mod settings; use meili_snap::{json_string, snapshot}; use crate::common::index::Index; use crate::common::{GetAllDocumentsOptions, Server}; use crate::json; #[actix_rt::test] async fn add_remove_user_provided() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("doggo"); let (value, code) = server.set_features(json!({"vectorStore": true})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(value, @r###" { "vectorStore": true, "metrics": false, "logsRoute": false } "###); let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "embedders": { "manual": { "source": "userProvided", "dimensions": 3, } }, })) .await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); server.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let documents = json!([ {"id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": [0, 0, 0] }}, {"id": 1, "name": "echo", "_vectors": { "manual": [1, 1, 1] }}, ]); let (value, code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; let (documents, _code) = index .get_all_documents(GetAllDocumentsOptions { retrieve_vectors: true, ..Default::default() }) .await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "results": [ { "id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": { "embeddings": [ [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] ], "regenerate": false } } }, { "id": 1, "name": "echo", "_vectors": { "manual": { "embeddings": [ [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] ], "regenerate": false } } } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 2 } "###); let documents = json!([ {"id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": [10, 10, 10] }}, {"id": 1, "name": "echo", "_vectors": { "manual": null }}, ]); let (value, code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; let (documents, _code) = index .get_all_documents(GetAllDocumentsOptions { retrieve_vectors: true, ..Default::default() }) .await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "results": [ { "id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": { "embeddings": [ [ 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 ] ], "regenerate": false } } }, { "id": 1, "name": "echo", "_vectors": {} } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 2 } "###); let (value, code) = index.delete_document(0).await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; let (documents, _code) = index .get_all_documents(GetAllDocumentsOptions { retrieve_vectors: true, ..Default::default() }) .await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "results": [ { "id": 1, "name": "echo", "_vectors": {} } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 1 } "###); } async fn generate_default_user_provided_documents(server: &Server) -> Index { let index = server.index("doggo"); let (value, code) = server.set_features(json!({"vectorStore": true})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(value, @r###" { "vectorStore": true, "metrics": false, "logsRoute": false } "###); let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "embedders": { "manual": { "source": "userProvided", "dimensions": 3, } }, })) .await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); server.wait_task(response.uid()).await; let documents = json!([ {"id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": [0, 0, 0] }}, {"id": 1, "name": "echo", "_vectors": { "manual": [1, 1, 1] }}, {"id": 2, "name": "billou", "_vectors": { "manual": [[2, 2, 2], [2, 2, 3]] }}, {"id": 3, "name": "intel", "_vectors": { "manual": { "regenerate": false, "embeddings": [3, 3, 3] }}}, {"id": 4, "name": "max", "_vectors": { "manual": { "regenerate": false, "embeddings": [[4, 4, 4], [4, 4, 5]] }}}, ]); let (value, code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; index } #[actix_rt::test] async fn clear_documents() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = generate_default_user_provided_documents(&server).await; let (value, _code) = index.clear_all_documents().await; index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; // Make sure the documents DB has been cleared let (documents, _code) = index .get_all_documents(GetAllDocumentsOptions { retrieve_vectors: true, ..Default::default() }) .await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "results": [], "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 0 } "###); // Make sure the arroy DB has been cleared let (documents, _code) = index.search_post(json!({ "vector": [1, 1, 1] })).await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "hits": [], "query": "", "processingTimeMs": 0, "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "estimatedTotalHits": 0, "semanticHitCount": 0 } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn add_remove_one_vector_4588() { // let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("doggo"); let (value, code) = server.set_features(json!({"vectorStore": true})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(value, @r###" { "vectorStore": true, "metrics": false, "logsRoute": false } "###); let (response, code) = index .update_settings(json!({ "embedders": { "manual": { "source": "userProvided", "dimensions": 3, } }, })) .await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); let task = server.wait_task(response.uid()).await; snapshot!(task, name: "settings-processed"); let documents = json!([ {"id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": [0, 0, 0] }}, ]); let (value, code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); let task = index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; snapshot!(task, name: "document-added"); let documents = json!([ {"id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": { "manual": null }}, ]); let (value, code) = index.add_documents(documents, None).await; snapshot!(code, @"202 Accepted"); let task = index.wait_task(value.uid()).await; snapshot!(task, name: "document-deleted"); let (documents, _code) = index.search_post(json!({"vector": [1, 1, 1] })).await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "hits": [ { "id": 0, "name": "kefir" } ], "query": "", "processingTimeMs": 1, "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "estimatedTotalHits": 1, "semanticHitCount": 1 } "###); let (documents, _code) = index .get_all_documents(GetAllDocumentsOptions { retrieve_vectors: true, ..Default::default() }) .await; snapshot!(json_string!(documents), @r###" { "results": [ { "id": 0, "name": "kefir", "_vectors": {} } ], "offset": 0, "limit": 20, "total": 1 } "###); }