use bumpalo::collections::CollectIn; use bumpalo::Bump; use meilisearch_types::heed::RwTxn; use meilisearch_types::milli::documents::PrimaryKey; use meilisearch_types::milli::progress::Progress; use meilisearch_types::milli::update::new::indexer::{self, UpdateByFunction}; use meilisearch_types::milli::update::DocumentAdditionResult; use meilisearch_types::milli::{self, Filter, ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder}; use meilisearch_types::settings::apply_settings_to_builder; use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, KindWithContent, Status, Task}; use meilisearch_types::Index; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use super::create_batch::{DocumentOperation, IndexOperation}; use crate::processing::{ DocumentDeletionProgress, DocumentEditionProgress, DocumentOperationProgress, SettingsProgress, }; use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result}; impl IndexScheduler { /// Process the index operation on the given index. /// /// ## Return /// The list of processed tasks. #[tracing::instrument( level = "trace", skip(self, index_wtxn, index, progress), target = "indexing::scheduler" )] pub(crate) fn apply_index_operation<'i>( &self, index_wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'i>, index: &'i Index, operation: IndexOperation, progress: Progress, ) -> Result> { let indexer_alloc = Bump::new(); let started_processing_at = std::time::Instant::now(); let must_stop_processing = self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.clone(); match operation { IndexOperation::DocumentClear { index_uid, mut tasks } => { let count = milli::update::ClearDocuments::new(index_wtxn, index) .execute() .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid)))?; let mut first_clear_found = false; for task in &mut tasks { task.status = Status::Succeeded; // The first document clear will effectively delete every documents // in the database but the next ones will clear 0 documents. task.details = match &task.kind { KindWithContent::DocumentClear { .. } => { let count = if first_clear_found { 0 } else { count }; first_clear_found = true; Some(Details::ClearAll { deleted_documents: Some(count) }) } otherwise => otherwise.default_details(), }; } Ok(tasks) } IndexOperation::DocumentOperation { index_uid, primary_key, method, operations, mut tasks, } => { progress.update_progress(DocumentOperationProgress::RetrievingConfig); // TODO: at some point, for better efficiency we might want to reuse the bumpalo for successive batches. // this is made difficult by the fact we're doing private clones of the index scheduler and sending it // to a fresh thread. let mut content_files = Vec::new(); for operation in &operations { if let DocumentOperation::Add(content_uuid) = operation { let content_file = self.queue.file_store.get_update(*content_uuid)?; let mmap = unsafe { memmap2::Mmap::map(&content_file)? }; content_files.push(mmap); } } let rtxn = index.read_txn()?; let db_fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?; let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone(); let mut content_files_iter = content_files.iter(); let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentOperation::new(method); let embedders = index .embedding_configs(index_wtxn) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let embedders = self.embedders(index_uid.clone(), embedders)?; for operation in operations { match operation { DocumentOperation::Add(_content_uuid) => { let mmap =; indexer .add_documents(mmap) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; } DocumentOperation::Delete(document_ids) => { let document_ids: bumpalo::collections::vec::Vec<_> = document_ids .iter() .map(|s| &*indexer_alloc.alloc_str(s)) .collect_in(&indexer_alloc); indexer.delete_documents(document_ids.into_bump_slice()); } } } let local_pool; let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config(); let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool { Some(pool) => pool, None => { local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new() .thread_name(|i| format!("indexing-thread-{i}")) .build() .unwrap(); &local_pool } }; progress.update_progress(DocumentOperationProgress::ComputingDocumentChanges); let (document_changes, operation_stats, primary_key) = indexer .into_changes( &indexer_alloc, index, &rtxn, primary_key.as_deref(), &mut new_fields_ids_map, &|| must_stop_processing.get(), progress.clone(), ) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let mut candidates_count = 0; for (stats, task) in operation_stats.into_iter().zip(&mut tasks) { candidates_count += stats.document_count; match stats.error { Some(error) => { task.status = Status::Failed; task.error = Some(milli::Error::UserError(error).into()); } None => task.status = Status::Succeeded, } task.details = match task.details { Some(Details::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { received_documents, .. }) => { Some(Details::DocumentAdditionOrUpdate { received_documents, indexed_documents: Some(stats.document_count), }) } Some(Details::DocumentDeletion { provided_ids, .. }) => { Some(Details::DocumentDeletion { provided_ids, deleted_documents: Some(stats.document_count), }) } _ => { // In the case of a `documentAdditionOrUpdate` or `DocumentDeletion` // the details MUST be set to either addition or deletion unreachable!(); } } } progress.update_progress(DocumentOperationProgress::Indexing); if tasks.iter().any(|res| res.error.is_none()) { indexer::index( index_wtxn, index, pool, indexer_config.grenad_parameters(), &db_fields_ids_map, new_fields_ids_map, primary_key, &document_changes, embedders, &|| must_stop_processing.get(), &progress, ) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let addition = DocumentAdditionResult { indexed_documents: candidates_count, number_of_documents: index .number_of_documents(index_wtxn) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?, }; tracing::info!(indexing_result = ?addition, processed_in = ?started_processing_at.elapsed(), "document indexing done"); } Ok(tasks) } IndexOperation::DocumentEdition { index_uid, mut task } => { progress.update_progress(DocumentEditionProgress::RetrievingConfig); let (filter, code) = if let KindWithContent::DocumentEdition { filter_expr, context: _, function, .. } = &task.kind { (filter_expr, function) } else { unreachable!() }; let candidates = match filter.as_ref().map(Filter::from_json) { Some(Ok(Some(filter))) => filter .evaluate(index_wtxn, index) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?, None | Some(Ok(None)) => index.documents_ids(index_wtxn)?, Some(Err(e)) => return Err(Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone()))), }; let (original_filter, context, function) = if let Some(Details::DocumentEdition { original_filter, context, function, .. }) = task.details { (original_filter, context, function) } else { // In the case of a `documentEdition` the details MUST be set unreachable!(); }; if candidates.is_empty() { task.status = Status::Succeeded; task.details = Some(Details::DocumentEdition { original_filter, context, function, deleted_documents: Some(0), edited_documents: Some(0), }); return Ok(vec![task]); } let rtxn = index.read_txn()?; let db_fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?; let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone(); // candidates not empty => index not empty => a primary key is set let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.unwrap(); let primary_key = PrimaryKey::new_or_insert(primary_key, &mut new_fields_ids_map) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err.into(), Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let result_count = Ok((candidates.len(), candidates.len())) as Result<_>; if task.error.is_none() { let local_pool; let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config(); let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool { Some(pool) => pool, None => { local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new() .thread_name(|i| format!("indexing-thread-{i}")) .build() .unwrap(); &local_pool } }; let candidates_count = candidates.len(); progress.update_progress(DocumentEditionProgress::ComputingDocumentChanges); let indexer = UpdateByFunction::new(candidates, context.clone(), code.clone()); let document_changes = pool .install(|| { indexer .into_changes(&primary_key) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone()))) }) .unwrap()?; let embedders = index .embedding_configs(index_wtxn) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let embedders = self.embedders(index_uid.clone(), embedders)?; progress.update_progress(DocumentEditionProgress::Indexing); indexer::index( index_wtxn, index, pool, indexer_config.grenad_parameters(), &db_fields_ids_map, new_fields_ids_map, None, // cannot change primary key in DocumentEdition &document_changes, embedders, &|| must_stop_processing.get(), &progress, ) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let addition = DocumentAdditionResult { indexed_documents: candidates_count, number_of_documents: index .number_of_documents(index_wtxn) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?, }; tracing::info!(indexing_result = ?addition, processed_in = ?started_processing_at.elapsed(), "document indexing done"); } match result_count { Ok((deleted_documents, edited_documents)) => { task.status = Status::Succeeded; task.details = Some(Details::DocumentEdition { original_filter, context, function, deleted_documents: Some(deleted_documents), edited_documents: Some(edited_documents), }); } Err(e) => { task.status = Status::Failed; task.details = Some(Details::DocumentEdition { original_filter, context, function, deleted_documents: Some(0), edited_documents: Some(0), }); task.error = Some(e.into()); } } Ok(vec![task]) } IndexOperation::DocumentDeletion { mut tasks, index_uid } => { progress.update_progress(DocumentDeletionProgress::RetrievingConfig); let mut to_delete = RoaringBitmap::new(); let external_documents_ids = index.external_documents_ids(); for task in tasks.iter_mut() { let before = to_delete.len(); task.status = Status::Succeeded; match &task.kind { KindWithContent::DocumentDeletion { index_uid: _, documents_ids } => { for id in documents_ids { if let Some(id) = external_documents_ids.get(index_wtxn, id)? { to_delete.insert(id); } } let will_be_removed = to_delete.len() - before; task.details = Some(Details::DocumentDeletion { provided_ids: documents_ids.len(), deleted_documents: Some(will_be_removed), }); } KindWithContent::DocumentDeletionByFilter { index_uid, filter_expr } => { let before = to_delete.len(); let filter = match Filter::from_json(filter_expr) { Ok(filter) => filter, Err(err) => { // theorically, this should be catched by deserr before reaching the index-scheduler and cannot happens task.status = Status::Failed; task.error = Some( Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())).into(), ); None } }; if let Some(filter) = filter { let candidates = filter .evaluate(index_wtxn, index) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone()))); match candidates { Ok(candidates) => to_delete |= candidates, Err(err) => { task.status = Status::Failed; task.error = Some(err.into()); } }; } let will_be_removed = to_delete.len() - before; if let Some(Details::DocumentDeletionByFilter { original_filter: _, deleted_documents, }) = &mut task.details { *deleted_documents = Some(will_be_removed); } else { // In the case of a `documentDeleteByFilter` the details MUST be set unreachable!() } } _ => unreachable!(), } } if to_delete.is_empty() { return Ok(tasks); } let rtxn = index.read_txn()?; let db_fields_ids_map = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?; let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone(); // to_delete not empty => index not empty => primary key set let primary_key = index.primary_key(&rtxn)?.unwrap(); let primary_key = PrimaryKey::new_or_insert(primary_key, &mut new_fields_ids_map) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err.into(), Some(index_uid.clone())))?; if !tasks.iter().all(|res| res.error.is_some()) { let local_pool; let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config(); let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool { Some(pool) => pool, None => { local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new() .thread_name(|i| format!("indexing-thread-{i}")) .build() .unwrap(); &local_pool } }; progress.update_progress(DocumentDeletionProgress::DeleteDocuments); let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentDeletion::new(); let candidates_count = to_delete.len(); indexer.delete_documents_by_docids(to_delete); let document_changes = indexer.into_changes(&indexer_alloc, primary_key); let embedders = index .embedding_configs(index_wtxn) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let embedders = self.embedders(index_uid.clone(), embedders)?; progress.update_progress(DocumentDeletionProgress::Indexing); indexer::index( index_wtxn, index, pool, indexer_config.grenad_parameters(), &db_fields_ids_map, new_fields_ids_map, None, // document deletion never changes primary key &document_changes, embedders, &|| must_stop_processing.get(), &progress, ) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; let addition = DocumentAdditionResult { indexed_documents: candidates_count, number_of_documents: index .number_of_documents(index_wtxn) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?, }; tracing::info!(indexing_result = ?addition, processed_in = ?started_processing_at.elapsed(), "document indexing done"); } Ok(tasks) } IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, settings, mut tasks } => { progress.update_progress(SettingsProgress::RetrievingAndMergingTheSettings); let indexer_config = self.index_mapper.indexer_config(); let mut builder = milli::update::Settings::new(index_wtxn, index, indexer_config); for (task, (_, settings)) in tasks.iter_mut().zip(settings) { let checked_settings = settings.clone().check(); task.details = Some(Details::SettingsUpdate { settings: Box::new(settings) }); apply_settings_to_builder(&checked_settings, &mut builder); // We can apply the status right now and if an update fail later // the whole batch will be marked as failed. task.status = Status::Succeeded; } progress.update_progress(SettingsProgress::ApplyTheSettings); builder .execute( |indexing_step| tracing::debug!(update = ?indexing_step), || must_stop_processing.get(), ) .map_err(|err| Error::from_milli(err, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; Ok(tasks) } IndexOperation::DocumentClearAndSetting { index_uid, cleared_tasks, settings, settings_tasks, } => { let mut import_tasks = self.apply_index_operation( index_wtxn, index, IndexOperation::DocumentClear { index_uid: index_uid.clone(), tasks: cleared_tasks, }, progress.clone(), )?; let settings_tasks = self.apply_index_operation( index_wtxn, index, IndexOperation::Settings { index_uid, settings, tasks: settings_tasks }, progress, )?; let mut tasks = settings_tasks; tasks.append(&mut import_tasks); Ok(tasks) } } } }