use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}; use heed::Result as ZResult; use fst::{set::OpBuilder, SetBuilder}; use sdset::SetBuf; use meilisearch_schema::Schema; use crate::database::{MainT, UpdateT}; use crate::settings::{UpdateState, SettingsUpdate, RankingRule}; use crate::update::documents_addition::reindex_all_documents; use crate::update::{next_update_id, Update}; use crate::{store, MResult, Error}; pub fn push_settings_update( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, updates_store: store::Updates, updates_results_store: store::UpdatesResults, settings: SettingsUpdate, ) -> ZResult { let last_update_id = next_update_id(writer, updates_store, updates_results_store)?; let update = Update::settings(settings); updates_store.put_update(writer, last_update_id, &update)?; Ok(last_update_id) } pub fn apply_settings_update( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &store::Index, settings: SettingsUpdate, ) -> MResult<()> { let mut must_reindex = false; let mut schema = match index.main.schema(writer)? { Some(schema) => schema, None => { match settings.primary_key.clone() { UpdateState::Update(id) => Schema::with_primary_key(&id), _ => return Err(Error::MissingPrimaryKey) } } }; match settings.ranking_rules { UpdateState::Update(v) => { let ranked_field: Vec<&str> = v.iter().filter_map(RankingRule::field).collect(); schema.update_ranked(&ranked_field)?; index.main.put_ranking_rules(writer, &v)?; must_reindex = true; }, UpdateState::Clear => { index.main.delete_ranking_rules(writer)?; schema.clear_ranked(); must_reindex = true; }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } match settings.distinct_attribute { UpdateState::Update(v) => { let field_id = schema.insert(&v)?; index.main.put_distinct_attribute(writer, field_id)?; }, UpdateState::Clear => { index.main.delete_distinct_attribute(writer)?; }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } match settings.accept_new_fields { UpdateState::Update(v) => { schema.set_accept_new_fields(v); }, UpdateState::Clear => { schema.set_accept_new_fields(true); }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } match settings.searchable_attributes.clone() { UpdateState::Update(v) => { schema.update_indexed(v)?; must_reindex = true; }, UpdateState::Clear => { schema.set_all_fields_as_indexed(); must_reindex = true; }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } match settings.displayed_attributes.clone() { UpdateState::Update(v) => schema.update_displayed(v)?, UpdateState::Clear => { schema.set_all_fields_as_displayed(); }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } match settings.attributes_for_faceting { UpdateState::Update(attrs) => { apply_attributes_for_faceting_update(writer, index, &mut schema, &attrs)?; must_reindex = true; }, UpdateState::Clear => { index.main.delete_attributes_for_faceting(writer)?; index.facets.clear(writer)?; }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } index.main.put_schema(writer, &schema)?; match settings.stop_words { UpdateState::Update(stop_words) => { if apply_stop_words_update(writer, index, stop_words)? { must_reindex = true; } }, UpdateState::Clear => { if apply_stop_words_update(writer, index, BTreeSet::new())? { must_reindex = true; } }, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } match settings.synonyms { UpdateState::Update(synonyms) => apply_synonyms_update(writer, index, synonyms)?, UpdateState::Clear => apply_synonyms_update(writer, index, BTreeMap::new())?, UpdateState::Nothing => (), } if must_reindex { reindex_all_documents(writer, index)?; } Ok(()) } fn apply_attributes_for_faceting_update( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &store::Index, schema: &mut Schema, attributes: &[String] ) -> MResult<()> { let mut attribute_ids = Vec::new(); for name in attributes { attribute_ids.push(schema.insert(name)?); } let attributes_for_faceting = SetBuf::from_dirty(attribute_ids); index.main.put_attributes_for_faceting(writer, &attributes_for_faceting)?; Ok(()) } pub fn apply_stop_words_update( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &store::Index, stop_words: BTreeSet, ) -> MResult { let mut must_reindex = false; let old_stop_words: BTreeSet = index.main .stop_words_fst(writer)? .stream() .into_strs()? .into_iter() .collect(); let deletion: BTreeSet = old_stop_words.difference(&stop_words).cloned().collect(); let addition: BTreeSet = stop_words.difference(&old_stop_words).cloned().collect(); if !addition.is_empty() { apply_stop_words_addition(writer, index, addition)?; } if !deletion.is_empty() { must_reindex = true; apply_stop_words_deletion(writer, index, deletion)?; } let words_fst = index.main.words_fst(writer)?; if !words_fst.is_empty() { let stop_words = fst::Set::from_iter(stop_words)?; let op = OpBuilder::new() .add(&words_fst) .add(&stop_words) .difference(); let mut builder = fst::SetBuilder::memory(); builder.extend_stream(op)?; let words_fst = builder.into_set(); index.main.put_words_fst(writer, &words_fst)?; index.main.put_stop_words_fst(writer, &stop_words)?; } Ok(must_reindex) } fn apply_stop_words_addition( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &store::Index, addition: BTreeSet, ) -> MResult<()> { let main_store = index.main; let postings_lists_store = index.postings_lists; let mut stop_words_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); for word in addition { stop_words_builder.insert(&word)?; // we remove every posting list associated to a new stop word postings_lists_store.del_postings_list(writer, word.as_bytes())?; } // create the new delta stop words fst let delta_stop_words = stop_words_builder.into_set(); // we also need to remove all the stop words from the main fst let words_fst = main_store.words_fst(writer)?; if !words_fst.is_empty() { let op = OpBuilder::new() .add(&words_fst) .add(&delta_stop_words) .difference(); let mut word_fst_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); word_fst_builder.extend_stream(op)?; let word_fst = word_fst_builder.into_set(); main_store.put_words_fst(writer, &word_fst)?; } // now we add all of these stop words from the main store let stop_words_fst = main_store.stop_words_fst(writer)?; let op = OpBuilder::new() .add(&stop_words_fst) .add(&delta_stop_words) .r#union(); let mut stop_words_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); stop_words_builder.extend_stream(op)?; let stop_words_fst = stop_words_builder.into_set(); main_store.put_stop_words_fst(writer, &stop_words_fst)?; Ok(()) } fn apply_stop_words_deletion( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &store::Index, deletion: BTreeSet, ) -> MResult<()> { let mut stop_words_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); for word in deletion { stop_words_builder.insert(&word)?; } // create the new delta stop words fst let delta_stop_words = stop_words_builder.into_set(); // now we delete all of these stop words from the main store let stop_words_fst = index.main.stop_words_fst(writer)?; let op = OpBuilder::new() .add(&stop_words_fst) .add(&delta_stop_words) .difference(); let mut stop_words_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); stop_words_builder.extend_stream(op)?; let stop_words_fst = stop_words_builder.into_set(); Ok(index.main.put_stop_words_fst(writer, &stop_words_fst)?) } pub fn apply_synonyms_update( writer: &mut heed::RwTxn, index: &store::Index, synonyms: BTreeMap>, ) -> MResult<()> { let main_store = index.main; let synonyms_store = index.synonyms; let mut synonyms_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); synonyms_store.clear(writer)?; for (word, alternatives) in synonyms.clone() { synonyms_builder.insert(&word)?; let alternatives = { let alternatives = SetBuf::from_dirty(alternatives); let mut alternatives_builder = SetBuilder::memory(); alternatives_builder.extend_iter(alternatives)?; alternatives_builder.into_set() }; synonyms_store.put_synonyms(writer, word.as_bytes(), &alternatives)?; } let synonyms_set = synonyms_builder.into_set(); main_store.put_synonyms_fst(writer, &synonyms_set)?; Ok(()) }