use std::borrow::Cow; use heed::{BytesDecode, BytesEncode}; use sdset::Set; use crate::DocumentId; use super::cow_set::CowSet; pub struct DocumentsIds; impl BytesEncode<'_> for DocumentsIds { type EItem = Set; fn bytes_encode(item: &Self::EItem) -> Option> { CowSet::bytes_encode(item) } } impl<'a> BytesDecode<'a> for DocumentsIds { type DItem = Cow<'a, Set>; fn bytes_decode(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Option { CowSet::bytes_decode(bytes) } } pub struct DiscoverIds<'a> { ids_iter: std::slice::Iter<'a, DocumentId>, left_id: Option, right_id: Option, available_range: std::ops::Range, } impl DiscoverIds<'_> { pub fn new(ids: &Set) -> DiscoverIds { let mut ids_iter = ids.iter(); let right_id =|id| id.0); let available_range = 0..right_id.unwrap_or(u32::max_value()); DiscoverIds { ids_iter, left_id: None, right_id, available_range } } } impl Iterator for DiscoverIds<'_> { type Item = DocumentId; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { loop { match { // The available range gives us a new id, we return it. Some(id) => return Some(DocumentId(id)), // The available range is exhausted, we need to find the next one. None if self.available_range.end == u32::max_value() => return None, None => loop { self.left_id = self.right_id.take(); self.right_id =|id| id.0); match (self.left_id, self.right_id) { // We found a gap in the used ids, we can yield all ids // until the end of the gap (Some(l), Some(r)) => if l.saturating_add(1) != r { self.available_range = (l + 1)..r; break; }, // The last used id has been reached, we can use all ids // until u32 MAX (Some(l), None) => { self.available_range = l.saturating_add(1)..u32::max_value(); break; }, _ => (), } }, } } } }