use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::fmt; use std::iter::Zip; use std::rc::Rc; use std::str::FromStr as _; use std::time::Duration; use std::vec::{IntoIter, Vec}; use actix_http::StatusCode; use index_scheduler::{IndexScheduler, RoFeatures}; use meilisearch_types::deserr::DeserrJsonError; use meilisearch_types::error::deserr_codes::{ InvalidMultiSearchWeight, InvalidSearchLimit, InvalidSearchOffset, }; use meilisearch_types::error::ResponseError; use meilisearch_types::milli::score_details::{ScoreDetails, ScoreValue}; use meilisearch_types::milli::{self, DocumentId, TimeBudget}; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use serde::Serialize; use self::ranking_rules::RankingRules; use super::{ prepare_search, AttributesFormat, HitMaker, HitsInfo, RetrieveVectors, SearchHit, SearchKind, SearchQuery, SearchQueryWithIndex, }; use crate::error::MeilisearchHttpError; use crate::routes::indexes::search::search_kind; mod ranking_rules; pub const DEFAULT_FEDERATED_WEIGHT: fn() -> f64 = || 1.0; #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, deserr::Deserr)] #[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct FederationOptions { #[deserr(default, error = DeserrJsonError)] pub weight: Weight, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, deserr::Deserr)] #[deserr(try_from(f64) = TryFrom::try_from -> InvalidMultiSearchWeight)] pub struct Weight(f64); impl Default for Weight { fn default() -> Self { Weight(DEFAULT_FEDERATED_WEIGHT()) } } impl std::convert::TryFrom for Weight { type Error = InvalidMultiSearchWeight; fn try_from(f: f64) -> Result { // the suggested "fix" is: `!(0.0..=1.0).contains(&f)`` which is allegedly less readable #[allow(clippy::manual_range_contains)] if f < 0.0 { Err(InvalidMultiSearchWeight) } else { Ok(Weight(f)) } } } impl std::ops::Deref for Weight { type Target = f64; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.0 } } #[derive(Debug, deserr::Deserr)] #[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct Federation { #[deserr(default = super::DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT(), error = DeserrJsonError)] pub limit: usize, #[deserr(default = super::DEFAULT_SEARCH_OFFSET(), error = DeserrJsonError)] pub offset: usize, } #[derive(Debug, deserr::Deserr)] #[deserr(error = DeserrJsonError, rename_all = camelCase, deny_unknown_fields)] pub struct FederatedSearch { pub queries: Vec, #[deserr(default)] pub federation: Option, } #[derive(Serialize, Clone, PartialEq)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct FederatedSearchResult { pub hits: Vec, pub processing_time_ms: u128, #[serde(flatten)] pub hits_info: HitsInfo, #[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub semantic_hit_count: Option, // These fields are only used for analytics purposes #[serde(skip)] pub degraded: bool, #[serde(skip)] pub used_negative_operator: bool, } impl fmt::Debug for FederatedSearchResult { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let FederatedSearchResult { hits, processing_time_ms, hits_info, semantic_hit_count, degraded, used_negative_operator, } = self; let mut debug = f.debug_struct("SearchResult"); // The most important thing when looking at a search result is the time it took to process debug.field("processing_time_ms", &processing_time_ms); debug.field("hits", &format!("[{} hits returned]", hits.len())); debug.field("hits_info", &hits_info); if *used_negative_operator { debug.field("used_negative_operator", used_negative_operator); } if *degraded { debug.field("degraded", degraded); } if let Some(semantic_hit_count) = semantic_hit_count { debug.field("semantic_hit_count", &semantic_hit_count); } debug.finish() } } struct WeightedScore<'a> { details: &'a [ScoreDetails], weight: f64, } impl<'a> WeightedScore<'a> { pub fn new(details: &'a [ScoreDetails], weight: f64) -> Self { Self { details, weight } } pub fn weighted_global_score(&self) -> f64 { ScoreDetails::global_score(self.details.iter()) * self.weight } pub fn compare_weighted_global_scores(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.weighted_global_score() .partial_cmp(&other.weighted_global_score()) // both are numbers, possibly infinite .unwrap() } pub fn compare(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { let mut left_it = ScoreDetails::score_values(self.details.iter()); let mut right_it = ScoreDetails::score_values(other.details.iter()); loop { let left =; let right =; match (left, right) { (None, None) => return Ordering::Equal, (None, Some(_)) => return Ordering::Less, (Some(_), None) => return Ordering::Greater, (Some(ScoreValue::Score(left)), Some(ScoreValue::Score(right))) => { let left = left * self.weight; let right = right * other.weight; if (left - right).abs() <= f64::EPSILON { continue; } return left.partial_cmp(&right).unwrap(); } (Some(ScoreValue::Sort(left)), Some(ScoreValue::Sort(right))) => { match left.partial_cmp(right) { Some(Ordering::Equal) => continue, Some(order) => return order, None => return self.compare_weighted_global_scores(other), } } (Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(left)), Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(right))) => { match left.partial_cmp(right) { Some(Ordering::Equal) => continue, Some(order) => return order, None => { return self.compare_weighted_global_scores(other); } } } // not comparable details, use global (Some(ScoreValue::Score(_)), Some(_)) | (Some(_), Some(ScoreValue::Score(_))) | (Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(_)), Some(ScoreValue::Sort(_))) | (Some(ScoreValue::Sort(_)), Some(ScoreValue::GeoSort(_))) => { let left_count = left_it.count(); let right_count = right_it.count(); // compare how many remaining groups of rules each side has. // the group with the most remaining groups wins. return left_count .cmp(&right_count) // breaks ties with the global ranking score .then_with(|| self.compare_weighted_global_scores(other)); } } } } } struct QueryByIndex { query: SearchQuery, federation_options: FederationOptions, query_index: usize, } struct SearchResultByQuery<'a> { documents_ids: Vec, document_scores: Vec>, federation_options: FederationOptions, hit_maker: HitMaker<'a>, query_index: usize, } struct SearchResultByQueryIter<'a> { it: Zip, IntoIter>>, federation_options: FederationOptions, hit_maker: Rc>, query_index: usize, } impl<'a> SearchResultByQueryIter<'a> { fn new( SearchResultByQuery { documents_ids, document_scores, federation_options, hit_maker, query_index, }: SearchResultByQuery<'a>, ) -> Self { let it = documents_ids.into_iter().zip(document_scores); Self { it, federation_options, hit_maker: Rc::new(hit_maker), query_index } } } struct SearchResultByQueryIterItem<'a> { docid: DocumentId, score: Vec, federation_options: FederationOptions, hit_maker: Rc>, query_index: usize, } fn merge_index_local_results( results_by_query: Vec>, ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { itertools::kmerge_by( results_by_query.into_iter().map(SearchResultByQueryIter::new), |left: &SearchResultByQueryIterItem, right: &SearchResultByQueryIterItem| { let left_score = WeightedScore::new(&left.score, *left.federation_options.weight); let right_score = WeightedScore::new(&right.score, *right.federation_options.weight); match { // the biggest score goes first Ordering::Greater => true, // break ties using query index Ordering::Equal => left.query_index < right.query_index, Ordering::Less => false, } }, ) } fn merge_index_global_results( results_by_index: Vec, ) -> impl Iterator { itertools::kmerge_by( results_by_index.into_iter().map(|result_by_index| result_by_index.hits.into_iter()), |left: &SearchHitByIndex, right: &SearchHitByIndex| { let left_score = WeightedScore::new(&left.score, *left.federation_options.weight); let right_score = WeightedScore::new(&right.score, *right.federation_options.weight); match { // the biggest score goes first Ordering::Greater => true, // break ties using query index Ordering::Equal => left.query_index < right.query_index, Ordering::Less => false, } }, ) } impl<'a> Iterator for SearchResultByQueryIter<'a> { type Item = SearchResultByQueryIterItem<'a>; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let (docid, score) =; Some(SearchResultByQueryIterItem { docid, score, federation_options: self.federation_options, hit_maker: Rc::clone(&self.hit_maker), query_index: self.query_index, }) } } struct SearchHitByIndex { hit: SearchHit, score: Vec, federation_options: FederationOptions, query_index: usize, } struct SearchResultByIndex { hits: Vec, candidates: RoaringBitmap, degraded: bool, used_negative_operator: bool, } pub fn perform_federated_search( index_scheduler: &IndexScheduler, queries: Vec, federation: Federation, features: RoFeatures, ) -> Result { let before_search = std::time::Instant::now(); // this implementation partition the queries by index to guarantee an important property: // - all the queries to a particular index use the same read transaction. // This is an important property, otherwise we cannot guarantee the self-consistency of the results. // 1. partition queries by index let mut queries_by_index: BTreeMap> = Default::default(); for (query_index, federated_query) in queries.into_iter().enumerate() { if let Some(pagination_field) = federated_query.has_pagination() { return Err(MeilisearchHttpError::PaginationInFederatedQuery( query_index, pagination_field, ) .into()); } let (index_uid, query, federation_options) = federated_query.into_index_query_federation(); queries_by_index.entry(index_uid.into_inner()).or_default().push(QueryByIndex { query, federation_options: federation_options.unwrap_or_default(), query_index, }) } // 2. perform queries, merge and make hits index by index let required_hit_count = federation.limit + federation.offset; // In step (2), semantic_hit_count will be set to Some(0) if any search kind uses semantic // Then in step (3), we'll update its value if there is any semantic search let mut semantic_hit_count = None; let mut results_by_index = Vec::with_capacity(queries_by_index.len()); let mut previous_query_data: Option<(RankingRules, usize, String)> = None; for (index_uid, queries) in queries_by_index { let index = match index_scheduler.index(&index_uid) { Ok(index) => index, Err(err) => { let mut err = ResponseError::from(err); // Patch the HTTP status code to 400 as it defaults to 404 for `index_not_found`, but // here the resource not found is not part of the URL. err.code = StatusCode::BAD_REQUEST; if let Some(query) = queries.first() { err.message = format!("Inside `.queries[{}]`: {}", query.query_index, err.message); } return Err(err); } }; // Important: this is the only transaction we'll use for this index during this federated search let rtxn = index.read_txn()?; let criteria = index.criteria(&rtxn)?; // stuff we need for the hitmaker let script_lang_map = index.script_language(&rtxn)?; let dictionary = index.dictionary(&rtxn)?; let dictionary: Option> = dictionary.as_ref().map(|x| x.iter().map(String::as_str).collect()); let separators = index.allowed_separators(&rtxn)?; let separators: Option> = separators.as_ref().map(|x| x.iter().map(String::as_str).collect()); // each query gets its individual cutoff let cutoff = index.search_cutoff(&rtxn)?; let mut degraded = false; let mut used_negative_operator = false; let mut candidates = RoaringBitmap::new(); // 2.1. Compute all candidates for each query in the index let mut results_by_query = Vec::with_capacity(queries.len()); for QueryByIndex { query, federation_options, query_index } in queries { // use an immediately invoked lambda to capture the result without returning from the function let res: Result<(), ResponseError> = (|| { let search_kind = search_kind(&query, index_scheduler, &index, features)?; let canonicalization_kind = match (&search_kind, &query.q) { (SearchKind::SemanticOnly { .. }, _) => { ranking_rules::CanonicalizationKind::Vector } (_, Some(q)) if !q.is_empty() => ranking_rules::CanonicalizationKind::Keyword, _ => ranking_rules::CanonicalizationKind::Placeholder, }; let sort = if let Some(sort) = &query.sort { let sorts: Vec<_> = match sort.iter().map(|s| milli::AscDesc::from_str(s)).collect() { Ok(sorts) => sorts, Err(asc_desc_error) => { return Err(milli::Error::from(milli::SortError::from( asc_desc_error, )) .into()) } }; Some(sorts) } else { None }; let ranking_rules = ranking_rules::RankingRules::new( criteria.clone(), sort, query.matching_strategy.into(), canonicalization_kind, ); if let Some((previous_ranking_rules, previous_query_index, previous_index_uid)) = previous_query_data.take() { if let Err(error) = ranking_rules.is_compatible_with(&previous_ranking_rules) { return Err(error.to_response_error( &ranking_rules, &previous_ranking_rules, query_index, previous_query_index, &index_uid, &previous_index_uid, )); } previous_query_data = if previous_ranking_rules.constraint_count() > ranking_rules.constraint_count() { Some((previous_ranking_rules, previous_query_index, previous_index_uid)) } else { Some((ranking_rules, query_index, index_uid.clone())) }; } else { previous_query_data = Some((ranking_rules, query_index, index_uid.clone())); } match search_kind { SearchKind::KeywordOnly => {} _ => semantic_hit_count = Some(0), } let retrieve_vectors = RetrieveVectors::new(query.retrieve_vectors, features)?; let time_budget = match cutoff { Some(cutoff) => TimeBudget::new(Duration::from_millis(cutoff)), None => TimeBudget::default(), }; let (mut search, _is_finite_pagination, _max_total_hits, _offset) = prepare_search(&index, &rtxn, &query, &search_kind, time_budget)?; search.scoring_strategy(milli::score_details::ScoringStrategy::Detailed); search.offset(0); search.limit(required_hit_count); let (result, _semantic_hit_count) = super::search_from_kind(search_kind, search)?; let format = AttributesFormat { attributes_to_retrieve: query.attributes_to_retrieve, retrieve_vectors, attributes_to_highlight: query.attributes_to_highlight, attributes_to_crop: query.attributes_to_crop, crop_length: query.crop_length, crop_marker: query.crop_marker, highlight_pre_tag: query.highlight_pre_tag, highlight_post_tag: query.highlight_post_tag, show_matches_position: query.show_matches_position, sort: query.sort, show_ranking_score: query.show_ranking_score, show_ranking_score_details: query.show_ranking_score_details, }; let milli::SearchResult { matching_words, candidates: query_candidates, documents_ids, document_scores, degraded: query_degraded, used_negative_operator: query_used_negative_operator, } = result; candidates |= query_candidates; degraded |= query_degraded; used_negative_operator |= query_used_negative_operator; let tokenizer = HitMaker::tokenizer( &script_lang_map, dictionary.as_deref(), separators.as_deref(), ); let formatter_builder = HitMaker::formatter_builder(matching_words, tokenizer); let hit_maker = HitMaker::new(&index, &rtxn, format, formatter_builder)?; results_by_query.push(SearchResultByQuery { federation_options, hit_maker, query_index, documents_ids, document_scores, }); Ok(()) })(); if let Err(mut error) = res { error.message = format!("Inside `.queries[{query_index}]`: {}", error.message); return Err(error); } } // 2.2. merge inside index let mut documents_seen = RoaringBitmap::new(); let merged_result: Result, ResponseError> = merge_index_local_results(results_by_query) // skip documents we've already seen & mark that we saw the current document .filter(|SearchResultByQueryIterItem { docid, .. }| documents_seen.insert(*docid)) .take(required_hit_count) // 2.3 make hits .map( |SearchResultByQueryIterItem { docid, score, federation_options, hit_maker, query_index, }| { let mut hit = hit_maker.make_hit(docid, &score)?; let weighted_score = ScoreDetails::global_score(score.iter()) * (*federation_options.weight); let _federation = serde_json::json!( { "indexUid": index_uid, "queriesPosition": query_index, "weightedRankingScore": weighted_score, } ); hit.document.insert("_federation".to_string(), _federation); Ok(SearchHitByIndex { hit, score, federation_options, query_index }) }, ) .collect(); let merged_result = merged_result?; results_by_index.push(SearchResultByIndex { hits: merged_result, candidates, degraded, used_negative_operator, }); } // 3. merge hits and metadata across indexes // 3.1 merge metadata let (estimated_total_hits, degraded, used_negative_operator) = { let mut estimated_total_hits = 0; let mut degraded = false; let mut used_negative_operator = false; for SearchResultByIndex { hits: _, candidates, degraded: degraded_by_index, used_negative_operator: used_negative_operator_by_index, } in &results_by_index { estimated_total_hits += candidates.len() as usize; degraded |= *degraded_by_index; used_negative_operator |= *used_negative_operator_by_index; } (estimated_total_hits, degraded, used_negative_operator) }; // 3.2 merge hits let merged_hits: Vec<_> = merge_index_global_results(results_by_index) .skip(federation.offset) .take(federation.limit) .inspect(|hit| { if let Some(semantic_hit_count) = &mut semantic_hit_count { if hit.score.iter().any(|score| matches!(&score, ScoreDetails::Vector(_))) { *semantic_hit_count += 1; } } }) .map(|hit| hit.hit) .collect(); let search_result = FederatedSearchResult { hits: merged_hits, processing_time_ms: before_search.elapsed().as_millis(), hits_info: HitsInfo::OffsetLimit { limit: federation.limit, offset: federation.offset, estimated_total_hits, }, semantic_hit_count, degraded, used_negative_operator, }; Ok(search_result) }