use std::collections::hash_map::{Entry, HashMap}; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::{fs, thread}; use crossbeam_channel::{Receiver, Sender}; use heed::types::{Str, Unit}; use heed::{CompactionOption, Result as ZResult}; use log::debug; use crate::{store, update, Index, MResult}; pub type BoxUpdateFn = Box; type ArcSwapFn = arc_swap::ArcSwapOption; pub struct Database { pub env: heed::Env, common_store: heed::PolyDatabase, indexes_store: heed::Database, indexes: RwLock, thread::JoinHandle<()>)>>, } macro_rules! r#break_try { ($expr:expr, $msg:tt) => { match $expr { core::result::Result::Ok(val) => val, core::result::Result::Err(err) => { log::error!(concat!($msg, ": {}"), err); break; } } }; } pub enum UpdateEvent { NewUpdate, MustStop, } pub type UpdateEvents = Receiver; pub type UpdateEventsEmitter = Sender; fn update_awaiter(receiver: UpdateEvents, env: heed::Env, update_fn: Arc, index: Index) { let mut receiver = receiver.into_iter(); while let Some(UpdateEvent::NewUpdate) = { loop { // instantiate a main/parent transaction let mut writer = break_try!(env.write_txn(), "LMDB write transaction begin failed"); // retrieve the update that needs to be processed let result = index.updates.pop_front(&mut writer); let (update_id, update) = match break_try!(result, "pop front update failed") { Some(value) => value, None => { debug!("no more updates"); writer.abort(); break; } }; // instantiate a nested transaction let result = env.nested_write_txn(&mut writer); let mut nested_writer = break_try!(result, "LMDB nested write transaction failed"); // try to apply the update to the database using the nested transaction let result = update::update_task(&mut nested_writer, index.clone(), update_id, update); let status = break_try!(result, "update task failed"); // commit the nested transaction if the update was successful, abort it otherwise if status.error.is_none() { break_try!(nested_writer.commit(), "commit nested transaction failed"); } else { nested_writer.abort() } // write the result of the update in the updates-results store let updates_results = index.updates_results; let result = updates_results.put_update_result(&mut writer, update_id, &status); // always commit the main/parent transaction, even if the update was unsuccessful break_try!(result, "update result store commit failed"); break_try!(writer.commit(), "update parent transaction failed"); // call the user callback when the update and the result are written consistently if let Some(ref callback) = *update_fn.load() { (callback)(status); } } } debug!("update loop system stopped"); } impl Database { pub fn open_or_create(path: impl AsRef) -> MResult { fs::create_dir_all(path.as_ref())?; let env = heed::EnvOpenOptions::new() .map_size(10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) // 10GB .max_dbs(3000) .open(path)?; let common_store = env.create_poly_database(Some("common"))?; let indexes_store = env.create_database::(Some("indexes"))?; // list all indexes that needs to be opened let mut must_open = Vec::new(); let reader = env.read_txn()?; for result in indexes_store.iter(&reader)? { let (index_name, _) = result?; must_open.push(index_name.to_owned()); } reader.abort(); // open the previously aggregated indexes let mut indexes = HashMap::new(); for index_name in must_open { let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(100); let index = match store::open(&env, &index_name, sender.clone())? { Some(index) => index, None => { log::warn!( "the index {} doesn't exist or has not all the databases", index_name ); continue; } }; let update_fn = Arc::new(ArcSwapFn::empty()); let env_clone = env.clone(); let index_clone = index.clone(); let update_fn_clone = update_fn.clone(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || { update_awaiter(receiver, env_clone, update_fn_clone, index_clone) }); // send an update notification to make sure that // possible pre-boot updates are consumed sender.send(UpdateEvent::NewUpdate).unwrap(); let result = indexes.insert(index_name, (index, update_fn, handle)); assert!( result.is_none(), "The index should not have been already open" ); } Ok(Database { env, common_store, indexes_store, indexes: RwLock::new(indexes), }) } pub fn open_index(&self, name: impl AsRef) -> Option { let indexes_lock =; match indexes_lock.get(name.as_ref()) { Some((index, ..)) => Some(index.clone()), None => None, } } pub fn create_index(&self, name: impl AsRef) -> MResult { let name = name.as_ref(); let mut indexes_lock = self.indexes.write().unwrap(); match indexes_lock.entry(name.to_owned()) { Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(crate::Error::IndexAlreadyExists), Entry::Vacant(entry) => { let (sender, receiver) = crossbeam_channel::bounded(100); let index = store::create(&self.env, name, sender)?; let mut writer = self.env.write_txn()?; self.indexes_store.put(&mut writer, name, &())?; let env_clone = self.env.clone(); let index_clone = index.clone(); let no_update_fn = Arc::new(ArcSwapFn::empty()); let no_update_fn_clone = no_update_fn.clone(); let handle = thread::spawn(move || { update_awaiter(receiver, env_clone, no_update_fn_clone, index_clone) }); writer.commit()?; entry.insert((index.clone(), no_update_fn, handle)); Ok(index) } } } pub fn delete_index(&self, name: impl AsRef) -> MResult { let name = name.as_ref(); let mut indexes_lock = self.indexes.write().unwrap(); match indexes_lock.remove_entry(name) { Some((name, (index, _fn, handle))) => { // remove the index name from the list of indexes // and clear all the LMDB dbi let mut writer = self.env.write_txn()?; self.indexes_store.delete(&mut writer, &name)?; store::clear(&mut writer, &index)?; writer.commit()?; // join the update loop thread to ensure it is stopped handle.join().unwrap(); Ok(true) } None => Ok(false), } } pub fn set_update_callback(&self, name: impl AsRef, update_fn: BoxUpdateFn) -> bool { let indexes_lock =; match indexes_lock.get(name.as_ref()) { Some((_, current_update_fn, _)) => { let update_fn = Some(Arc::new(update_fn)); current_update_fn.swap(update_fn); true } None => false, } } pub fn unset_update_callback(&self, name: impl AsRef) -> bool { let indexes_lock =; match indexes_lock.get(name.as_ref()) { Some((_, current_update_fn, _)) => { current_update_fn.swap(None); true } None => false, } } pub fn copy_and_compact_to_path>(&self, path: P) -> ZResult { self.env.copy_to_path(path, CompactionOption::Enabled) } pub fn indexes_names(&self) -> MResult> { let indexes =; Ok(indexes.keys().cloned().collect()) } pub fn common_store(&self) -> heed::PolyDatabase { self.common_store } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::update::{ProcessedUpdateResult, UpdateStatus}; use crate::DocumentId; use serde::de::IgnoredAny; use std::sync::mpsc; #[test] fn valid_updates() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let env = &database.env; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(100); let update_fn = move |update: ProcessedUpdateResult| sender.send(update.update_id).unwrap(); let index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let done = database.set_update_callback("test", Box::new(update_fn)); assert!(done, "could not set the index update function"); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "My name is Marvin", }); let doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "name": "Kevin", "description": "My name is Kevin", }); additions.update_document(doc1); additions.update_document(doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.into_iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); } #[test] fn invalid_updates() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let env = &database.env; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(100); let update_fn = move |update: ProcessedUpdateResult| sender.send(update.update_id).unwrap(); let index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let done = database.set_update_callback("test", Box::new(update_fn)); assert!(done, "could not set the index update function"); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "My name is Marvin", }); let doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "name": "Kevin", "description": "My name is Kevin", }); additions.update_document(doc1); additions.update_document(doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.into_iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_some()); } #[test] fn ignored_words_too_long() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let env = &database.env; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(100); let update_fn = move |update: ProcessedUpdateResult| sender.send(update.update_id).unwrap(); let index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let done = database.set_update_callback("test", Box::new(update_fn)); assert!(done, "could not set the index update function"); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "s̷̡̢̡̧̺̜̞͕͉͉͕̜͔̟̼̥̝͍̟̖͔͔̪͉̲̹̝̣̖͎̞̤̥͓͎̭̩͕̙̩̿̀̋̅̈́̌́̏̍̄̽͂̆̾̀̿̕̚̚͜͠͠ͅͅļ̵̨̨̨̰̦̻̳̖̳͚̬̫͚̦͖͈̲̫̣̩̥̻̙̦̱̼̠̖̻̼̘̖͉̪̜̠̙͖̙̩͔̖̯̩̲̿̽͋̔̿̍̓͂̍̿͊͆̃͗̔̎͐͌̾̆͗́̆̒̔̾̅̚̚͜͜ͅͅī̵̛̦̅̔̓͂͌̾́͂͛̎̋͐͆̽̂̋̋́̾̀̉̓̏̽́̑̀͒̇͋͛̈́̃̉̏͊̌̄̽̿̏̇͘̕̚̕p̶̧̛̛̖̯̗͕̝̗̭̱͙̖̗̟̟̐͆̊̂͐̋̓̂̈́̓͊̆͌̾̾͐͋͗͌̆̿̅͆̈́̈́̉͋̍͊͗̌̓̅̈̎̇̃̎̈́̉̐̋͑̃͘̕͘d̴̢̨̛͕̘̯͖̭̮̝̝̐̊̈̅̐̀͒̀́̈́̀͌̽͛͆͑̀̽̿͛̃̋̇̎̀́̂́͘͠͝ǫ̵̨̛̮̩̘͚̬̯̖̱͍̼͑͑̓̐́̑̿̈́̔͌̂̄͐͝ģ̶̧̜͇̣̭̺̪̺̖̻͖̮̭̣̙̻͒͊͗̓̓͒̀̀ͅ", }); additions.update_document(doc1); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.into_iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); } #[test] fn add_schema_attributes_at_end() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let env = &database.env; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(100); let update_fn = move |update: ProcessedUpdateResult| sender.send(update.update_id).unwrap(); let index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let done = database.set_update_callback("test", Box::new(update_fn)); assert!(done, "could not set the index update function"); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "My name is Marvin", }); let doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "name": "Kevin", "description": "My name is Kevin", }); additions.update_document(doc1); additions.update_document(doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."age"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."sex"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); // check if it has been accepted let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); reader.abort(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "My name is Marvin", "age": 21, "sex": "Male", }); let doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "name": "Kevin", "description": "My name is Kevin", "age": 23, "sex": "Male", }); additions.update_document(doc1); additions.update_document(doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); // check if it has been accepted let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); // even try to search for a document let results = index.query_builder().query(&reader, "21 ", 0..20).unwrap(); assert_matches!(results.len(), 1); reader.abort(); // try to introduce attributes in the middle of the schema let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."city"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."age"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."sex"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); // check if it has been accepted let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_some()); } #[test] fn deserialize_documents() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let env = &database.env; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(100); let update_fn = move |update: ProcessedUpdateResult| sender.send(update.update_id).unwrap(); let index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let done = database.set_update_callback("test", Box::new(update_fn)); assert!(done, "could not set the index update function"); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); // DocumentId(7900334843754999545) let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "My name is Marvin", }); // DocumentId(8367468610878465872) let doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "name": "Kevin", "description": "My name is Kevin", }); additions.update_document(doc1); additions.update_document(doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.into_iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); let document: Option = index.document(&reader, None, DocumentId(25)).unwrap(); assert!(document.is_none()); let document: Option = index .document(&reader, None, DocumentId(7900334843754999545)) .unwrap(); assert!(document.is_some()); let document: Option = index .document(&reader, None, DocumentId(8367468610878465872)) .unwrap(); assert!(document.is_some()); } #[test] fn partial_document_update() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let env = &database.env; let (sender, receiver) = mpsc::sync_channel(100); let update_fn = move |update: ProcessedUpdateResult| sender.send(update.update_id).unwrap(); let index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let done = database.set_update_callback("test", Box::new(update_fn)); assert!(done, "could not set the index update function"); let schema = { let data = r#" identifier = "id" [attributes."id"] displayed = true [attributes."name"] displayed = true indexed = true [attributes."description"] displayed = true indexed = true "#; toml::from_str(data).unwrap() }; let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let _update_id = index.schema_update(&mut writer, schema).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); // DocumentId(7900334843754999545) let doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "My name is Marvin", }); // DocumentId(8367468610878465872) let doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "name": "Kevin", "description": "My name is Kevin", }); additions.update_document(doc1); additions.update_document(doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); let document: Option = index.document(&reader, None, DocumentId(25)).unwrap(); assert!(document.is_none()); let document: Option = index .document(&reader, None, DocumentId(7900334843754999545)) .unwrap(); assert!(document.is_some()); let document: Option = index .document(&reader, None, DocumentId(8367468610878465872)) .unwrap(); assert!(document.is_some()); reader.abort(); let mut partial_additions = index.documents_partial_addition(); // DocumentId(7900334843754999545) let partial_doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "description": "I am the new Marvin", }); // DocumentId(8367468610878465872) let partial_doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "description": "I am the new Kevin", }); partial_additions.update_document(partial_doc1); partial_additions.update_document(partial_doc2); let mut writer = env.write_txn().unwrap(); let update_id = partial_additions.finalize(&mut writer).unwrap(); writer.commit().unwrap(); // block until the transaction is processed let _ = receiver.iter().find(|id| *id == update_id); let reader = env.read_txn().unwrap(); let result = index.update_status(&reader, update_id).unwrap(); assert_matches!(result, UpdateStatus::Processed { content } if content.error.is_none()); let document: Option = index .document(&reader, None, DocumentId(7900334843754999545)) .unwrap(); let new_doc1 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 123, "name": "Marvin", "description": "I am the new Marvin", }); assert_eq!(document, Some(new_doc1)); let document: Option = index .document(&reader, None, DocumentId(8367468610878465872)) .unwrap(); let new_doc2 = serde_json::json!({ "id": 234, "name": "Kevin", "description": "I am the new Kevin", }); assert_eq!(document, Some(new_doc2)); } #[test] fn delete_index() { let dir = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let database = Database::open_or_create(dir.path()).unwrap(); let _index = database.create_index("test").unwrap(); let deleted = database.delete_index("test").unwrap(); assert!(deleted); let result = database.open_index("test"); assert!(result.is_none()); } }