use std::fmt::Display; use http::status::StatusCode; use log::{error, warn}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tide::response::IntoResponse; use tide::Response; pub type SResult = Result; pub enum ResponseError { Internal(String), BadRequest(String), InvalidToken(String), NotFound(String), IndexNotFound(String), DocumentNotFound(String), MissingHeader(String), BadParameter(String, String), OpenIndex(String), CreateIndex(String), Maintenance, } impl ResponseError { pub fn internal(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::Internal(message.to_string()) } pub fn bad_request(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::BadRequest(message.to_string()) } pub fn invalid_token(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::InvalidToken(message.to_string()) } pub fn not_found(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::NotFound(message.to_string()) } pub fn index_not_found(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::IndexNotFound(message.to_string()) } pub fn document_not_found(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::DocumentNotFound(message.to_string()) } pub fn missing_header(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::MissingHeader(message.to_string()) } pub fn bad_parameter(name: impl Display, message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::BadParameter(name.to_string(), message.to_string()) } pub fn open_index(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::OpenIndex(message.to_string()) } pub fn create_index(message: impl Display) -> ResponseError { ResponseError::CreateIndex(message.to_string()) } } impl IntoResponse for ResponseError { fn into_response(self) -> Response { match self { ResponseError::Internal(err) => { error!("internal server error: {}", err); error( String::from("Internal server error"), StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ) } ResponseError::BadRequest(err) => { warn!("bad request: {}", err); error(err, StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST) } ResponseError::InvalidToken(err) => { error(format!("Invalid Token: {}", err), StatusCode::FORBIDDEN) } ResponseError::NotFound(err) => error(err, StatusCode::NOT_FOUND), ResponseError::IndexNotFound(index) => { error(format!("Index {} not found", index), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND) } ResponseError::DocumentNotFound(id) => error( format!("Document with id {} not found", id), StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, ), ResponseError::MissingHeader(header) => error( format!("Header {} is missing", header), StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED, ), ResponseError::BadParameter(param, e) => error( format!("Url parameter {} error: {}", param, e), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ), ResponseError::CreateIndex(err) => error( format!("Impossible to create index; {}", err), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ), ResponseError::OpenIndex(err) => error( format!("Impossible to open index; {}", err), StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST, ), ResponseError::Maintenance => error( String::from("Server is in maintenance, please try again later"), StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, ), } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ErrorMessage { message: String, } fn error(message: String, status: StatusCode) -> Response { let message = ErrorMessage { message }; tide::response::json(message) .with_status(status) .into_response() }