use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator as _, ParallelIterator as _}; use serde::Serialize; use super::{ DistributionShift, EmbedError, Embedding, Embeddings, NewEmbedderError, REQUEST_PARALLELISM, }; // retrying in case of failure pub struct Retry { pub error: EmbedError, strategy: RetryStrategy, } pub enum RetryStrategy { GiveUp, Retry, RetryTokenized, RetryAfterRateLimit, } impl Retry { pub fn give_up(error: EmbedError) -> Self { Self { error, strategy: RetryStrategy::GiveUp } } pub fn retry_later(error: EmbedError) -> Self { Self { error, strategy: RetryStrategy::Retry } } pub fn retry_tokenized(error: EmbedError) -> Self { Self { error, strategy: RetryStrategy::RetryTokenized } } pub fn rate_limited(error: EmbedError) -> Self { Self { error, strategy: RetryStrategy::RetryAfterRateLimit } } pub fn into_duration(self, attempt: u32) -> Result { match self.strategy { RetryStrategy::GiveUp => Err(self.error), RetryStrategy::Retry => Ok(std::time::Duration::from_millis((10u64).pow(attempt))), RetryStrategy::RetryTokenized => Ok(std::time::Duration::from_millis(1)), RetryStrategy::RetryAfterRateLimit => { Ok(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100 + 10u64.pow(attempt))) } } } pub fn must_tokenize(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.strategy, RetryStrategy::RetryTokenized) } pub fn into_error(self) -> EmbedError { self.error } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Embedder { client: ureq::Agent, options: EmbedderOptions, bearer: Option, dimensions: usize, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct EmbedderOptions { pub api_key: Option, pub distribution: Option, pub dimensions: Option, pub url: String, pub query: serde_json::Value, pub input_field: Vec, // path to the array of embeddings pub path_to_embeddings: Vec, // shape of a single embedding pub embedding_object: Vec, pub input_type: InputType, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum InputType { Text, TextArray, } impl Embedder { pub fn new(options: EmbedderOptions) -> Result { let bearer = options.api_key.as_deref().map(|api_key| format!("Bearer {api_key}")); let client = ureq::AgentBuilder::new() .max_idle_connections(REQUEST_PARALLELISM * 2) .max_idle_connections_per_host(REQUEST_PARALLELISM * 2) .build(); let dimensions = if let Some(dimensions) = options.dimensions { dimensions } else { infer_dimensions(&client, &options, bearer.as_deref())? }; Ok(Self { client, dimensions, options, bearer }) } pub fn embed(&self, texts: Vec) -> Result>, EmbedError> { embed(&self.client, &self.options, self.bearer.as_deref(), texts.as_slice(), texts.len()) } pub fn embed_ref(&self, texts: &[S]) -> Result>, EmbedError> where S: AsRef + Serialize, { embed(&self.client, &self.options, self.bearer.as_deref(), texts, texts.len()) } pub fn embed_tokens(&self, tokens: &[usize]) -> Result, EmbedError> { let mut embeddings = embed(&self.client, &self.options, self.bearer.as_deref(), tokens, 1)?; // unwrap: guaranteed that embeddings.len() == 1, otherwise the previous line terminated in error Ok(embeddings.pop().unwrap()) } pub fn embed_chunks( &self, text_chunks: Vec>, threads: &rayon::ThreadPool, ) -> Result>>, EmbedError> { threads.install(move || { text_chunks.into_par_iter().map(move |chunk| self.embed(chunk)).collect() }) } pub fn chunk_count_hint(&self) -> usize { super::REQUEST_PARALLELISM } pub fn prompt_count_in_chunk_hint(&self) -> usize { match self.options.input_type { InputType::Text => 1, InputType::TextArray => 10, } } pub fn dimensions(&self) -> usize { self.dimensions } pub fn distribution(&self) -> Option { self.options.distribution } } fn infer_dimensions( client: &ureq::Agent, options: &EmbedderOptions, bearer: Option<&str>, ) -> Result { let v = embed(client, options, bearer, ["test"].as_slice(), 1) .map_err(NewEmbedderError::could_not_determine_dimension)?; // unwrap: guaranteed that v.len() == 1, otherwise the previous line terminated in error Ok(v.first().unwrap().dimension()) } fn embed( client: &ureq::Agent, options: &EmbedderOptions, bearer: Option<&str>, inputs: &[S], expected_count: usize, ) -> Result>, EmbedError> where S: Serialize, { let request =; let request = if let Some(bearer) = bearer { request.set("Authorization", bearer) } else { request }; let request = request.set("Content-Type", "application/json"); let input_value = match options.input_type { InputType::Text => serde_json::json!(inputs.first()), InputType::TextArray => serde_json::json!(inputs), }; let body = match options.input_field.as_slice() { [] => { // inject input in body input_value } [input] => { let mut body = options.query.clone(); /// FIXME unwrap body.as_object_mut().unwrap().insert(input.clone(), input_value); body } [path @ .., input] => { let mut body = options.query.clone(); /// FIXME unwrap let mut current_value = &mut body; for component in path { current_value = current_value .as_object_mut() .unwrap() .entry(component.clone()) .or_insert(serde_json::json!({})); } current_value.as_object_mut().unwrap().insert(input.clone(), input_value); body } }; for attempt in 0..7 { let response = request.clone().send_json(&body); let result = check_response(response); let retry_duration = match result { Ok(response) => return response_to_embedding(response, options, expected_count), Err(retry) => { tracing::warn!("Failed: {}", retry.error); retry.into_duration(attempt) } }?; let retry_duration = retry_duration.min(std::time::Duration::from_secs(60)); // don't wait more than a minute tracing::warn!("Attempt #{}, retrying after {}ms.", attempt, retry_duration.as_millis()); std::thread::sleep(retry_duration); } let response = request.send_json(&body); let result = check_response(response); result .map_err(Retry::into_error) .and_then(|response| response_to_embedding(response, options, expected_count)) } fn check_response(response: Result) -> Result { match response { Ok(response) => Ok(response), Err(ureq::Error::Status(code, response)) => { let error_response: Option = response.into_string().ok(); Err(match code { 401 => Retry::give_up(EmbedError::rest_unauthorized(error_response)), 429 => Retry::rate_limited(EmbedError::rest_too_many_requests(error_response)), 400 => Retry::give_up(EmbedError::rest_bad_request(error_response)), 500..=599 => { Retry::retry_later(EmbedError::rest_internal_server_error(code, error_response)) } 402..=499 => { Retry::give_up(EmbedError::rest_other_status_code(code, error_response)) } _ => Retry::retry_later(EmbedError::rest_other_status_code(code, error_response)), }) } Err(ureq::Error::Transport(transport)) => { Err(Retry::retry_later(EmbedError::rest_network(transport))) } } } fn response_to_embedding( response: ureq::Response, options: &EmbedderOptions, expected_count: usize, ) -> Result>, EmbedError> { let response: serde_json::Value = response.into_json().map_err(EmbedError::rest_response_deserialization)?; let mut current_value = &response; for component in &options.path_to_embeddings { let component = component.as_ref(); current_value = current_value.get(component).ok_or_else(|| { EmbedError::rest_response_missing_embeddings( response.clone(), component, &options.path_to_embeddings, ) })?; } let embeddings = match options.input_type { InputType::Text => { for component in &options.embedding_object { current_value = current_value.get(component).ok_or_else(|| { EmbedError::rest_response_missing_embeddings( response.clone(), component, &options.embedding_object, ) })?; } let embeddings = current_value.to_owned(); let embeddings: Embedding = serde_json::from_value(embeddings).map_err(EmbedError::rest_response_format)?; vec![Embeddings::from_single_embedding(embeddings)] } InputType::TextArray => { let empty = vec![]; let values = current_value.as_array().unwrap_or(&empty); let mut embeddings: Vec> = Vec::with_capacity(expected_count); for value in values { let mut current_value = value; for component in &options.embedding_object { current_value = current_value.get(component).ok_or_else(|| { EmbedError::rest_response_missing_embeddings( response.clone(), component, &options.embedding_object, ) })?; } let embedding = current_value.to_owned(); let embedding: Embedding = serde_json::from_value(embedding).map_err(EmbedError::rest_response_format)?; embeddings.push(Embeddings::from_single_embedding(embedding)); } embeddings } }; if embeddings.len() != expected_count { return Err(EmbedError::rest_response_embedding_count(expected_count, embeddings.len())); } Ok(embeddings) }