use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap}; use std::ops::Range; use std::time::Duration; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::entry::{Entry, NewCallsite, SpanClose, SpanEnter, SpanExit}; use crate::{Error, TraceReader}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum SpanStatus { Outside, Inside(std::time::Duration), } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct CallStats { pub call_count: usize, pub time: u64, pub self_time: u64, } #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct SelfTime { child_ranges: Vec>, } impl SelfTime { pub fn new() -> Self { Default::default() } pub fn add_child_range(&mut self, child_range: Range) { self.child_ranges.push(child_range) } pub fn self_duration(&mut self, self_range: Range) -> Duration { if self.child_ranges.is_empty() { return self_range.end - self_range.start; } // by sorting child ranges by their start time, // we make sure that no child will start before the last one we visited. self.child_ranges .sort_by(|left, right| left.start.cmp(&right.start).then(left.end.cmp(&right.end))); // self duration computed by adding all the segments where the span is not executing a child let mut self_duration = Duration::from_nanos(0); // last point in time where we are certain that this span was not executing a child. let mut committed_point = self_range.start; for child_range in &self.child_ranges { if child_range.start > committed_point { // we add to the self duration the point between the end of the latest span and the beginning of the next span self_duration += child_range.start - committed_point; } if committed_point < child_range.end { // then we set ourselves to the end of the latest span committed_point = child_range.end; } } self_duration } } pub fn to_call_stats( trace: TraceReader, ) -> Result, Error> { let mut calls = HashMap::new(); let mut spans = HashMap::new(); let mut last_point = Duration::from_nanos(0); let mut first_point = None; let mut total_self_time = SelfTime::new(); for entry in trace { let entry = entry?; match entry { Entry::NewCallsite(callsite) => { calls.insert(callsite.call_id, (callsite, vec![])); } Entry::NewThread(_) => {} Entry::NewSpan(span) => { spans.insert(, (span, SpanStatus::Outside, SelfTime::new())); } Entry::SpanEnter(SpanEnter { id, time, memory: _ }) => { first_point.get_or_insert(time); let (_, status, _) = spans.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); let SpanStatus::Outside = status else { continue; }; *status = SpanStatus::Inside(time); } Entry::SpanExit(SpanExit { id, time: end, memory: _ }) => { let (span, status, self_time) = spans.get_mut(&id).unwrap(); let SpanStatus::Inside(begin) = status else { continue; }; let begin = *begin; if last_point < end { last_point = end; } *status = SpanStatus::Outside; let self_range = begin..end; let self_duration = self_time.self_duration(self_range.clone()); *self_time = SelfTime::new(); let span = *span; if let Some(parent_id) = span.parent_id { let (_, _, parent_self_time) = spans.get_mut(&parent_id).unwrap(); parent_self_time.add_child_range(self_range.clone()) } total_self_time.add_child_range(self_range); let (_, call_list) = calls.get_mut(&span.call_id).unwrap(); call_list.push((end - begin, self_duration)); } Entry::SpanClose(SpanClose { id, time: _ }) => { spans.remove(&id); } Entry::Event(_) => {} } } let total_self_time = first_point .map(|first_point| (first_point, total_self_time.self_duration(first_point..last_point))); Ok(calls .into_iter() .map(|(_, (call_site, calls))| (site_to_string(call_site), calls_to_stats(calls))) .chain(|(first_point, total_self_time)| { ( "::meta::total".to_string(), CallStats { call_count: 1, time: (last_point - first_point).as_nanos() as u64, self_time: total_self_time.as_nanos() as u64, }, ) })) .collect()) } fn site_to_string(call_site: NewCallsite) -> String { format!("{}::{}",, } fn calls_to_stats(calls: Vec<(Duration, Duration)>) -> CallStats { let nb = calls.len(); let sum: Duration = calls.iter().map(|(total, _)| total).sum(); let self_sum: Duration = calls.iter().map(|(_, self_duration)| self_duration).sum(); CallStats { call_count: nb, time: sum.as_nanos() as u64, self_time: self_sum.as_nanos() as u64 } }