the message directly. type_id: TypeId, // Same for the aggregate function. #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] aggregator_function: fn(Box, Box) -> Option>, event: Event, } pub struct Event { original: Box, timestamp: OffsetDateTime, user_agents: HashSet, total: usize, } /// This function should always be called on the same type. If `this` and `other` /// aren't the same type the function will do nothing and return `None`. fn downcast_aggregate( old: Box, new: Box, ) -> Option> { if && { // Both the two following lines cannot fail, but just to be sure we don't crash, we're still avoiding unwrapping let this = old.downcast::().ok()?; let other = new.downcast::().ok()?; Some(ConcreteType::aggregate(this, other)) } else { None } } impl Message { pub fn new(event: T, request: &HttpRequest) -> Self { Self { type_id: TypeId::of::(), event: Event { original: Box::new(event), timestamp: OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), user_agents: extract_user_agents(request), total: 1, }, aggregator_function: downcast_aggregate::, } } } pub struct SegmentAnalytics { pub instance_uid: InstanceUid, pub user: User, pub sender: Sender, } impl SegmentAnalytics { #[allow(clippy::new_ret_no_self)] pub async fn new( opt: &Opt, index_scheduler: Arc, auth_controller: Arc, ) -> Option> { let instance_uid = super::find_user_id(&opt.db_path); let first_time_run = instance_uid.is_none(); let instance_uid = instance_uid.unwrap_or_else(Uuid::new_v4); write_user_id(&opt.db_path, &instance_uid); let client = reqwest::Client::builder().connect_timeout(Duration::from_secs(10)).build(); // if reqwest throws an error we won't be able to send analytics if client.is_err() { return None; } let client = HttpClient::new(client.unwrap(), "".to_string()); let user = User::UserId { user_id: instance_uid.to_string() }; let mut batcher = AutoBatcher::new(client, Batcher::new(None), SEGMENT_API_KEY.to_string()); // If Meilisearch is Launched for the first time: // 1. Send an event Launched associated to the user `total_launch`. // 2. Batch an event Launched with the real instance-id and send it in one hour. if first_time_run { let _ = batcher .push(Track { user: User::UserId { user_id: "total_launch".to_string() }, event: "Launched".to_string(), ..Default::default() }) .await; let _ = batcher.flush().await; let _ = batcher .push(Track { user: user.clone(), event: "Launched".to_string(), ..Default::default() }) .await; } let (sender, inbox) = mpsc::channel(100); // How many analytics can we bufferize let segment = Box::new(Segment { inbox, user: user.clone(), opt: opt.clone(), batcher, events: HashMap::new(), }); tokio::spawn(, auth_controller.clone())); let this = Self { instance_uid, sender, user: user.clone() }; Some(Arc::new(this)) } } /// This structure represent the `infos` field we send in the analytics. /// It's quite close to the `Opt` structure except all sensitive informations /// have been simplified to a boolean. /// It's send as-is in amplitude thus you should never update a name of the /// struct without the approval of the PM. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize)] struct Infos { env: String, experimental_contains_filter: bool, experimental_vector_store: bool, experimental_enable_metrics: bool, experimental_edit_documents_by_function: bool, experimental_search_queue_size: usize, experimental_drop_search_after: usize, experimental_nb_searches_per_core: usize, experimental_logs_mode: LogMode, experimental_replication_parameters: bool, experimental_enable_logs_route: bool, experimental_reduce_indexing_memory_usage: bool, experimental_max_number_of_batched_tasks: usize, gpu_enabled: bool, db_path: bool, import_dump: bool, dump_dir: bool, ignore_missing_dump: bool, ignore_dump_if_db_exists: bool, import_snapshot: bool, schedule_snapshot: Option, snapshot_dir: bool, ignore_missing_snapshot: bool, ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists: bool, http_addr: bool, http_payload_size_limit: Byte, task_queue_webhook: bool, task_webhook_authorization_header: bool, log_level: String, max_indexing_memory: MaxMemory, max_indexing_threads: MaxThreads, with_configuration_file: bool, ssl_auth_path: bool, ssl_cert_path: bool, ssl_key_path: bool, ssl_ocsp_path: bool, ssl_require_auth: bool, ssl_resumption: bool, ssl_tickets: bool, } impl Infos { pub fn new(options: Opt, features: RuntimeTogglableFeatures) -> Self { // We wants to decompose this whole struct by hand to be sure we don't forget // to add analytics when we add a field in the Opt. // Thus we must not insert `..` at the end. let Opt { db_path, experimental_contains_filter, experimental_enable_metrics, experimental_search_queue_size, experimental_drop_search_after, experimental_nb_searches_per_core, experimental_logs_mode, experimental_replication_parameters, experimental_enable_logs_route, experimental_reduce_indexing_memory_usage, experimental_max_number_of_batched_tasks, http_addr, master_key: _, env, task_webhook_url, task_webhook_authorization_header, max_index_size: _, max_task_db_size: _, http_payload_size_limit, ssl_cert_path, ssl_key_path, ssl_auth_path, ssl_ocsp_path, ssl_require_auth, ssl_resumption, ssl_tickets, import_snapshot, ignore_missing_snapshot, ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists, snapshot_dir, schedule_snapshot, import_dump, ignore_missing_dump, ignore_dump_if_db_exists, dump_dir, log_level, indexer_options, config_file_path, no_analytics: _, } = options; let schedule_snapshot = match schedule_snapshot { ScheduleSnapshot::Disabled => None, ScheduleSnapshot::Enabled(interval) => Some(interval), }; let IndexerOpts { max_indexing_memory, max_indexing_threads, skip_index_budget: _ } = indexer_options; let RuntimeTogglableFeatures { vector_store, metrics, logs_route, edit_documents_by_function, contains_filter, } = features; // We're going to override every sensible information. // We consider information sensible if it contains a path, an address, or a key. Self { env, experimental_contains_filter: experimental_contains_filter | contains_filter, experimental_vector_store: vector_store, experimental_edit_documents_by_function: edit_documents_by_function, experimental_enable_metrics: experimental_enable_metrics | metrics, experimental_search_queue_size, experimental_drop_search_after: experimental_drop_search_after.into(), experimental_nb_searches_per_core: experimental_nb_searches_per_core.into(), experimental_logs_mode, experimental_replication_parameters, experimental_enable_logs_route: experimental_enable_logs_route | logs_route, experimental_reduce_indexing_memory_usage, gpu_enabled: meilisearch_types::milli::vector::is_cuda_enabled(), db_path: db_path != PathBuf::from("./"), import_dump: import_dump.is_some(), dump_dir: dump_dir != PathBuf::from("dumps/"), ignore_missing_dump, ignore_dump_if_db_exists, import_snapshot: import_snapshot.is_some(), schedule_snapshot, snapshot_dir: snapshot_dir != PathBuf::from("snapshots/"), ignore_missing_snapshot, ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists, http_addr: http_addr != default_http_addr(), http_payload_size_limit, experimental_max_number_of_batched_tasks, task_queue_webhook: task_webhook_url.is_some(), task_webhook_authorization_header: task_webhook_authorization_header.is_some(), log_level: log_level.to_string(), max_indexing_memory, max_indexing_threads, with_configuration_file: config_file_path.is_some(), ssl_auth_path: ssl_auth_path.is_some(), ssl_cert_path: ssl_cert_path.is_some(), ssl_key_path: ssl_key_path.is_some(), ssl_ocsp_path: ssl_ocsp_path.is_some(), ssl_require_auth, ssl_resumption, ssl_tickets, } } } pub struct Segment { inbox: Receiver, user: User, opt: Opt, batcher: AutoBatcher, events: HashMap, } impl Segment { fn compute_traits(opt: &Opt, stats: Stats, features: RuntimeTogglableFeatures) -> Value { static FIRST_START_TIMESTAMP: Lazy = Lazy::new(Instant::now); static SYSTEM: Lazy = Lazy::new(|| { let disks = Disks::new_with_refreshed_list(); let mut sys = System::new_all(); sys.refresh_all(); let kernel_version = System::kernel_version() .and_then(|k| k.split_once('-').map(|(k, _)| k.to_string())); json!({ "distribution": System::name(), "kernel_version": kernel_version, "cores": sys.cpus().len(), "ram_size": sys.total_memory(), "disk_size": disks.iter().map(|disk| disk.total_space()).max(), "server_provider": std::env::var("MEILI_SERVER_PROVIDER").ok(), }) }); let number_of_documents = stats.indexes.values().map(|index| index.number_of_documents).collect::>(); json!({ "start_since_days": FIRST_START_TIMESTAMP.elapsed().as_secs() / (60 * 60 * 24), // one day "system": *SYSTEM, "stats": { "database_size": stats.database_size, "indexes_number": stats.indexes.len(), "documents_number": number_of_documents, }, "infos": Infos::new(opt.clone(), features), }) } async fn run( mut self, index_scheduler: Arc, auth_controller: Arc, ) { const INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60 * 60); // one hour // The first batch must be sent after one hour. let mut interval = tokio::time::interval_at(tokio::time::Instant::now() + INTERVAL, INTERVAL); loop { select! { _ = interval.tick() => { self.tick(index_scheduler.clone(), auth_controller.clone()).await; }, Some(msg) = self.inbox.recv() => { self.handle_msg(msg); } } } } fn handle_msg(&mut self, Message { type_id, aggregator_function, event }: Message) { let new_event = match { Some(old) => { // The function should never fail since we retrieved the corresponding TypeId in the map. But in the unfortunate // case it could happens we're going to silently ignore the error let Some(original) = (aggregator_function)(old.original, event.original) else { return; }; Event { original, // We always want to return the FIRST timestamp ever encountered timestamp: old.timestamp, user_agents: old.user_agents.union(&event.user_agents).cloned().collect(), total:, } } None => event, };, new_event); } async fn tick( &mut self, index_scheduler: Arc, auth_controller: Arc, ) { if let Ok(stats) = create_all_stats( index_scheduler.clone().into(), auth_controller.into(), &AuthFilter::default(), ) { // Replace the version number with the prototype name if any. let version = if let Some(prototype) = build_info::DescribeResult::from_build() .and_then(|describe| describe.as_prototype()) { prototype } else { env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") }; let _ = self .batcher .push(Identify { context: Some(json!({ "app": { "version": version.to_string(), }, })), user: self.user.clone(), traits: Self::compute_traits( &self.opt, stats, index_scheduler.features().runtime_features(), ), ..Default::default() }) .await; } // We empty the list of events let events = std::mem::take(&mut; for (_, event) in events { let Event { original, timestamp, user_agents, total } = event; let name = original.event_name(); let mut properties = original.into_event(); if properties["user-agent"].is_null() { properties["user-agent"] = json!(user_agents); }; if properties["requests"]["total_received"].is_null() { properties["requests"]["total_received"] = total.into(); }; let _ = self .batcher .push(Track { user: self.user.clone(), event: name.to_string(), properties, timestamp: Some(timestamp), ..Default::default() }) .await; } let _ = self.batcher.flush().await; } }