# Compile FROM alpine:3.14 AS compiler RUN apk update --quiet RUN apk add curl RUN apk add build-base RUN curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh -s -- -y WORKDIR /meilisearch COPY Cargo.lock . COPY Cargo.toml . COPY meilisearch-error/Cargo.toml meilisearch-error/ COPY meilisearch-http/Cargo.toml meilisearch-http/ COPY meilisearch-lib/Cargo.toml meilisearch-lib/ ENV RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=-crt-static" # Create dummy main.rs files for each workspace member to be able to compile all the dependencies RUN find . -type d -name "meilisearch-*" | xargs -I{} sh -c 'mkdir {}/src; echo "fn main() { }" > {}/src/main.rs;' # Use `cargo build` instead of `cargo vendor` because we need to not only download but compile dependencies too RUN $HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release # Cleanup dummy main.rs files RUN find . -path "*/src/main.rs" -delete ARG COMMIT_SHA ARG COMMIT_DATE ENV COMMIT_SHA=${COMMIT_SHA} COMMIT_DATE=${COMMIT_DATE} COPY . . RUN $HOME/.cargo/bin/cargo build --release # Run FROM alpine:3.14 ARG USER=meiliuser ENV HOME /home/${USER} ENV MEILI_HTTP_ADDR # download runtime deps as root and create ${USER} RUN apk add -q --no-cache libgcc tini curl \ && adduser -D ${USER} WORKDIR ${HOME} USER ${USER} # copy file as ${USER} to ${HOME} COPY --from=compiler /meilisearch/target/release/meilisearch . EXPOSE 7700/tcp CMD ["tini", "--","./meilisearch"]