use std::collections::btree_map::{BTreeMap, Entry}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::error::Error; use std::io::Write; use std::iter::FromIterator; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; use std::{fs, io}; use rustyline::{Editor, Config}; use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize}; use structopt::StructOpt; use termcolor::{Color, ColorChoice, ColorSpec, StandardStream, WriteColor}; use meilidb_core::{Highlight, Database}; use meilidb_schema::SchemaAttr; const INDEX_NAME: &str = "default"; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] struct IndexCommand { /// The destination where the database must be created. #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] database_path: PathBuf, /// The csv file to index. #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] csv_data_path: PathBuf, /// The path to the schema. #[structopt(long, parse(from_os_str))] schema: PathBuf, #[structopt(long)] update_group_size: Option, } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] struct SearchCommand { /// The destination where the database must be created. #[structopt(parse(from_os_str))] database_path: PathBuf, /// Timeout after which the search will return results. #[structopt(long)] fetch_timeout_ms: Option, /// The number of returned results #[structopt(short, long, default_value = "10")] number_results: usize, /// The number of characters before and after the first match #[structopt(short = "C", long, default_value = "35")] char_context: usize, /// Fields that must be displayed. displayed_fields: Vec, } #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] enum Command { Index(IndexCommand), Search(SearchCommand), } impl Command { fn path(&self) -> &Path { match self { Command::Index(command) => &command.database_path, Command::Search(command) => &command.database_path, } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(transparent)] struct Document(HashMap); fn index_command(command: IndexCommand, database: Database) -> Result<(), Box> { let start = Instant::now(); let rkv =; let index = database.open_index(INDEX_NAME)?; let schema = { let string = fs::read_to_string(&command.schema)?; toml::from_str(&string).unwrap() }; let writer = rkv.write().unwrap(); match index.main.schema(&writer)? { Some(current_schema) => { if current_schema != schema { return Err(meilidb_core::Error::SchemaDiffer.into()) } writer.abort(); }, None => index.schema_update(writer, schema)?, } let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_path(command.csv_data_path)?; let mut raw_record = csv::StringRecord::new(); let headers = rdr.headers()?.clone(); let mut max_update_id = 0; let mut i = 0; let mut end_of_file = false; while !end_of_file { let mut additions = index.documents_addition(); loop { end_of_file = !rdr.read_record(&mut raw_record)?; if end_of_file { break } let document: Document = match raw_record.deserialize(Some(&headers)) { Ok(document) => document, Err(e) => { eprintln!("{:?}", e); continue; } }; additions.update_document(document); print!("\rindexing document {}", i); i += 1; if let Some(group_size) = command.update_group_size { if i % group_size == 0 { break } } } println!(); let writer = rkv.write().unwrap(); println!("committing update..."); let update_id = additions.finalize(writer)?; max_update_id = max_update_id.max(update_id); } loop { println!("Waiting for update {}", max_update_id); let reader =; if let Some(_) = index.updates_results.update_result(&reader, max_update_id)? { break } std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); } println!("database created in {:.2?} at: {:?}", start.elapsed(), command.database_path); Ok(()) } fn display_highlights(text: &str, ranges: &[usize]) -> io::Result<()> { let mut stdout = StandardStream::stdout(ColorChoice::Always); let mut highlighted = false; for range in { let [start, end] = match range { [start, end] => [*start, *end], _ => unreachable!() }; if highlighted { stdout.set_color(ColorSpec::new().set_fg(Some(Color::Yellow)))?; } write!(&mut stdout, "{}", &text[start..end])?; stdout.reset()?; highlighted = !highlighted; } Ok(()) } fn char_to_byte_range(index: usize, length: usize, text: &str) -> (usize, usize) { let mut byte_index = 0; let mut byte_length = 0; for (n, (i, c)) in text.char_indices().enumerate() { if n == index { byte_index = i; } if n + 1 == index + length { byte_length = i - byte_index + c.len_utf8(); break; } } (byte_index, byte_length) } fn create_highlight_areas(text: &str, highlights: &[Highlight]) -> Vec { let mut byte_indexes = BTreeMap::new(); for highlight in highlights { let char_index = highlight.char_index as usize; let char_length = highlight.char_length as usize; let (byte_index, byte_length) = char_to_byte_range(char_index, char_length, text); match byte_indexes.entry(byte_index) { Entry::Vacant(entry) => { entry.insert(byte_length); }, Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => { if *entry.get() < byte_length { entry.insert(byte_length); } }, } } let mut title_areas = Vec::new(); title_areas.push(0); for (byte_index, length) in byte_indexes { title_areas.push(byte_index); title_areas.push(byte_index + length); } title_areas.push(text.len()); title_areas.sort_unstable(); title_areas } /// note: matches must have been sorted by `char_index` and `char_length` before being passed. /// /// ```no_run /// matches.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| (m.char_index, m.char_length)); /// /// let matches = matches.matches.iter().filter(|m| SchemaAttr::new(m.attribute) == attr).cloned(); /// /// let (text, matches) = crop_text(&text, matches, 35); /// ``` fn crop_text( text: &str, highlights: impl IntoIterator, context: usize, ) -> (String, Vec) { let mut highlights = highlights.into_iter().peekable(); let char_index = highlights.peek().map(|m| m.char_index as usize).unwrap_or(0); let start = char_index.saturating_sub(context); let text = text.chars().skip(start).take(context * 2).collect(); let highlights = highlights .take_while(|m| { (m.char_index as usize) + (m.char_length as usize) <= start + (context * 2) }) .map(|highlight| { Highlight { char_index: highlight.char_index - start as u16, ..highlight } }) .collect(); (text, highlights) } fn search_command(command: SearchCommand, database: Database) -> Result<(), Box> { let rkv =; let index = database.open_index(INDEX_NAME)?; let reader =; let schema = index.main.schema(&reader)?; let schema = schema.ok_or(meilidb_core::Error::SchemaMissing)?; let fields = command.displayed_fields.iter().map(String::as_str); let fields = HashSet::from_iter(fields); let config = Config::builder().auto_add_history(true).build(); let mut readline = Editor::<()>::with_config(config); let _ = readline.load_history("query-history.txt"); for result in readline.iter("Searching for: ") { match result { Ok(query) => { let start_total = Instant::now(); let builder = index.query_builder(); let documents = builder.query(&reader, &query, 0..command.number_results)?; let mut retrieve_duration = Duration::default(); let number_of_documents = documents.len(); for mut doc in documents { doc.highlights.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| (m.char_index, m.char_length)); let start_retrieve = Instant::now(); let result = index.document::(&reader, Some(&fields),; retrieve_duration += start_retrieve.elapsed(); match result { Ok(Some(document)) => { println!("raw-id: {:?}",; for (name, text) in document.0 { print!("{}: ", name); let attr = schema.attribute(&name).unwrap(); let highlights = doc.highlights.iter() .filter(|m| SchemaAttr::new(m.attribute) == attr) .cloned(); let (text, highlights) = crop_text(&text, highlights, command.char_context); let areas = create_highlight_areas(&text, &highlights); display_highlights(&text, &areas)?; println!(); } }, Ok(None) => eprintln!("missing document"), Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e), } let mut matching_attributes = HashSet::new(); for highlight in doc.highlights { let attr = SchemaAttr::new(highlight.attribute); let name = schema.attribute_name(attr); matching_attributes.insert(name); } let matching_attributes = Vec::from_iter(matching_attributes); println!("matching in: {:?}", matching_attributes); println!(); } eprintln!("document field retrieve took {:.2?}", retrieve_duration); eprintln!("===== Found {} results in {:.2?} =====", number_of_documents, start_total.elapsed()); }, Err(err) => { println!("Error: {:?}", err); break } } } readline.save_history("query-history.txt").unwrap(); Ok(()) } fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { env_logger::init(); let opt = Command::from_args(); let database = Database::open_or_create(opt.path())?; match opt { Command::Index(command) => index_command(command, database), Command::Search(command) => search_command(command, database), } }