# Filter parser This workspace is dedicated to the parsing of the MeiliSearch filters. Most of the code and explanation are in the [src/lib.rs]. Especially, the BNF of the filters at the top of this file. The parser use [nom](https://docs.rs/nom/) to do most of its work and [nom-locate](https://docs.rs/nom_locate/) to keep track of what we were doing when we encountered an error. ## Cli A simple main is provided to quick-test if a filter can be parsed or not without bringing milli. It takes one argument and try to parse it. ``` cargo run -- 'field = value' # success cargo run -- 'field = "doggo' # error => missing closing delimiter " ``` ## Fuzz The workspace have been fuzzed with [cargo-fuzz](https://rust-fuzz.github.io/book/cargo-fuzz.html). ### Setup You'll need rust-nightly to execute the fuzzer. ``` cargo install cargo-fuzz ``` ### Run ``` cargo fuzz run parse ``` ## What to do if you find a bug in the parser - Write a test at the end of the [src/lib.rs] to ensure it never happens again. - Add a file in [fuzz/corpus/parse/] with your filter to help the fuzzer finding new bug.