# Transplant Transplant makes communication between the users and [Milli](https://github.com/meilisearch/milli) using HTTP. The final purpose of Transplant is to be merged into the current [MeiliSearch repository](https://github.com/meilisearch/MeiliSearch) so that users will enjoy the new search engine performance provided by Milli. ## Run the alpha releases Currently only alpha versions are available. You can: - Run it with Docker, for instance: ```bash docker run -p 7700:7700 getmeili/meilisearch:v0.21.0-alpha.4 ./meilisearch ``` - With the available [release assets](https://github.com/meilisearch/transplant/releases). - Compile from the source code: ```bash cargo run --release ``` ## Run the tests ``` cargo test ``` If you encounter any `Too many open files` error when running the tests, please upgrade the maximum number of open file descriptors with this command: ``` ulimit -Sn 3000 ```