use serde_json::Value::Null; use crate::common::Server; use crate::json; #[actix_rt::test] async fn error_network_not_enabled() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Using the /network route requires enabling the `network` experimental feature. See", "code": "feature_not_enabled", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"self": "myself"})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Using the /network route requires enabling the `network` experimental feature. See", "code": "feature_not_enabled", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn errors_on_param() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server.set_features(json!({"network": true})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response["network"]), @r#"true"#); // non-existing param let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"selfie": "myself"})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Unknown field `selfie`: expected one of `remotes`, `self`", "code": "bad_request", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // self not a string let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"self": 42})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Invalid value type at `.self`: expected a string, but found a positive integer: `42`", "code": "invalid_network_self", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // remotes not an object let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"remotes": 42})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Invalid value type at `.remotes`: expected an object, but found a positive integer: `42`", "code": "invalid_network_remotes", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // new remote without url let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "new": { "searchApiKey": "http://localhost:7700" } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Missing field ``", "code": "missing_network_url", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // remote with url not a string let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "new": { "url": 7700 } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Invalid value type at ``: expected a string, but found a positive integer: `7700`", "code": "invalid_network_url", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // remote with non-existing param let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "new": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", "doggo": "Intel the Beagle" } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Unknown field `doggo` inside ``: expected one of `url`, `searchApiKey`", "code": "invalid_network_remotes", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // remote with non-string searchApiKey let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "new": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", "searchApiKey": 1204664602099962445u64, } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Invalid value type at ``: expected a string, but found a positive integer: `1204664602099962445`", "code": "invalid_network_search_api_key", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); // setting `null` on URL a posteriori let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "kefir": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": null, "remotes": { "kefir": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", "searchApiKey": null } } } "###); let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "kefir": { "url": Null, } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Field `.remotes.kefir.url` cannot be set to `null`", "code": "invalid_network_url", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn auth() { let mut server = Server::new_auth().await; server.use_api_key("MASTER_KEY"); let (response, code) = server.set_features(json!({"network": true})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response["network"]), @r#"true"#); let (get_network_key, code) = server .add_api_key(json!({ "actions": ["network.get"], "indexes": ["*"], "expiresAt": serde_json::Value::Null })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"201 Created"); let get_network_key = get_network_key["key"].clone(); let (update_network_key, code) = server .add_api_key(json!({ "actions": ["network.update"], "indexes": ["*"], "expiresAt": serde_json::Value::Null })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"201 Created"); let update_network_key = update_network_key["key"].clone(); let (search_api_key, code) = server .add_api_key(json!({ "actions": ["search"], "indexes": ["*"], "expiresAt": serde_json::Value::Null })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"201 Created"); let search_api_key = search_api_key["key"].clone(); // try with master key let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({ "self": "master" })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "master", "remotes": {} } "###); let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "master", "remotes": {} } "###); // try get with get permission server.use_api_key(get_network_key.as_str().unwrap()); let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "master", "remotes": {} } "###); // try update with update permission server.use_api_key(update_network_key.as_str().unwrap()); let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({ "self": "api_key" })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "api_key", "remotes": {} } "###); // try with the other's permission let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"403 Forbidden"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "The provided API key is invalid.", "code": "invalid_api_key", "type": "auth", "link": "" } "###); server.use_api_key(get_network_key.as_str().unwrap()); let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({ "self": "get_api_key" })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"403 Forbidden"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "The provided API key is invalid.", "code": "invalid_api_key", "type": "auth", "link": "" } "###); // try either with bad permission server.use_api_key(search_api_key.as_str().unwrap()); let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"403 Forbidden"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "The provided API key is invalid.", "code": "invalid_api_key", "type": "auth", "link": "" } "###); let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({ "self": "get_api_key" })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"403 Forbidden"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "The provided API key is invalid.", "code": "invalid_api_key", "type": "auth", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn get_and_set_network() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server.set_features(json!({"network": true})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response["network"]), @r#"true"#); let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": null, "remotes": {} } "###); // adding self let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"self": "myself"})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "myself", "remotes": {} } "###); // adding remotes let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "myself": { "url": "http://localhost:7700" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "foo" } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "myself", "remotes": { "myself": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", "searchApiKey": null }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "foo" } } } "###); // partially updating one remote let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "thy": { "searchApiKey": "bar" } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "myself", "remotes": { "myself": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", "searchApiKey": null }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // adding one remote let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" } }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "myself", "remotes": { "myself": { "url": "http://localhost:7700", "searchApiKey": null }, "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // deleting one remote let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({"remotes": { "myself": Null, }})) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "myself", "remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // removing self let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"self": Null})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": null, "remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // setting self again let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"self": "thy"})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "thy", "remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // doing nothing let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "thy", "remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // still doing nothing let (response, code) = server.set_network(json!({"remotes": {}})).await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "thy", "remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // good time to check GET let (response, code) = server.get_network().await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "thy", "remotes": { "them": { "url": "http://localhost:7702", "searchApiKey": "baz" }, "thy": { "url": "http://localhost:7701", "searchApiKey": "bar" } } } "###); // deleting everything let (response, code) = server .set_network(json!({ "remotes": Null, })) .await; meili_snap::snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); meili_snap::snapshot!(meili_snap::json_string!(response), @r###" { "self": "thy", "remotes": {} } "###); }