use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use anyhow::bail; use log::info; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use time::OffsetDateTime; use tempfile::TempDir; use crate::compression::from_tar_gz; use crate::options::IndexerOpts; use self::loaders::{v2, v3, v4}; pub use handler::{generate_uid, DumpHandler}; mod compat; pub mod error; mod handler; mod loaders; const META_FILE_NAME: &str = "metadata.json"; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct Metadata { db_version: String, index_db_size: usize, update_db_size: usize, #[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339")] dump_date: OffsetDateTime, } impl Metadata { pub fn new(index_db_size: usize, update_db_size: usize) -> Self { Self { db_version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").to_string(), index_db_size, update_db_size, dump_date: OffsetDateTime::now_utc(), } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct MetadataV1 { pub db_version: String, } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(tag = "dumpVersion")] pub enum MetadataVersion { V1(MetadataV1), V2(Metadata), V3(Metadata), V4(Metadata), // V5 is forward compatible with V4 but not backward compatible. V5(Metadata), } impl MetadataVersion { pub fn load_dump( self, src: impl AsRef, dst: impl AsRef, index_db_size: usize, meta_env_size: usize, indexing_options: &IndexerOpts, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let version = self.version(); match self { MetadataVersion::V1(_meta) => { anyhow::bail!("The version 1 of the dumps is not supported anymore. You can re-export your dump from a version between 0.21 and 0.24, or start fresh from a version 0.25 onwards.") } MetadataVersion::V2(meta) => v2::load_dump( meta, src, dst, index_db_size, meta_env_size, indexing_options, )?, MetadataVersion::V3(meta) => v3::load_dump( meta, src, dst, index_db_size, meta_env_size, indexing_options, )?, MetadataVersion::V4(meta) | MetadataVersion::V5(meta) => v4::load_dump( meta, src, dst, index_db_size, meta_env_size, indexing_options, version, )?, } Ok(()) } pub fn new_v5(index_db_size: usize, update_db_size: usize) -> Self { let meta = Metadata::new(index_db_size, update_db_size); Self::V5(meta) } pub fn db_version(&self) -> &str { match self { Self::V1(meta) => &meta.db_version, Self::V2(meta) | Self::V3(meta) | Self::V4(meta) | Self::V5(meta) => &meta.db_version, } } pub fn version(&self) -> &'static str { match self { MetadataVersion::V1(_) => "V1", MetadataVersion::V2(_) => "V2", MetadataVersion::V3(_) => "V3", MetadataVersion::V4(_) => "V4", MetadataVersion::V5(_) => "V5", } } pub fn dump_date(&self) -> Option<&OffsetDateTime> { match self { MetadataVersion::V1(_) => None, MetadataVersion::V2(meta) | MetadataVersion::V3(meta) | MetadataVersion::V4(meta) | MetadataVersion::V5(meta) => Some(&meta.dump_date), } } } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")] pub enum DumpStatus { Done, InProgress, Failed, } pub fn load_dump( dst_path: impl AsRef, src_path: impl AsRef, ignore_dump_if_db_exists: bool, ignore_missing_dump: bool, index_db_size: usize, update_db_size: usize, indexer_opts: &IndexerOpts, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let empty_db = crate::is_empty_db(&dst_path); let src_path_exists = src_path.as_ref().exists(); if empty_db && src_path_exists { let (tmp_src, tmp_dst, meta) = extract_dump(&dst_path, &src_path)?; meta.load_dump( tmp_src.path(), tmp_dst.path(), index_db_size, update_db_size, indexer_opts, )?; persist_dump(&dst_path, tmp_dst)?; Ok(()) } else if !empty_db && !ignore_dump_if_db_exists { bail!( "database already exists at {:?}, try to delete it or rename it", dst_path .as_ref() .canonicalize() .unwrap_or_else(|_| dst_path.as_ref().to_owned()) ) } else if !src_path_exists && !ignore_missing_dump { bail!("dump doesn't exist at {:?}", src_path.as_ref()) } else { // there is nothing to do Ok(()) } } fn extract_dump( dst_path: impl AsRef, src_path: impl AsRef, ) -> anyhow::Result<(TempDir, TempDir, MetadataVersion)> { // Setup a temp directory path in the same path as the database, to prevent cross devices // references. let temp_path = dst_path .as_ref() .parent() .map(ToOwned::to_owned) .unwrap_or_else(|| ".".into()); let tmp_src = tempfile::tempdir_in(temp_path)?; let tmp_src_path = tmp_src.path(); from_tar_gz(&src_path, tmp_src_path)?; let meta_path = tmp_src_path.join(META_FILE_NAME); let mut meta_file = File::open(&meta_path)?; let meta: MetadataVersion = serde_json::from_reader(&mut meta_file)?; if !dst_path.as_ref().exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(dst_path.as_ref())?; } let tmp_dst = tempfile::tempdir_in(dst_path.as_ref())?; info!( "Loading dump {}, dump database version: {}, dump version: {}", meta.dump_date() .map(|t| format!("from {}", t)) .unwrap_or_else(String::new), meta.db_version(), meta.version() ); Ok((tmp_src, tmp_dst, meta)) } fn persist_dump(dst_path: impl AsRef, tmp_dst: TempDir) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let persisted_dump = tmp_dst.into_path(); // Delete everything in the `` except the tempdir. if dst_path.as_ref().exists() { for file in dst_path.as_ref().read_dir().unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap().path(); if file.file_name() == persisted_dump.file_name() { continue; } if file.is_file() { std::fs::remove_file(&file)?; } else { std::fs::remove_dir_all(&file)?; } } } // Move the whole content of the tempdir into the ``. for file in persisted_dump.read_dir().unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap().path(); std::fs::rename(&file, &dst_path.as_ref().join(file.file_name().unwrap()))?; } // Delete the empty tempdir. std::fs::remove_dir_all(&persisted_dump)?; Ok(()) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use nelson::Mocker; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use super::*; use crate::index_resolver::error::IndexResolverError; use crate::options::SchedulerConfig; use crate::tasks::error::Result as TaskResult; use crate::tasks::task::{Task, TaskId}; use crate::tasks::{BatchHandler, TaskFilter, TaskStore}; use crate::update_file_store::UpdateFileStore; fn setup() { static SETUP: Lazy<()> = Lazy::new(|| { if cfg!(windows) { std::env::set_var("TMP", "."); } else { std::env::set_var("TMPDIR", "."); } }); // just deref to make sure the env is setup *SETUP } #[actix_rt::test] async fn test_dump_normal() { setup(); let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mocker = Mocker::default(); let update_file_store = UpdateFileStore::mock(mocker); let mut performer = BatchHandler::new(); performer .expect_process_job() .once() .returning(|j| match j { Job::Dump { ret, .. } => { let (sender, _receiver) = oneshot::channel(); ret.send(Ok(sender)).unwrap(); } _ => unreachable!(), }); let performer = Arc::new(performer); let mocker = Mocker::default(); mocker .when::<(&Path, UpdateFileStore), TaskResult<()>>("dump") .then(|_| Ok(())); mocker .when::<(Option, Option, Option), TaskResult>>( "list_tasks", ) .then(|_| Ok(Vec::new())); let store = TaskStore::mock(mocker); let config = SchedulerConfig::default(); let scheduler = Scheduler::new(store, performer, config).unwrap(); let task = DumpJob { dump_path: tmp.path().into(), // this should do nothing update_file_store, db_path: tmp.path().into(), uid: String::from("test"), update_db_size: 4096 * 10, index_db_size: 4096 * 10, scheduler, };; } #[actix_rt::test] async fn error_performing_dump() { let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap(); let mocker = Mocker::default(); let file_store = UpdateFileStore::mock(mocker); let mocker = Mocker::default(); mocker .when::<(Option, Option, Option), TaskResult>>( "list_tasks", ) .then(|_| Ok(Vec::new())); let task_store = TaskStore::mock(mocker); let mut performer = BatchHandler::new(); performer .expect_process_job() .once() .returning(|job| match job { Job::Dump { ret, .. } => drop(ret.send(Err(IndexResolverError::BadlyFormatted( "blabla".to_string(), )))), _ => unreachable!(), }); let performer = Arc::new(performer); let scheduler = Scheduler::new(task_store, performer, SchedulerConfig::default()).unwrap(); let task = DumpJob { dump_path: tmp.path().into(), // this should do nothing db_path: tmp.path().into(), update_file_store: file_store, uid: String::from("test"), update_db_size: 4096 * 10, index_db_size: 4096 * 10, scheduler, }; assert!(; } }