pub mod criterion; pub mod data; mod index; mod automaton; mod query_builder; mod distinct_map; pub mod shared_data_cursor; pub mod write_to_bytes; use std::sync::Arc; use serde_derive::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use slice_group_by::GroupBy; use rayon::slice::ParallelSliceMut; pub use self::index::{Index, IndexBuilder}; pub use self::query_builder::{QueryBuilder, DistinctQueryBuilder}; /// Represent an internally generated document unique identifier. /// /// It is used to inform the database the document you want to deserialize. /// Helpful for custom ranking. #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct DocumentId(pub u64); /// This structure represent the position of a word /// in a document and its attributes. /// /// This is stored in the map, generated at index time, /// extracted and interpreted at search time. #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] #[repr(C)] pub struct DocIndex { /// The document identifier where the word was found. pub document_id: DocumentId, /// The attribute in the document where the word was found /// along with the index in it. pub attribute: u16, pub word_index: u16, /// The position in bytes where the word was found /// along with the length of it. /// /// It informs on the original word area in the text indexed /// without needing to run the tokenizer again. pub char_index: u16, pub char_length: u16, } /// This structure represent a matching word with informations /// on the location of the word in the document. /// /// The order of the field is important because it defines /// the way these structures are ordered between themselves. /// /// The word in itself is not important. // TODO do data oriented programming ? very arrays ? #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct Match { /// The word index in the query sentence. /// Same as the `attribute_index` but for the query words. /// /// Used to retrieve the automaton that match this word. pub query_index: u32, /// The distance the word has with the query word /// (i.e. the Levenshtein distance). pub distance: u8, /// The attribute in the document where the word was found /// along with the index in it. pub attribute: u16, pub word_index: u16, /// Whether the word that match is an exact match or a prefix. pub is_exact: bool, /// The position in bytes where the word was found /// along with the length of it. /// /// It informs on the original word area in the text indexed /// without needing to run the tokenizer again. pub char_index: u16, pub char_length: u16, } impl Match { pub fn zero() -> Self { Match { query_index: 0, distance: 0, attribute: 0, word_index: 0, is_exact: false, char_index: 0, char_length: 0, } } pub fn max() -> Self { Match { query_index: u32::max_value(), distance: u8::max_value(), attribute: u16::max_value(), word_index: u16::max_value(), is_exact: true, char_index: u16::max_value(), char_length: u16::max_value(), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub struct Document { pub id: DocumentId, pub matches: Vec, } impl Document { fn from_raw(raw: &RawDocument) -> Document { let len = raw.matches.range.len(); let mut matches = Vec::with_capacity(len); let query_index = raw.query_index(); let distance = raw.distance(); let attribute = raw.attribute(); let word_index = raw.word_index(); let is_exact = raw.is_exact(); let char_index = raw.char_index(); let char_length = raw.char_length(); for i in 0..len { let match_ = Match { query_index: query_index[i], distance: distance[i], attribute: attribute[i], word_index: word_index[i], is_exact: is_exact[i], char_index: char_index[i], char_length: char_length[i], }; matches.push(match_); } Document { id:, matches } } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct RawDocument { pub id: DocumentId, pub matches: SharedMatches, } impl RawDocument { fn new(id: DocumentId, range: Range, matches: Arc) -> RawDocument { RawDocument { id, matches: SharedMatches { range, matches } } } pub fn query_index(&self) -> &[u32] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.query_index.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } pub fn distance(&self) -> &[u8] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.distance.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } pub fn attribute(&self) -> &[u16] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.attribute.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } pub fn word_index(&self) -> &[u16] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.word_index.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } pub fn is_exact(&self) -> &[bool] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.is_exact.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } pub fn char_index(&self) -> &[u16] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.char_index.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } pub fn char_length(&self) -> &[u16] { let r = self.matches.range; // it is safe because construction/modifications // can only be done in this module unsafe { &self.matches.matches.char_length.get_unchecked(r.start..r.end) } } } pub fn raw_documents_from_matches(mut matches: Vec<(DocumentId, Match)>) -> Vec { let mut docs_ranges = Vec::<(DocumentId, Range)>::new(); let mut matches2 = Matches::with_capacity(matches.len()); matches.par_sort_unstable(); for group in matches.linear_group_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| a == b) { let id = group[0].0; let start = docs_ranges.last().map(|(_, r)| r.end).unwrap_or(0); let end = start + group.len(); docs_ranges.push((id, Range { start, end })); matches2.extend_from_slice(group); } let matches = Arc::new(matches2); docs_ranges.into_iter().map(|(i, r)| RawDocument::new(i, r, matches.clone())).collect() } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] struct Range { start: usize, end: usize, } impl Range { fn len(self) -> usize { self.end - self.start } } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct SharedMatches { range: Range, matches: Arc, } #[derive(Clone)] struct Matches { query_index: Vec, distance: Vec, attribute: Vec, word_index: Vec, is_exact: Vec, char_index: Vec, char_length: Vec, } impl Matches { fn with_capacity(cap: usize) -> Matches { Matches { query_index: Vec::with_capacity(cap), distance: Vec::with_capacity(cap), attribute: Vec::with_capacity(cap), word_index: Vec::with_capacity(cap), is_exact: Vec::with_capacity(cap), char_index: Vec::with_capacity(cap), char_length: Vec::with_capacity(cap), } } fn extend_from_slice(&mut self, matches: &[(DocumentId, Match)]) { for (_, match_) in matches { self.query_index.push(match_.query_index); self.distance.push(match_.distance); self.attribute.push(match_.attribute); self.word_index.push(match_.word_index); self.is_exact.push(match_.is_exact); self.char_index.push(match_.char_index); self.char_length.push(match_.char_length); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::mem; #[test] fn docindex_mem_size() { assert_eq!(mem::size_of::(), 16); } }