use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::fs::File; use std::{io, mem, str}; use charabia::{Language, Script, SeparatorKind, Token, TokenKind, Tokenizer, TokenizerBuilder}; use obkv::KvReader; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use serde_json::Value; use super::helpers::{concat_u32s_array, create_sorter, sorter_into_reader, GrenadParameters}; use crate::error::{InternalError, SerializationError}; use crate::update::index_documents::MergeFn; use crate::{ absolute_from_relative_position, FieldId, Result, MAX_POSITION_PER_ATTRIBUTE, MAX_WORD_LENGTH, }; pub type ScriptLanguageDocidsMap = HashMap<(Script, Language), RoaringBitmap>; /// Extracts the word and positions where this word appear and /// prefixes it by the document id. /// /// Returns the generated internal documents ids and a grenad reader /// with the list of extracted words from the given chunk of documents. #[logging_timer::time] pub fn extract_docid_word_positions( obkv_documents: grenad::Reader, indexer: GrenadParameters, searchable_fields: &Option>, stop_words: Option<&fst::Set<&[u8]>>, allowed_separators: Option<&Vec<&str>>, dictionary: Option<&Vec<&str>>, max_positions_per_attributes: Option, ) -> Result<(RoaringBitmap, grenad::Reader, ScriptLanguageDocidsMap)> { puffin::profile_function!(); let max_positions_per_attributes = max_positions_per_attributes .map_or(MAX_POSITION_PER_ATTRIBUTE, |max| max.min(MAX_POSITION_PER_ATTRIBUTE)); let max_memory = indexer.max_memory_by_thread(); let mut documents_ids = RoaringBitmap::new(); let mut script_language_docids = HashMap::new(); let mut docid_word_positions_sorter = create_sorter( grenad::SortAlgorithm::Stable, concat_u32s_array, indexer.chunk_compression_type, indexer.chunk_compression_level, indexer.max_nb_chunks, max_memory, ); let mut buffers = Buffers::default(); let mut tokenizer_builder = TokenizerBuilder::new(); if let Some(stop_words) = stop_words { tokenizer_builder.stop_words(stop_words); } if let Some(dictionary) = dictionary { tokenizer_builder.words_dict(dictionary.as_slice()); } if let Some(separators) = allowed_separators { tokenizer_builder.separators(separators.as_slice()); } let tokenizer =; let mut cursor = obkv_documents.into_cursor()?; while let Some((key, value)) = cursor.move_on_next()? { let document_id = key .try_into() .map(u32::from_be_bytes) .map_err(|_| SerializationError::InvalidNumberSerialization)?; let obkv = KvReader::::new(value); documents_ids.push(document_id); buffers.key_buffer.clear(); buffers.key_buffer.extend_from_slice(&document_id.to_be_bytes()); let mut script_language_word_count = HashMap::new(); extract_tokens_from_document( &obkv, searchable_fields, &tokenizer, max_positions_per_attributes, &mut buffers, &mut script_language_word_count, &mut docid_word_positions_sorter, )?; // if we detect a potetial mistake in the language detection, // we rerun the extraction forcing the tokenizer to detect the most frequently detected Languages. // context: if script_language_word_count .values() .map(Vec::as_slice) .any(potential_language_detection_error) { // build an allow list with the most frequent detected languages in the document. let script_language: HashMap<_, _> = script_language_word_count.iter().filter_map(most_frequent_languages).collect(); // if the allow list is empty, meaning that no Language is considered frequent, // then we don't rerun the extraction. if !script_language.is_empty() { // build a new temporary tokenizer including the allow list. let mut tokenizer_builder = TokenizerBuilder::new(); if let Some(stop_words) = stop_words { tokenizer_builder.stop_words(stop_words); } tokenizer_builder.allow_list(&script_language); let tokenizer =; script_language_word_count.clear(); // rerun the extraction. extract_tokens_from_document( &obkv, searchable_fields, &tokenizer, max_positions_per_attributes, &mut buffers, &mut script_language_word_count, &mut docid_word_positions_sorter, )?; } } for (script, languages_frequency) in script_language_word_count { for (language, _) in languages_frequency { let entry = script_language_docids .entry((script, language)) .or_insert_with(RoaringBitmap::new); entry.push(document_id); } } } sorter_into_reader(docid_word_positions_sorter, indexer) .map(|reader| (documents_ids, reader, script_language_docids)) } fn extract_tokens_from_document( obkv: &KvReader, searchable_fields: &Option>, tokenizer: &Tokenizer, max_positions_per_attributes: u32, buffers: &mut Buffers, script_language_word_count: &mut HashMap>, docid_word_positions_sorter: &mut grenad::Sorter, ) -> Result<()> { for (field_id, field_bytes) in obkv.iter() { if searchable_fields.as_ref().map_or(true, |sf| sf.contains(&field_id)) { let value = serde_json::from_slice(field_bytes).map_err(InternalError::SerdeJson)?; buffers.field_buffer.clear(); if let Some(field) = json_to_string(&value, &mut buffers.field_buffer) { let tokens = process_tokens(tokenizer.tokenize(field)) .take_while(|(p, _)| (*p as u32) < max_positions_per_attributes); for (index, token) in tokens { // if a language has been detected for the token, we update the counter. if let Some(language) = token.language { let script = token.script; let entry = script_language_word_count.entry(script).or_insert_with(Vec::new); match entry.iter_mut().find(|(l, _)| *l == language) { Some((_, n)) => *n += 1, None => entry.push((language, 1)), } } let token = token.lemma().trim(); if !token.is_empty() && token.len() <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH { buffers.key_buffer.truncate(mem::size_of::()); buffers.key_buffer.extend_from_slice(token.as_bytes()); let position: u16 = index .try_into() .map_err(|_| SerializationError::InvalidNumberSerialization)?; let position = absolute_from_relative_position(field_id, position); docid_word_positions_sorter .insert(&buffers.key_buffer, position.to_ne_bytes())?; } } } } } Ok(()) } /// Transform a JSON value into a string that can be indexed. fn json_to_string<'a>(value: &'a Value, buffer: &'a mut String) -> Option<&'a str> { fn inner(value: &Value, output: &mut String) -> bool { use std::fmt::Write; match value { Value::Null | Value::Object(_) => false, Value::Bool(boolean) => write!(output, "{}", boolean).is_ok(), Value::Number(number) => write!(output, "{}", number).is_ok(), Value::String(string) => write!(output, "{}", string).is_ok(), Value::Array(array) => { let mut count = 0; for value in array { if inner(value, output) { output.push_str(". "); count += 1; } } // check that at least one value was written count != 0 } } } if let Value::String(string) = value { Some(string) } else if inner(value, buffer) { Some(buffer) } else { None } } /// take an iterator on tokens and compute their relative position depending on separator kinds /// if it's an `Hard` separator we add an additional relative proximity of 8 between words, /// else we keep the standard proximity of 1 between words. fn process_tokens<'a>( tokens: impl Iterator>, ) -> impl Iterator)> { tokens .skip_while(|token| token.is_separator()) .scan((0, None), |(offset, prev_kind), token| { match token.kind { TokenKind::Word | TokenKind::StopWord | TokenKind::Unknown => { *offset += match *prev_kind { Some(TokenKind::Separator(SeparatorKind::Hard)) => 8, Some(_) => 1, None => 0, }; *prev_kind = Some(token.kind) } TokenKind::Separator(SeparatorKind::Hard) => { *prev_kind = Some(token.kind); } TokenKind::Separator(SeparatorKind::Soft) if *prev_kind != Some(TokenKind::Separator(SeparatorKind::Hard)) => { *prev_kind = Some(token.kind); } _ => (), } Some((*offset, token)) }) .filter(|(_, t)| t.is_word()) } fn potential_language_detection_error(languages_frequency: &[(Language, usize)]) -> bool { if languages_frequency.len() > 1 { let threshold = compute_language_frequency_threshold(languages_frequency); languages_frequency.iter().any(|(_, c)| *c <= threshold) } else { false } } fn most_frequent_languages( (script, languages_frequency): (&Script, &Vec<(Language, usize)>), ) -> Option<(Script, Vec)> { if languages_frequency.len() > 1 { let threshold = compute_language_frequency_threshold(languages_frequency); let languages: Vec<_> = languages_frequency.iter().filter(|(_, c)| *c > threshold).map(|(l, _)| *l).collect(); if languages.is_empty() { None } else { Some((*script, languages)) } } else { None } } fn compute_language_frequency_threshold(languages_frequency: &[(Language, usize)]) -> usize { let total: usize = languages_frequency.iter().map(|(_, c)| c).sum(); total / 10 // 10% is a completely arbitrary value. } #[derive(Default)] struct Buffers { // the key buffer is the concatenation of the internal document id with the field id. // The buffer has to be completelly cleared between documents, // and the field id part must be cleared between each field. key_buffer: Vec, // the field buffer for each fields desserialization, and must be cleared between each field. field_buffer: String, }