use std::borrow::Cow; use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet, HashMap, HashSet}; use std::fs::File; use std::path::Path; use heed::types::*; use heed::{CompactionOption, Database, RoTxn, RwTxn, Unspecified}; use roaring::RoaringBitmap; use rstar::RTree; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::constants::{self, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME, RESERVED_VECTORS_FIELD_NAME}; use crate::database_stats::DatabaseStats; use crate::documents::PrimaryKey; use crate::error::{InternalError, UserError}; use crate::fields_ids_map::metadata::{FieldIdMapWithMetadata, MetadataBuilder}; use crate::fields_ids_map::FieldsIdsMap; use crate::heed_codec::facet::{ FacetGroupKeyCodec, FacetGroupValueCodec, FieldDocIdFacetF64Codec, FieldDocIdFacetStringCodec, FieldIdCodec, OrderedF64Codec, }; use crate::heed_codec::version::VersionCodec; use crate::heed_codec::{BEU16StrCodec, FstSetCodec, StrBEU16Codec, StrRefCodec}; use crate::order_by_map::OrderByMap; use crate::proximity::ProximityPrecision; use crate::vector::{ArroyStats, ArroyWrapper, Embedding, EmbeddingConfig}; use crate::{ default_criteria, CboRoaringBitmapCodec, Criterion, DocumentId, ExternalDocumentsIds, FacetDistribution, FieldDistribution, FieldId, FieldIdMapMissingEntry, FieldIdWordCountCodec, FieldidsWeightsMap, FilterableAttributesRule, GeoPoint, LocalizedAttributesRule, ObkvCodec, Result, RoaringBitmapCodec, RoaringBitmapLenCodec, Search, U8StrStrCodec, Weight, BEU16, BEU32, BEU64, }; pub const DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_ONE_TYPO: u8 = 5; pub const DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_TWO_TYPOS: u8 = 9; pub mod main_key { pub const VERSION_KEY: &str = "version"; pub const CRITERIA_KEY: &str = "criteria"; pub const DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "displayed-fields"; pub const DISTINCT_FIELD_KEY: &str = "distinct-field-key"; pub const DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY: &str = "documents-ids"; pub const HIDDEN_FACETED_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "hidden-faceted-fields"; pub const FILTERABLE_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "filterable-fields"; pub const SORTABLE_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "sortable-fields"; pub const FIELD_DISTRIBUTION_KEY: &str = "fields-distribution"; pub const FIELDS_IDS_MAP_KEY: &str = "fields-ids-map"; pub const FIELDIDS_WEIGHTS_MAP_KEY: &str = "fieldids-weights-map"; pub const GEO_FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY: &str = "geo-faceted-documents-ids"; pub const GEO_RTREE_KEY: &str = "geo-rtree"; pub const PRIMARY_KEY_KEY: &str = "primary-key"; pub const SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "searchable-fields"; pub const USER_DEFINED_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY: &str = "user-defined-searchable-fields"; pub const STOP_WORDS_KEY: &str = "stop-words"; pub const NON_SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY: &str = "non-separator-tokens"; pub const SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY: &str = "separator-tokens"; pub const DICTIONARY_KEY: &str = "dictionary"; pub const SYNONYMS_KEY: &str = "synonyms"; pub const USER_DEFINED_SYNONYMS_KEY: &str = "user-defined-synonyms"; pub const WORDS_FST_KEY: &str = "words-fst"; pub const WORDS_PREFIXES_FST_KEY: &str = "words-prefixes-fst"; pub const CREATED_AT_KEY: &str = "created-at"; pub const UPDATED_AT_KEY: &str = "updated-at"; pub const AUTHORIZE_TYPOS: &str = "authorize-typos"; pub const ONE_TYPO_WORD_LEN: &str = "one-typo-word-len"; pub const TWO_TYPOS_WORD_LEN: &str = "two-typos-word-len"; pub const EXACT_WORDS: &str = "exact-words"; pub const EXACT_ATTRIBUTES: &str = "exact-attributes"; pub const MAX_VALUES_PER_FACET: &str = "max-values-per-facet"; pub const SORT_FACET_VALUES_BY: &str = "sort-facet-values-by"; pub const PAGINATION_MAX_TOTAL_HITS: &str = "pagination-max-total-hits"; pub const PROXIMITY_PRECISION: &str = "proximity-precision"; pub const EMBEDDING_CONFIGS: &str = "embedding_configs"; pub const SEARCH_CUTOFF: &str = "search_cutoff"; pub const LOCALIZED_ATTRIBUTES_RULES: &str = "localized_attributes_rules"; pub const FACET_SEARCH: &str = "facet_search"; pub const PREFIX_SEARCH: &str = "prefix_search"; pub const DOCUMENTS_STATS: &str = "documents_stats"; } pub mod db_name { pub const MAIN: &str = "main"; pub const WORD_DOCIDS: &str = "word-docids"; pub const EXACT_WORD_DOCIDS: &str = "exact-word-docids"; pub const WORD_PREFIX_DOCIDS: &str = "word-prefix-docids"; pub const EXACT_WORD_PREFIX_DOCIDS: &str = "exact-word-prefix-docids"; pub const EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS: &str = "external-documents-ids"; pub const DOCID_WORD_POSITIONS: &str = "docid-word-positions"; pub const WORD_PAIR_PROXIMITY_DOCIDS: &str = "word-pair-proximity-docids"; pub const WORD_POSITION_DOCIDS: &str = "word-position-docids"; pub const WORD_FIELD_ID_DOCIDS: &str = "word-field-id-docids"; pub const WORD_PREFIX_POSITION_DOCIDS: &str = "word-prefix-position-docids"; pub const WORD_PREFIX_FIELD_ID_DOCIDS: &str = "word-prefix-field-id-docids"; pub const FIELD_ID_WORD_COUNT_DOCIDS: &str = "field-id-word-count-docids"; pub const FACET_ID_F64_DOCIDS: &str = "facet-id-f64-docids"; pub const FACET_ID_EXISTS_DOCIDS: &str = "facet-id-exists-docids"; pub const FACET_ID_IS_NULL_DOCIDS: &str = "facet-id-is-null-docids"; pub const FACET_ID_IS_EMPTY_DOCIDS: &str = "facet-id-is-empty-docids"; pub const FACET_ID_STRING_DOCIDS: &str = "facet-id-string-docids"; pub const FACET_ID_NORMALIZED_STRING_STRINGS: &str = "facet-id-normalized-string-strings"; pub const FACET_ID_STRING_FST: &str = "facet-id-string-fst"; pub const FIELD_ID_DOCID_FACET_F64S: &str = "field-id-docid-facet-f64s"; pub const FIELD_ID_DOCID_FACET_STRINGS: &str = "field-id-docid-facet-strings"; pub const VECTOR_EMBEDDER_CATEGORY_ID: &str = "vector-embedder-category-id"; pub const VECTOR_ARROY: &str = "vector-arroy"; pub const DOCUMENTS: &str = "documents"; } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Index { /// The LMDB environment which this index is associated with. pub(crate) env: heed::Env, /// Contains many different types (e.g. the fields ids map). pub(crate) main: Database, /// Maps the external documents ids with the internal document id. pub external_documents_ids: Database, /// A word and all the documents ids containing the word. pub word_docids: Database, /// A word and all the documents ids containing the word, from attributes for which typos are not allowed. pub exact_word_docids: Database, /// A prefix of word and all the documents ids containing this prefix. pub word_prefix_docids: Database, /// A prefix of word and all the documents ids containing this prefix, from attributes for which typos are not allowed. pub exact_word_prefix_docids: Database, /// Maps the proximity between a pair of words with all the docids where this relation appears. pub word_pair_proximity_docids: Database, /// Maps the word and the position with the docids that corresponds to it. pub word_position_docids: Database, /// Maps the word and the field id with the docids that corresponds to it. pub word_fid_docids: Database, /// Maps the field id and the word count with the docids that corresponds to it. pub field_id_word_count_docids: Database, /// Maps the word prefix and a position with all the docids where the prefix appears at the position. pub word_prefix_position_docids: Database, /// Maps the word prefix and a field id with all the docids where the prefix appears inside the field pub word_prefix_fid_docids: Database, /// Maps the facet field id and the docids for which this field exists pub facet_id_exists_docids: Database, /// Maps the facet field id and the docids for which this field is set as null pub facet_id_is_null_docids: Database, /// Maps the facet field id and the docids for which this field is considered empty pub facet_id_is_empty_docids: Database, /// Maps the facet field id and ranges of numbers with the docids that corresponds to them. pub facet_id_f64_docids: Database, FacetGroupValueCodec>, /// Maps the facet field id and ranges of strings with the docids that corresponds to them. pub facet_id_string_docids: Database, FacetGroupValueCodec>, /// Maps the facet field id of the normalized-for-search string facets with their original versions. pub facet_id_normalized_string_strings: Database>>, /// Maps the facet field id of the string facets with an FST containing all the facets values. pub facet_id_string_fst: Database, /// Maps the document id, the facet field id and the numbers. pub field_id_docid_facet_f64s: Database, /// Maps the document id, the facet field id and the strings. pub field_id_docid_facet_strings: Database, /// Maps an embedder name to its id in the arroy store. pub embedder_category_id: Database, /// Vector store based on arroyâ„¢. pub vector_arroy: arroy::Database, /// Maps the document id to the document as an obkv store. pub(crate) documents: Database, } impl Index { pub fn new_with_creation_dates>( mut options: heed::EnvOpenOptions, path: P, created_at: time::OffsetDateTime, updated_at: time::OffsetDateTime, creation: bool, ) -> Result { use db_name::*; options.max_dbs(25); let env = unsafe { }?; let mut wtxn = env.write_txn()?; let main = env.database_options().name(MAIN).create(&mut wtxn)?; let word_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_DOCIDS))?; let external_documents_ids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(EXTERNAL_DOCUMENTS_IDS))?; let exact_word_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(EXACT_WORD_DOCIDS))?; let word_prefix_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_PREFIX_DOCIDS))?; let exact_word_prefix_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(EXACT_WORD_PREFIX_DOCIDS))?; let word_pair_proximity_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_PAIR_PROXIMITY_DOCIDS))?; let word_position_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_POSITION_DOCIDS))?; let word_fid_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_FIELD_ID_DOCIDS))?; let field_id_word_count_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FIELD_ID_WORD_COUNT_DOCIDS))?; let word_prefix_position_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_PREFIX_POSITION_DOCIDS))?; let word_prefix_fid_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(WORD_PREFIX_FIELD_ID_DOCIDS))?; let facet_id_f64_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_F64_DOCIDS))?; let facet_id_string_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_STRING_DOCIDS))?; let facet_id_normalized_string_strings = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_NORMALIZED_STRING_STRINGS))?; let facet_id_string_fst = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_STRING_FST))?; let facet_id_exists_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_EXISTS_DOCIDS))?; let facet_id_is_null_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_IS_NULL_DOCIDS))?; let facet_id_is_empty_docids = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FACET_ID_IS_EMPTY_DOCIDS))?; let field_id_docid_facet_f64s = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FIELD_ID_DOCID_FACET_F64S))?; let field_id_docid_facet_strings = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(FIELD_ID_DOCID_FACET_STRINGS))?; // vector stuff let embedder_category_id = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(VECTOR_EMBEDDER_CATEGORY_ID))?; let vector_arroy = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(VECTOR_ARROY))?; let documents = env.create_database(&mut wtxn, Some(DOCUMENTS))?; let this = Index { env: env.clone(), main, external_documents_ids, word_docids, exact_word_docids, word_prefix_docids, exact_word_prefix_docids, word_pair_proximity_docids, word_position_docids, word_fid_docids, word_prefix_position_docids, word_prefix_fid_docids, field_id_word_count_docids, facet_id_f64_docids, facet_id_string_docids, facet_id_normalized_string_strings, facet_id_string_fst, facet_id_exists_docids, facet_id_is_null_docids, facet_id_is_empty_docids, field_id_docid_facet_f64s, field_id_docid_facet_strings, vector_arroy, embedder_category_id, documents, }; if this.get_version(&wtxn)?.is_none() && creation { this.put_version( &mut wtxn, ( constants::VERSION_MAJOR.parse().unwrap(), constants::VERSION_MINOR.parse().unwrap(), constants::VERSION_PATCH.parse().unwrap(), ), )?; } wtxn.commit()?; Index::set_creation_dates(&this.env, this.main, created_at, updated_at)?; Ok(this) } pub fn new>( options: heed::EnvOpenOptions, path: P, creation: bool, ) -> Result { let now = time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc(); Self::new_with_creation_dates(options, path, now, now, creation) } fn set_creation_dates( env: &heed::Env, main: Database, created_at: time::OffsetDateTime, updated_at: time::OffsetDateTime, ) -> heed::Result<()> { let mut txn = env.write_txn()?; // The db was just created, we update its metadata with the relevant information. let main = main.remap_types::>(); if main.get(&txn, main_key::CREATED_AT_KEY)?.is_none() { main.put(&mut txn, main_key::UPDATED_AT_KEY, &OffsetDateTime(updated_at))?; main.put(&mut txn, main_key::CREATED_AT_KEY, &OffsetDateTime(created_at))?; txn.commit()?; } Ok(()) } /// Create a write transaction to be able to write into the index. pub fn write_txn(&self) -> heed::Result> { self.env.write_txn() } /// Create a read transaction to be able to read the index. pub fn read_txn(&self) -> heed::Result> { self.env.read_txn() } /// Create a static read transaction to be able to read the index without keeping a reference to it. pub fn static_read_txn(&self) -> heed::Result> { self.env.clone().static_read_txn() } /// Returns the canonicalized path where the heed `Env` of this `Index` lives. pub fn path(&self) -> &Path { self.env.path() } /// Returns the size used by the index without the cached pages. pub fn used_size(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.env.non_free_pages_size()?) } /// Returns the real size used by the index. pub fn on_disk_size(&self) -> Result { Ok(self.env.real_disk_size()?) } /// Returns the map size the underlying environment was opened with, in bytes. /// /// This value does not represent the current on-disk size of the index. /// /// This value is the maximum between the map size passed during the opening of the index /// and the on-disk size of the index at the time of opening. pub fn map_size(&self) -> usize { } pub fn copy_to_file>(&self, path: P, option: CompactionOption) -> Result { self.env.copy_to_file(path, option).map_err(Into::into) } /// Returns an `EnvClosingEvent` that can be used to wait for the closing event, /// multiple threads can wait on this event. /// /// Make sure that you drop all the copies of `Index`es you have, env closing are triggered /// when all references are dropped, the last one will eventually close the environment. pub fn prepare_for_closing(self) -> heed::EnvClosingEvent { self.env.prepare_for_closing() } /* version */ /// Writes the version of the database. pub(crate) fn put_version( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, (major, minor, patch): (u32, u32, u32), ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( wtxn, main_key::VERSION_KEY, &(major, minor, patch), ) } /// Get the version of the database. `None` if it was never set. pub(crate) fn get_version(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::VERSION_KEY) } /* documents ids */ /// Writes the documents ids that corresponds to the user-ids-documents-ids FST. pub(crate) fn put_documents_ids( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, docids: &RoaringBitmap, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( wtxn, main_key::DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY, docids, ) } /// Returns the internal documents ids. pub fn documents_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { Ok(self .main .remap_types::() .get(rtxn, main_key::DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } /// Returns the number of documents indexed in the database. pub fn number_of_documents(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { let count = self .main .remap_types::() .get(rtxn, main_key::DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY)?; Ok(count.unwrap_or_default()) } /// Updates the stats of the documents database based on the previous stats and the modified docids. pub fn update_documents_stats( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, modified_docids: roaring::RoaringBitmap, ) -> Result<()> { let before_rtxn = self.read_txn()?; let document_stats = match self.documents_stats(&before_rtxn)? { Some(before_stats) => DatabaseStats::recompute( before_stats, self.documents.remap_types(), &before_rtxn, wtxn, modified_docids.iter().map(|docid| docid.to_be_bytes()), )?, None => { // This should never happen when there are already documents in the index, the documents stats should be present. // If it happens, it means that the index was not properly initialized/upgraded. debug_assert_eq!( self.documents.len(&before_rtxn)?, 0, "The documents stats should be present when there are documents in the index" ); tracing::warn!("No documents stats found, creating new ones"); DatabaseStats::new(self.documents.remap_types(), &*wtxn)? } }; self.put_documents_stats(wtxn, document_stats)?; Ok(()) } /// Writes the stats of the documents database. pub fn put_documents_stats( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, stats: DatabaseStats, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::DOCUMENTS_STATS, &stats, ) } /// Returns the stats of the documents database. pub fn documents_stats(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::DOCUMENTS_STATS) } /* primary key */ /// Writes the documents primary key, this is the field name that is used to store the id. pub(crate) fn put_primary_key( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, primary_key: &str, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.set_updated_at(wtxn, &time::OffsetDateTime::now_utc())?; self.main.remap_types::().put(wtxn, main_key::PRIMARY_KEY_KEY, primary_key) } /// Deletes the primary key of the documents, this can be done to reset indexes settings. pub(crate) fn delete_primary_key(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::PRIMARY_KEY_KEY) } /// Returns the documents primary key, `None` if it hasn't been defined. pub fn primary_key<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::PRIMARY_KEY_KEY) } /* external documents ids */ /// Returns the external documents ids map which associate the external ids /// with the internal ids (i.e. `u32`). pub fn external_documents_ids(&self) -> ExternalDocumentsIds { ExternalDocumentsIds::new(self.external_documents_ids) } /* fields ids map */ /// Writes the fields ids map which associate the documents keys with an internal field id /// (i.e. `u8`), this field id is used to identify fields in the obkv documents. pub(crate) fn put_fields_ids_map( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, map: &FieldsIdsMap, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::FIELDS_IDS_MAP_KEY, map, ) } /// Returns the fields ids map which associate the documents keys with an internal field id /// (i.e. `u8`), this field id is used to identify fields in the obkv documents. pub fn fields_ids_map(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::FIELDS_IDS_MAP_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } /// Returns the fields ids map with metadata. /// /// This structure is not yet stored in the index, and is generated on the fly. pub fn fields_ids_map_with_metadata(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { Ok(FieldIdMapWithMetadata::new( self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?, MetadataBuilder::from_index(self, rtxn)?, )) } /* fieldids weights map */ // This maps the fields ids to their weights. // Their weights is defined by the ordering of the searchable attributes. /// Writes the fieldids weights map which associates the field ids to their weights pub(crate) fn put_fieldids_weights_map( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, map: &FieldidsWeightsMap, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::FIELDIDS_WEIGHTS_MAP_KEY, map, ) } /// Get the fieldids weights map which associates the field ids to their weights pub fn fieldids_weights_map(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::FIELDIDS_WEIGHTS_MAP_KEY)? .map(Ok) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Ok(FieldidsWeightsMap::from_field_id_map_without_searchable( &self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?, )) }) } /// Delete the fieldsids weights map pub fn delete_fieldids_weights_map(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::FIELDIDS_WEIGHTS_MAP_KEY) } pub fn max_searchable_attribute_weight(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { let user_defined_searchable_fields = self.user_defined_searchable_fields(rtxn)?; if let Some(user_defined_searchable_fields) = user_defined_searchable_fields { if !user_defined_searchable_fields.contains(&"*") { return Ok(Some(user_defined_searchable_fields.len().saturating_sub(1) as Weight)); } } Ok(None) } pub fn searchable_fields_and_weights<'a>( &self, rtxn: &'a RoTxn<'a>, ) -> Result, FieldId, Weight)>> { let fid_map = self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let weight_map = self.fieldids_weights_map(rtxn)?; let searchable = self.searchable_fields(rtxn)?; searchable .into_iter() .map(|field| -> Result<_> { let fid =|| FieldIdMapMissingEntry::FieldName { field_name: field.to_string(), process: "searchable_fields_and_weights", })?; let weight = weight_map .weight(fid) .ok_or(InternalError::FieldidsWeightsMapMissingEntry { key: fid })?; Ok((field, fid, weight)) }) .collect() } /* geo rtree */ /// Writes the provided `rtree` which associates coordinates to documents ids. pub(crate) fn put_geo_rtree( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, rtree: &RTree, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>>().put( wtxn, main_key::GEO_RTREE_KEY, rtree, ) } /// Delete the `rtree` which associates coordinates to documents ids. pub(crate) fn delete_geo_rtree(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::GEO_RTREE_KEY) } /// Returns the `rtree` which associates coordinates to documents ids. pub fn geo_rtree(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { match self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::GEO_RTREE_KEY)? { Some(rtree) => Ok(Some(rtree)), None => Ok(None), } } /* geo faceted */ /// Writes the documents ids that are faceted with a _geo field. pub(crate) fn put_geo_faceted_documents_ids( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, docids: &RoaringBitmap, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( wtxn, main_key::GEO_FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY, docids, ) } /// Delete the documents ids that are faceted with a _geo field. pub(crate) fn delete_geo_faceted_documents_ids( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::GEO_FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY) } /// Retrieve all the documents ids that are faceted with a _geo field. pub fn geo_faceted_documents_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { match self .main .remap_types::() .get(rtxn, main_key::GEO_FACETED_DOCUMENTS_IDS_KEY)? { Some(docids) => Ok(docids), None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()), } } /* field distribution */ /// Writes the field distribution which associates every field name with /// the number of times it occurs in the documents. pub(crate) fn put_field_distribution( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, distribution: &FieldDistribution, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::FIELD_DISTRIBUTION_KEY, distribution, ) } /// Returns the field distribution which associates every field name with /// the number of times it occurs in the documents. pub fn field_distribution(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::FIELD_DISTRIBUTION_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } /* displayed fields */ /// Writes the fields that must be displayed in the defined order. /// There must be not be any duplicate field id. pub(crate) fn put_displayed_fields( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fields: &[&str], ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY, &fields, ) } /// Deletes the displayed fields ids, this will make the engine to display /// all the documents attributes in the order of the `FieldsIdsMap`. pub(crate) fn delete_displayed_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Returns the displayed fields in the order they were set by the user. If it returns /// `None` it means that all the attributes are set as displayed in the order of the `FieldsIdsMap`. pub fn displayed_fields<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result>> { self.main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::DISPLAYED_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Identical to `displayed_fields`, but returns the ids instead. pub fn displayed_fields_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { match self.displayed_fields(rtxn)? { Some(fields) => { let fields_ids_map = self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let mut fields_ids = Vec::new(); for name in fields.into_iter() { if let Some(field_id) = { fields_ids.push(field_id); } } Ok(Some(fields_ids)) } None => Ok(None), } } /* remove hidden fields */ pub fn remove_hidden_fields( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, fields: impl IntoIterator>, ) -> Result<(BTreeSet, bool)> { let mut valid_fields = fields.into_iter().map(|f| f.as_ref().to_string()).collect::>(); let fields_len = valid_fields.len(); if let Some(dn) = self.displayed_fields(rtxn)? { let displayable_names = dn.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()).collect(); valid_fields = &valid_fields & &displayable_names; } let hidden_fields = fields_len > valid_fields.len(); Ok((valid_fields, hidden_fields)) } /* searchable fields */ /// Write the user defined searchable fields and generate the real searchable fields from the specified fields ids map. pub(crate) fn put_all_searchable_fields_from_fields_ids_map( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, user_fields: &[&str], fields_ids_map: &FieldIdMapWithMetadata, ) -> Result<()> { // We can write the user defined searchable fields as-is. self.put_user_defined_searchable_fields(wtxn, user_fields)?; let mut weights = FieldidsWeightsMap::default(); // Now we generate the real searchable fields: let mut real_fields = Vec::new(); for (id, field_from_map, metadata) in fields_ids_map.iter() { if let Some(weight) = metadata.searchable_weight() { real_fields.push(field_from_map); weights.insert(id, weight); } } self.put_searchable_fields(wtxn, &real_fields)?; self.put_fieldids_weights_map(wtxn, &weights)?; Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn delete_all_searchable_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { let did_delete_searchable = self.delete_searchable_fields(wtxn)?; let did_delete_user_defined = self.delete_user_defined_searchable_fields(wtxn)?; self.delete_fieldids_weights_map(wtxn)?; Ok(did_delete_searchable || did_delete_user_defined) } /// Writes the searchable fields, when this list is specified, only these are indexed. fn put_searchable_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fields: &[&str]) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY, &fields, ) } /// Deletes the searchable fields, when no fields are specified, all fields are indexed. fn delete_searchable_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Returns the searchable fields, those are the fields that are indexed, pub fn searchable_fields<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result>> { self.main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY)? .map(|fields| Ok(fields.into_iter().map(Cow::Borrowed).collect())) .unwrap_or_else(|| { Ok(self .fields_ids_map(rtxn)? .names() .filter(|name| !crate::is_faceted_by(name, RESERVED_VECTORS_FIELD_NAME)) .map(|field| Cow::Owned(field.to_string())) .collect()) }) } /// Identical to `searchable_fields`, but returns the ids instead. pub fn searchable_fields_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { let fields = self.searchable_fields(rtxn)?; let fields_ids_map = self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let mut fields_ids = Vec::new(); for name in fields { if let Some(field_id) = { fields_ids.push(field_id); } } Ok(fields_ids) } /// Writes the searchable fields, when this list is specified, only these are indexed. pub(crate) fn put_user_defined_searchable_fields( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fields: &[&str], ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::USER_DEFINED_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY, &fields, ) } /// Deletes the searchable fields, when no fields are specified, all fields are indexed. pub(crate) fn delete_user_defined_searchable_fields( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::USER_DEFINED_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Returns the user defined searchable fields. pub fn user_defined_searchable_fields<'t>( &self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>, ) -> heed::Result>> { self.main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::USER_DEFINED_SEARCHABLE_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Identical to `user_defined_searchable_fields`, but returns ids instead. pub fn user_defined_searchable_fields_ids( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, ) -> Result>> { match self.user_defined_searchable_fields(rtxn)? { Some(fields) => { let fields_ids_map = self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; let mut fields_ids = Vec::new(); for name in fields { if let Some(field_id) = { fields_ids.push(field_id); } } Ok(Some(fields_ids)) } None => Ok(None), } } /* filterable fields */ /// Writes the filterable attributes rules in the database. pub(crate) fn put_filterable_attributes_rules( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fields: &[FilterableAttributesRule], ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::FILTERABLE_FIELDS_KEY, &fields, ) } /// Deletes the filterable attributes rules in the database. pub(crate) fn delete_filterable_attributes_rules( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::FILTERABLE_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Returns the filterable attributes rules. pub fn filterable_attributes_rules( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::FILTERABLE_FIELDS_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } /* sortable fields */ /// Writes the sortable fields names in the database. pub(crate) fn put_sortable_fields( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fields: &HashSet, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::SORTABLE_FIELDS_KEY, fields, ) } /// Deletes the sortable fields ids in the database. pub(crate) fn delete_sortable_fields(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::SORTABLE_FIELDS_KEY) } /// Returns the sortable fields names. pub fn sortable_fields(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::SORTABLE_FIELDS_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } /// Identical to `sortable_fields`, but returns ids instead. pub fn sortable_fields_ids(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { let fields = self.sortable_fields(rtxn)?; let fields_ids_map = self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; Ok(fields.into_iter().filter_map(|name| } /// Returns true if the geo feature is enabled. pub fn is_geo_enabled(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { let geo_filter = self.is_geo_filtering_enabled(rtxn)?; let geo_sortable = self.is_geo_sorting_enabled(rtxn)?; Ok(geo_filter || geo_sortable) } /// Returns true if the geo sorting feature is enabled. pub fn is_geo_sorting_enabled(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { let geo_sortable = self.sortable_fields(rtxn)?.contains(RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME); Ok(geo_sortable) } /// Returns true if the geo filtering feature is enabled. pub fn is_geo_filtering_enabled(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { let geo_filter = self.filterable_attributes_rules(rtxn)?.iter().any(|field| field.has_geo()); Ok(geo_filter) } pub fn asc_desc_fields(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { let asc_desc_fields = self .criteria(rtxn)? .into_iter() .filter_map(|criterion| match criterion { Criterion::Asc(field) | Criterion::Desc(field) => Some(field), _otherwise => None, }) .collect(); Ok(asc_desc_fields) } /* faceted documents ids */ /// Retrieve all the documents which contain this field id set as null pub fn null_faceted_documents_ids( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, field_id: FieldId, ) -> heed::Result { match self.facet_id_is_null_docids.get(rtxn, &field_id)? { Some(docids) => Ok(docids), None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()), } } /// Retrieve all the documents which contain this field id and that is considered empty pub fn empty_faceted_documents_ids( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, field_id: FieldId, ) -> heed::Result { match self.facet_id_is_empty_docids.get(rtxn, &field_id)? { Some(docids) => Ok(docids), None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()), } } /// Retrieve all the documents which contain this field id pub fn exists_faceted_documents_ids( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, field_id: FieldId, ) -> heed::Result { match self.facet_id_exists_docids.get(rtxn, &field_id)? { Some(docids) => Ok(docids), None => Ok(RoaringBitmap::new()), } } /* distinct field */ pub(crate) fn put_distinct_field( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, distinct_field: &str, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put(wtxn, main_key::DISTINCT_FIELD_KEY, distinct_field) } pub fn distinct_field<'a>(&self, rtxn: &'a RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::DISTINCT_FIELD_KEY) } pub(crate) fn delete_distinct_field(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::DISTINCT_FIELD_KEY) } /* criteria */ pub(crate) fn put_criteria( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, criteria: &[Criterion], ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::CRITERIA_KEY, &criteria, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_criteria(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::CRITERIA_KEY) } pub fn criteria(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { match self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::CRITERIA_KEY)? { Some(criteria) => Ok(criteria), None => Ok(default_criteria()), } } /* words fst */ /// Writes the FST which is the words dictionary of the engine. pub(crate) fn put_words_fst>( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fst: &fst::Set, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( wtxn, main_key::WORDS_FST_KEY, fst.as_fst().as_bytes(), ) } /// Returns the FST which is the words dictionary of the engine. pub fn words_fst<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { match self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::WORDS_FST_KEY)? { Some(bytes) => Ok(fst::Set::new(bytes)?.map_data(Cow::Borrowed)?), None => Ok(fst::Set::default().map_data(Cow::Owned)?), } } /* stop words */ pub(crate) fn put_stop_words>( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fst: &fst::Set, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( wtxn, main_key::STOP_WORDS_KEY, fst.as_fst().as_bytes(), ) } pub(crate) fn delete_stop_words(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::STOP_WORDS_KEY) } pub fn stop_words<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>) -> Result>> { match self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::STOP_WORDS_KEY)? { Some(bytes) => Ok(Some(fst::Set::new(bytes)?)), None => Ok(None), } } /* non separator tokens */ pub(crate) fn put_non_separator_tokens( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, set: &BTreeSet, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::NON_SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY, set, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_non_separator_tokens(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::NON_SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY) } pub fn non_separator_tokens(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::NON_SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY)?) } /* separator tokens */ pub(crate) fn put_separator_tokens( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, set: &BTreeSet, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY, set, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_separator_tokens(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY) } pub fn separator_tokens(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::SEPARATOR_TOKENS_KEY)?) } /* separators easing method */ pub fn allowed_separators(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { let default_separators = charabia::separators::DEFAULT_SEPARATORS.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()); let mut separators: Option> = None; if let Some(mut separator_tokens) = self.separator_tokens(rtxn)? { separator_tokens.extend(default_separators.clone()); separators = Some(separator_tokens); } if let Some(non_separator_tokens) = self.non_separator_tokens(rtxn)? { separators = separators .or_else(|| Some(default_separators.collect())) .map(|separators| &separators - &non_separator_tokens); } Ok(separators) } /* dictionary */ pub(crate) fn put_dictionary( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, set: &BTreeSet, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put(wtxn, main_key::DICTIONARY_KEY, set) } pub(crate) fn delete_dictionary(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::DICTIONARY_KEY) } pub fn dictionary(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result>> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::DICTIONARY_KEY)?) } /* synonyms */ pub(crate) fn put_synonyms( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, synonyms: &HashMap, Vec>>, user_defined_synonyms: &BTreeMap>, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::SYNONYMS_KEY, synonyms, )?; self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::USER_DEFINED_SYNONYMS_KEY, user_defined_synonyms, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_synonyms(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::SYNONYMS_KEY)?; self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::USER_DEFINED_SYNONYMS_KEY) } pub fn user_defined_synonyms( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result>> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::USER_DEFINED_SYNONYMS_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } pub fn synonyms( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result, Vec>>> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::SYNONYMS_KEY)? .unwrap_or_default()) } pub fn words_synonyms>( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, words: &[S], ) -> heed::Result>>> { let words: Vec<_> = words.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().to_owned()).collect(); Ok(self.synonyms(rtxn)?.remove(&words)) } /* words prefixes fst */ /// Writes the FST which is the words prefixes dictionary of the engine. pub(crate) fn put_words_prefixes_fst>( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, fst: &fst::Set, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( wtxn, main_key::WORDS_PREFIXES_FST_KEY, fst.as_fst().as_bytes(), ) } pub(crate) fn delete_words_prefixes_fst(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::WORDS_PREFIXES_FST_KEY) } /// Returns the FST which is the words prefixes dictionary of the engine. pub fn words_prefixes_fst<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>) -> Result>> { match self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::WORDS_PREFIXES_FST_KEY)? { Some(bytes) => Ok(fst::Set::new(bytes)?.map_data(Cow::Borrowed)?), None => Ok(fst::Set::default().map_data(Cow::Owned)?), } } /* word documents count */ /// Returns the number of documents ids associated with the given word, /// it is much faster than deserializing the bitmap and getting the length of it. pub fn word_documents_count(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, word: &str) -> heed::Result> { self.word_docids.remap_data_type::().get(rtxn, word) } /* documents */ /// Returns a document by using the document id. pub fn document<'t>(&self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn, id: DocumentId) -> Result<&'t obkv::KvReaderU16> { self.documents .get(rtxn, &id)? .ok_or(UserError::UnknownInternalDocumentId { document_id: id }) .map_err(Into::into) } /// Returns an iterator over the requested documents. The next item will be an error if a document is missing. pub fn iter_documents<'a, 't: 'a>( &'a self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>, ids: impl IntoIterator + 'a, ) -> Result> + 'a> { Ok(ids.into_iter().map(move |id| { let kv = self .documents .get(rtxn, &id)? .ok_or(UserError::UnknownInternalDocumentId { document_id: id })?; Ok((id, kv)) })) } /// Returns a [`Vec`] of the requested documents. Returns an error if a document is missing. pub fn documents<'t>( &self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>, ids: impl IntoIterator, ) -> Result> { self.iter_documents(rtxn, ids)?.collect() } /// Returns an iterator over all the documents in the index. pub fn all_documents<'a, 't: 'a>( &'a self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>, ) -> Result> + 'a> { self.iter_documents(rtxn, self.documents_ids(rtxn)?) } pub fn external_id_of<'a, 't: 'a>( &'a self, rtxn: &'t RoTxn<'t>, ids: impl IntoIterator + 'a, ) -> Result> + 'a> { let fields = self.fields_ids_map(rtxn)?; // uses precondition "never called on an empty index" let primary_key = self.primary_key(rtxn)?.ok_or(InternalError::DatabaseMissingEntry { db_name: db_name::MAIN, key: Some(main_key::PRIMARY_KEY_KEY), })?; let primary_key = PrimaryKey::new(primary_key, &fields).ok_or_else(|| { InternalError::FieldIdMapMissingEntry(crate::FieldIdMapMissingEntry::FieldName { field_name: primary_key.to_owned(), process: "external_id_of", }) })?; Ok(self.iter_documents(rtxn, ids)?.map(move |entry| -> Result<_> { let (_docid, obkv) = entry?; match primary_key.document_id(obkv, &fields)? { Ok(document_id) => Ok(document_id), Err(_) => Err(InternalError::DocumentsError( crate::documents::Error::InvalidDocumentFormat, ) .into()), } })) } pub fn facets_distribution<'a>(&'a self, rtxn: &'a RoTxn<'a>) -> FacetDistribution<'a> { FacetDistribution::new(rtxn, self) } pub fn search<'a>(&'a self, rtxn: &'a RoTxn<'a>) -> Search<'a> { Search::new(rtxn, self) } /// Returns the index creation time. pub fn created_at(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::CREATED_AT_KEY)? .ok_or(InternalError::DatabaseMissingEntry { db_name: db_name::MAIN, key: Some(main_key::CREATED_AT_KEY), })? .0) } /// Returns the index last updated time. pub fn updated_at(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>() .get(rtxn, main_key::UPDATED_AT_KEY)? .ok_or(InternalError::DatabaseMissingEntry { db_name: db_name::MAIN, key: Some(main_key::UPDATED_AT_KEY), })? .0) } pub(crate) fn set_updated_at( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, time: &time::OffsetDateTime, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( wtxn, main_key::UPDATED_AT_KEY, &OffsetDateTime(*time), ) } pub fn authorize_typos(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { // It is not possible to put a bool in heed with OwnedType, so we put a u8 instead. We // identify 0 as being false, and anything else as true. The absence of a value is true, // because by default, we authorize typos. match self.main.remap_types::().get(txn, main_key::AUTHORIZE_TYPOS)? { Some(0) => Ok(false), _ => Ok(true), } } pub(crate) fn put_authorize_typos(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, flag: bool) -> heed::Result<()> { // It is not possible to put a bool in heed with OwnedType, so we put a u8 instead. We // identify 0 as being false, and anything else as true. The absence of a value is true, // because by default, we authorize typos. self.main.remap_types::().put(txn, main_key::AUTHORIZE_TYPOS, &(flag as u8))?; Ok(()) } pub fn min_word_len_one_typo(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { // It is not possible to put a bool in heed with OwnedType, so we put a u8 instead. We // identify 0 as being false, and anything else as true. The absence of a value is true, // because by default, we authorize typos. Ok(self .main .remap_types::() .get(txn, main_key::ONE_TYPO_WORD_LEN)? .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_ONE_TYPO)) } pub(crate) fn put_min_word_len_one_typo( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: u8, ) -> heed::Result<()> { // It is not possible to put a bool in heed with OwnedType, so we put a u8 instead. We // identify 0 as being false, and anything else as true. The absence of a value is true, // because by default, we authorize typos. self.main.remap_types::().put(txn, main_key::ONE_TYPO_WORD_LEN, &val)?; Ok(()) } pub fn min_word_len_two_typos(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { // It is not possible to put a bool in heed with OwnedType, so we put a u8 instead. We // identify 0 as being false, and anything else as true. The absence of a value is true, // because by default, we authorize typos. Ok(self .main .remap_types::() .get(txn, main_key::TWO_TYPOS_WORD_LEN)? .unwrap_or(DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_TWO_TYPOS)) } pub(crate) fn put_min_word_len_two_typos( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: u8, ) -> heed::Result<()> { // It is not possible to put a bool in heed with OwnedType, so we put a u8 instead. We // identify 0 as being false, and anything else as true. The absence of a value is true, // because by default, we authorize typos. self.main.remap_types::().put(txn, main_key::TWO_TYPOS_WORD_LEN, &val)?; Ok(()) } /// List the words on which typo are not allowed pub fn exact_words<'t>(&self, txn: &'t RoTxn<'t>) -> Result>>> { match self.main.remap_types::().get(txn, main_key::EXACT_WORDS)? { Some(bytes) => Ok(Some(fst::Set::new(bytes)?.map_data(Cow::Borrowed)?)), None => Ok(None), } } pub(crate) fn put_exact_words>( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, words: &fst::Set, ) -> Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put( txn, main_key::EXACT_WORDS, words.as_fst().as_bytes(), )?; Ok(()) } /// Returns the exact attributes: attributes for which typo is disallowed. pub fn exact_attributes<'t>(&self, txn: &'t RoTxn<'t>) -> Result> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(txn, main_key::EXACT_ATTRIBUTES)? .unwrap_or_default()) } /// Returns the list of exact attributes field ids. pub fn exact_attributes_ids(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { let attrs = self.exact_attributes(txn)?; let fid_map = self.fields_ids_map(txn)?; Ok(attrs.iter().filter_map(|attr| } /// Writes the exact attributes to the database. pub(crate) fn put_exact_attributes(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, attrs: &[&str]) -> Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( txn, main_key::EXACT_ATTRIBUTES, &attrs, )?; Ok(()) } /// Clears the exact attributes from the store. pub(crate) fn delete_exact_attributes(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::EXACT_ATTRIBUTES) } pub fn max_values_per_facet(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main.remap_types::().get(txn, main_key::MAX_VALUES_PER_FACET) } pub(crate) fn put_max_values_per_facet( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: u64, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put(txn, main_key::MAX_VALUES_PER_FACET, &val) } pub(crate) fn delete_max_values_per_facet(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::MAX_VALUES_PER_FACET) } pub fn sort_facet_values_by(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { let orders = self .main .remap_types::>() .get(txn, main_key::SORT_FACET_VALUES_BY)? .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(orders) } pub(crate) fn put_sort_facet_values_by( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: &OrderByMap, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put(txn, main_key::SORT_FACET_VALUES_BY, &val) } pub(crate) fn delete_sort_facet_values_by(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::SORT_FACET_VALUES_BY) } pub fn pagination_max_total_hits(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main.remap_types::().get(txn, main_key::PAGINATION_MAX_TOTAL_HITS) } pub(crate) fn put_pagination_max_total_hits( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: u64, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put(txn, main_key::PAGINATION_MAX_TOTAL_HITS, &val) } pub(crate) fn delete_pagination_max_total_hits( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::PAGINATION_MAX_TOTAL_HITS) } pub fn proximity_precision(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main .remap_types::>() .get(txn, main_key::PROXIMITY_PRECISION) } pub(crate) fn put_proximity_precision( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: ProximityPrecision, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( txn, main_key::PROXIMITY_PRECISION, &val, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_proximity_precision(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::PROXIMITY_PRECISION) } pub fn prefix_search(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result> { self.main.remap_types::>().get(txn, main_key::PREFIX_SEARCH) } pub(crate) fn put_prefix_search( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: PrefixSearch, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put( txn, main_key::PREFIX_SEARCH, &val, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_prefix_search(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::PREFIX_SEARCH) } pub fn facet_search(&self, txn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main .remap_types::>() .get(txn, main_key::FACET_SEARCH) .map(|v| v.unwrap_or(true)) } pub(crate) fn put_facet_search(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: bool) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>().put(txn, main_key::FACET_SEARCH, &val) } pub(crate) fn delete_facet_search(&self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::FACET_SEARCH) } pub fn localized_attributes_rules( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result>> { self.main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::LOCALIZED_ATTRIBUTES_RULES) } pub(crate) fn put_localized_attributes_rules( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, val: Vec, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>>().put( txn, main_key::LOCALIZED_ATTRIBUTES_RULES, &val, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_localized_attributes_rules( &self, txn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, ) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(txn, main_key::LOCALIZED_ATTRIBUTES_RULES) } /// Put the embedding configs: /// 1. The name of the embedder /// 2. The configuration option for this embedder /// 3. The list of documents with a user provided embedding pub(crate) fn put_embedding_configs( &self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, configs: Vec, ) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::>>().put( wtxn, main_key::EMBEDDING_CONFIGS, &configs, ) } pub(crate) fn delete_embedding_configs(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::EMBEDDING_CONFIGS) } pub fn embedding_configs(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { Ok(self .main .remap_types::>>() .get(rtxn, main_key::EMBEDDING_CONFIGS)? .unwrap_or_default()) } pub(crate) fn put_search_cutoff(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>, cutoff: u64) -> heed::Result<()> { self.main.remap_types::().put(wtxn, main_key::SEARCH_CUTOFF, &cutoff) } pub fn search_cutoff(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result> { Ok(self.main.remap_types::().get(rtxn, main_key::SEARCH_CUTOFF)?) } pub(crate) fn delete_search_cutoff(&self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'_>) -> heed::Result { self.main.remap_key_type::().delete(wtxn, main_key::SEARCH_CUTOFF) } pub fn embeddings( &self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>, docid: DocumentId, ) -> Result>> { let mut res = BTreeMap::new(); let embedding_configs = self.embedding_configs(rtxn)?; for config in embedding_configs { let embedder_id = self.embedder_category_id.get(rtxn, &; let reader = ArroyWrapper::new(self.vector_arroy, embedder_id, config.config.quantized()); let embeddings = reader.item_vectors(rtxn, docid)?; res.insert(, embeddings); } Ok(res) } pub fn prefix_settings(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { let compute_prefixes = self.prefix_search(rtxn)?.unwrap_or_default(); Ok(PrefixSettings { compute_prefixes, max_prefix_length: 4, prefix_count_threshold: 100 }) } pub fn arroy_stats(&self, rtxn: &RoTxn<'_>) -> Result { let mut stats = ArroyStats::default(); let embedding_configs = self.embedding_configs(rtxn)?; for config in embedding_configs { let embedder_id = self.embedder_category_id.get(rtxn, &; let reader = ArroyWrapper::new(self.vector_arroy, embedder_id, config.config.quantized()); reader.aggregate_stats(rtxn, &mut stats)?; } Ok(stats) } } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct IndexEmbeddingConfig { pub name: String, pub config: EmbeddingConfig, pub user_provided: RoaringBitmap, } #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct PrefixSettings { pub prefix_count_threshold: usize, pub max_prefix_length: usize, pub compute_prefixes: PrefixSearch, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Default)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub enum PrefixSearch { #[default] IndexingTime, Disabled, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] struct OffsetDateTime(#[serde(with = "time::serde::rfc3339")] time::OffsetDateTime); #[cfg(test)] pub(crate) mod tests { use std::collections::HashSet; use std::ops::Deref; use big_s::S; use bumpalo::Bump; use heed::{EnvOpenOptions, RwTxn}; use maplit::btreemap; use memmap2::Mmap; use tempfile::TempDir; use crate::constants::RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME; use crate::error::{Error, InternalError}; use crate::index::{DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_ONE_TYPO, DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_TWO_TYPOS}; use crate::progress::Progress; use crate::update::new::indexer; use crate::update::settings::InnerIndexSettings; use crate::update::{ self, IndexDocumentsConfig, IndexDocumentsMethod, IndexerConfig, Setting, Settings, }; use crate::vector::settings::{EmbedderSource, EmbeddingSettings}; use crate::vector::EmbeddingConfigs; use crate::{ db_snap, obkv_to_json, Filter, FilterableAttributesRule, Index, Search, SearchResult, ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder, }; pub(crate) struct TempIndex { pub inner: Index, pub indexer_config: IndexerConfig, pub index_documents_config: IndexDocumentsConfig, _tempdir: TempDir, } impl Deref for TempIndex { type Target = Index; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.inner } } impl TempIndex { /// Creates a temporary index pub fn new_with_map_size(size: usize) -> Self { let mut options = EnvOpenOptions::new(); options.map_size(size); let _tempdir = TempDir::new_in(".").unwrap(); let inner = Index::new(options, _tempdir.path(), true).unwrap(); let indexer_config = IndexerConfig::default(); let index_documents_config = IndexDocumentsConfig::default(); Self { inner, indexer_config, index_documents_config, _tempdir } } /// Creates a temporary index, with a default `4096 * 2000` size. This should be enough for /// most tests. pub fn new() -> Self { Self::new_with_map_size(4096 * 2000) } pub fn add_documents_using_wtxn<'t>( &'t self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'t>, documents: Mmap, ) -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> { let local_pool; let indexer_config = &self.indexer_config; let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool { Some(pool) => pool, None => { local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); &local_pool } }; let rtxn = self.inner.read_txn()?; let db_fields_ids_map = self.inner.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?; let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone(); let embedders = InnerIndexSettings::from_index(&self.inner, &rtxn, None)?.embedding_configs; let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentOperation::new(); match self.index_documents_config.update_method { IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments => { indexer.replace_documents(&documents).unwrap() } IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments => { indexer.update_documents(&documents).unwrap() } } let indexer_alloc = Bump::new(); let (document_changes, operation_stats, primary_key) = indexer.into_changes( &indexer_alloc, &self.inner, &rtxn, None, &mut new_fields_ids_map, &|| false, Progress::default(), )?; if let Some(error) = operation_stats.into_iter().find_map(|stat| stat.error) { return Err(error.into()); } pool.install(|| { indexer::index( wtxn, &self.inner, &crate::ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new().build().unwrap(), indexer_config.grenad_parameters(), &db_fields_ids_map, new_fields_ids_map, primary_key, &document_changes, embedders, &|| false, &Progress::default(), ) }) .unwrap()?; Ok(()) } pub fn add_documents(&self, documents: Mmap) -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> { let mut wtxn = self.write_txn().unwrap(); self.add_documents_using_wtxn(&mut wtxn, documents)?; wtxn.commit().unwrap(); Ok(()) } pub fn update_settings( &self, update: impl Fn(&mut Settings<'_, '_, '_>), ) -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> { let mut wtxn = self.write_txn().unwrap(); self.update_settings_using_wtxn(&mut wtxn, update)?; wtxn.commit().unwrap(); Ok(()) } pub fn update_settings_using_wtxn<'t>( &'t self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'t>, update: impl Fn(&mut Settings<'_, '_, '_>), ) -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> { let mut builder = update::Settings::new(wtxn, &self.inner, &self.indexer_config); update(&mut builder); builder.execute(drop, || false)?; Ok(()) } pub fn delete_documents_using_wtxn<'t>( &'t self, wtxn: &mut RwTxn<'t>, external_document_ids: Vec, ) -> Result<(), crate::error::Error> { let local_pool; let indexer_config = &self.indexer_config; let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool { Some(pool) => pool, None => { local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); &local_pool } }; let rtxn = self.inner.read_txn()?; let db_fields_ids_map = self.inner.fields_ids_map(&rtxn)?; let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone(); let embedders = InnerIndexSettings::from_index(&self.inner, &rtxn, None)?.embedding_configs; let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentOperation::new(); let external_document_ids: Vec<_> = external_document_ids.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect(); indexer.delete_documents(external_document_ids.as_slice()); let indexer_alloc = Bump::new(); let (document_changes, operation_stats, primary_key) = indexer.into_changes( &indexer_alloc, &self.inner, &rtxn, None, &mut new_fields_ids_map, &|| false, Progress::default(), )?; if let Some(error) = operation_stats.into_iter().find_map(|stat| stat.error) { return Err(error.into()); } pool.install(|| { indexer::index( wtxn, &self.inner, &crate::ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new().build().unwrap(), indexer_config.grenad_parameters(), &db_fields_ids_map, new_fields_ids_map, primary_key, &document_changes, embedders, &|| false, &Progress::default(), ) }) .unwrap()?; Ok(()) } pub fn delete_documents(&self, external_document_ids: Vec) { let mut wtxn = self.write_txn().unwrap(); self.delete_documents_using_wtxn(&mut wtxn, external_document_ids).unwrap(); wtxn.commit().unwrap(); } pub fn delete_document(&self, external_document_id: &str) { self.delete_documents(vec![external_document_id.to_string()]) } } #[test] fn aborting_indexation() { use std::sync::atomic::AtomicBool; use std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Relaxed; let index = TempIndex::new(); let mut wtxn = index.inner.write_txn().unwrap(); let should_abort = AtomicBool::new(false); let local_pool; let indexer_config = &index.indexer_config; let pool = match &indexer_config.thread_pool { Some(pool) => pool, None => { local_pool = ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new().build().unwrap(); &local_pool } }; let rtxn = index.inner.read_txn().unwrap(); let db_fields_ids_map = index.inner.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap(); let mut new_fields_ids_map = db_fields_ids_map.clone(); let embedders = EmbeddingConfigs::default(); let mut indexer = indexer::DocumentOperation::new(); let payload = documents!([ { "id": 1, "name": "kevin" }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob", "age": 20 }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob", "age": 20 }, ]); indexer.replace_documents(&payload).unwrap(); let indexer_alloc = Bump::new(); let (document_changes, _operation_stats, primary_key) = indexer .into_changes( &indexer_alloc, &index.inner, &rtxn, None, &mut new_fields_ids_map, &|| false, Progress::default(), ) .unwrap();, Relaxed); let err = pool .install(|| { indexer::index( &mut wtxn, &index.inner, &crate::ThreadPoolNoAbortBuilder::new().build().unwrap(), indexer_config.grenad_parameters(), &db_fields_ids_map, new_fields_ids_map, primary_key, &document_changes, embedders, &|| should_abort.load(Relaxed), &Progress::default(), ) }) .unwrap() .unwrap_err(); assert!(matches!(err, Error::InternalError(InternalError::AbortedIndexation))); } #[test] fn initial_field_distribution() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 1, "name": "kevin" }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob", "age": 20 }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob", "age": 20 }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, field_distribution, @r###" age 1 | id 2 | name 2 | "###); db_snap!(index, word_docids, @r###" 1 [0, ] 2 [1, ] 20 [1, ] bob [1, ] kevin [0, ] "### ); // we add all the documents a second time. we are supposed to get the same // field_distribution in the end index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 1, "name": "kevin" }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob", "age": 20 }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob", "age": 20 }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, field_distribution, @r###" age 1 | id 2 | name 2 | "### ); // then we update a document by removing one field and another by adding one field index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 1, "name": "kevin", "has_dog": true }, { "id": 2, "name": "bob" } ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, field_distribution, @r###" has_dog 1 | id 2 | name 2 | "### ); } #[test] fn put_and_retrieve_disable_typo() { let index = TempIndex::new(); let mut txn = index.write_txn().unwrap(); // default value is true assert!(index.authorize_typos(&txn).unwrap()); // set to false index.put_authorize_typos(&mut txn, false).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); let txn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); assert!(!index.authorize_typos(&txn).unwrap()); } #[test] fn set_min_word_len_for_typos() { let index = TempIndex::new(); let mut txn = index.write_txn().unwrap(); assert_eq!(index.min_word_len_one_typo(&txn).unwrap(), DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_ONE_TYPO); assert_eq!(index.min_word_len_two_typos(&txn).unwrap(), DEFAULT_MIN_WORD_LEN_TWO_TYPOS); index.put_min_word_len_one_typo(&mut txn, 3).unwrap(); index.put_min_word_len_two_typos(&mut txn, 15).unwrap(); txn.commit().unwrap(); let txn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); assert_eq!(index.min_word_len_one_typo(&txn).unwrap(), 3); assert_eq!(index.min_word_len_two_typos(&txn).unwrap(), 15); } #[test] fn add_documents_and_set_searchable_fields() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 1, "doggo": "kevin" }, { "id": 2, "doggo": { "name": "bob", "age": 20 } }, { "id": 3, "name": "jean", "age": 25 }, ])) .unwrap(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("doggo"), S("name")]); }) .unwrap(); // ensure we get the right real searchable fields + user defined searchable fields let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let real = index.searchable_fields(&rtxn).unwrap(); assert_eq!(real, &["doggo", "name", "", "doggo.age"]); let user_defined = index.user_defined_searchable_fields(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(user_defined, &["doggo", "name"]); } #[test] fn set_searchable_fields_and_add_documents() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("doggo"), S("name")]); }) .unwrap(); // ensure we get the right real searchable fields + user defined searchable fields let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let real = index.searchable_fields(&rtxn).unwrap(); assert!(real.is_empty()); let user_defined = index.user_defined_searchable_fields(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(user_defined, &["doggo", "name"]); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 1, "doggo": "kevin" }, { "id": 2, "doggo": { "name": "bob", "age": 20 } }, { "id": 3, "name": "jean", "age": 25 }, ])) .unwrap(); // ensure we get the right real searchable fields + user defined searchable fields let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let real = index.searchable_fields(&rtxn).unwrap(); assert_eq!(real, &["doggo", "name", "", "doggo.age"]); let user_defined = index.user_defined_searchable_fields(&rtxn).unwrap().unwrap(); assert_eq!(user_defined, &["doggo", "name"]); } #[test] fn test_basic_geo_bounding_box() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME.to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 0, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": "0", "lng": "0" } }, { "id": 1, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": 0, "lng": "-175" } }, { "id": 2, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": "0", "lng": 175 } }, { "id": 3, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": 85, "lng": 0 } }, { "id": 4, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": "-85", "lng": "0" } }, ])) .unwrap(); // ensure we get the right real searchable fields + user defined searchable fields let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; // exact match a document let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([0, 0], [0, 0])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[0]>"); // match a document in the middle of the rectangle let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([10, 10], [-10, -10])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[0]>"); // select everything let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([90, 180], [-90, -180])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]>"); // go on the edge of the longitude let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([0, -170], [0, 180])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[1]>"); // go on the other edge of the longitude let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([0, -180], [0, 170])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[2]>"); // wrap around the longitude let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([0, -170], [0, 170])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[1, 2]>"); // go on the edge of the latitude let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([90, 0], [80, 0])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[3]>"); // go on the edge of the latitude let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([-80, 0], [-90, 0])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[4]>"); // the requests that don't make sense // try to wrap around the latitude let error = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([-80, 0], [80, 0])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap_err(); insta::assert_snapshot!( error, @r###" The top latitude `-80` is below the bottom latitude `80`. 32:33 _geoBoundingBox([-80, 0], [80, 0]) "### ); // send a top latitude lower than the bottow latitude let error = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_geoBoundingBox([-10, 0], [10, 0])").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap_err(); insta::assert_snapshot!( error, @r###" The top latitude `-10` is below the bottom latitude `10`. 32:33 _geoBoundingBox([-10, 0], [10, 0]) "### ); } #[test] fn test_contains() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( "doggo".to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 0, "doggo": "kefir" }, { "id": 1, "doggo": "kefirounet" }, { "id": 2, "doggo": "kefkef" }, { "id": 3, "doggo": "fifir" }, { "id": 4, "doggo": "boubou" }, { "id": 5 }, ])) .unwrap(); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("doggo CONTAINS kefir").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[0, 1]>"); let mut search =; let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("doggo CONTAINS KEF").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[0, 1, 2]>"); let mut search =; let search_result = search .filter(Filter::from_str("doggo NOT CONTAINS fir").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(search_result.candidates, @"RoaringBitmap<[2, 4, 5]>"); } #[test] fn replace_documents_external_ids_and_soft_deletion_check() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("id".to_owned()); settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( "doggo".to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); let mut docs = vec![]; for i in 0..4 { docs.push(serde_json::json!( { "id": i, "doggo": i } )); } index.add_documents(documents!(docs)).unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, 3, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 1, @r###" docids: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 "###); db_snap!(index, facet_id_f64_docids, 1, @r###" 1 0 0 1 [0, ] 1 0 1 1 [1, ] 1 0 2 1 [2, ] 1 0 3 1 [3, ] "###); let mut docs = vec![]; for i in 0..3 { docs.push(serde_json::json!( { "id": i, "doggo": i + 1 } )); } index.add_documents(documents!(docs)).unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, 3, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 "###); db_snap!(index, facet_id_f64_docids, 2, @r###" 1 0 1 1 [0, ] 1 0 2 1 [1, ] 1 0 3 1 [2, 3, ] "###); index .add_documents(documents!([{ "id": 3, "doggo": 4 }, { "id": 3, "doggo": 5 },{ "id": 3, "doggo": 4 }])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, 3, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 3, @r###" docids: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 "###); db_snap!(index, facet_id_f64_docids, 3, @r###" 1 0 1 1 [0, ] 1 0 2 1 [1, ] 1 0 3 1 [2, ] 1 0 4 1 [3, ] "###); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_distinct_field("id".to_owned()); }) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, 3, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 3, @r###" docids: 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 "###); db_snap!(index, facet_id_f64_docids, 3, @r###" 0 0 0 1 [0, ] 0 0 1 1 [1, ] 0 0 2 1 [2, ] 0 0 3 1 [3, ] 1 0 1 1 [0, ] 1 0 2 1 [1, ] 1 0 3 1 [2, ] 1 0 4 1 [3, ] "###); } #[test] fn bug_3021_first() { // let mut index = TempIndex::new(); index.index_documents_config.update_method = IndexDocumentsMethod::ReplaceDocuments; index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("primary_key".to_owned()); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 38 }, { "primary_key": 34 } ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 1, @r###" docids: 34 1 38 0 "###); index.delete_document("34"); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 38 0 "###); index .update_settings(|s| { s.set_searchable_fields(vec![]); }) .unwrap(); // The key point of the test is to verify that the external documents ids // do not contain any entry for previously soft-deleted document ids db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 3, @r###" docids: 38 0 "###); // So that this document addition works correctly now. // It would be wrongly interpreted as a replacement before index.add_documents(documents!({ "primary_key": 34 })).unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 4, @r###" docids: 34 1 38 0 "###); // We do the test again, but deleting the document with id 0 instead of id 1 now index.delete_document("38"); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 5, @r###" docids: 34 1 "###); index .update_settings(|s| { s.set_searchable_fields(vec!["primary_key".to_owned()]); }) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 6, @r###" docids: 34 1 "###); // And adding lots of documents afterwards instead of just one. // These extra subtests don't add much, but it's better than nothing. index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 38 }, { "primary_key": 39 }, { "primary_key": 41 }, { "primary_key": 40 }, { "primary_key": 41 }, { "primary_key": 42 }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 7, @r###" docids: 34 1 38 0 39 2 40 4 41 3 42 5 "###); } #[test] fn simple_delete() { let mut index = TempIndex::new(); index.index_documents_config.update_method = IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments; index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 30 }, { "id": 34 } ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 1, @r###" docids: 30 0 34 1"###); index.delete_document("34"); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 30 0 "###); } #[test] fn bug_3021_second() { // let mut index = TempIndex::new(); index.index_documents_config.update_method = IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments; index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("primary_key".to_owned()); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 30 }, { "primary_key": 34 } ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 1, @r###" docids: 30 0 34 1 "###); index.delete_document("34"); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 30 0 "###); index .update_settings(|s| { s.set_searchable_fields(vec![]); }) .unwrap(); // The key point of the test is to verify that the external documents ids // do not contain any entry for previously soft-deleted document ids db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 3, @r###" docids: 30 0 "###); // So that when we add a new document index.add_documents(documents!({ "primary_key": 35, "b": 2 })).unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, ]"); // The external documents ids don't have several external ids pointing to the same // internal document id db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 4, @r###" docids: 30 0 35 1 "###); // And when we add 34 again, we don't replace document 35 index.add_documents(documents!({ "primary_key": 34, "a": 1 })).unwrap(); // And document 35 still exists, is not deleted db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 5, @r###" docids: 30 0 34 2 35 1 "###); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let (_docid, obkv) = index.documents(&rtxn, [0]).unwrap()[0]; let json = obkv_to_json(&[0, 1, 2], &index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap(), obkv).unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(json, @r###" { "primary_key": Number(30), } "###); // Furthermore, when we retrieve document 34, it is not the result of merging 35 with 34 let (_docid, obkv) = index.documents(&rtxn, [2]).unwrap()[0]; let json = obkv_to_json(&[0, 1, 2], &index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap(), obkv).unwrap(); insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(json, @r###" { "primary_key": Number(34), "a": Number(1), } "###); drop(rtxn); // Add new documents again index .add_documents( documents!([{ "primary_key": 37 }, { "primary_key": 38 }, { "primary_key": 39 }]), ) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 6, @r###" docids: 30 0 34 2 35 1 37 3 38 4 39 5 "###); } #[test] fn bug_3021_third() { // let mut index = TempIndex::new(); index.index_documents_config.update_method = IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments; index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("primary_key".to_owned()); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 3 }, { "primary_key": 4 }, { "primary_key": 5 } ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 1, @r###" docids: 3 0 4 1 5 2 "###); index.delete_document("3"); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 4 1 5 2 "###); index.add_documents(documents!([{ "primary_key": "4", "a": 2 }])).unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 4 1 5 2 "###); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": "3" }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, 2, @r###" docids: 3 0 4 1 5 2 "###); } #[test] fn bug_3021_fourth() { // let mut index = TempIndex::new(); index.index_documents_config.update_method = IndexDocumentsMethod::UpdateDocuments; index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("primary_key".to_owned()); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 11 }, { "primary_key": 4 }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, @r###" docids: 11 0 4 1 "###); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 primary_key | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["primary_key"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 0 0 | "###); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 4, "a": 0 }, { "primary_key": 1 }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, @r###" docids: 1 2 11 0 4 1 "###); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 primary_key | 1 a | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["primary_key", "a"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 0 0 | 1 0 | "###); index.delete_documents(Default::default()); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, @r###" docids: 1 2 11 0 4 1 "###); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 primary_key | 1 a | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["primary_key", "a"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 0 0 | 1 0 | "###); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "primary_key": 4, "a": 1 }, { "primary_key": 1, "a": 0 }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, documents_ids, @"[0, 1, 2, ]"); db_snap!(index, external_documents_ids, @r###" docids: 1 2 11 0 4 1 "###); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 primary_key | 1 a | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["primary_key", "a"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 0 0 | 1 0 | "###); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let search = Search::new(&rtxn, &index); let SearchResult { matching_words: _, candidates: _, document_scores: _, mut documents_ids, degraded: _, used_negative_operator: _, } = search.execute().unwrap(); let primary_key_id = index.fields_ids_map(&rtxn).unwrap().id("primary_key").unwrap(); documents_ids.sort_unstable(); let docs = index.documents(&rtxn, documents_ids).unwrap(); let mut all_ids = HashSet::new(); for (_docid, obkv) in docs { let id = obkv.get(primary_key_id).unwrap(); assert!(all_ids.insert(id)); } } #[test] fn bug_3007() { // use crate::error::{GeoError, UserError}; let index = TempIndex::new(); // Given is an index with a geo field NOT contained in the sortable_fields of the settings index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("id".to_string()); settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME.to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); // happy path index .add_documents( documents!({ "id" : 5, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: {"lat": 12.0, "lng": 11.0}}), ) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, geo_faceted_documents_ids); // both are unparseable, we expect GeoError::BadLatitudeAndLongitude let err1 = index .add_documents( documents!({ "id" : 6, RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: {"lat": "unparseable", "lng": "unparseable"}}), ) .unwrap_err(); assert!(matches!( err1, Error::UserError(UserError::InvalidGeoField(GeoError::BadLatitudeAndLongitude { .. })) )); db_snap!(index, geo_faceted_documents_ids); // ensure that no more document was inserted } #[test] fn unexpected_extra_fields_in_geo_field() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_primary_key("id".to_string()); settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME.to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); let err = index .add_documents( documents!({ "id" : "doggo", RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": 1, "lng": 2, "doggo": "are the best" }}), ) .unwrap_err(); insta::assert_snapshot!(err, @r###"The `_geo` field in the document with the id: `"doggo"` contains the following unexpected fields: `{"doggo":"are the best"}`."###); db_snap!(index, geo_faceted_documents_ids); // ensure that no documents were inserted // multiple fields and complex values let err = index .add_documents( documents!({ "id" : "doggo", RESERVED_GEO_FIELD_NAME: { "lat": 1, "lng": 2, "doggo": "are the best", "and": { "all": ["cats", { "are": "beautiful" } ] } } }), ) .unwrap_err(); insta::assert_snapshot!(err, @r###"The `_geo` field in the document with the id: `"doggo"` contains the following unexpected fields: `{"and":{"all":["cats",{"are":"beautiful"}]},"doggo":"are the best"}`."###); db_snap!(index, geo_faceted_documents_ids); // ensure that no documents were inserted } #[test] fn swapping_searchable_attributes() { // See let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("name")]); settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( "age".to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!({ "id": 1, "name": "Many", "age": 28, "realName": "Maxime" })) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 id | 1 name | 2 age | 3 realName | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["name"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 1 0 | "###); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("name"), S("realName")]); settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![FilterableAttributesRule::Field( "age".to_string(), )]); }) .unwrap(); // The order of the field id map shouldn't change db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 id | 1 name | 2 age | 3 realName | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["name", "realName"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 1 0 | 3 1 | "###); } #[test] fn attribute_weights_after_swapping_searchable_attributes() { // See let index = TempIndex::new(); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("name"), S("beverage")]); }) .unwrap(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 0, "name": "kefir", "beverage": "water" }, { "id": 1, "name": "tamo", "beverage": "kefir" } ])) .unwrap(); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; let results = search.query("kefir").execute().unwrap(); // We should find kefir the dog first insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(results.documents_ids, @r###" [ 0, 1, ] "###); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("beverage"), S("name")]); }) .unwrap(); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; let results = search.query("kefir").execute().unwrap(); // We should find tamo first insta::assert_debug_snapshot!(results.documents_ids, @r###" [ 1, 0, ] "###); } #[test] fn vectors_are_never_indexed_as_searchable_or_filterable() { let index = TempIndex::new(); index .add_documents(documents!([ { "id": 0, "_vectors": { "doggo": [2345] } }, { "id": 1, "_vectors": { "doggo": [6789] } }, ])) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 id | 1 _vectors | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @r###"["id"]"###); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight 0 0 | "###); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; let results = search.query("2345").execute().unwrap(); assert!(results.candidates.is_empty()); drop(rtxn); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_searchable_fields(vec![S("_vectors"), S("_vectors.doggo")]); settings.set_filterable_fields(vec![ FilterableAttributesRule::Field("_vectors".to_string()), FilterableAttributesRule::Field("_vectors.doggo".to_string()), ]); }) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 id | 1 _vectors | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @"[]"); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight "###); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; let results = search.query("2345").execute().unwrap(); assert!(results.candidates.is_empty()); let mut search =; let results = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_vectors.doggo = 6789").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); assert!(results.candidates.is_empty()); index .update_settings(|settings| { settings.set_embedder_settings(btreemap! { S("doggo") => Setting::Set(EmbeddingSettings { dimensions: Setting::Set(1), source: Setting::Set(EmbedderSource::UserProvided), ..EmbeddingSettings::default()}), }); }) .unwrap(); db_snap!(index, fields_ids_map, @r###" 0 id | 1 _vectors | "###); db_snap!(index, searchable_fields, @"[]"); db_snap!(index, fieldids_weights_map, @r###" fid weight "###); let rtxn = index.read_txn().unwrap(); let mut search =; let results = search.query("2345").execute().unwrap(); assert!(results.candidates.is_empty()); let mut search =; let results = search .filter(Filter::from_str("_vectors.doggo = 6789").unwrap().unwrap()) .execute() .unwrap(); assert!(results.candidates.is_empty()); } }