use std::convert::Into; use std::time::Duration; use assert_json_diff::assert_json_eq; use async_std::io::prelude::*; use async_std::task::{block_on, sleep}; use http_service::Body; use serde_json::json; use serde_json::Value; mod common; // Process: // - Write a full settings update // - Delete all settings // Check: // - Settings are deleted, all fields are null // - POST success repond Status Code 202 // - Get success repond Status Code 200 // - Delete success repond Status Code 202 #[test] fn write_all_and_delete() { let mut server = common::setup_server().unwrap(); // 1 - Create the index let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "attributeIdentifier": "uid", }) .to_string() .into_bytes(); let req = http::Request::post("/indexes") .body(Body::from(body)) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 201); // 2 - Send the settings let json = json!({ "rankingRules": [ "_typo", "_words", "_proximity", "_attribute", "_words_position", "_exact", "dsc(release_date)", "dsc(rank)", ], "rankingDistinct": "movie_id", }); let body = json.to_string().into_bytes(); let req = http::Request::post("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::from(body)) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 202); block_on(sleep(Duration::from_secs(2))); // 3 - Get all settings and compare to the previous one let req = http::Request::get("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let mut buf = Vec::new(); block_on(res.into_body().read_to_end(&mut buf)).unwrap(); let res_value: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&buf).unwrap(); println!("1: {:?} vs {:?}", json, res_value); assert_json_eq!(json, res_value, ordered: false); // 4 - Delete all settings let req = http::Request::delete("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 202); block_on(sleep(Duration::from_secs(2))); // 5 - Get all settings and check if they are empty let req = http::Request::get("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let mut buf = Vec::new(); block_on(res.into_body().read_to_end(&mut buf)).unwrap(); let res_value: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&buf).unwrap(); let json = json!({ "rankingRules": null, "rankingDistinct": null, }); println!("2: {:?} vs {:?}", json, res_value); assert_json_eq!(json, res_value, ordered: false); } // Process: // - Write a full setting update // - Rewrite an other settings confirmation // Check: // - Settings are overwrited // - Forgotten attributes are deleted // - Null attributes are deleted // - Empty attribute are deleted #[test] fn write_all_and_update() { let mut server = common::setup_server().unwrap(); // 1 - Create the index let body = json!({ "uid": "movies", "attributeIdentifier": "uid", }) .to_string() .into_bytes(); let req = http::Request::post("/indexes") .body(Body::from(body)) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 201); // 2 - Send the settings let json = json!({ "rankingRules": [ "_typo", "_words", "_proximity", "_attribute", "_words_position", "_exact", "dsc(release_date)", "dsc(rank)", ], "rankingDistinct": "movie_id", }); let body = json.to_string().into_bytes(); let req = http::Request::post("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::from(body)) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 202); block_on(sleep(Duration::from_secs(1))); // 3 - Get all settings and compare to the previous one let req = http::Request::get("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let mut buf = Vec::new(); block_on(res.into_body().read_to_end(&mut buf)).unwrap(); let res_value: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&buf).unwrap(); assert_json_eq!(json, res_value, ordered: false); // 4 - Update all settings let json_update = json!({ "rankingRules": [ "_typo", "_words", "_proximity", "_attribute", "_words_position", "_exact", "dsc(release_date)", ], "rankingDistinct": null, }); let body_update = json_update.to_string().into_bytes(); let req = http::Request::post("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::from(body_update)) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 202); block_on(sleep(Duration::from_secs(1))); // 5 - Get all settings and check if the content is the same of (4) let req = http::Request::get("/indexes/movies/settings/ranking") .body(Body::empty()) .unwrap(); let res = server.simulate(req).unwrap(); assert_eq!(res.status(), 200); let mut buf = Vec::new(); block_on(res.into_body().read_to_end(&mut buf)).unwrap(); let res_value: Value = serde_json::from_slice(&buf).unwrap(); let res_expected = json!({ "rankingRules": [ "_typo", "_words", "_proximity", "_attribute", "_words_position", "_exact", "dsc(release_date)", ], "rankingDistinct": null, }); assert_json_eq!(res_expected, res_value, ordered: false); }