use std::collections::HashSet; use std::cmp::{min, Reverse}; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut}; use levenshtein_automata::{DFA, Distance}; use crate::search::query_tree::{Operation, Query}; use super::build_dfa; type IsPrefix = bool; /// The query tree builder is the interface to build a query tree. #[derive(Default)] pub struct MatchingWords { dfas: Vec<(DFA, String, u8, IsPrefix)>, } impl MatchingWords { /// Lists all words which can be considered as a match for the query tree. pub fn from_query_tree(tree: &Operation) -> Self { let mut dfas: Vec<_> = fetch_queries(tree) .into_iter() .map(|(w, t, p)| (build_dfa(w, t, p), w.to_string(), t, p)) .collect(); dfas.sort_unstable_by_key(|(_dfa, query_word, _typo, _is_prefix)| Reverse(query_word.len())); Self { dfas } } /// Returns the number of matching bytes if the word matches. pub fn matching_bytes(&self, word: &str) -> Option { self.dfas.iter().find_map(|(dfa, query_word, typo, is_prefix)| match dfa.eval(word) { Distance::Exact(t) if t <= *typo => { if *is_prefix { let (_dist, len) = prefix_damerau_levenshtein(query_word.as_bytes(), word.as_bytes()); Some(len) } else { Some(word.len()) } }, _otherwise => None, }) } } /// Lists all words which can be considered as a match for the query tree. fn fetch_queries(tree: &Operation) -> HashSet<(&str, u8, IsPrefix)> { fn resolve_ops<'a>(tree: &'a Operation, out: &mut HashSet<(&'a str, u8, IsPrefix)>) { match tree { Operation::Or(_, ops) | Operation::And(ops) | Operation::Consecutive(ops) => { ops.as_slice().iter().for_each(|op| resolve_ops(op, out)); }, Operation::Query(Query { prefix, kind }) => { let typo = if kind.is_exact() { 0 } else { kind.typo() }; out.insert((kind.word(), typo, *prefix)); }, } } let mut queries = HashSet::new(); resolve_ops(tree, &mut queries); queries } // A simple wrapper around vec so we can get contiguous but index it like it's 2D array. struct N2Array { y_size: usize, buf: Vec, } impl N2Array { fn new(x: usize, y: usize, value: T) -> N2Array { N2Array { y_size: y, buf: vec![value; x * y], } } } impl Index<(usize, usize)> for N2Array { type Output = T; #[inline] fn index(&self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &T { &self.buf[(x * self.y_size) + y] } } impl IndexMut<(usize, usize)> for N2Array { #[inline] fn index_mut(&mut self, (x, y): (usize, usize)) -> &mut T { &mut self.buf[(x * self.y_size) + y] } } fn prefix_damerau_levenshtein(source: &[u8], target: &[u8]) -> (u32, usize) { let (n, m) = (source.len(), target.len()); if n == 0 { return (m as u32, 0); } if m == 0 { return (n as u32, 0); } if n == m && source == target { return (0, m); } let inf = n + m; let mut matrix = N2Array::new(n + 2, m + 2, 0); matrix[(0, 0)] = inf; for i in 0..n + 1 { matrix[(i + 1, 0)] = inf; matrix[(i + 1, 1)] = i; } for j in 0..m + 1 { matrix[(0, j + 1)] = inf; matrix[(1, j + 1)] = j; } let mut last_row = BTreeMap::new(); for (row, char_s) in source.iter().enumerate() { let mut last_match_col = 0; let row = row + 1; for (col, char_t) in target.iter().enumerate() { let col = col + 1; let last_match_row = *last_row.get(&char_t).unwrap_or(&0); let cost = if char_s == char_t { 0 } else { 1 }; let dist_add = matrix[(row, col + 1)] + 1; let dist_del = matrix[(row + 1, col)] + 1; let dist_sub = matrix[(row, col)] + cost; let dist_trans = matrix[(last_match_row, last_match_col)] + (row - last_match_row - 1) + 1 + (col - last_match_col - 1); let dist = min(min(dist_add, dist_del), min(dist_sub, dist_trans)); matrix[(row + 1, col + 1)] = dist; if cost == 0 { last_match_col = col; } } last_row.insert(char_s, row); } let mut minimum = (u32::max_value(), 0); for x in 0..=m { let dist = matrix[(n + 1, x + 1)] as u32; if dist < minimum.0 { minimum = (dist, x) } } minimum } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::MatchingWords; use crate::search::query_tree::{Operation, Query, QueryKind}; #[test] fn matched_length() { let query = "Levenste"; let text = "Levenshtein"; let (dist, length) = prefix_damerau_levenshtein(query.as_bytes(), text.as_bytes()); assert_eq!(dist, 1); assert_eq!(&text[..length], "Levenshte"); } #[test] fn matching_words() { let query_tree = Operation::Or(false, vec![ Operation::And(vec![ Operation::Query(Query { prefix: true, kind: QueryKind::exact("split".to_string()) }), Operation::Query(Query { prefix: false, kind: QueryKind::exact("this".to_string()) }), Operation::Query(Query { prefix: true, kind: QueryKind::tolerant(1, "world".to_string()) }), ]), ]); let matching_words = MatchingWords::from_query_tree(&query_tree); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("word"), Some(4)); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("nyc"), None); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("world"), Some(5)); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("splitted"), Some(5)); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("thisnew"), None); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("borld"), Some(5)); assert_eq!(matching_words.matching_bytes("wordsplit"), Some(4)); } }