use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::Arc; use arroy::distances::{Angular, BinaryQuantizedAngular}; use arroy::ItemId; use deserr::{DeserializeError, Deserr}; use heed::{RoTxn, RwTxn, Unspecified}; use ordered_float::OrderedFloat; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use self::error::{EmbedError, NewEmbedderError}; use crate::prompt::{Prompt, PromptData}; use crate::ThreadPoolNoAbort; pub mod error; pub mod hf; pub mod json_template; pub mod manual; pub mod openai; pub mod parsed_vectors; pub mod settings; pub mod ollama; pub mod rest; pub use self::error::Error; pub type Embedding = Vec; pub const REQUEST_PARALLELISM: usize = 40; pub struct ArroyWrapper { quantized: bool, embedder_index: u8, database: arroy::Database, } impl ArroyWrapper { pub fn new( database: arroy::Database, embedder_index: u8, quantized: bool, ) -> Self { Self { database, embedder_index, quantized } } pub fn index(&self) -> u8 { self.embedder_index } fn readers<'a, D: arroy::Distance>( &'a self, rtxn: &'a RoTxn<'a>, db: arroy::Database, ) -> impl Iterator, arroy::Error>> + 'a { arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index).map_while(move |index| { match arroy::Reader::open(rtxn, index, db) { Ok(reader) => Some(Ok(reader)), Err(arroy::Error::MissingMetadata(_)) => None, Err(e) => Some(Err(e)), } }) } pub fn dimensions(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn) -> Result { let first_id = arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index).next().unwrap(); if self.quantized { Ok(arroy::Reader::open(rtxn, first_id, self.quantized_db())?.dimensions()) } else { Ok(arroy::Reader::open(rtxn, first_id, self.angular_db())?.dimensions()) } } pub fn quantize(&mut self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, dimension: usize) -> Result<(), arroy::Error> { if !self.quantized { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { let writer = arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension); writer.prepare_changing_distance::(wtxn)?; } self.quantized = true; } Ok(()) } // TODO: We can stop early when we find an empty DB pub fn need_build(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, dimension: usize) -> Result { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { let need_build = if self.quantized { arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension).need_build(rtxn) } else { arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension).need_build(rtxn) }; if need_build? { return Ok(true); } } Ok(false) } /// TODO: We should early exit when it doesn't need to be built pub fn build( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, rng: &mut R, dimension: usize, ) -> Result<(), arroy::Error> { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { if self.quantized { arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension).build(wtxn, rng, None)? } else { arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension).build(wtxn, rng, None)? } } Ok(()) } /// Overwrite all the embeddings associated to the index and item id. pub fn add_items( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, item_id: arroy::ItemId, embeddings: &Embeddings, ) -> Result<(), arroy::Error> { let dimension = embeddings.dimension(); for (index, vector) in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index).zip(embeddings.iter()) { if self.quantized { arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension) .add_item(wtxn, item_id, vector)? } else { arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension) .add_item(wtxn, item_id, vector)? } } Ok(()) } /// Add one document int for this index where we can find an empty spot. pub fn add_item( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, item_id: arroy::ItemId, vector: &[f32], ) -> Result<(), arroy::Error> { if self.quantized { self._add_item(wtxn, self.quantized_db(), item_id, vector) } else { self._add_item(wtxn, self.angular_db(), item_id, vector) } } fn _add_item( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, db: arroy::Database, item_id: arroy::ItemId, vector: &[f32], ) -> Result<(), arroy::Error> { let dimension = vector.len(); for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { let writer = arroy::Writer::new(db, index, dimension); if !writer.contains_item(wtxn, item_id)? { writer.add_item(wtxn, item_id, vector)?; break; } } Ok(()) } /// Delete an item from the index. It **does not** take care of fixing the hole /// made after deleting the item. pub fn del_item_raw( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, dimension: usize, item_id: arroy::ItemId, ) -> Result { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { if self.quantized { let writer = arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension); if writer.del_item(wtxn, item_id)? { return Ok(true); } } else { let writer = arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension); if writer.del_item(wtxn, item_id)? { return Ok(true); } } } Ok(false) } /// Delete one item. pub fn del_item( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, item_id: arroy::ItemId, vector: &[f32], ) -> Result { if self.quantized { self._del_item(wtxn, self.quantized_db(), item_id, vector) } else { self._del_item(wtxn, self.angular_db(), item_id, vector) } } fn _del_item( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, db: arroy::Database, item_id: arroy::ItemId, vector: &[f32], ) -> Result { let dimension = vector.len(); let mut deleted_index = None; for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { let writer = arroy::Writer::new(db, index, dimension); let Some(candidate) = writer.item_vector(wtxn, item_id)? else { // uses invariant: vectors are packed in the first writers. break; }; if candidate == vector { writer.del_item(wtxn, item_id)?; deleted_index = Some(index); } } // 🥲 enforce invariant: vectors are packed in the first writers. if let Some(deleted_index) = deleted_index { let mut last_index_with_a_vector = None; for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index).skip(deleted_index as usize) { let writer = arroy::Writer::new(db, index, dimension); let Some(candidate) = writer.item_vector(wtxn, item_id)? else { break; }; last_index_with_a_vector = Some((index, candidate)); } if let Some((last_index, vector)) = last_index_with_a_vector { // unwrap: computed the index from the list of writers let writer = arroy::Writer::new(db, last_index, dimension); writer.del_item(wtxn, item_id)?; let writer = arroy::Writer::new(db, deleted_index, dimension); writer.add_item(wtxn, item_id, &vector)?; } } Ok(deleted_index.is_some()) } pub fn clear(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, dimension: usize) -> Result<(), arroy::Error> { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { if self.quantized { arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension).clear(wtxn)?; } else { arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension).clear(wtxn)?; } } Ok(()) } pub fn is_empty(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, dimension: usize) -> Result { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { let empty = if self.quantized { arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension).is_empty(rtxn)? } else { arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension).is_empty(rtxn)? }; if !empty { return Ok(false); } } Ok(true) } pub fn contains_item( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn, dimension: usize, item: arroy::ItemId, ) -> Result { for index in arroy_db_range_for_embedder(self.embedder_index) { let contains = if self.quantized { arroy::Writer::new(self.quantized_db(), index, dimension) .contains_item(rtxn, item)? } else { arroy::Writer::new(self.angular_db(), index, dimension).contains_item(rtxn, item)? }; if contains { return Ok(contains); } } Ok(false) } pub fn nns_by_item( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn, item: ItemId, limit: usize, filter: Option<&RoaringBitmap>, ) -> Result, arroy::Error> { if self.quantized { self._nns_by_item(rtxn, self.quantized_db(), item, limit, filter) } else { self._nns_by_item(rtxn, self.angular_db(), item, limit, filter) } } fn _nns_by_item( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn, db: arroy::Database, item: ItemId, limit: usize, filter: Option<&RoaringBitmap>, ) -> Result, arroy::Error> { let mut results = Vec::new(); for reader in self.readers(rtxn, db) { let ret = reader?.nns_by_item(rtxn, item, limit, None, None, filter)?; if let Some(mut ret) = ret { results.append(&mut ret); } else { break; } } results.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, distance)| OrderedFloat(*distance)); Ok(results) } pub fn nns_by_vector( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn, vector: &[f32], limit: usize, filter: Option<&RoaringBitmap>, ) -> Result, arroy::Error> { if self.quantized { self._nns_by_vector(rtxn, self.quantized_db(), vector, limit, filter) } else { self._nns_by_vector(rtxn, self.angular_db(), vector, limit, filter) } } fn _nns_by_vector( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn, db: arroy::Database, vector: &[f32], limit: usize, filter: Option<&RoaringBitmap>, ) -> Result, arroy::Error> { let mut results = Vec::new(); for reader in self.readers(rtxn, db) { let mut ret = reader?.nns_by_vector(rtxn, vector, limit, None, None, filter)?; results.append(&mut ret); } results.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_, distance)| OrderedFloat(*distance)); Ok(results) } pub fn item_vectors(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn, item_id: u32) -> Result>, arroy::Error> { let mut vectors = Vec::new(); if self.quantized { for reader in self.readers(rtxn, self.quantized_db()) { if let Some(vec) = reader?.item_vector(rtxn, item_id)? { vectors.push(vec); } else { break; } } } else { for reader in self.readers(rtxn, self.angular_db()) { if let Some(vec) = reader?.item_vector(rtxn, item_id)? { vectors.push(vec); } else { break; } } } Ok(vectors) } fn angular_db(&self) -> arroy::Database { self.database.remap_data_type() } fn quantized_db(&self) -> arroy::Database { self.database.remap_data_type() } } /// One or multiple embeddings stored consecutively in a flat vector. pub struct Embeddings { data: Vec, dimension: usize, } impl Embeddings { /// Declares an empty vector of embeddings of the specified dimensions. pub fn new(dimension: usize) -> Self { Self { data: Default::default(), dimension } } /// Declares a vector of embeddings containing a single element. /// /// The dimension is inferred from the length of the passed embedding. pub fn from_single_embedding(embedding: Vec) -> Self { Self { dimension: embedding.len(), data: embedding } } /// Declares a vector of embeddings from its components. /// /// `data.len()` must be a multiple of `dimension`, otherwise an error is returned. pub fn from_inner(data: Vec, dimension: usize) -> Result> { let mut this = Self::new(dimension); this.append(data)?; Ok(this) } /// Returns the number of embeddings in this vector of embeddings. pub fn embedding_count(&self) -> usize { / self.dimension } /// Dimension of a single embedding. pub fn dimension(&self) -> usize { self.dimension } /// Deconstructs self into the inner flat vector. pub fn into_inner(self) -> Vec { } /// A reference to the inner flat vector. pub fn as_inner(&self) -> &[F] { & } /// Iterates over the embeddings contained in the flat vector. pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { } /// Push an embedding at the end of the embeddings. /// /// If `embedding.len() != self.dimension`, then the push operation fails. pub fn push(&mut self, mut embedding: Vec) -> Result<(), Vec> { if embedding.len() != self.dimension { return Err(embedding); } embedding); Ok(()) } /// Append a flat vector of embeddings a the end of the embeddings. /// /// If `embeddings.len() % self.dimension != 0`, then the append operation fails. pub fn append(&mut self, mut embeddings: Vec) -> Result<(), Vec> { if embeddings.len() % self.dimension != 0 { return Err(embeddings); } embeddings); Ok(()) } } /// An embedder can be used to transform text into embeddings. #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Embedder { /// An embedder based on running local models, fetched from the Hugging Face Hub. HuggingFace(hf::Embedder), /// An embedder based on making embedding queries against the OpenAI API. OpenAi(openai::Embedder), /// An embedder based on the user providing the embeddings in the documents and queries. UserProvided(manual::Embedder), /// An embedder based on making embedding queries against an embedding server. Ollama(ollama::Embedder), /// An embedder based on making embedding queries against a generic JSON/REST embedding server. Rest(rest::Embedder), } /// Configuration for an embedder. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub struct EmbeddingConfig { /// Options of the embedder, specific to each kind of embedder pub embedder_options: EmbedderOptions, /// Document template pub prompt: PromptData, /// If this embedder is binary quantized pub quantized: Option, // TODO: add metrics and anything needed } impl EmbeddingConfig { pub fn quantized(&self) -> bool { self.quantized.unwrap_or_default() } } /// Map of embedder configurations. /// /// Each configuration is mapped to a name. #[derive(Clone, Default)] pub struct EmbeddingConfigs(HashMap, Arc, bool)>); impl EmbeddingConfigs { /// Create the map from its internal component.s pub fn new(data: HashMap, Arc, bool)>) -> Self { Self(data) } /// Get an embedder configuration and template from its name. pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<(Arc, Arc, bool)> { self.0.get(name).cloned() } pub fn inner_as_ref(&self) -> &HashMap, Arc, bool)> { &self.0 } pub fn into_inner(self) -> HashMap, Arc, bool)> { self.0 } } impl IntoIterator for EmbeddingConfigs { type Item = (String, (Arc, Arc, bool)); type IntoIter = std::collections::hash_map::IntoIter, Arc, bool)>; fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter { self.0.into_iter() } } /// Options of an embedder, specific to each kind of embedder. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)] pub enum EmbedderOptions { HuggingFace(hf::EmbedderOptions), OpenAi(openai::EmbedderOptions), Ollama(ollama::EmbedderOptions), UserProvided(manual::EmbedderOptions), Rest(rest::EmbedderOptions), } impl Default for EmbedderOptions { fn default() -> Self { Self::HuggingFace(Default::default()) } } impl Embedder { /// Spawns a new embedder built from its options. pub fn new(options: EmbedderOptions) -> std::result::Result { Ok(match options { EmbedderOptions::HuggingFace(options) => Self::HuggingFace(hf::Embedder::new(options)?), EmbedderOptions::OpenAi(options) => Self::OpenAi(openai::Embedder::new(options)?), EmbedderOptions::Ollama(options) => Self::Ollama(ollama::Embedder::new(options)?), EmbedderOptions::UserProvided(options) => { Self::UserProvided(manual::Embedder::new(options)) } EmbedderOptions::Rest(options) => { Self::Rest(rest::Embedder::new(options, rest::ConfigurationSource::User)?) } }) } /// Embed one or multiple texts. /// /// Each text can be embedded as one or multiple embeddings. pub fn embed( &self, texts: Vec, ) -> std::result::Result>, EmbedError> { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(embedder) => embedder.embed(texts), Embedder::OpenAi(embedder) => embedder.embed(texts), Embedder::Ollama(embedder) => embedder.embed(texts), Embedder::UserProvided(embedder) => embedder.embed(texts), Embedder::Rest(embedder) => embedder.embed(texts), } } pub fn embed_one(&self, text: String) -> std::result::Result { let mut embeddings = self.embed(vec![text])?; let embeddings = embeddings.pop().ok_or_else(EmbedError::missing_embedding)?; Ok(if embeddings.iter().nth(1).is_some() { tracing::warn!("Ignoring embeddings past the first one in long search query"); embeddings.iter().next().unwrap().to_vec() } else { embeddings.into_inner() }) } /// Embed multiple chunks of texts. /// /// Each chunk is composed of one or multiple texts. pub fn embed_chunks( &self, text_chunks: Vec>, threads: &ThreadPoolNoAbort, ) -> std::result::Result>>, EmbedError> { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(embedder) => embedder.embed_chunks(text_chunks), Embedder::OpenAi(embedder) => embedder.embed_chunks(text_chunks, threads), Embedder::Ollama(embedder) => embedder.embed_chunks(text_chunks, threads), Embedder::UserProvided(embedder) => embedder.embed_chunks(text_chunks), Embedder::Rest(embedder) => embedder.embed_chunks(text_chunks, threads), } } /// Indicates the preferred number of chunks to pass to [`Self::embed_chunks`] pub fn chunk_count_hint(&self) -> usize { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(embedder) => embedder.chunk_count_hint(), Embedder::OpenAi(embedder) => embedder.chunk_count_hint(), Embedder::Ollama(embedder) => embedder.chunk_count_hint(), Embedder::UserProvided(_) => 1, Embedder::Rest(embedder) => embedder.chunk_count_hint(), } } /// Indicates the preferred number of texts in a single chunk passed to [`Self::embed`] pub fn prompt_count_in_chunk_hint(&self) -> usize { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(embedder) => embedder.prompt_count_in_chunk_hint(), Embedder::OpenAi(embedder) => embedder.prompt_count_in_chunk_hint(), Embedder::Ollama(embedder) => embedder.prompt_count_in_chunk_hint(), Embedder::UserProvided(_) => 1, Embedder::Rest(embedder) => embedder.prompt_count_in_chunk_hint(), } } /// Indicates the dimensions of a single embedding produced by the embedder. pub fn dimensions(&self) -> usize { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(embedder) => embedder.dimensions(), Embedder::OpenAi(embedder) => embedder.dimensions(), Embedder::Ollama(embedder) => embedder.dimensions(), Embedder::UserProvided(embedder) => embedder.dimensions(), Embedder::Rest(embedder) => embedder.dimensions(), } } /// An optional distribution used to apply an affine transformation to the similarity score of a document. pub fn distribution(&self) -> Option { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(embedder) => embedder.distribution(), Embedder::OpenAi(embedder) => embedder.distribution(), Embedder::Ollama(embedder) => embedder.distribution(), Embedder::UserProvided(embedder) => embedder.distribution(), Embedder::Rest(embedder) => embedder.distribution(), } } pub fn uses_document_template(&self) -> bool { match self { Embedder::HuggingFace(_) | Embedder::OpenAi(_) | Embedder::Ollama(_) | Embedder::Rest(_) => true, Embedder::UserProvided(_) => false, } } } /// Describes the mean and sigma of distribution of embedding similarity in the embedding space. /// /// The intended use is to make the similarity score more comparable to the regular ranking score. /// This allows to correct effects where results are too "packed" around a certain value. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(from = "DistributionShiftSerializable")] #[serde(into = "DistributionShiftSerializable")] pub struct DistributionShift { /// Value where the results are "packed". /// /// Similarity scores are translated so that they are packed around 0.5 instead pub current_mean: OrderedFloat, /// standard deviation of a similarity score. /// /// Set below 0.4 to make the results less packed around the mean, and above 0.4 to make them more packed. pub current_sigma: OrderedFloat, } impl Deserr for DistributionShift where E: DeserializeError, { fn deserialize_from_value( value: deserr::Value, location: deserr::ValuePointerRef<'_>, ) -> Result { let value = DistributionShiftSerializable::deserialize_from_value(value, location)?; if value.mean < 0. || value.mean > 1. { return Err(deserr::take_cf_content(E::error::( None, deserr::ErrorKind::Unexpected { msg: format!( "the distribution mean must be in the range [0, 1], got {}", value.mean ), }, location, ))); } if value.sigma <= 0. || value.sigma > 1. { return Err(deserr::take_cf_content(E::error::( None, deserr::ErrorKind::Unexpected { msg: format!( "the distribution sigma must be in the range ]0, 1], got {}", value.sigma ), }, location, ))); } Ok(value.into()) } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Deserr)] #[serde(deny_unknown_fields)] #[deserr(deny_unknown_fields)] struct DistributionShiftSerializable { mean: f32, sigma: f32, } impl From for DistributionShiftSerializable { fn from( DistributionShift { current_mean: OrderedFloat(current_mean), current_sigma: OrderedFloat(current_sigma), }: DistributionShift, ) -> Self { Self { mean: current_mean, sigma: current_sigma } } } impl From for DistributionShift { fn from(DistributionShiftSerializable { mean, sigma }: DistributionShiftSerializable) -> Self { Self { current_mean: OrderedFloat(mean), current_sigma: OrderedFloat(sigma) } } } impl DistributionShift { /// `None` if sigma <= 0. pub fn new(mean: f32, sigma: f32) -> Option { if sigma <= 0.0 { None } else { Some(Self { current_mean: OrderedFloat(mean), current_sigma: OrderedFloat(sigma) }) } } pub fn shift(&self, score: f32) -> f32 { let current_mean = self.current_mean.0; let current_sigma = self.current_sigma.0; // // We're somewhat abusively mapping the distribution of distances to a gaussian. // The parameters we're given is the mean and sigma of the native result distribution. // We're using them to retarget the distribution to a gaussian centered on 0.5 with a sigma of 0.4. let target_mean = 0.5; let target_sigma = 0.4; // a^2 sig1^2 = sig2^2 => a^2 = sig2^2 / sig1^2 => a = sig2 / sig1, assuming a, sig1, and sig2 positive. let factor = target_sigma / current_sigma; // a*mu1 + b = mu2 => b = mu2 - a*mu1 let offset = target_mean - (factor * current_mean); let mut score = factor * score + offset; // clamp the final score in the ]0, 1] interval. if score <= 0.0 { score = f32::EPSILON; } if score > 1.0 { score = 1.0; } score } } /// Whether CUDA is supported in this version of Meilisearch. pub const fn is_cuda_enabled() -> bool { cfg!(feature = "cuda") } pub fn arroy_db_range_for_embedder(embedder_id: u8) -> impl Iterator { let embedder_id = (embedder_id as u16) << 8; (0..=u8::MAX).map(move |k| embedder_id | (k as u16)) }