use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet}; use std::panic::{catch_unwind, AssertUnwindSafe}; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering; use meilisearch_types::batches::{BatchEnqueuedAt, BatchId}; use meilisearch_types::heed::{RoTxn, RwTxn}; use meilisearch_types::milli::progress::{Progress, VariableNameStep}; use meilisearch_types::milli::{self}; use meilisearch_types::tasks::{Details, IndexSwap, KindWithContent, Status, Task}; use milli::update::Settings as MilliSettings; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use super::create_batch::Batch; use crate::processing::{ AtomicBatchStep, AtomicTaskStep, CreateIndexProgress, DeleteIndexProgress, InnerSwappingTwoIndexes, SwappingTheIndexes, TaskCancelationProgress, TaskDeletionProgress, UpdateIndexProgress, }; use crate::utils::{ self, remove_n_tasks_datetime_earlier_than, remove_task_datetime, swap_index_uid_in_task, ProcessingBatch, }; use crate::{Error, IndexScheduler, Result, TaskId}; impl IndexScheduler { /// Apply the operation associated with the given batch. /// /// ## Return /// The list of tasks that were processed. The metadata of each task in the returned /// list is updated accordingly, with the exception of the its date fields /// [`finished_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::finished_at) and [`started_at`](meilisearch_types::tasks::Task::started_at). #[tracing::instrument(level = "trace", skip(self, batch, progress), target = "indexing::scheduler", fields(batch=batch.to_string()))] pub(crate) fn process_batch( &self, batch: Batch, current_batch: &mut ProcessingBatch, progress: Progress, ) -> Result> { #[cfg(test)] { self.maybe_fail(crate::test_utils::FailureLocation::InsideProcessBatch)?; self.maybe_fail(crate::test_utils::FailureLocation::PanicInsideProcessBatch)?; self.breakpoint(crate::test_utils::Breakpoint::InsideProcessBatch); } match batch { Batch::TaskCancelation { mut task } => { // 1. Retrieve the tasks that matched the query at enqueue-time. let matched_tasks = if let KindWithContent::TaskCancelation { tasks, query: _ } = &task.kind { tasks } else { unreachable!() }; let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?; let mut canceled_tasks = self.cancel_matched_tasks( &rtxn, task.uid, current_batch, matched_tasks, &progress, )?; task.status = Status::Succeeded; match &mut task.details { Some(Details::TaskCancelation { matched_tasks: _, canceled_tasks: canceled_tasks_details, original_filter: _, }) => { *canceled_tasks_details = Some(canceled_tasks.len() as u64); } _ => unreachable!(), } canceled_tasks.push(task); Ok(canceled_tasks) } Batch::TaskDeletions(mut tasks) => { // 1. Retrieve the tasks that matched the query at enqueue-time. let mut matched_tasks = RoaringBitmap::new(); for task in tasks.iter() { if let KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { tasks, query: _ } = &task.kind { matched_tasks |= tasks; } else { unreachable!() } } let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; let mut deleted_tasks = self.delete_matched_tasks(&mut wtxn, &matched_tasks, &progress)?; wtxn.commit()?; for task in tasks.iter_mut() { task.status = Status::Succeeded; let KindWithContent::TaskDeletion { tasks, query: _ } = &task.kind else { unreachable!() }; let deleted_tasks_count = deleted_tasks.intersection_len(tasks); deleted_tasks -= tasks; match &mut task.details { Some(Details::TaskDeletion { matched_tasks: _, deleted_tasks, original_filter: _, }) => { *deleted_tasks = Some(deleted_tasks_count); } _ => unreachable!(), } } Ok(tasks) } Batch::SnapshotCreation(tasks) => self.process_snapshot(progress, tasks), Batch::Dump(task) => self.process_dump_creation(progress, task), Batch::IndexOperation { op, must_create_index } => { let index_uid = op.index_uid().to_string(); let index = if must_create_index { // create the index if it doesn't already exist let wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; self.index_mapper.create_index(wtxn, &index_uid, None)? } else { let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?; self.index_mapper.index(&rtxn, &index_uid)? }; // the index operation can take a long time, so save this handle to make it available to the search for the duration of the tick self.index_mapper .set_currently_updating_index(Some((index_uid.clone(), index.clone()))); let mut index_wtxn = index.write_txn()?; let tasks = self.apply_index_operation(&mut index_wtxn, &index, op, progress)?; { let span = tracing::trace_span!(target: "indexing::scheduler", "commit"); let _entered = span.enter(); index_wtxn.commit()?; } // if the update processed successfully, we're going to store the new // stats of the index. Since the tasks have already been processed and // this is a non-critical operation. If it fails, we should not fail // the entire batch. let res = || -> Result<()> { let index_rtxn = index.read_txn()?; let stats = crate::index_mapper::IndexStats::new(&index, &index_rtxn) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.to_string())))?; let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; self.index_mapper.store_stats_of(&mut wtxn, &index_uid, &stats)?; wtxn.commit()?; Ok(()) }(); match res { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => tracing::error!( error = &e as &dyn std::error::Error, "Could not write the stats of the index" ), } Ok(tasks) } Batch::IndexCreation { index_uid, primary_key, task } => { progress.update_progress(CreateIndexProgress::CreatingTheIndex); let wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; if self.index_mapper.exists(&wtxn, &index_uid)? { return Err(Error::IndexAlreadyExists(index_uid)); } self.index_mapper.create_index(wtxn, &index_uid, None)?; self.process_batch( Batch::IndexUpdate { index_uid, primary_key, task }, current_batch, progress, ) } Batch::IndexUpdate { index_uid, primary_key, mut task } => { progress.update_progress(UpdateIndexProgress::UpdatingTheIndex); let rtxn = self.env.read_txn()?; let index = self.index_mapper.index(&rtxn, &index_uid)?; if let Some(primary_key) = primary_key.clone() { let mut index_wtxn = index.write_txn()?; let mut builder = MilliSettings::new( &mut index_wtxn, &index, self.index_mapper.indexer_config(), ); builder.set_primary_key(primary_key); let must_stop_processing = self.scheduler.must_stop_processing.clone(); builder .execute( |indexing_step| tracing::debug!(update = ?indexing_step), || must_stop_processing.get(), ) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.to_string())))?; index_wtxn.commit()?; } // drop rtxn before starting a new wtxn on the same db rtxn.commit()?; task.status = Status::Succeeded; task.details = Some(Details::IndexInfo { primary_key }); // if the update processed successfully, we're going to store the new // stats of the index. Since the tasks have already been processed and // this is a non-critical operation. If it fails, we should not fail // the entire batch. let res = || -> Result<()> { let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; let index_rtxn = index.read_txn()?; let stats = crate::index_mapper::IndexStats::new(&index, &index_rtxn) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.clone())))?; self.index_mapper.store_stats_of(&mut wtxn, &index_uid, &stats)?; wtxn.commit()?; Ok(()) }(); match res { Ok(_) => (), Err(e) => tracing::error!( error = &e as &dyn std::error::Error, "Could not write the stats of the index" ), } Ok(vec![task]) } Batch::IndexDeletion { index_uid, index_has_been_created, mut tasks } => { progress.update_progress(DeleteIndexProgress::DeletingTheIndex); let wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; // it's possible that the index doesn't exist let number_of_documents = || -> Result { let index = self.index_mapper.index(&wtxn, &index_uid)?; let index_rtxn = index.read_txn()?; index .number_of_documents(&index_rtxn) .map_err(|e| Error::from_milli(e, Some(index_uid.to_string()))) }() .unwrap_or_default(); // The write transaction is directly owned and committed inside. match self.index_mapper.delete_index(wtxn, &index_uid) { Ok(()) => (), Err(Error::IndexNotFound(_)) if index_has_been_created => (), Err(e) => return Err(e), } // We set all the tasks details to the default value. for task in &mut tasks { task.status = Status::Succeeded; task.details = match &task.kind { KindWithContent::IndexDeletion { .. } => { Some(Details::ClearAll { deleted_documents: Some(number_of_documents) }) } otherwise => otherwise.default_finished_details(), }; } Ok(tasks) } Batch::IndexSwap { mut task } => { progress.update_progress(SwappingTheIndexes::EnsuringCorrectnessOfTheSwap); let mut wtxn = self.env.write_txn()?; let swaps = if let KindWithContent::IndexSwap { swaps } = &task.kind { swaps } else { unreachable!() }; let mut not_found_indexes = BTreeSet::new(); for IndexSwap { indexes: (lhs, rhs) } in swaps { for index in [lhs, rhs] { let index_exists = self.index_mapper.index_exists(&wtxn, index)?; if !index_exists { not_found_indexes.insert(index); } } } if !not_found_indexes.is_empty() { if not_found_indexes.len() == 1 { return Err(Error::SwapIndexNotFound( not_found_indexes.into_iter().next().unwrap().clone(), )); } else { return Err(Error::SwapIndexesNotFound( not_found_indexes.into_iter().cloned().collect(), )); } } progress.update_progress(SwappingTheIndexes::SwappingTheIndexes); for (step, swap) in swaps.iter().enumerate() { progress.update_progress(VariableNameStep::::new( format!("swapping index {} and {}", swap.indexes.0, swap.indexes.1), step as u32, swaps.len() as u32, )); self.apply_index_swap( &mut wtxn, &progress, task.uid, &swap.indexes.0, &swap.indexes.1, )?; } wtxn.commit()?; task.status = Status::Succeeded; Ok(vec![task]) } Batch::UpgradeDatabase { mut tasks } => { let KindWithContent::UpgradeDatabase { from } = tasks.last().unwrap().kind else { unreachable!(); }; let ret = catch_unwind(AssertUnwindSafe(|| self.process_upgrade(from, progress))); match ret { Ok(Ok(())) => (), Ok(Err(e)) => return Err(Error::DatabaseUpgrade(Box::new(e))), Err(_e) => { return Err(Error::DatabaseUpgrade(Box::new(Error::ProcessBatchPanicked))); } } for task in tasks.iter_mut() { task.status = Status::Succeeded; // Since this task can be retried we must reset its error status task.error = None; } Ok(tasks) } } } /// Swap the index `lhs` with the index `rhs`. fn apply_index_swap( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, progress: &Progress, task_id: u32, lhs: &str, rhs: &str, ) -> Result<()> { progress.update_progress(InnerSwappingTwoIndexes::RetrieveTheTasks); // 1. Verify that both lhs and rhs are existing indexes let index_lhs_exists = self.index_mapper.index_exists(wtxn, lhs)?; if !index_lhs_exists { return Err(Error::IndexNotFound(lhs.to_owned())); } let index_rhs_exists = self.index_mapper.index_exists(wtxn, rhs)?; if !index_rhs_exists { return Err(Error::IndexNotFound(rhs.to_owned())); } // 2. Get the task set for index = name that appeared before the index swap task let mut index_lhs_task_ids = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(wtxn, lhs)?; index_lhs_task_ids.remove_range(task_id..); let mut index_rhs_task_ids = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(wtxn, rhs)?; index_rhs_task_ids.remove_range(task_id..); // 3. before_name -> new_name in the task's KindWithContent progress.update_progress(InnerSwappingTwoIndexes::UpdateTheTasks); let tasks_to_update = &index_lhs_task_ids | &index_rhs_task_ids; let (atomic, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks_to_update.len() as u32); progress.update_progress(task_progress); for task_id in tasks_to_update { let mut task = self.queue.tasks.get_task(wtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?; swap_index_uid_in_task(&mut task, (lhs, rhs)); self.queue.tasks.all_tasks.put(wtxn, &task_id, &task)?; atomic.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } // 4. remove the task from indexuid = before_name // 5. add the task to indexuid = after_name progress.update_progress(InnerSwappingTwoIndexes::UpdateTheIndexesMetadata); self.queue.tasks.update_index(wtxn, lhs, |lhs_tasks| { *lhs_tasks -= &index_lhs_task_ids; *lhs_tasks |= &index_rhs_task_ids; })?; self.queue.tasks.update_index(wtxn, rhs, |rhs_tasks| { *rhs_tasks -= &index_rhs_task_ids; *rhs_tasks |= &index_lhs_task_ids; })?; // 6. Swap in the index mapper self.index_mapper.swap(wtxn, lhs, rhs)?; Ok(()) } /// Delete each given task from all the databases (if it is deleteable). /// /// Return the number of tasks that were actually deleted. fn delete_matched_tasks( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn, matched_tasks: &RoaringBitmap, progress: &Progress, ) -> Result { progress.update_progress(TaskDeletionProgress::DeletingTasksDateTime); // 1. Remove from this list the tasks that we are not allowed to delete let enqueued_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_status(wtxn, Status::Enqueued)?; let processing_tasks = &; let all_task_ids = self.queue.tasks.all_task_ids(wtxn)?; let mut to_delete_tasks = all_task_ids & matched_tasks; to_delete_tasks -= &**processing_tasks; to_delete_tasks -= &enqueued_tasks; // 2. We now have a list of tasks to delete, delete them let mut affected_indexes = HashSet::new(); let mut affected_statuses = HashSet::new(); let mut affected_kinds = HashSet::new(); let mut affected_canceled_by = RoaringBitmap::new(); // The tasks that have been removed *per batches*. let mut affected_batches: HashMap = HashMap::new(); let (atomic_progress, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(to_delete_tasks.len() as u32); progress.update_progress(task_progress); for task_id in to_delete_tasks.iter() { let task = self.queue.tasks.get_task(wtxn, task_id)?.ok_or(Error::CorruptedTaskQueue)?; affected_indexes.extend(task.indexes().into_iter().map(|x| x.to_owned())); affected_statuses.insert(task.status); affected_kinds.insert(task.kind.as_kind()); // Note: don't delete the persisted task data since // we can only delete succeeded, failed, and canceled tasks. // In each of those cases, the persisted data is supposed to // have been deleted already. utils::remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.tasks.enqueued_at, task.enqueued_at, task.uid, )?; if let Some(started_at) = task.started_at { utils::remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.tasks.started_at, started_at, task.uid, )?; } if let Some(finished_at) = task.finished_at { utils::remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.tasks.finished_at, finished_at, task.uid, )?; } if let Some(canceled_by) = task.canceled_by { affected_canceled_by.insert(canceled_by); } if let Some(batch_uid) = task.batch_uid { affected_batches.entry(batch_uid).or_default().insert(task_id); } atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } progress.update_progress(TaskDeletionProgress::DeletingTasksMetadata); let (atomic_progress, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new( (affected_indexes.len() + affected_statuses.len() + affected_kinds.len()) as u32, ); progress.update_progress(task_progress); for index in affected_indexes.iter() { self.queue.tasks.update_index(wtxn, index, |bitmap| *bitmap -= &to_delete_tasks)?; atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } for status in affected_statuses.iter() { self.queue.tasks.update_status(wtxn, *status, |bitmap| *bitmap -= &to_delete_tasks)?; atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } for kind in affected_kinds.iter() { self.queue.tasks.update_kind(wtxn, *kind, |bitmap| *bitmap -= &to_delete_tasks)?; atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } progress.update_progress(TaskDeletionProgress::DeletingTasks); let (atomic_progress, task_progress) = AtomicTaskStep::new(to_delete_tasks.len() as u32); progress.update_progress(task_progress); for task in to_delete_tasks.iter() { self.queue.tasks.all_tasks.delete(wtxn, &task)?; atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } for canceled_by in affected_canceled_by { if let Some(mut tasks) = self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.get(wtxn, &canceled_by)? { tasks -= &to_delete_tasks; if tasks.is_empty() { self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.delete(wtxn, &canceled_by)?; } else { self.queue.tasks.canceled_by.put(wtxn, &canceled_by, &tasks)?; } } } progress.update_progress(TaskDeletionProgress::DeletingBatches); let (atomic_progress, batch_progress) = AtomicBatchStep::new(affected_batches.len() as u32); progress.update_progress(batch_progress); for (batch_id, to_delete_tasks) in affected_batches { if let Some(mut tasks) = self.queue.batch_to_tasks_mapping.get(wtxn, &batch_id)? { tasks -= &to_delete_tasks; // We must remove the batch entirely if tasks.is_empty() { if let Some(batch) = self.queue.batches.get_batch(wtxn, batch_id)? { if let Some(BatchEnqueuedAt { earliest, oldest }) = batch.enqueued_at { remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.batches.enqueued_at, earliest, batch_id, )?; remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.batches.enqueued_at, oldest, batch_id, )?; } else { // If we don't have the enqueued at in the batch it means the database comes from the v1.12 // and we still need to find the date by scrolling the database remove_n_tasks_datetime_earlier_than( wtxn, self.queue.batches.enqueued_at, batch.started_at, if batch.stats.total_nb_tasks >= 2 { 2 } else { 1 }, batch_id, )?; } remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.batches.started_at, batch.started_at, batch_id, )?; if let Some(finished_at) = batch.finished_at { remove_task_datetime( wtxn, self.queue.batches.finished_at, finished_at, batch_id, )?; } self.queue.batches.all_batches.delete(wtxn, &batch_id)?; self.queue.batch_to_tasks_mapping.delete(wtxn, &batch_id)?; } } // Anyway, we must remove the batch from all its reverse indexes. // The only way to do that is to check for index in affected_indexes.iter() { let index_tasks = self.queue.tasks.index_tasks(wtxn, index)?; let remaining_index_tasks = index_tasks & &tasks; if remaining_index_tasks.is_empty() { self.queue.batches.update_index(wtxn, index, |bitmap| { bitmap.remove(batch_id); })?; } } for status in affected_statuses.iter() { let status_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_status(wtxn, *status)?; let remaining_status_tasks = status_tasks & &tasks; if remaining_status_tasks.is_empty() { self.queue.batches.update_status(wtxn, *status, |bitmap| { bitmap.remove(batch_id); })?; } } for kind in affected_kinds.iter() { let kind_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_kind(wtxn, *kind)?; let remaining_kind_tasks = kind_tasks & &tasks; if remaining_kind_tasks.is_empty() { self.queue.batches.update_kind(wtxn, *kind, |bitmap| { bitmap.remove(batch_id); })?; } } } atomic_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } Ok(to_delete_tasks) } /// Cancel each given task from all the databases (if it is cancelable). /// /// Returns the list of tasks that matched the filter and must be written in the database. fn cancel_matched_tasks( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn, cancel_task_id: TaskId, current_batch: &mut ProcessingBatch, matched_tasks: &RoaringBitmap, progress: &Progress, ) -> Result> { progress.update_progress(TaskCancelationProgress::RetrievingTasks); // 1. Remove from this list the tasks that we are not allowed to cancel // Notice that only the _enqueued_ ones are cancelable and we should // have already aborted the indexation of the _processing_ ones let cancelable_tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_status(rtxn, Status::Enqueued)?; let tasks_to_cancel = cancelable_tasks & matched_tasks; let (task_progress, progress_obj) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks_to_cancel.len() as u32); progress.update_progress(progress_obj); // 2. We now have a list of tasks to cancel, cancel them let mut tasks = self.queue.tasks.get_existing_tasks( rtxn, tasks_to_cancel.iter().inspect(|_| { task_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); }), )?; progress.update_progress(TaskCancelationProgress::UpdatingTasks); let (task_progress, progress_obj) = AtomicTaskStep::new(tasks_to_cancel.len() as u32); progress.update_progress(progress_obj); for task in tasks.iter_mut() { task.status = Status::Canceled; task.canceled_by = Some(cancel_task_id); task.details = task.details.as_ref().map(|d| d.to_failed()); current_batch.processing(Some(task)); task_progress.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed); } Ok(tasks) } }