use meili_snap::{json_string, snapshot}; use super::{DOCUMENTS, NESTED_DOCUMENTS}; use crate::common::Server; use crate::json; #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_empty_list() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server.multi_search(json!({"queries": []})).await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "results": [] } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_json_object() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server.multi_search(json!({})).await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Missing field `queries`", "code": "bad_request", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_json_array() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server.multi_search(json!([])).await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Invalid value type: expected an object, but found an array: `[]`", "code": "bad_request", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_search_single_index() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid" : "test", "q": "glass"}, {"indexUid": "test", "q": "captain"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); insta::assert_json_snapshot!(response["results"], { "[].processingTimeMs" => "[time]", ".**._rankingScore" => "[score]" }, @r###" [ { "indexUid": "test", "hits": [ { "title": "Gläss", "id": "450465" } ], "query": "glass", "processingTimeMs": "[time]", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "estimatedTotalHits": 1 }, { "indexUid": "test", "hits": [ { "title": "Captain Marvel", "id": "299537" } ], "query": "captain", "processingTimeMs": "[time]", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "estimatedTotalHits": 1 } ] "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_search_missing_index_uid() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"q": "glass"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); insta::assert_json_snapshot!(response, @r###" { "message": "Missing field `indexUid` inside `.queries[0]`", "code": "missing_index_uid", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_search_illegal_index_uid() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid": "hé", "q": "glass"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); insta::assert_json_snapshot!(response, @r###" { "message": "Invalid value at `.queries[0].indexUid`: `hé` is not a valid index uid. Index uid can be an integer or a string containing only alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).", "code": "invalid_index_uid", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn simple_search_two_indexes() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let index = server.index("nested"); let documents = NESTED_DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid" : "test", "q": "glass"}, {"indexUid": "nested", "q": "pésti"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"200 OK"); insta::assert_json_snapshot!(response["results"], { "[].processingTimeMs" => "[time]", ".**._rankingScore" => "[score]" }, @r###" [ { "indexUid": "test", "hits": [ { "title": "Gläss", "id": "450465" } ], "query": "glass", "processingTimeMs": "[time]", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "estimatedTotalHits": 1 }, { "indexUid": "nested", "hits": [ { "id": 852, "father": "jean", "mother": "michelle", "doggos": [ { "name": "bobby", "age": 2 }, { "name": "buddy", "age": 4 } ], "cattos": "pésti" }, { "id": 654, "father": "pierre", "mother": "sabine", "doggos": [ { "name": "gros bill", "age": 8 } ], "cattos": [ "simba", "pestiféré" ] } ], "query": "pésti", "processingTimeMs": "[time]", "limit": 20, "offset": 0, "estimatedTotalHits": 2 } ] "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_one_index_doesnt_exist() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid" : "test", "q": "glass"}, {"indexUid": "nested", "q": "pésti"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Inside `.queries[1]`: Index `nested` not found.", "code": "index_not_found", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_multiple_indexes_dont_exist() { let server = Server::new().await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid" : "test", "q": "glass"}, {"indexUid": "nested", "q": "pésti"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Inside `.queries[0]`: Index `test` not found.", "code": "index_not_found", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_one_query_error() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let index = server.index("nested"); let documents = NESTED_DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid" : "test", "q": "glass", "facets": ["title"]}, {"indexUid": "nested", "q": "pésti"}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Inside `.queries[0]`: Invalid facet distribution, this index does not have configured filterable attributes.", "code": "invalid_search_facets", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); } #[actix_rt::test] async fn search_multiple_query_errors() { let server = Server::new().await; let index = server.index("test"); let documents = DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(0).await; let index = server.index("nested"); let documents = NESTED_DOCUMENTS.clone(); index.add_documents(documents, None).await; index.wait_task(1).await; let (response, code) = server .multi_search(json!({"queries": [ {"indexUid" : "test", "q": "glass", "facets": ["title"]}, {"indexUid": "nested", "q": "pésti", "facets": ["doggos"]}, ]})) .await; snapshot!(code, @"400 Bad Request"); snapshot!(json_string!(response), @r###" { "message": "Inside `.queries[0]`: Invalid facet distribution, this index does not have configured filterable attributes.", "code": "invalid_search_facets", "type": "invalid_request", "link": "" } "###); }