use std::error; use std::fmt; use actix_web as aweb; use actix_web::body::Body; use actix_web::dev::BaseHttpResponseBuilder; use actix_web::error::{JsonPayloadError, QueryPayloadError}; use actix_web::http::Error as HttpError; use actix_web::http::StatusCode; use meilisearch_error::{Code, ErrorCode}; use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeStruct, Serializer}; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ResponseError { inner: Box, } impl error::Error for ResponseError {} impl ErrorCode for ResponseError { fn error_code(&self) -> Code { self.inner.error_code() } } impl fmt::Display for ResponseError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { self.inner.fmt(f) } } // TODO: remove this when implementing actual error handling impl From for ResponseError { fn from(other: anyhow::Error) -> ResponseError { ResponseError { inner: Box::new(Error::NotFound(other.to_string())), } } } impl From for ResponseError { fn from(error: Error) -> ResponseError { ResponseError { inner: Box::new(error), } } } impl From for ResponseError { fn from(err: FacetCountError) -> ResponseError { ResponseError { inner: Box::new(err), } } } impl Serialize for ResponseError { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> Result where S: Serializer, { let struct_name = "ResponseError"; let field_count = 4; let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct(struct_name, field_count)?; state.serialize_field("message", &self.to_string())?; state.serialize_field("errorCode", &self.error_name())?; state.serialize_field("errorType", &self.error_type())?; state.serialize_field("errorLink", &self.error_url())?; state.end() } } impl aweb::error::ResponseError for ResponseError { fn error_response(&self) -> aweb::BaseHttpResponse { let json = serde_json::to_vec(self).unwrap(); BaseHttpResponseBuilder::new(self.status_code()).body(json) } fn status_code(&self) -> StatusCode { self.http_status() } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Error { BadParameter(String, String), BadRequest(String), CreateIndex(String), DocumentNotFound(String), IndexNotFound(String), IndexAlreadyExists(String), Internal(String), InvalidIndexUid, InvalidToken(String), MissingAuthorizationHeader, NotFound(String), OpenIndex(String), RetrieveDocument(u32, String), SearchDocuments(String), PayloadTooLarge, UnsupportedMediaType, DumpAlreadyInProgress, DumpProcessFailed(String), } impl error::Error for Error {} impl ErrorCode for Error { fn error_code(&self) -> Code { use Error::*; match self { BadParameter(_, _) => Code::BadParameter, BadRequest(_) => Code::BadRequest, CreateIndex(_) => Code::CreateIndex, DocumentNotFound(_) => Code::DocumentNotFound, IndexNotFound(_) => Code::IndexNotFound, IndexAlreadyExists(_) => Code::IndexAlreadyExists, Internal(_) => Code::Internal, InvalidIndexUid => Code::InvalidIndexUid, InvalidToken(_) => Code::InvalidToken, MissingAuthorizationHeader => Code::MissingAuthorizationHeader, NotFound(_) => Code::NotFound, OpenIndex(_) => Code::OpenIndex, RetrieveDocument(_, _) => Code::RetrieveDocument, SearchDocuments(_) => Code::SearchDocuments, PayloadTooLarge => Code::PayloadTooLarge, UnsupportedMediaType => Code::UnsupportedMediaType, _ => unreachable!() //DumpAlreadyInProgress => Code::DumpAlreadyInProgress, //DumpProcessFailed(_) => Code::DumpProcessFailed, } } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum FacetCountError { AttributeNotSet(String), SyntaxError(String), UnexpectedToken { found: String, expected: &'static [&'static str], }, NoFacetSet, } impl error::Error for FacetCountError {} impl ErrorCode for FacetCountError { fn error_code(&self) -> Code { Code::BadRequest } } impl FacetCountError { pub fn unexpected_token( found: impl ToString, expected: &'static [&'static str], ) -> FacetCountError { let found = found.to_string(); FacetCountError::UnexpectedToken { expected, found } } } impl From for FacetCountError { fn from(other: serde_json::error::Error) -> FacetCountError { FacetCountError::SyntaxError(other.to_string()) } } impl fmt::Display for FacetCountError { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { use FacetCountError::*; match self { AttributeNotSet(attr) => write!(f, "Attribute {} is not set as facet", attr), SyntaxError(msg) => write!(f, "Syntax error: {}", msg), UnexpectedToken { expected, found } => { write!(f, "Unexpected {} found, expected {:?}", found, expected) } NoFacetSet => write!(f, "Can't perform facet count, as no facet is set"), } } } impl Error { pub fn internal(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::Internal(err.to_string()) } pub fn bad_request(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::BadRequest(err.to_string()) } pub fn missing_authorization_header() -> Error { Error::MissingAuthorizationHeader } pub fn invalid_token(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::InvalidToken(err.to_string()) } pub fn not_found(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::NotFound(err.to_string()) } pub fn index_not_found(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::IndexNotFound(err.to_string()) } pub fn document_not_found(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::DocumentNotFound(err.to_string()) } pub fn bad_parameter(param: impl fmt::Display, err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::BadParameter(param.to_string(), err.to_string()) } pub fn open_index(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::OpenIndex(err.to_string()) } pub fn create_index(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::CreateIndex(err.to_string()) } pub fn invalid_index_uid() -> Error { Error::InvalidIndexUid } pub fn retrieve_document(doc_id: u32, err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::RetrieveDocument(doc_id, err.to_string()) } pub fn search_documents(err: impl fmt::Display) -> Error { Error::SearchDocuments(err.to_string()) } pub fn dump_conflict() -> Error { Error::DumpAlreadyInProgress } pub fn dump_failed(message: String) -> Error { Error::DumpProcessFailed(message) } } impl fmt::Display for Error { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { Self::BadParameter(param, err) => write!(f, "Url parameter {} error: {}", param, err), Self::BadRequest(err) => f.write_str(err), Self::CreateIndex(err) => write!(f, "Impossible to create index; {}", err), Self::DocumentNotFound(document_id) => write!(f, "Document with id {} not found", document_id), Self::IndexNotFound(index_uid) => write!(f, "Index {} not found", index_uid), Self::IndexAlreadyExists(index_uid) => write!(f, "Index {} already exists", index_uid), Self::Internal(err) => f.write_str(err), Self::InvalidIndexUid => f.write_str("Index must have a valid uid; Index uid can be of type integer or string only composed of alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_)."), Self::InvalidToken(err) => write!(f, "Invalid API key: {}", err), Self::MissingAuthorizationHeader => f.write_str("You must have an authorization token"), Self::NotFound(err) => write!(f, "{} not found", err), Self::OpenIndex(err) => write!(f, "Impossible to open index; {}", err), Self::RetrieveDocument(id, err) => write!(f, "Impossible to retrieve the document with id: {}; {}", id, err), Self::SearchDocuments(err) => write!(f, "Impossible to search documents; {}", err), Self::PayloadTooLarge => f.write_str("Payload too large"), Self::UnsupportedMediaType => f.write_str("Unsupported media type"), Self::DumpAlreadyInProgress => f.write_str("Another dump is already in progress"), Self::DumpProcessFailed(message) => write!(f, "Dump process failed: {}", message), } } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: std::io::Error) -> Error { Error::Internal(err.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: HttpError) -> Error { Error::Internal(err.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: serde_json::error::Error) -> Error { Error::Internal(err.to_string()) } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: JsonPayloadError) -> Error { match err { JsonPayloadError::Deserialize(err) => { Error::BadRequest(format!("Invalid JSON: {}", err)) } JsonPayloadError::Overflow => Error::PayloadTooLarge, JsonPayloadError::ContentType => Error::UnsupportedMediaType, JsonPayloadError::Payload(err) => { Error::BadRequest(format!("Problem while decoding the request: {}", err)) } e => Error::Internal(format!("Unexpected Json error: {}", e)) } } } impl From for Error { fn from(err: QueryPayloadError) -> Error { match err { QueryPayloadError::Deserialize(err) => { Error::BadRequest(format!("Invalid query parameters: {}", err)) } e => Error::Internal(format!("Unexpected query payload error: {}", e)) } } } pub fn payload_error_handler>(err: E) -> ResponseError { let error: Error = err.into(); error.into() }