use assert_json_diff::assert_json_eq; use serde_json::json; mod common; #[actix_rt::test] async fn index_new_fields_default() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies"); let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "primaryKey": "id", }); server.create_index(body).await; // 1 - Add a document let body = json!([{ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 2 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(1).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); // 3 - Add a document with more fields let body = json!([{ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 4 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(2).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn index_new_fields_true() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies"); let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "primaryKey": "id", }); server.create_index(body).await; // 1 - Set indexNewFields = true server.update_accept_new_fields(json!(true)).await; // 2 - Add a document let body = json!([{ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 3 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(1).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); // 4 - Add a document with more fields let body = json!([{ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 5 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(2).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn index_new_fields_false() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies"); let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "primaryKey": "id", }); server.create_index(body).await; // 1 - Set indexNewFields = false server.update_accept_new_fields(json!(false)).await; // 2 - Add a document let body = json!([{ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 3 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 1, }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(1).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); // 4 - Add a document with more fields let body = json!([{ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 5 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 2, }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(2).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn index_new_fields_true_then_false() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies"); let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "primaryKey": "id", }); server.create_index(body).await; // 1 - Set indexNewFields = true server.update_accept_new_fields(json!(true)).await; // 2 - Add a document let body = json!([{ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 3 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(1).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); // 4 - Set indexNewFields = false server.update_accept_new_fields(json!(false)).await; // 5 - Add a document with more fields let body = json!([{ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 6 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(2).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn index_new_fields_false_then_true() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies"); let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "primaryKey": "id", }); server.create_index(body).await; // 1 - Set indexNewFields = false server.update_accept_new_fields(json!(false)).await; // 2 - Add a document let body = json!([{ "id": 1, "title": "I'm a legend", }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 3 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 1, }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(1).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); // 4 - Set indexNewFields = false server.update_accept_new_fields(json!(true)).await; // 5 - Add a document with more fields let body = json!([{ "id": 2, "title": "I'm not a legend", "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 6 - Get the complete document let expected = json!({ "id": 1, }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(1).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); let expected = json!({ "id": 2, "description": "A bad copy of the original movie I'm a lengend" }); let (response, status_code) = server.get_document(2).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 200); assert_json_eq!(response, expected); } // Fix issue #[actix_rt::test] async fn accept_new_fields_does_not_take_into_account_the_primary_key() { let mut server = common::Server::with_uid("movies"); // 1 - Create an index with no primary-key let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", }); let (response, status_code) = server.create_index(body).await; assert_eq!(status_code, 201); assert_eq!(response["primaryKey"], json!(null)); // 2 - Add searchable and displayed attributes as: ["title"] & Set acceptNewFields to false let body = json!({ "searchableAttributes": ["title"], "displayedAttributes": ["title"], "acceptNewFields": false, }); server.update_all_settings(body).await; // 4 - Add a document let body = json!([{ "id": 1, "title": "Test", "comment": "comment test" }]); server.add_or_replace_multiple_documents(body).await; // 5 - Get settings, they should not changed let (response, _status_code) = server.get_all_settings().await; let expected = json!({ "rankingRules": [ "typo", "words", "proximity", "attribute", "wordsPosition", "exactness", ], "distinctAttribute": null, "searchableAttributes": ["title"], "displayedAttributes": ["title"], "stopWords": [], "synonyms": {}, "attributesForFaceting": null, "acceptNewFields": false, }); assert_json_eq!(response, expected, ordered: false); }