--- name: Tracking issue about: Template for a tracking issue title: '' labels: tracking-issue assignees: '' --- # Summary One paragraph to explain the feature. # Motivations Why are we doing this? What use cases does it support? What is the expected outcome? # Explanation Explain the proposal like it was the final documentation of this proposal. - What is changing for end-users. - How it works. - What is breaking? - Examples. # Implementation Explain the technical specificities that will need to be known or done in order to implement this proposal. ## Steps Describe each step to create the feature with it's associated issue/PR. # Related - [ ] Validated by the team (@people needed) - [ ] Test added - [ ] [Documentation](https://github.com/meilisearch/documentation/issues/#xxx) //Change xxx or remove the line - [ ] [SDK/Integrations](https://github.com/meilisearch/integration-guides/issues/#xxx) //Change xxx or remove the line