use super::{DumpError, DumpInfo, DumpMsg, DumpResult, DumpStatus}; use crate::helpers::compression; use crate::index_controller::{index_actor, update_actor, uuid_resolver, IndexMetadata}; use async_stream::stream; use chrono::Utc; use futures::stream::StreamExt; use log::{error, info, warn}; use std::{ collections::HashSet, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }; use tokio::sync::{mpsc, oneshot, Mutex}; use uuid::Uuid; pub const CONCURRENT_DUMP_MSG: usize = 10; pub struct DumpActor { inbox: Option>, uuid_resolver: UuidResolver, index: Index, update: Update, dump_path: PathBuf, dump_info: Arc>>, } /// Generate uid from creation date fn generate_uid() -> String { Utc::now().format("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S%3f").to_string() } impl DumpActor where UuidResolver: uuid_resolver::UuidResolverHandle + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, Index: index_actor::IndexActorHandle + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, Update: update_actor::UpdateActorHandle + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, { pub fn new( inbox: mpsc::Receiver, uuid_resolver: UuidResolver, index: Index, update: Update, dump_path: impl AsRef, ) -> Self { Self { inbox: Some(inbox), uuid_resolver, index, update, dump_path: dump_path.as_ref().into(), dump_info: Arc::new(Mutex::new(None)), } } pub async fn run(mut self) { info!("Started dump actor."); let mut inbox = self .inbox .take() .expect("Dump Actor must have a inbox at this point."); let stream = stream! { loop { match inbox.recv().await { Some(msg) => yield msg, None => break, } } }; stream .for_each_concurrent(Some(CONCURRENT_DUMP_MSG), |msg| self.handle_message(msg)) .await; error!("Dump actor stopped."); } async fn handle_message(&self, msg: DumpMsg) { use DumpMsg::*; match msg { CreateDump { ret } => { let _ = self.handle_create_dump(ret).await; } DumpInfo { ret, uid } => { let _ = ret.send(self.handle_dump_info(uid).await); } } } async fn handle_create_dump(&self, ret: oneshot::Sender>) { if self.is_running().await { ret.send(Err(DumpError::DumpAlreadyRunning)) .expect("Dump actor is dead"); return; } let uid = generate_uid(); let info = DumpInfo::new(uid.clone(), DumpStatus::InProgress); *self.dump_info.lock().await = Some(info.clone()); ret.send(Ok(info)).expect("Dump actor is dead"); let dump_info = self.dump_info.clone(); let task_result = tokio::task::spawn(perform_dump( self.dump_path.clone(), self.uuid_resolver.clone(), self.index.clone(), self.update.clone(), uid.clone(), )) .await; match task_result { Ok(Ok(())) => { if let Some(ref mut info) = *dump_info.lock().await { info.done(); } else { warn!("dump actor was in an inconsistant state"); } info!("Dump succeed"); } Ok(Err(e)) => { if let Some(ref mut info) = *dump_info.lock().await { info.with_error(e.to_string()); } else { warn!("dump actor was in an inconsistant state"); } error!("Dump failed: {}", e); } Err(_) => { error!("Dump panicked. Dump status set to failed"); *dump_info.lock().await = Some(DumpInfo::new(uid, DumpStatus::Failed)); } }; } async fn handle_dump_info(&self, uid: String) -> DumpResult { match &*self.dump_info.lock().await { None => self.dump_from_fs(uid).await, Some(DumpInfo { uid: ref s, .. }) if &uid != s => self.dump_from_fs(uid).await, Some(info) => Ok(info.clone()), } } async fn dump_from_fs(&self, uid: String) -> DumpResult { self.dump_path .join(format!("{}.dump", &uid)) .exists() .then(|| DumpInfo::new(uid.clone(), DumpStatus::Done)) .ok_or(DumpError::DumpDoesNotExist(uid)) } async fn is_running(&self) -> bool { matches!( *self.dump_info.lock().await, Some(DumpInfo { status: DumpStatus::InProgress, .. }) ) } } async fn perform_dump( dump_path: PathBuf, uuid_resolver: UuidResolver, index: Index, update: Update, uid: String, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> where UuidResolver: uuid_resolver::UuidResolverHandle + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, Index: index_actor::IndexActorHandle + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, Update: update_actor::UpdateActorHandle + Send + Sync + Clone + 'static, { info!("Performing dump."); let dump_dir = dump_path.clone(); tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&dump_dir).await?; let temp_dump_dir = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || tempfile::tempdir_in(dump_dir)).await??; let temp_dump_path = temp_dump_dir.path().to_owned(); let uuids = uuid_resolver.list().await?; // maybe we could just keep the vec as-is let uuids: HashSet<(String, Uuid)> = uuids.into_iter().collect(); if uuids.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let indexes = list_indexes(&uuid_resolver, &index).await?; // we create one directory by index for meta in indexes.iter() { tokio::fs::create_dir(temp_dump_path.join(&meta.uid)).await?; } let metadata = super::Metadata::new(indexes, env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string()); metadata.to_path(&temp_dump_path).await?; update.dump(uuids, temp_dump_path.clone()).await?; let dump_dir = dump_path.clone(); let dump_path = dump_path.join(format!("{}.dump", uid)); let dump_path = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || -> anyhow::Result { let temp_dump_file = tempfile::NamedTempFile::new_in(dump_dir)?; let temp_dump_file_path = temp_dump_file.path().to_owned(); compression::to_tar_gz(temp_dump_path, temp_dump_file_path)?; temp_dump_file.persist(&dump_path)?; Ok(dump_path) }) .await??; info!("Created dump in {:?}.", dump_path); Ok(()) } async fn list_indexes( uuid_resolver: &UuidResolver, index: &Index, ) -> anyhow::Result> where UuidResolver: uuid_resolver::UuidResolverHandle, Index: index_actor::IndexActorHandle, { let uuids = uuid_resolver.list().await?; let mut ret = Vec::new(); for (uid, uuid) in uuids { let meta = index.get_index_meta(uuid).await?; let meta = IndexMetadata { uuid, name: uid.clone(), uid, meta, }; ret.push(meta); } Ok(ret) }