use std::path::Path; use actix_web::http::StatusCode; use byte_unit::{Byte, ByteUnit}; use serde_json::Value; use tempdir::TempDir; use urlencoding::encode; use meilisearch_http::data::Data; use meilisearch_http::option::{IndexerOpts, Opt}; use super::index::Index; use super::service::Service; pub struct Server { pub service: Service, // hold ownership to the tempdir while we use the server instance. _dir: Option, } impl Server { pub async fn new() -> Self { let dir = TempDir::new("meilisearch").unwrap(); let opt = default_settings(dir.path()); let data = Data::new(opt).unwrap(); let service = Service(data); Server { service, _dir: Some(dir), } } pub async fn new_with_options(opt: Opt) -> Self { let data = Data::new(opt).unwrap(); let service = Service(data); Server { service, _dir: None, } } /// Returns a view to an index. There is no guarantee that the index exists. pub fn index(&self, uid: impl AsRef) -> Index<'_> { Index { uid: encode(uid.as_ref()), service: &self.service, } } pub async fn list_indexes(&self) -> (Value, StatusCode) { self.service.get("/indexes").await } pub async fn version(&self) -> (Value, StatusCode) { self.service.get("/version").await } pub async fn stats(&self) -> (Value, StatusCode) { self.service.get("/stats").await } } pub fn default_settings(dir: impl AsRef) -> Opt { Opt { db_path: dir.as_ref().join("db"), dumps_dir: dir.as_ref().join("dump"), http_addr: "".to_owned(), master_key: None, env: "development".to_owned(), #[cfg(all(not(debug_assertions), feature = "analytics"))] no_analytics: true, max_mdb_size: Byte::from_unit(4.0, ByteUnit::GiB).unwrap(), max_udb_size: Byte::from_unit(4.0, ByteUnit::GiB).unwrap(), http_payload_size_limit: Byte::from_unit(10.0, ByteUnit::MiB).unwrap(), ssl_cert_path: None, ssl_key_path: None, ssl_auth_path: None, ssl_ocsp_path: None, ssl_require_auth: false, ssl_resumption: false, ssl_tickets: false, import_snapshot: None, ignore_missing_snapshot: false, ignore_snapshot_if_db_exists: false, snapshot_dir: ".".into(), schedule_snapshot: false, snapshot_interval_sec: 0, import_dump: None, indexer_options: IndexerOpts::default(), } }