name: Update Meilisearch version in all Cargo.toml files on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: new_version: description: 'The new version (vX.Y.Z)' required: true env: NEW_VERSION: ${{ github.event.inputs.new_version }} NEW_BRANCH: update-version-${{ github.event.inputs.new_version }} GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.MEILI_BOT_GH_PAT }} jobs: update-version-cargo-toml: name: Update version in Cargo.toml files runs-on: ubuntu-18.04 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: profile: minimal toolchain: stable override: true - name: Install sd run: cargo install sd - name: Update Cargo.toml files run: | raw_new_version=$(echo $NEW_VERSION | cut -d 'v' -f 2) new_string="version = \"$raw_new_version\"" sd '^version = "\d+.\d+.\w+"$' "$new_string" */Cargo.toml - name: Build Meilisearch to update Cargo.lock run: cargo build - name: Commit and push the changes to the ${{ env.NEW_BRANCH }} branch uses: EndBug/add-and-commit@v9 with: message: "Update version for the next release (${{ env.NEW_VERSION }}) in Cargo.toml files" new_branch: ${{ env.NEW_BRANCH }} - name: Create the PR pointing to ${{ github.ref_name }} run: | gh pr create \ --title "Update version for the next release ($NEW_VERSION) in Cargo.toml files" \ --body '⚠️ This PR is automatically generated. Check the new version is the expected one before merging.' \ --label 'skip changelog' \ --milestone $NEW_VERSION