key = _{quoted | word} value = _{quoted | word} quoted = _{ (PUSH("'") | PUSH("\"")) ~ string ~ POP } string = {char*} word = ${(LETTER | NUMBER | "_" | "-" | ".")+} char = _{ !(PEEK | "\\") ~ ANY | "\\" ~ (PEEK | "\\" | "/" | "b" | "f" | "n" | "r" | "t") | "\\" ~ ("u" ~ ASCII_HEX_DIGIT{4})} condition = _{between | eq | greater | less | geq | leq | neq} between = {key ~ value ~ "TO" ~ value} geq = {key ~ ">=" ~ value} leq = {key ~ "<=" ~ value} neq = {key ~ "!=" ~ value} eq = {key ~ "=" ~ value} greater = {key ~ ">" ~ value} less = {key ~ "<" ~ value} prgm = {SOI ~ expr ~ EOI} expr = _{ ( term ~ (operation ~ term)* ) } term = { ("(" ~ expr ~ ")") | condition | not } operation = _{ and | or } and = {"AND"} or = {"OR"} not = {"NOT" ~ term} WHITESPACE = _{ " " }